Sandy Brister
About the Author

As a retired chaplain/minister, Sandy is caring for her ninety-six-year-old mother and having fun with her two grandchildren. She is beginning to write about past and present-day life experience. One of her favorite quotes is, "A day without laughter is a wasted day." She believes there is healing in laughter.

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  1. Your post has deeply touched my heart in several ways. “The stress of caring for your mom which has triggered painful memories”…that’s what I’m living in right now, today. I’m thankful that the Lord led me to read today’s (in)courage. It’s the hope in Jesus that gives me strength to move forward each day, and I ask Him to let me be a light to others as you’ve been a light to me!

    • Praying for you Shar!… I share your thankfulness.. and glad it met a need in your present circumstances. God always seems to meet us where we are.

  2. Sandy, thank you for delicately writing such a vulnerable post, which may be relatable to many on different levels.

  3. Dear Sweet Sandy,
    Oh my did you conjure up memories of my past life. I’m so pleased you made such a brave commitment to write from such a painful place. I, too, am praying for the same strength to write from such a place.
    I love that you write,’A day without laughter is a wasted day ‘ So true and many who know me say my laugh, though hardy, is infectious.
    I hope to see more of you on incourage! You’re a delight Sandy.

  4. I could have written this … sounds so much like my childhood. My dad was not an alcoholic but it didn’t take much to make him ‘blow up.’ I remember days being home sick from school hiding under my bed so he would not come home from work and find me there alone. I was so blessed to have grandparents that guided me throughout my childhood so I would find my relationship with Christ.

    • I too am thankful for Godly grandparents who helped form me spiritually..,

      I pray your memories will soften as time passes.. like continue to do..

  5. Thank you Sandy \0/ I really needed to read your words this morning. Thank you for reminding me that….
    “If you find yourself looking back where you no longer belong, call on Jesus Christ who brings hope and healing amid all your longing”
    Prayers for a day not wasted. A day of laughter

  6. Hope and Healing is just what I declare and embrace with all my heart. I know that once a counselor told me that the body keeps the score. Whatever we have experienced that was sad, hurtful, and misunderstood (traumatic), the body and emotions (soul) has a record of those feelings. A person who has childhood trauma will have certain triggers that can bring back memories that are painful and upsetting that need to be dealt with so healing can begin. The outcome is to relive the memory in order to see yourself out of that setting. Then you can see less triggers as you navigate your life from day to day getting to a safe place.

    Healing can take different ways and time frames for each person. And hurt can be in a person’s grownup years (bad relationships) or divorce or serving in the Military.

    Memories are supposed to be shared with safe people who can listen well and give encouragement. No problem can be resolved by just willpower. It takes time, patience, courage, prayers, education, therapy and sometimes medical care. Do not compare your situation with others. People need help and that support is available. Don’t give up ! Keep searching until you locate professional solutions that start a new conversation for your growth and development.

    God bless your steps.

    Your Sister in Christ

  7. Thank you for sharing. You are a beautiful person along with a great talent of being able to express yourself and have others relate to so much.
    You surely do have a beautiful family and certainly you did not look back and now help others with your knowledge and belief.

  8. My friend, I love you more having read this.
    Your serene countenance has blessed me so much.
    We know it was God who brought us together.

    • Yes Doris.. I agree!! It was God, through Jenice, who brought us together. I value our friendship!

  9. My friend, we know it was God who brought us together.
    Your serene continence has meant so much to me.
    Love you bunches

  10. Sandy, I appreciate the amount of bravery in your post today. You, so eloquently, made me empathize with your experience. I can only imagine how hard this was for you. I pray that you find the strength to no longer feel the need to drive by and relive the pain.
    In my experience, I’ve determined some of the triggers that send me spiraling and then there are some that come out of nowhere and take me by surprise. I too have spent time looking back, but for me, my looking back was to a very happy time. So sometimes even good memories can bring us to a halt in our current reality. I found help in a book by Dr. Caroline Leaf, called Switch On Your Brain. I learned a lot about my brain and ways that I can change my thinking. I am very thankful for this reminder today. I am going to pull that book out and re-read some chapters. I firmly believe God created our minds in such way that we can withstand great adversity and great joy, but the word tells us this in John 16:33. Knowing this truth and living through this truth are not the same. We all have our own journeys with this. Thank you so much for sharing and including us in your journey, we are all in this together.

    • Thank you Christine.. I continue to find hope and healing.. in my life journey. Writing helps me (and hopefully others) – get beyond the secrets that so many times make us sick.

  11. Sandy,

    I often look back at the past & remember times both good & bad. Sometimes looking back I can relive a situation & know that God was talking to me. Then there are times I wish I could go back & start afresh. It is then that I make myself come back to present day & count my blessings.

    I understand caring for aging parents. Both my parents had dementia from minor all the way to gero psych. Some days were good & some were hard. God alone is the one who got me through the tough days.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, thank you for your response. It is so very important to look at how God is present in the tough places in life. Your aging parents were blessed to have you..