About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. Ruth Mills says

    I don’t remember a time not knowing Jesus was The Savior. Shy, quiet, tomboy grew up in a neighborhood with lots of peers that seemed to know what I knew. We moved when I was 11 to a neighborhood with much fewer peers. Too young to be dating the guys yet they were on the cusp of not having even a tomboy as a friend & the girls were all very girlie girl so this tomboy didn’t fit in there either. I learned quickly Jesus as Savior wasn’t as common as I had thought. Jesus’ wide open arms of welcome never left me through the loneliness of trying to make new friends & find like minded heavenly siblings. Because of how He wired me I now tend to fight the feeling of being the outsider by inviting in the ones that might be feeling the same. W-I-D-E open arms of Jesus, indeed!

    • Tasha says

      I love that you invite others in – I hope you know how transformative that is. Grateful for you, Ruth!

  2. Kathi says

    This was very encouraging. However, it is the truth to say that there are 100’s of individuals and families affected by disability in our community that would not be welcomed in our churches. Their mere presence might disrupt our worship traditions and unwritten rules for social skills. Yet if Jesus would be here physically He would be interacting and accepting them. We have to do better!

  3. Susen says

    Beautiful beautiful!!! Thank you for shedding light on this subject of welcoming and loving others. “Above all things put on Love” Colossians 3:14

  4. Tanya Villani says

    Jesus’ wide welcome of me inspires me to welcome others. I love serving in the greeter/usher ministry. All it takes is one word or smile to supernaturally alter someone’s experience of being greeted at a door. I praise God for your testimony. Thank you for sharing, my heart needed to be awakened to reaffirm Jesus’ wide welcome of little ol me.

  5. Beth Williams says


    We, the church, have to do much better at accepting people as they are. I’ve actually heard people say “I don’t want those people in my church.” Wow your church? My feeling is that you don’t want Jesus either. He would welcome those people first before you. I want to be much more like Jesus. Deep down I know if it weren’t for Jesus I could be in their shoes also. Let’s extend welcome to one & all.

    Blessings 🙂