Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
to him who alone does great wonders,
His love endures forever.
who by his understanding made the heavens,
His love endures forever.
who spread out the earth upon the waters,
His love endures forever.
who made the great lights—
His love endures forever.
the sun to govern the day,
His love endures forever.
the moon and stars to govern the night;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1-9
I sat with my hands folded, struggling to maintain composure as I listened to the worship team sing, “Give thanks with a grateful heart.” Truthfully, my heart felt far from grateful and more like a chunk of cheese — sliced, diced, and shredded down to the core. It was a hard season. One that thrusts you into the hands of the Father — clinging, begging, trusting, because you have no other option.
Have you been there too? The term “give thanks” sounds easy, doesn’t it? If we were to simply remember everything God has done for us, then this attitude of gratitude should be effortless. Easy peasy. Just give thanks. Sounds a little glib if you ask me. Gratefulness doesn’t always work that way.
True thankfulness is rooted deep. It’s not something that magically appears on our tongues.
Rather, it’s a response of the heart. It’s a rendering of praise for who is behind it all — the good, the bad, the hard. And that’s a wee bit problematic because we don’t always like what’s been going on.
In Psalm 136, we’re reminded not only of who God is but also of what He has done. He is the “God of gods” and the “Lord of lords.” He is over all. He is the one true God. But this declaration doesn’t make Him a distant God. Quite the opposite. Every verse has this powerful refrain reminding us of His kind and comforting love — a love that goes on and on, covering His people and covering our sins. Oh, what mercy! Oh, what grace! How can we not give thanks?
This compelling psalm challenges us to remember creation and all its glory, to look back and soak in the wonder of the making of the heavens and the spreading of the waters. It beckons us to reminisce about the richness of His love from the depths of history — the astounding exodus out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and into the wilderness. A miraculous escape like none other.
This isn’t another laborious account of deliverance, but a glorious reflection of His might where God acted on behalf of His people. He is a God who provides and makes a way where there seems to be no way. For that, we can surely give thanks.
It is with this foundation of remembrance that our hearts are called to respond. We give because He has given. Oh, so much! Our gratitude becomes a beautiful offering, conveying our gratefulness to the Giver of life as an expression of our love. Let’s respond wholeheartedly, echoing this chorus of adoration: “His faithful love endures forever.” Let’s dole out thanks from the depths of our souls for all He is, for all He has done, and for all He has yet to do — even when circumstances are less than ideal and our hearts feel a bit like cheese.
This devotion is by Anne-Renee Gumley, as published in the (in)courage Devotional Bible. It has been edited from its original form.
On Saturdays this summer, we’re sharing our favorite Psalms + select devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible. We’re loving our summer Saturdays (in) the Psalms with you!
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Absolutely beautiful and enriching words that I so needed this day. My thoughts get so mind swirling at the atrocities that is going on in this broken world…and takes my thoughts off of how truly powerful our God is. His love endures forever, and my love for Him must endure all this broken, evil world throws at me. Thank you and blessings to all of you at! His love endures forever. Amen.
A beautiful song Give thanks with a greatful heart. Words are so lovely. But if not in that frame of mind because something has happened in your life. No matter what it is. You feel God where are you. Why is all this happening to me. Why aren’t you here for me. Why haven’t you helped me through this. Or showed me what to do get through this. You will not want to be giving thanks with a greatful heart to our Lord. But I learnt in all our circumstances we are to give God thanks Matter what we are going through not just what things are going well and that is easy. It hard to do it even in the hard difficult times. But we have to give God thanks in all times easy and difficult. This is when it difficult that God test our faith to see how strong it is. When we are going through that difficult time. To see will still give him thanks no matter what. God might not answer our prayers to our difficult situations and circumstances as quickly as we like. He could be testing us to see how strong our faith is and how much we really trust him. To give him thanks no matter what we go through good or bad. As we still have alot to thank our Lord for as he still woke us up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. Plus he has already bless us we might not see it. Especially if we are going through a hard difficult times. God has blessed us with life as our heart is still beating as somewhere in the world someone heart has just stop. A Family is in morning for that Family member. So God has already been good to us. We still have life as I said our hearts still beat. God has also been good to us we have food on our table and roof over our head and clothes on our backs. People in our world don’t have these things. So by this stack of evidence we have alot to thank our Heavenly Father for as he has already bless us and been so good to us. So in all this no matter what we are going through. We have still alot to say thank you to our Lord God for. I say Amen to that. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermamagh. N.Ireland xx keeping you all incourage in prayer.
Praise the LORD for HIS Word. They are comforting and assuring to me.
Having a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving has enabled me to journey with the LORD through challenging and painful events of my life. Though the circumstances didn’t change, the LORD has seen me through the challenges of being a caregiver, the death of a loved one, and other trials. The world is fragmented, filled with atrocities, and more evil is visible.
Yet, I know and therefore, acknowledge that the LORD is Sovereign and in control of all that is happening.
So, there is much to be thankful for. HE hold our hands.
So hard to give thanks when the brokenness in our family stays broken& there is no sign of healing. I just wish I could receive some hope in this dark tunnel.
I feel for you, J. I know what that tunnel feels like. There never feels like there is no end in sight. But you are not alone. I am praying for you and Jesus is right at your side. And tunnels can have bends in them so that the light at the end is so much closer than we think. May God be your comfort today
Thank you so much for your prayers, I so need them. This burden I’ve carried for many years is like a black cloud following me & my family.I’m trying to trust the Lord with the outcome, but it is so hard when I see no hope. Thank you again for praying
In Courage,
Life can get hard & challenging at times. It can be difficult to give thanks to God for the hard stuff of life. Yet that is what we are called to do. Remember the past & all the good things He has done for us. That’s why I love Chris Tomlin’s new song “Thank Yu Lord”. Pay attention to the 3rd & 4th verses. It says Thank you Lord for the Hard times for lighting the way in dark times.
Thank You Lord for the small things Like me and her on the porch swing For summer nights and fireflies
And the sound of my old six string Blessings, on blessings, on blessings, on blessings If I still got breath in these lungs
And that’s all I need to get down on my knees And be thankful for all that He’s done
For my mama, for my friends For Your love that never ends For the songs that make us dance On this ol’ dirt floor
For my babies, for my girl For the way they changed my world Waking up today Yeah, I just gotta say Thank You Lord
Yeah, I just wanna say Thank You Lord (oh, now)
Thank You Lord for the hard times For lighting the way in the dark times For pulling me in, forgiving again
The times that I took it too far, I Gotta thank You for keeping me humble For picking me up when I stumble
And although I change, You stay the same And I don’t say thank You enough
For my mama, for my friends For Your love that never ends For the songs that make us dance On this ol’ dirt floor
For my babies, for my girl For the way they changed my world (changed my world) Waking up today Yeah, I just gotta say
Thank You Lord I just wanna say Thank You Lord (oh yeah)
Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord (thank You Lord)
Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord
For my mama, for my friends For Your love that never ends (it never, never ends) For the songs that make us dance
On this ol’ dirt floor For my babies, for my girl For the way they changed my world (the way they changed my world)
Waking up today Yeah, I just gotta say thank You Lord (Praise up Eyes closed) Just wanna say thank You Lord
(one thing I know) Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord
Blessings 🙂