“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News. God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.
I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.”
Philippians 1:3-10
YOU, dear (in)courage reader, have a special place in our hearts. We think of you. We give thanks for you. And it is truly our joy to pray for you.
Today we are praying Paul’s words above, from his letter to the Philippians, over you. We pray that your love for Jesus and others will overflow more and more. We pray that you will keep growing in knowledge and understanding of who God is, how much He loves you, and His desires for your life. We pray you will know and stay focused on what really matters. Jesus is coming back, sister! We don’t know when but we know that whatever troubles we face today are not the end of the story.
How else can we pray for you today?
Lift a fellow (in) sister up by praying for the woman who leaves a comment before you.
You are so loved!
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Please pray for my 18 year old son, Sam. He has been in treatment for self harm and substance abuse disorder for the past year. He was doing very well but has recently relapsed and will be asked to leave where he is living (which very far from our home) later today. We are being told to “hold our boundaries” when he calls us.
How difficult as a parent I can only imagine what a scary time this must be for you and your family. God, please give Lindsay the love, the patience and the words of Jesus on how to deal with his son. Please reveal yourself to his son and guide him to becoming clean and self love and acceptance. Walk with this whole family individually and together. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
I am so sorry Lindsay. My youngest son had an addiction and I understand the pain you are going through. Abba Father, give him a strong revelation of Your love. May Your loving kindness lead him to repentance. Surround this family with songs of deliverance.
Dear Lindsay, I am praying for you and your son. The Lord hears, the Lord knows and the Lord will answer!
Precious father you know how much children mean to their parents. Please give Lindsay & family the love, patience & guidance they need to help their son. Work in the son’s life also. Turn his life around. Open his eyes to see the love you & his family have for him. Take the devil away from him. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Blessings 🙂
My 76 year old brother is in the hospital and not given long to live. Pray for God’s will for his life and an assurance that he knows Christ as his Savior. I am on my way over to see him this morning. Thanks for your prayers!
Praying for your brother that he knows Christ and that Christ is with him bringing him healing calm and peace.
I am praying for you and your brother!
Father give Barb peace & contentment. Help her to know that her brother knows you as Savior. Keep her safe as she travels t the hospital. Give her a discerning mind to know what steps to take next.
Blessings 🙂
I need healing in my body. In a foreign land and have been diagnosed with fibriods. Am at a point of depression.
God is with you. I pray he heals you and keeps you safe.
I’m praying for you!
Father God Teena needs your healing touch. Please remove the fibroids from her body. Take away the depression. Give her a sense of peace about life. Shower her with people who can help. AMEN.
Blessings 🙂
Please pray for my friend and his family who is in the end stages of cancer. He is currently in hospice at home and the battle has been long. I pray he and his family feel the comforting arms of Christ on this journey and that they all find some joy in the moments that they are blessed to share.
Good morning, Linda.
May our powerful and merciful God bless your friend and the family.
I pray that Christ embraces all of them in His comforting arms and brings them the relief and peace they need.
Dear sister, please pray for my family . We are strugling with relational problems. My dears ones are sufering and we need forgiven and peace in our lives.
Thank you.
I have prayed for your family! May forgiveness and peace be with every member!
I have a need for prayer for my daughter who has identity struggles. This is a very confusing time for all of us. Pray that we stand firm in our convictions as we embrace her with all the love in our hearts!
Jesus please descend on Susan’s family and her daughter. No matter what remind them of your love for each and bind their connection and love together as a stronghold as they navigate whatever is ahead.
Jesus please help Susan’s daughter. Life down here is confusing at times. The daughter needs to know your love for her. Give the family a discerning mind to stand in the convictions & shower her with love. May they show her your love by their actions.
Blessings 🙂
Dear Lord,
I lift the care and blessing of Michele’s family in prayer tonight. Please watch over them all and mend any rifts, give understanding and forgiveness and grâce wherever it is needed.
Can I ask for prayers of restart in my own life, spiritual life and health. Also my 13 year old daughter who has been counting calories and looking at alarmingly thin pictures. She’s ok and it is not as bad as my thoughts originally jumped to, but she needs Jesus and I do in order to get the appropriate help before something really does occur that’s irreversible.
Dear Lord, I know that you see these requests and are ready to answer with Your powerful mercy and grace. We pray for Sam and his parents, Lord, please open his eyes and give him a desire to live for you. We ask that you send compassionate people to help him on this journey and give peace to his parents. Please be with Barb’s brother and Linda’s friend. Please bring peace and healing to these families. Also, for Michele’s family, that healing words can be spoken and eyes opened and peace descend on this family. And Lord, please heal Teena, not just physically, but in her spirit also. Send her Christian friends and help to to feel Your presence right beside her. We thank You this morning that You are mighty to answer these requests and we praise You for ALL that You do in our lives! In Jesus name, Amen
And Lord, please be with Susan and Jas’s daughters and families and all of our young people that need You in their lives.
Father, I pray for Jas and her daughter to know the depth, height, width of your love and continue to grow in understanding. May the arms of the Lord surround her and lift her up. May she see that she is loved immeasurably more than she can fathom. May her daughter see her love and want what Jesus has to give. May there be help around them that they can reach out to and share with. Protect them from the evil one.
Lord, I also ask for much wisdom for me as I journey to new and challenging roles. May I continually walk with you.
Kevin and I got married in March. We knew he needed colon surgery back then, which was completed about 10 days ago. However, he has some complications in healing, and another problem was found during all the tests & procedures he has undergone. He is discouraged, we are overwhelmed, and we need the Lord who heals to make Himself known to restore my husband’s health.
I am praying for you both!
Jesus again your healing touch is needed. Kevin had complications from colon surgery & another problem was found. He is discouraged & they are overwhelmed. Bless this couple with your love, peace & contentment that everything will turn out alright. Make yourself know to them in visible ways. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Pray that God heals the brokeness in our family, recaptures Nicks heart,Nick forgives & trusts his father again
Dear Father, Son & Spirit You are the example & author of relationships. You also are the healer & reconciler. I storm Your throne to minister in this family to bring restoration amongst them. Teach them to trust You above all else & rebuild trust within them as well. Thank You that You know & want the best for each of them. Be glorified as You move in their lives. Give strength & endurance as these issues are worked out. In Your Almighty name Jesus Amen.
Thank you dear Ruth. I was having a difficult day today & this prayer was a blessing
I’m so glad, J. I told some friends today if you needed to increase your joy ask someone how you could pray and then follow through. God has given us the gift of prayer and then blesses us on top of it!
Pray for my mom and sister. My mom fell and is having hip surgery today. While at the ER with my mom, my sister passed out and she was admitted to the hospital as well. So now there I am splitting my time between my mom and her room. So prayers all around.
Lord I lift up Melissa’s mother and her sister. Restore them to good health. Guide the surgeons as they repair her mother’s hip. Be with her sister as they figure out her situation.
We love You Father. We thank You fir heating our prayers.
In Jesus Name~
Oh sweet sister-sending hugs & lots of love your way.
Father God please help Melissa’s mom’s surgery to have gone well. Be with the sister as she passed out. Send a double portion of your healing to this family. Help Melissa not to be to stressed out dealing with all this. Give her the strength she will need to care for both of them. Amen!
Blessings 🙂
I would ask for prayer for my adult son who is a prodigal . I miss him… i miss how we once laughed over things that were simple. I miss him loving the Lord. He was once such a sweet, kind empathetic person. College changed him . Our heart breaks for his life style decisions. I know the Lord can restore him. I pray our son will be open to the Lord once again . Thank you for the prayers.
Lisa I am praying that the Lord wraps His arms around your son wherever he is and opens his mind, heart and soul to His love and presence, and brings him back into your lives. Peace be with you.
Please pray for my daughter, Shannon, who is living in a very emotionally and physically unstable home and family life
Kara, I pray, in Jesus most powerful Name, that Shannon will be set free from this darkness that surrounds her. I pray that the Holy Spirit will touch her heart in a way that she will feel it in her physical body, and release her from this life she is living, and move into a place where she was meant to be. Lord, touch Shannon with Your right Hand, in Jesus Name…
Praying for you sisters and your families…\0/
My mom had a stroke last month and a TIA on Friday, I’m worried about things here. I don’t have a job that makes money weekly/monthly so worried of what might happen (I know I probably shouldn’t). Also weary of dealing with Medi-Cal not coming in yet and all the other stuff. She needs a primary doctor and to see her neurologist but with no insurance Idk what to do.
Joy, go to God, he will lead you through this. I have gone through the same kind of medical situation with my mother who went on dialysis in 2019 because of drugs doctors gave her for a bacterial infection. Praise be to God he has healed her kidneys. She is doing so much better. Go to your local health department there should be a person there to help you get help with insurance, etc for your mother. As an (in) courage sister, I will be praying for you and your mother. God is fully capable just believe and call out his name in times of trouble. Wanda
Pray for Wanda that she will be in God’s will and doing God’s work until He returns. I know God had a special work for me as a retired educator.
I have been going through the longest season of depression and anxiety that I’ve ever had. The Lord has always brought me through these times but I am tired and weary and very lonely. I am 76. Thank you all for your prayers and may the Lord bless you all and answer your prayers.
Dear Lord, I ask that you come and sit with Donna, right where she is. Give her comfort, peace and your Holy Presence to uphold her and to give her new energy and strength in You. Lord, I thank you that Donna knows You are her help, and ask that you send someone to comfort her as she seeks others to minister to also.
Lord, bless Donna with your presence, and bring peace to her troubled mind. Put your people in her path to encourage her and lift her up.
Please pray for all the pieces to come together according to the will of our Father, over our daughter and her 3 year old daughter, who has been in an abusive relationship since the beginning. That all authorities in heaven and on earth will see where the evil one hides, and the Light will shine bright! For victory to be the reality in the custody battle, and that her heart will be set free from this broken relationship, in Jesus powerful Name.
How wonderful that you will continue to pray for us.
How wonderful that you will pray for us. If so I ask for prayers for my 3 adult children and two grandchildren who are spending two weeks in Ecuador( in the Andes and Amazon)
That they will recognize that God continues to love them❣️❣️
I have an autistic granddaughter. We have a family vacation scheduled this week. I ask for prayer that this time will be reasonably problem free and enjoyed by herself, brother, parents and grandparents.
Debbie, I pray that God will give each of you the spiritual and physical rest and joy that you need. My niece has two autistic children and so I have an inkling of the mixed emotions you are going through.
God has blessed me in so many ways. However, I am in need of strength and prayers for my aging mom who is losing her sight and feeling of worth and for my young adult daughter who is struggling with faith in God. A few prayers for resolution to a financial situation I am in now would help too. Thank you. God bless all.
I am lifting up your mom, praying for her peace and comfort and praying for your strength dealing with this stage in her life. I lift up your daughter and pray that the Holy Spirit will come into her heart I pray that there will be a path for her to find God. And finally I pray for you that there will be financial miracles, doors opened for financial help whatever your case may be.
I am so thankful for all that I have and pray for continued love and support that I have from my friends and family. Right now I’m praying for the strength I need as my son goes off to college. I pray that he is surrounded by Christian men and women and that he stays on a path that aligns with our God. For me I also pray for financial miracles. I’ve asked my ex to continue support while my son is in college and I pray that his heart will be generous
God bless all who read and offer up prayers, and God bless all who are on this site
Deborah, I’m lifting your requests up to our God. He will surely hear and answer in His will. I can’t imagine how hard it is to send your child off to college, hoping that he stays true to his faith and I believe God will send him the right friends. Also, that your ex will have the right heart and continue support. Only God can make a way for all of this and He will.
I’m a 75 year old who’s very active and involved. I fell and broke both bones in my ankle and dislocated it. I’m in a skilled nursing facility waiting for the swelling to go down so they can schedule surgery. Please pray that on Wednesday the doctors will be able to schedule surgery so I can begin to heal. I’m struggling with all of this being still and not being in my home. Prayers are welcome.
I am praying for the very best outcome, Donna, so you can get back to bustling!! I will pray both for your healing and recovery, as well as for the doctors and nurses who will attend you. Blessings!
Please pray for patience and discernment as my mother succumbs each day to the throes of dementia. In God’s dear presence, Amen.
Will be praying for your heart, I have been walking this road for 9 yrs. It is heartbreaking but continue to give your feelings to the Lord! It is a cruel disease. A great help was the Alzheimers site-they have great references. A big one was to remember not to say remember when…. it can cause agitation. Keep praying and talk with your Mom. I will keep praying for you!
Chrissy, My father had alzheimer’s for many years .Of course, it is NOT an easy path, but he and I would always sing together and that seemed to make him happy! You might try that if your Mom can sing….just able to carry a tune is o.k.too! Many prayers for your mother and the whole family!…Blessings for that peace which passeth all understanding!!
Pray for healing in my relationship with my daughter-in-law and son. That God will heal hurts and we can begin anew.
Please pray for my family as we have to put our sweet kitty to sleep tomorrow. She has been a treasured family member for almost 17 years. Our hearts are broken.
LS – I pray for God to restore your relationship with your son & daughter-in-law. May He heal the hurts and bless you all with a renewed beginning.
Please pray for physical healing of a torn rotator cuff that also turned into frozen shoulder. July was filled with several other physical health problems so it’s been overwhelming mentally and emotionally to go through all of this. Most recently I have had a heart monitor on to determine what my heart beating irregularly is. I am struggling to enjoy my life with all the circumstances that are weighing me down. Thank you!
Leslie, I am praying for your pain and health issues. Please rest those when you can and draw on the healing power of Jesus.
Dear Sisters in Christ, Please pray for my family. My son is an alcoholic who lost his job, his wife, and seldom sees his young children, and now lives with my ex-husband who has troubles of his own. I love and appreciate the messages I find every day in my email from you. Thank you in advance for the prayers that will be said. I praise God for all of you. Deb
Dearest Father surround Deb & her family. Thank You that she knows You are the answer to the variety of issues faced by her family members. Break the bonds of alcohol in her son. Draw him to depend on You & see You as his provider & strength. Enable him to reconcile with his wife & child. Lead him to a job to give him a paycheck, challenges to his mind & encouragement to his spirit. May he & his dad be of support to one another not aggravations to their issues. Give Deb Your peace & wisdom to speak when appropriate & be silent when that is best. Enable her to watch & pray, pray & watch. Thank You that You love them best. Be magnified in each of their hearts. In the authority & power of Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
I love that we’ve been given access to the throne directly as the veil tore at Christ’s death. No more going through a human mediator! And only in God’s hands can praying for each other are we given more joy. What a gift. Please pray the Lord is nudging mature women in our congregation to be willing to nurture younger women as in the Titus 2 model. The desire to be mentored is great yet I’m getting alot of noes as I recruit mentors! Blessings!
Ruth, I’m agreeing with you in prayer that the Lord would raise up women in all generations to encourage and come alongside one another. Thanking God for your heart and blessings to you! In Jesus Holy name I pray!
Thank you Rebecca! (((0)))
Please pray for me. I am on a brink of despair. A person significant to me tells others many lies about me. May God protect me. Thank you.
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with Tetiana right now. Help her to decern Your truth and to hold on to who You say she is. Please protect her, not only physically, but spiritually and emotionally also. Give her peace through this situation.
Thanks for your prayers. Pray for my family and all families as the devil has been seriously attacking families, the foundation of society in various ways in these last days. Pray that Christian families will shine their lights by their living example. Also for the Christian Church universal. We are already seeing the ‘falling away’ of believers. Let us hold fast to out faith looking unto JESUS the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Hello Lindsay,
It is my honor to pray for you and your family regarding your son, Sam. I’m the mother of three daughters, Valerie, Victoria and Vanessa.
Lindsay, thank you for asking for prayer. One day in the future, I pray that you and I will be celebrating our children as they have made a leap of faith in wholeness.
I would love to say that it’s almost over, but I don’t know that to be true. I know Who does know the future. God knows everything ! Lord, please comfort the heart of Lindsay as she stands strong in the Gap for her son, Sam. Allow Lindsay to wait on Your Help. Give her guidance and support on this Journey. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
God bless your steps Lindsay.
With Christian Love,
Your Sister in Christ
My great niece was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia last week. She is 4. She has her second round of chemo tomorrow. Please pray for her and her family. It’s truly rocked our family!!
My daughter’s 39-yr-old sister-in-law died very suddenly on July 24, leaving behind a husband and a 3-month-old baby girl with Down’s Syndrome. Please pray for comfort and peace and joy in the midst of their deep grief.
Dear Father, I pray that You would be so close to that family in their grief. Surround them with Your peace and love, may they see Your provision in beautiful ways. Surround them with people who will care for them well in this time and with wisdom and much love. Comfort them as only You can, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for sharing your stories and prayers with your readers. You help me lean into the ever present power and the peace of our Lord and Savior.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for this day and this ministry. I lift Kathy’s daughter’s mother in law and niece up to you today. I ask you to send the Holy Spirit, our ever present comforter to this hurting family and be as close as their very breath. In Jesus name I pray
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for this day and this ministry. I lift Kathy’s daughter’s brother in law and niece up to you today. I ask you to send the Holy Spirit, our ever present comforter to this hurting family and be as close as their very breath. In Jesus name I pray
Heavenly father, thank you for another day. Thank you for sending Maliyah to me in the prayer room. Lord I ask that you cover her, heal her, and love her. Lord, I ask that you send her to me next week. I pray that you give me the right words to convey your message and whatever I need to change her situation. Lord she believes in you and so do I. Lord let the healing begin. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
I am struggling with body image and disordered eating. Would love to find breakthrough in this and gain God’s perspective.
Please Lord, heal Barbara’s mind and body. May she have a healthy relationship with food and see food as a gift from You. Thank You Lord that You are with Barbara and you are helping her today and always. Thank You God for never leaving us and being with us. Thy will be done. In Jesus’ Name, amen
Praying for you, sister ❤️
Thank you for the beautiful prayer, Stephanie, really appreciate it!
Please pray for my faith not to fail. Please pray I continue to grow closer to the Lord, even in changing seasons. Thank you ❤️
Dear Father, I pray that You will fill Stephanie with peace and hope and come quiet her fears. Please strengthen her faith and fill her with a deep trust that You will be with her in everything, every season, every storm. Remind her that her faith is built on the Rock and therefore can withstand all of life’s storms. May the changing seasons bring her closer and closer to You. May she feel Your closeness and love in new and special ways. Amen.
I appreciate your ministry so much. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with Stage 4 colon cancer…a shock for our family. I have been at peace and know the Lord calls me Daughter. We thought there was some time to make choices, but the tests have sped things up. Please pray that I can have my best strength to be with kids and grandkids as they come to visit this weekend- and to have sweet times with my dear hubby, whose heart is so broken.
Thank you so much.
Praying for you, Janet.
Please pray that my daughter who has a serious mental illness will be healed in mind, body, heart and spirit.
Thank you.
In Courage,
Please remember Reva W-one sister died recently. The Saturday after the funeral another sister is put in hospital ICU. She is in rehab now. Last Saturday another family member fell & hurt himself. Reva needs peace, strength & God’s help to care for all these.
Remember my hubby. He works a stressful job (Computed Tomography) at a medium hospital on weekends. It is just him & 1 other tech to do all the patients & any procedures. He needs peace & calm to handle all the stressors.
Praying for each of the prayers requests here. God knows the needs & will supply them in His timing. He is the great I AM. He cares deeply for His children. May you all feel the love & care we send your way.
Blessings 🙂