I love autumn. Like, realllly love it. I wait all summer for summer to end with a very ‘get it over with’ kind of attitude. Here in Minnesota, you have folks of all stripes: those who live for hot summer days on the lake, those who pine for the frozen sparkle of snow, those who can’t wait to get into their spring gardens, and those of us who wait with bated breath from December through August for autumn.
Guess which group I’m in.
To be clear, I love living in a place that celebrates and embraces all four seasons. You can find me outside in them all — yep, even winter (my second favorite season!). But fall has a hold on my heart.
I’ve long adored this brief season that quietly slips in and ends by roaring into the next, blazing a trail of coziness and color in between. I celebrate my birthday in the fall (it was just this weekend — I turned 41!), the majority of the music I stream for these months is autumn-themed, and I wrote a whole entire devotional about seeing God all autumn long. I totally deck out my home in oranges and mustards, pull out my flannels and sweaters, and celebrate each holiday in a big way. My family loves football and my son plays, so Saturdays are spent at his games, Sundays are spent cheering for our hometown teams, and I make really good snacks — even though I don’t really follow the game. Grocery store aisles and coffee shop menus teem with my beloved pumpkin spice and I soak it all up in its limited edition glory.
I just love it all. Usually, I’m chomping at the bit to dive right into my favorite season. This summer was the hottest on record and I fully expected myself to decorate early, crank up the A/C, and longingly stare at the trees, willing their leaves to change.
But here we are all the way into October with my birthday celebrated and my son’s football season over, and though our trees have all turned, it’s still warm out; that lovely brisk autumn air hasn’t yet dropped here. The grass is still green, even my garden tomatoes continue to grow, and it just doesn’t feel like autumn… outside, or in my heart.
Maybe it’s because I’m worn out from the daily grind of work, home, kids, and all that goes along with managing a life.
Maybe it’s because I’m in long-term sadness as a beloved family member struggles with serious health issues, with no end or diagnosis in sight.
Maybe it’s because my husband traveled a lot for work this summer and we went on exactly one date.
Maybe it’s because September blazed into being this year with all the back-to-school ruckus of papers, new shoes, forms, spirit days, lunch menus, and schedules, and it was all due at once (and most of the things required a check).
Maybe it’s because the laundry never ever ends, and the shoe pile in the mudroom constantly overflows, and by the time I’ve dragged out the appropriate seasonal clothing from the basement tubs we’ve nearly moved on to the next one, and I can never quite catch up to my to-do list.
Maybe it’s because for my birthday I really wanted to take a trip to Minnesota’s North Shore, where the fall foliage is iconic as the lighthouse on Lake Superior, but the trees passed their peak weeks ago. The hot, dry summer led to an earlier turning, and with palpable disappointment I missed it.
One of my favorite artists, Mary Engelbreit, has a piece that features a frazzled-looking lady and a caption that reads, life is just so daily. I relate to that wild-haired, big-eyed, ready-to-snap lady’s statement deep in my soul and I wonder if that’s it, that I’m just so buried in the daily (which I usually feel sparkles with ordinary glory) — and I can’t claw through and see the wonder of it.
It’s still there, the pull to and evidence of God’s glory shimmering right on the edges of our real lives. I think about Jesus living His short, full, very real life here on Earth and I wonder if He saw the glory in the dirt. Did He ever struggle with work? Stress out over the dishes? Feel behind on all that He knew needed to be crammed into just a few years?
Then these words in Ecclesiastes come to mind, of seasons and turning and timing, and one phrase leaps out to my heart from them:
“I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart…”
Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 NIV
And I feel seen, knowing it’s there in that place of burden that my own human heart is getting bogged down. Standing right between everything God has made beautiful, with the knowledge of eternity and all I want to fit into this one precious life getting in the way of experiencing it all.
Like the leaves on the North Shore, turned ahead of time and out of sync with my expectations, I feel out of step with this season I love so much. But those passages in Ecclesiastes remind me of the Jesus I also love so much, that His life also turned ahead of time… and yet it was actually the exact, perfect, just right time.
Every step we take is all in His time, and there’s a grace and relief in that.
Even when it flies, the time is His. Even when it drags on and on, it’s His. Even when it feels off-beat, it’s His.
So I’ll look at the trees lining my street, changing colors on the timeline only they know, and breathe deep for a moment knowing the same One who changes the leaves can also change my heart.
I, too, love love love Autumn. Right now it should be in the 50s to 60s. It has plummeted down to the 30s & 40s. Autumn allows me to more fully see God’s love & grace. Just gaze at the mountains in all the splendor & color like David’s coat. I have felt buried in the daily grind of working long hours, cooking, volunteering, church, etc. It wears on a woman. But thankfully hubby & I are off this week to enjoy the majesty & grandeur.
Praying for you, family & person with health issue.. May God send His healing touch. May He also calm yur anxious & worn out soul.
Blessings 🙂
I for sure did not get our coats out fast enough for the temperature drop! I wrote this piece several weeks ago, and just a few days ago we too had a good plummet (finally!). Thanks for the prayers for my family member; we’ll take all the uplifting. I appreciate it.
“Even when it flies, the time is His.” That is going in my Bible. The older I get the quicker time goes and the seasons turn. Yet it’s comforting to know our God has it all in his hands.
Thanks Maura, I’m so glad you connected with those words <3
Yes, my friend and Sister in Christ, you are certainly right. The One True Living God who changes our earthly seasons can and will “Change Our Hearts”.
We just have to remember to yield our hearts to our Maker. He has already placed Eternity in our hearts. So we are ready to embrace the new seasons of life along with its amazing new adventures.
My prayer is that I never forget that I am a traveler and my home is in Heaven.
Enjoy your day Everyone.
With Gratitude,
Your Sister in Christ
Good reminder, Brenda! Thanks for being here.
Beautifully written Anna. Thank you. I love the 4 seasons…and Fall is beautiful
My husband and I are in a season of waiting. A season we’re not really used to. Health and employment. We are blessed in our life, but this is different. God has pushed “the stop and wait button” I feel stuck “in the waiting” like I’m at a crosswalk waiting to cross into “my great plan” To put “my season into go”….
God directs To be still. To trust Him. To stay put. To wait. To be at home 24/7!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
“….and yet it was actually the exact, perfect, just right time….”
If we were in a regular season, we’d be at work. I wouldn’t be able to help my husband drive to appts and mow the lawn. So we wait. Wait for His crosswalk to turn green. His plan for our season.
Monday Blessings \0/
That’s such a perfect illustration, Janet – stop and wait. Isn’t that just it though?! Praying peace as you sit at that light, supporting each other in the waiting.
I love all seasons. Even when it’s very cold. I just wrap up extra well. With my vest under my winter blouse and long John’s on under my trousers to keep my legs that we bit warmer then my hat and scarf with my gloves. I all cosey then my coat as well. Especially the snow so lovely and so white. Even though it is so cold it so beautiful to look at. Plus walk in it with your winter boots on. I thank God for them all. That he woke me up to enjoy each season no matter what the weather doing. I dress up to with what the weather is doing. Say thank you Lord I can if need wrap up and get out in it. If a nice warm day wear my shorts and sandles for that kind of weather and put on sun cream to project me from getting burnt. Plus look at all the beautiful summer flowers that are out then. I also love autum that I walk through the leaves and look at all there beautiful colours. Here the rustling nose they make as walk through them. It so lovely. I am so blessed by God I can do all that and it makes my heart glad that I can. When there are people who can’t enjoy the difference seasons of the year that God gave us for what ever reason. So I am blessed. Thank you Anna for today’s reading love it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh. N.Ireland.
I love the snowy weather too 🙂 Thanks for being here, Dawn!
Thank you .. a refreshing sweetness thro the hard-stuff