My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever.
Psalm 73:26 NLT
Lord, thank You. Thank You that even as our bodies fail and our spirits break, our hearts can thrive because of Your strength. This world will falter and change. But You, Mighty God, remain faithful! You are the same yesterday, today, and always.
Thank You for Your steadfast presence. Thank You, Jesus, for being Immanuel — God with us. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making Your home in our hearts. As You dwell in us, help us to dwell in You.
Father God, You have chosen us as your forever children. We choose you forever too. Amen.
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Amen \0/
In Courage,
This world is going far away from God. It feels somewhat like Sodom & Gomorrah. Everyone doing as they please. I for one am praising God & thanking Him this Valentine’s day for His love. His love than ran RED at cross of Calvary when I was yet a sinner. Happy Super Sunday!
Blessings 🙂
Lord – Today and everyday…I choose YOU.
To YOU be the glory and honor forever. \0/
Wow!! This was in my inbox this morning. I have a 7am MRI and am nervous about the results, even though I shouldn’t be. I know God is with me and that my pray warriors are praying. Thank You, Lord for keeping me still and calm in the middle of my pain and stress, in the silence of the medical center. Amen
Perfectly Beautiful/true words of wisdom. Believe!
Perfectly Beautiful/true words of wisdom. Thank you Lord!!