About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Oh Simi, these are the exact words I need to pray over my husband as he is under stress from more than one front. Thank you for this well timed word of encouragement! Blessings (((0)))

  2. Simi, I too have a fear of deep water. My toddler granddaughter is enrolled in swim lessons and inspired me to try too. I’ve improved but still can’t go in the deep end. I hope you can find a good instructor and learn a few strokes. God bless.

  3. Simi ~ your writing speaks right to my heart. I am 69 years old; when I was 4, an older boy held me upside down in the water. Seconds felt like death. All my life I’ve been afraid of water, but thankfully that fear was never relayed to my kids, and now I have several grandkids on swim teams. Thank you for the reminder that God lifts the weights from generation to generation, and breaks those chains of fear!

    His best blessings on you!

    • That is so traumatic and I am so glad those chains of fear ended with you! How freeing it is know that generations after you are loving the water!

  4. Simi, thank you for sharing your experience. I too was very afraid of water as a child and young woman. But many years later I had a pool of my own at our country home. I was determined to overcome this fear, so at the shallow end I took one step at a time until I got to the deep end and began diving under the water and swimming until the fear was gone. Anything we have fear of in life can be faced one step at a time with God’s help. God bless you all.

  5. Simi, thank you for sharing your experience. I too was very afraid of water as a child and young woman. But many years later I had a pool of my own at our country home. I was determined to overcome this fear, so at the shallow end I took one step at a time until I got to the deep end and began diving under the water and swimming until the fear was gone. Anything we have fear of in life can be faced one step at a time with God’s help. God bless you all.

  6. Thank you Simi \0/
    I will repeat and step. Repeat and do. Repeat and trust. Repeat and speak…
    “Take a small step of courage and speak these words over yourself today: “Fear is not my future!””

  7. Hi Simi, Thank you for sharing! I, too, am afraid of going in deep water (putting my head under water). But I made sure all of our children had swimming lessons and they love to swim and so do their children! I’m grateful for that.

  8. Simi,

    My fears revolve around heights, enclosed spaces-elevators, & public speaking. Slowly but surely God is helping me with public speaking. Years ago I was asked to do sign language to music at my old church. Mind you I know a few signs for Christian music, but am not a sign language expert. The first few times I was sweating bullets. After many times up there I grew more confident. Now I’m attending a different church. I bravely told the music director that I can do sign language to music if she needed special music. Next Sunday (10/8) I will be doing “I can only imagine” once again. It’s my way of enhancing worship. All it took was one small step & a leap of faith in God to calm my nerves. Fear is not my future.

    Blessings 🙂