Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go out to the field.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” And the Lord said, “What have you done? Listen, your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground! And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.” Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear! Today You have driven me away from the soil, and I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and anyone who meets me may kill me.” Then the Lord said to him. “Not so! Whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, so that no one who came upon him would kill him. Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden …
Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, for she said, “God has appointed for me another child instead of Abel, because Cain killed him.” To Seth also a son was born, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to invoke the name of the Lord.
Genesis 4:8-16, 25-26 NRSVA
Eve’s life had been quiet for so long.
Once, a lifetime ago, it had not been so. When her boys, Cain and Abel, were small, her days were filled with the sounds of childhood.
Shouts of laughter. The stampede of bare feet as they chased each other in their play. The low whispers drifted to her through the darkness as the brothers planned the next day’s adventures from their sleeping mats.
But as they grew into young men, their relationship began to change.
Laughter gave way to harsh words and tears. Instead of moving toward each other in friendship, her sons pulled away from each other, each wary of bridging the distance between them. At night, an angry silence fell over the tent as they turned their backs to each other from their sleeping mats.
Eve knew things were bad between her sons, but how could she have ever imagined the horror that was to come?
Abel’s blood soaking into the cursed earth, his young life cut short by his own brother’s hand.
Cain lost, too, driven away from home and family by his crime.
In one breathtaking stroke, Eve was forced to bury one son and watch the other walk out of her life forever.
Somehow, she opened her eyes that next morning. Somehow, she took her next breath. Somehow, she kept putting one foot in front of the other.
And the quiet descended, carried on the back of grief. In the silence of loss, life slipped by, day by day, month by month, year after year.
The loss of Cain and Abel was an ocean of pain that seemed to stretch endlessly between Eve and her husband Adam-too vast to chart, too precarious to cross. Until, somehow, a lifetime later, Adam and Eve drifted nearer each other, close enough to reach for the comfort of each other’s arms across the years of loss. It was the beginning of healing, the first stirring of resurrection. The advent of new life.
Now, the silent years of mourning have drawn to an end.
Eve groans in agony as a contraction washes over her. With the next wave of pain, she cries out, and a moment later another, fainter cry, takes the place of her own.
Through laughter and joyful tears, Eve reaches down to lift her newborn son to her chest with trembling hands. She holds him near, and whispers his name for the first time.
The weary mother laughs in wonder as the baby boy’s face wrinkles in fury and his cry grows louder. Once again, the sounds of life have come to her tent, filling the emptiness.
Banishing the quiet of grief and loss.
Tears have given way to laughter, and the sound of bare feet running in play won’t be far behind. At night, a baby’s cry will once again pierce the stillness of her tent, accompanied by whispered prayers of gratitude.
For at last, new life has come.
Against all odds. Despite every mistake and in defiance of each regret…
Life wins.
And this is the love story of Scripture from beginning to end: a loving God gives life. The accuser attacks, bringing death. For a time, it seems all hope is gone.
But God always has the last word.
This is an excerpt from the new book, From Where I Stand: A 30-Day Journey with Women of the Bible, written by two of our favorite writers, Sherri Gragg and Shanna Noel. This book invites you to trace the footsteps of ordinary women who faced unique challenges, endured extraordinary circumstances, and encountered the living God.
They are the long-suffering, courageous, flawed, and faithful women of the Bible. In this 30-day guide featuring devotions, Scriptures, and reflection questions, you’ll experience what these women saw and how they felt, from the lushness of the Garden of Eden to the blistering sunshine illuminating Christ’s tomb. You’ll emerge with insights that can be gleaned from their failures, triumphs, patience, and perseverance. Most of all, you’ll learn about the character of God who gave them life, remembered them, and placed them with a purpose exactly where they were meant to be. Just as He has done for you.
We know you’ll simply love this book! Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
Then join Becky Keife this weekend on the (in)courage podcast for a conversation with Shanna and Sherri. Don’t miss it!
This one is going on my list to read!
That is great, Elizabeth! I hope you enjoy it.
This sounds like a wonderful devotion and a great tool to guide us in our everyday life. It is always interesting to be transported back into the lives of Bible characters. It sometimes allows me to better see the big picture and realize just how insignificant some of my problems really are. Thanks got the opportunity to win a copy.
Thank you for stopping by, Judy!
This is a beautiful look at how God rescued Eve from her sorrow.
Yes, Kathy. I am so grateful that God’s compassion for us is not hindered by our mistakes. Eve is a wonderful example of that.
I went through 8 years of estrangement with my oldest son. Some of the darkest days of my life. We are in transition of our family bringing renewed for the first time in years I had both of my sons and their families here at home yesterday. My heart is overjoyed with gratitude this morning.
Oh, such joy for that restoration. Cathy, your words bring hope to me as I am in the grief-filled days of a daughter’s estrangement. I know that God can restore and heal, but waiting for it can sure be hard. I rejoice with you because I know the depth of pain you were in.
Much like Susan, I am in an estrangement with both of my sons for over 11 years, without any event or explanation. Thank you for sharing how your situation is being restored, Cathy.
Throughout my journey, I have learned about strength through women of the Bible and would benefit from reading this book. Thank you.
That is wonderful, Cathy.
I would really enjoy winning a copy of this book. Thank you for sharing it online. Sounds wonderful!
I wish you the best, Nadine!
This sounds like a wonderful book!
I really poured my heart into it, Kimmie. I hope you enjoy it.
This book sounds amazing. Thank you for this opportunity
Thank you, Sharon!
Great devotion for this morning. The book sounds like a wonderful way to get an ‘inside’ look into the lives of the women in the Bible. I would love to win a copy!
Kim, the women of the Bible have so much to teach us. I hope you enjoy the book.
“And this is the love story of Scripture from beginning to end: a loving God gives life.”
Amazing story of hope and renewal. Each word calling me to read and witness each women’s story revealing to me insight to my own purpose.
Karyn, I am so thankful that God’s love for us has the last word in our lives. I hope you enjoy the book.
The women of the bible fascinate me. To see and hear everything they did!
Mary is a favorite. To be the mother of Jesus! At the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine and she says ” do whatever he tells you”. I can almost see the anticipation/curiosity on her face as she waits to see what will happen
Diana, I believe you will love this study. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.
beautiful. to put into perspective the pain of the mother, when we typically focus on the sins of the brother. And God brings joy to the faithful. Thank you for this wonderful perspective that brings hope!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jennifer.
God brings hope and opens boundaries. Brief estrangements of any kind can take us away from those we hold dear, but in time healing can occur. Estrangements are a loss just like loss thru death. Bless those who have those family entanglements. Never give up hope that forgiveness is possible and healing brings your loved one back into the fold. Prayers to all !!!
Thank you so much for stopping by, Belinda.
Our ladies at church are beginning a study on the women of the Bible next week. This book would be a great accompaniment to our study book.
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
I loved that! God always steps through the darkness to have the last word. I’m so thankful for this, especially bc of the season I am in.
Julie, I feel the same way. I am so thankful for the hope I have because God loves me.
I love reading the scripture stories about women, and how through their varying circumstances show their faith in God, and do God’s will. I would love to have a devotional to remind me that I TOO can be faithful, and do God’s will in my own circumstances. Thank you. God bless.
Jane, Thank you for stopping by!
I am so blessed to read and see how these women in the Bible manifest their faith through different challenging circumstances.
They are great examples for me to emulate to remain steadfast in my faith.
I would be greatly blessed to receive this gift to continue to trust the LORD through my personal circumstances. Then, I would pass this book to other women to bless and encourage them.
May the LORD be glorified.
Shanta, I hope you enjoy the book!
This sounds like a wonderful devotional and I will be ordering it and if I win a copy it will be gifted.
I hope you enjoy it!
Beautiful story of hope
Thank you!
Wow. Just wow. I can’t wait to read the rest. Excellent work, sisters! So inspiring.
Thank you, Nikki!
The writing in this book captured me from its first words! I could picture myself there, hearing those running footsteps and then the pain of the boy’s separation and the sadness of death. The descriptive vision of quiet and emptiness enclosed me in the tent with Eve. Oh, I so want to read more. Thank you thank you!
Kathe, Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book. It was a labor of love.
God is so good. He has brought books into my life exactly when I’ve needed them most. I am a visual learner and love how the writers of this book painted such a vivid picture of Eve’s grief. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sermon about Cain and Abel that focused on what eve as their mother must’ve gone through. God bless!
Paula, Thank you. I have always had a soft spot for Eve, perhaps because she is so routinely vilified. But who among us hasn’t had terrible moments that we wish we could take back? I have no doubt that she suffered greatly beyond Eden.
It sounds exciting to learn about all of the women of the Bible!
Linda, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Stay in touch!
Love the reveal of the hidden – in this bible story. My focus was always on the sin of murder. This article draws me away to consider Eve’s pain and disappointment both in her sons but possibly in her failure to as mom to reconcile her two sons. This is a beautiful story of Gods redeeming love. Healing Eve’s brokenness!
Maureen, I am so glad you enjoyed it and hope the rest of the study is a blessing to you.
I have competed several Bible studies about strong, God-fearing women from the Old & New Testaments. I have learned so much from them and about my own personal strengths and weaknesses. Great works from all of these dynamic women writers.
Thank you, Wanda!
God remembers me! Need reminding of that often. Courageous & faithful women of the Bible. Thankful for them all.
Yes, He does, Rhonda. And he loves you so much!
Your preview drew me in.
I love when the idea of an actual life lived is given for biblical characters.
Shanna and Sherri,
My girlfriend sent me this link to listen to this love story about Eve. What beautiful thought & I can’t imagine how painful it was for Eve to loose two sons. Then God gifted her with another son, Seth. What a loving God we serve!
Thank you for your fresh perspective into the lives of the women of the Bible
This book would make for a great study tool especially for a small women’s group.
Sherri, & Shanna,
This is not only a great devotional but a super teaching tool. I never knew how many children Eve had. It is always good to delve deeper into the characters in the Bible. It helps to understand them & the story better. Sounds like a good read!!
Blessings 🙂
Everything Shanna Noel creates is absolutely beautiful and will no doubt lead you to Jesus. I’m looking forward to this bible study on the women of the Bible, and I have been since Shanna announced it on her instagram ☺️ I think learning about the women who encountered Jesus is going to be so powerful and i’m excited to dive in! Thank you for creating another beautiful resource for us, Shanna!!
I love learning about Bible women in all their different lives, faraway from my life. But there is so much to learn from each one. This book sounds exciting to read.
Would love a copy of this book! As someone who has waited decades for the deep desire of my heart these words are incredibly encouraging. Reminding me that God seems me and God remembers me. I really appreciate the authors making the Bible stories “come to life” in a unique way. Thank you!
Sherri, I loved hearing you talk about Jesus’s love for women! It made me go open my bible and read stories about the women who encountered Jesus. Especially the women at the well so good. I also really loved hearing you speak about Eve and you made me look at her story in a way I never have before. I love your heart for scripture and women. It’s really inspiring.