There are mornings (ahem, months) I can barely bring myself to look at the news, at social media, at updates coming in from around the world.
Chaos and disaster, suffering and disease, confusion and division . . . they’re all within reach, as near as the closest device. “Come, Lord Jesus” escapes in a whisper and echoes in pixelated captions. It’s all too much, so much more than we were created to hold, and our hands are already full, our hearts already heavy from the stories of loved ones who are hurting.
I sat and stared at the Atlantic a few weeks ago and had a short conversation with God. It went something like this:
God, there’s no end in sight, in more ways than one, and I’m here again asking You to do what You’ve done before. From where I stand, there is literally no way. But if You parted the waters then, You could part the metaphorical ones now. Please, God. Please do. Please be exactly who You are. Make a way. Still the chaos. Push the waves back. Clear a path through the seemingly endless blue. You’re the only One who can and it looks straight-up impossible, like there’s no chance in the actual world. But You’ve done it before. Would You do it again?
I could tell you that He did, that I woke the next day and everything had changed, but that would be a lie. From my vantage point, it’s all still blue, blue, blue waters swirling and stretching as far as the eye can see.
But this morning, as I read Matthew 8, a smile began to tug at my lips as I remembered once again the lesson I learned in a college classroom.
In ancient times, expanses of water were tied to darkness and chaos. The sea was believed to be where evil had a foothold, and it was often featured as God’s opponent. If you read Scripture through that lens, watching for references to water, you’ll be amazed at how God’s goodness is woven through.
The Spirit hovers over the waters at creation. The Red Sea is split for the Israelites to walk through. Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River and walks on the Sea of Galilee. And there, in Matthew 8, we find the disciples, many of whom grew up on the water as fishermen, terrified by the sudden storm and confused by the God-man who was sound asleep in the boat.
In verses 26-27, we’re told that after they woke Him, Jesus “stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: ‘Silence!’ The sea became smooth as glass. The men rubbed their eyes, astonished. ‘What’s going on here? Wind and sea stand up and take notice at his command!’”
Jesus wasn’t in a deep sleep because He was indifferent to the crashing waves; no, He was completely at peace because He knew that although chaos might appear close at hand, it is never in control.
As my college professor would be quick to point out, we must remember the promise found in Revelation 21:1. There, at the end of the story sitting on nightstands and at the beginning of so much more, we’re told that the sea will be no more. Every storm will be stilled and all will be made new, every drop redeemed into a river of Life with waters as clear as crystal (Revelation 22:1). Fear will be replaced with peace, heartbreak with beauty, devastation with joy. One day, chaos will be permanently calmed.
Here in the middle, Dr. Leonard would say the Hebrew invitation is to “tiqqun and tiqvah.”
In Hebrew, tiqqun means ‘to heal, repair, or restore.’ Tiqvah means ‘to hope’ and comes from the root word for wait.
As much as we’re able, we tiqqun. Through the Spirit working within us, we serve and love one another, bringing peace to chaos. But ultimately, we tiqvah, waiting with hope and resting in the promise that a grand restoration is already on the way.
There is still the plea of “Come, Lord Jesus.” There is still the desperate prayer of “do it again.” There are days our hearts break as our fingers scroll, and there are very real storms that will never be shown on a screen or posted to a social media feed. But there is a deeper assurance like an anchor in the waves: We are not adrift in a sea of chaos.
No wave can overtake Him, no storm can overpower Him, and no wind can shout louder than His gentle whisper. Our tears might fall and mingle with the blue, blue, blue that stretches on, but Psalm 56 says God leans low, low, low collecting each one. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll find Him in the waves, a kind twinkle in His eye and a smile on His face as He says “Keep watch, daughter. Beyond what you can see from where you stand, a way is being made. Even now, the promise is coming true. Chaos never gets the final say.”
May we watch and wait with hope. The waters might rise, but our friend Jesus is familiar with waves and one day, hallelujah, the sea will be no more.
If today’s post resonated and you’d like more encouragement from Kaitlyn, her book Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between will help you choose hope for tomorrow when, at least for now, you’re still in the middle of the storm.
Your words are so beautiful, so comforting and encouraging. How wonderful that we don’t have to live in the broken chaotic world forever. Some day, the sea will be no more. Amen.
This was so inspirational. Many thanks this morning. I am always amazed at the timing of the morning messages posted. They are so thought provoking, helpful and relatable in my life. I cannot begin to start my day without reading them. I hope all of you who write for this site know how much good you are doing and how much I appreciate all of you.
I feel the same way. Thankyou to all who bring us God’s truth and Hope daily thru these posts.
Thank you for the reminder that Jesus is with us in the storms of life. Putting our trust in him as Lord and savior
Thank you for this encouraging message. I am going through depression and anxiety again. The Lord has always brought me through and I am asking Him again to “do it again”. I am 76 years old and quite frankly am tired and weary. I am asking you all as my sisters in Christ to send up a little prayer for me. God bless you all!
I am 74 and praying for you.. I know weariness… left my 2000 sq ft home 2 years ago to move into a basement suite and look after 2 small children. Life is hard but it’s JOYFUL AND BLESSED when we give each day to The Lord. Warm hugs dear sister-In-Christ. Look for His blessing and go out and be a blessing ❣️
Praying for you as I write. Keep looking up. Jesus is coming for us soon. Love in Christ Jesus.
Dear Donna,
I start my day with Philippians 4:4-8, which begins “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! . . .Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Just reminding myself to rejoice is half the battle to defeat depression and anxiety. Another part is to remember to stay humble. God does the work, not I. Finally, Philippians 4 provides a beautiful list of qualities to think about. I have found this to be a most helpful practice because other thoughts need be given minimal time. I hope these suggestions will help. I am 71 and had a panic attack during the Covid scare, at home and alone. I am sending up a prayer for you as I sit at my laptop.
Precious words of encouragement. Developing the attitude of rejoicing in all things is indeed a learning goal of mine also. One great thing to remember is we are not alone in this battle. Paul alludes to his own example to encourage them.(Phil 4:9) Finding ourselves some really good friends is one of the strategies to waiting patiently in hope, I’m sure.
Abba Father, You are Jehovah Rapha the God who heals. Please send your healing touch to Donna. Take away her anxiety & depression. Give her a sense of peace, contentment & happiness. Shower her with your loving touch. AMEN!
Such a timely and appropriate message. Thank you.
I enjoyed reading this post on God has control in this world. The Bible is good to read and it reminds me that He helps us through all of our lives as we continue to follow Him. His mercies are new every morning. I enjoy being at the ocean on the west coast. God bless you, Kaitlyn.
We live in a world that is full of evil. It will not get better because of man that does not believe in Jesus. Until Jesus comes back to earth one day. We that believe in Jesus and have Jesus as our Saviour know he will be back one day to walk on earth again. Like the time he rode the donkey and the people shouted “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” we the save can cry for that to happen soon again. As there is a world out there that needs a Saviour. So we hold on that. Keep looking up and trusting God for everything and believing everything in his word the Bible and saying our prayers. No matter what going on in our World. And also Keeping believing and trusting Jesus will be back again one day all this trouble in our world then will be done away with. To that I say Amen. Thank you Kaitylan for today reading love it. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Hello, and thank you for this message. I must admit, being a beach-lover, and living by the ocean, taking in the splendor and beauty and power that He has given us in the vastness of the sea, this concept of the “sea being no more” has always bothered me. Whenever I walk down there I can’t help but ask “why?”….”why would this incredible part of our lives cease to exist?” And, what will replace it?
I guess I have never associated the seas with “chaos” any more than anything else that this earth brings to humanity…a virtually unending list of things that befall us, all around us, …ugliness, terror, hostilities, cruelties, etc…so your post is the first I have read that seems to shed a little light on the subject.
I personally don’t want the seas to “go away,” but alas, God knows exactly what He is doing, and Why.
So so very encouraging. Thank You. The temporary will give rise to the eternal. Blessings.
I haven’t watched the news in a very long time. Plus I do very little social media. Tired of all the rhetoric being thrown around. There has been so much sadness in our world since 2020. My cry of late has been come Lord Jesus. I want all the hatred & chaos
to stop. Until He comes we Christians can rest assured that we have an anchor. One that holds us closer than a brother or friend & will be with us to the end. I am awaiting that Glorious day!
Blessings 🙂