About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. I saw grace in my Mom’s smile when I dropped off a few balloons for her Birthday.

  2. I saw it in the joy when I drove my 80 year old friend on a 3 hour drive up the coast of Maine on a very foggy day to Bar Harbor. She had been wanting to visit for a while and, unable to drive that long herself, she asked if I would take her. I was delighted she asked me. It turned into a glorious sunny day eventually.

  3. My computer died suddenly. The computer I connect with family & friends on. The computer I listen to audiobooks on. The computer I work on. The computer without I cannot do my job. First available appointment is Tuesday, late afternoon! Yikes! But my precious, loving husband listed all the reasons I’d hate or he thought I couldn’t/wouldn’t work on his computer if he didn’t work remote today. His list was comprehensive so a well formed decision could be made. Yes it’s awkward & I’m slower at his desk than mine but it’s so much better than not doing my job at all. He gave up a remote day for me! I feel loved. God has given us grace that we may share it with others.

  4. I saw it when the mail carrier brought me a letter from my pen pal Emma Lou. She was my mom’s maid of honor and turned 101 years old in February! I live in Kansas, and she lives in Washington state. I feel the Grace of God in every letter I send AND especially when I receive one from her. Thanks for the wonderful post this morning.

  5. I’ve either lost my checkbook when I changed glasses or it was taken at church yesterday. It’s only His grace holding me together to assume the best & not the worst. My church is closed for 2 days & I trust that on Wednesday it might just be in the safe because an usher picked it up.

    • Tanya, I am praying that your checkbook be returned to you intact and perfect. I recently had the same experience and went into a full-blown panic, but I kept praying and falling on God’s mercy. Finally I “just happened” to look down and there it was…..it had fallen down on the floor between my bed and bedside table. I can’t imagine how that happened! But the Lord led me to it. I am praying the same for you!

    • Echoing prayers for finding your checkbook! Even more that the peace of God overwhelms your heart that (the very understandable anxiety) is blocked by our in control loving Father. May the finding magnify Him greatly, giving you a “story to tell to the nations”

  6. Anna, this is so beautiful! This message is extravagant grace in itself. Thank you!

  7. This article is a keeper. I will refer back to it – personally hit home for me beautifully written thank you.

  8. I took a drive out to my CSA farm to pick up an order and across the open fields and above endless rows of corn rose the most gloriously dark, threatening storm clouds that seem to boil and rise on the distant horizon, a view only afforded me on a near empty two lane road with the most remarkable views. It reminded me of a favorite hymn:

    Oh Lord, my God, when I, in awesome wonder consider all the worlds Thy hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

    The sight of a thunderstorm in the distance, the sway of the leaves in the wind, how a Goldfinch flutters at the birdbath, the sight of a tiny rabbit hopping through the long grass around my house, the deer that roam my property … these are the extraordinary moments I treasure, ones that remind me of the awesome power and beauty God has given us in the world around us.

  9. I’m working on a beaded ornament. Some time ago I spilled the Iris coloured beads and found two beads on the floor. Those two plus the beads in my container left me one bead short of what the pattern specified. Today I found an Iris bead on the end table next to the lamp. Thanking God for this find!

  10. Waking to birdsong this morning, before my actual alarm clock, was the sweetest grace today, especially since mornings and I are barely on speaking terms. It means so much because I’m photographing my parents to celebrate their 45th anniversary, but the shoot has to be early in the day to escape the heat (forecasted to be near 100F later).

  11. This is beautiful! I read a grace note this morning from my precious daughter-in-law. We text every morning. She checks on me because I live alone. She really is a daughter to me and I love her so much! I thank God for her love.

  12. Anna,

    I see God’s grace in the decent weather we’ve had this summer. It hasn’t been to hot or cold. Also in local churches having a cantata in AM & a block party giving away food that night. Nice to get food & not have to put together a meal for my hubby. God’s grace & joy is seen through sunrises & sunsets. I’m thankful for friends, ministry opportunities, free clothes, wonderful hard working hubby, etc. I can go on & on. That’s why I love Chris Tomlin’s song “Thank you Lord”.

    Blessings 🙂