About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "A Faith That Will Not Fail" delivers 10 practices to help you build up your faith when your...

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  1. Madeline says

    I appreciate your insight and how you paraphrased the verses. Peace seems elusive at times and I know it is because I have take my eyes off the real prize. I have made an effort of late to keep God in the forefront of whatever it is I am doing. Not that I am always successful, but it is a start. As someone who has always been a worrier, filled with anxiety, this is a challenge for me. I do recognize though when I focus on God, I really feel so much better- at “peace”; less worry. PEACE.

  2. Susen says

    Wow Michele, wow! I loved your post. I’ll be reading this over and over. I lose peace too often. I try hard to remain ‘steadfast’ but sometimes I fall short. I keep trying to control instead of trusting God. I allow fear and worry abs what if’s to play over and over. This post is a great reminder of the one true peace and in order to receive that peace we NEED to trust God.
    Thank you, God bless

    • says

      We all fall short, Susen. You’re in good company here! I’ve spent much of my life trying to control all my circumstances as a means to peace. Whew … but I’m learning. And He is full of grace and compassion.

  3. Ruth Mills says

    Simply beautiful! A friend texted me Psalm 46:10 this morning before your post came on line. God’s double 2×4 that I need to be still & know HE is my peace! Blessings (((0)))

  4. Kimmie says

    I have a horrible habit of picking and choosing when I should give it all over to God. I don’t “HAVE” any of this under control.

  5. Janet W says

    Thank you Michele. I sooo needed these comforting words this morning \0/
    I’m amazed at my age I still fall as if I’m a toddler. I still “get tricked” that I should know it all. Have all the answers. Thank you for reminding me that my heart’s desires don’t “buy” the trust I need in the areas of my life I think my heart’s desires will solve. Only God can. I only need to show up, be still…and trust
    “Can we trust that He will stand guard over our people, our person, and our peace? Can we rely on His promises of unfailing love, perfect plans, and eternal redemption of all things?” YES \0/

    Thank you

  6. Beth Williams says


    Peace often seems evasive. This world makes having & keeping peace hard. The trick is to keep our focus & trust on God. Send your worries to Him who promises to make our yoke lighter. For me peace is simply turning down/off the constant noise. Sitting either alone or with hubby & just being there together with God.

    Blessings 🙂