About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Slowly learning to raise the white flag. We’ve joined a new church after being in limbo for over a year. Apps and web posts are wonderful but they don’t beat in person faith.

  2. I truly appreciate how you shared you didn’t compromise to become a mother God’s way, rather you were guided into His plan for you. In His plan, you found peace and it sounds like you found a great joy, too. John 15:7-8 comes to mind as I meditate on your story. When our heart’s desire is to be all that God has so lovingly created us to be, our yearnings become the very things He yearns for us to have. It is then that we ask of Him in prayer, acknowledging that we cannot have these things without His gifting, and He hears and He answers.

    Thank you for sharing your (His)story.

  3. In Courage,

    God is my helper, healer & Savior. Eight years ago my aging dad’s dementia got bad & we put him on hospice. Things took a run for the worse & we put him in geriatrifc psych at local hospital. God healed him completely after 1 month. He went back a year later. I lost a part-time job. Two weeks later God gave me a new, better job. I learned during that time to trust God completely.

    God lives in my heart. He is prompting me to pray for people. When I awaken late at night I simply pray for situations, friends, etc. He is teaching me to really think about Christmas. Make it more about giving to others. It is His birthday.

    This time of year can be hard for many including me. I miss a lot of sunshine & being outside. Knowing that He is light & His light lives inside me encourages me.

    Blessings 🙂