Feeling helpless when someone you love is in distress is pure torment — until God shows up.
For thirty years, Mom and I painted together every Friday. I’d arrive and we’d head to her art room — Mom with her tea and me with my pink energy drink — and we’d paint, talk, and laugh into the evening.
Mom was a best friend to each of her daughters and was always there for us. Whether it was as a “shop ’til you drop” companion or bumping along in my sister’s truck over the Sierra summit for a vet clinic while bundled in a heavy coat and long underwear, all while balancing a sixty-four-ounce tea on the pile of blankets on her lap . . . Mom was there, laughing. Always laughing.
So when her early dementia diagnosis came, it hit us like a mudslide, stripping away our familiar family landscape and leaving it in a tumbling mess of pain.
Because my dad couldn’t manage their ranch and simultaneously care for my mom, we moved them out-of-state to be closer to more family. But within a year, my dad died of heart failure and Mom, with progressing dementia, landed in a memory care home. Not the story our family expected.
Suddenly, three states away felt like fifty . . . but when you’re a doer and there’s a need, you get things done — until you can’t. Mom was in distress and I was helpless to save her.
Saying we trust God with our loved ones is easy until He asks us to let them go.
The phone calls were tough. Mom cried while I tried to reassure her of a future I wasn’t sure of myself. I’d hang up, guilt and shame consuming me. I’ve failed her. Hot, fitful tears soaked my pillow night after sleepless night. I should be doing more. But a full-time job and strained bank account won’t allow much margin.
At times, we may feel like our loved ones’ lives are in our hands, but no one’s ultimate well-being rests solely in your hands or mine. We do our best and leave the results to God.
I prayed and “showed up” through phone calls. The rest was under His watchful eye — and if His eye was on the sparrow, then it was on my mom. God is loving and faithful and promises to never leave or forsake us. I prayed that promise for Mom and preached it to myself. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
But the torment of hearing her fear and pain still stewed in my gut — until God showed up for me personally.
The opening scene in Ezekiel depicts the Jewish exiles gathered by a Babylonian river, heads hanging, hearts aching, as they wept over the destruction of their families and homeland. The exiles had witnessed the murder of family and friends, made the long, merciless trek as prisoners of war, and now faced a future of slavery in a foreign land.
“In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. On the fifth of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin—the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, by the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians. There the hand of the Lord was on him.”
Ezekiel 1:1–3 (NIV)
For the captive Israelites, Babylon represented profound pain and loss.
Yet, in that place of deep suffering, surrounded by weeping and broken kinsman, God opened heaven to Ezekiel and gave him a vision of His presence in Babylon with His exiled people. In Ezekiel’s bondage, fear, and helplessness, God’s hand was upon him.
Just as God showed up for the exiles, He would show up for me in my loss and Mom in her suffering.
For the rest of her time on earth, I slept better. I cried healing tears and gave my best on every phone call. It was still hard . . . but I no longer felt responsible for outcomes. I celebrated that I could bring love, compassion, connection, and prayers to Mom. I still heard pain in her voice on our calls — and it hurt, but it didn’t undo me.
The last time I talked to Mom, I was at a cabin in the woods. When I called, my aunt answered. She was with Mom, along with a close family friend that Mom adored. I spoke briefly with my semi-conscious mom, then I spoke with a family friend who was holding Mom’s hand and telling her how much she was loved. I wept with gratitude that in her place of suffering, the hand of the Lord was upon her.
Later, the cabin owners told me they were shocked that I’d made a call out. “We’ve never had cell service out there,” they’d said.
Mom died a few weeks later. My sister sat next to her, talking to her and rubbing her back. You could say God’s hand was upon Mom through it all.
God shows up when we can’t. He frees us from guilt, shame, and torment and the lie that we can “save” anyone. He picks up the burden, bears the weight, and brings us rest and peace . . . right smack in the middle of suffering.
Now, when I remember Mom, I think of oil paints and easels, and I picture her looking at me over a partially-painted canvas, head thrown back in laughter.
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So thankful for these words, Bethany. I find myself in a season of having to let God show up for family where I can’t, too. So hard…but such a holy journey.
So glad to share your words at (in)courage…
Thank you, Rachel. It is a holy journey that required me to step aside so God could do the heavy lifting. So immeasurably grateful for His faithfulness!
Bethany it hard you think am I doing enough in those day for my loved one. Like you with your Mum. God gives you the strength to do it especially in the last day of their lives. You think when their gone did I do enjoy for them when alive. I felt that for my own Mum. As I went round to see her once a week and if she wanted me at weekends. Then when she was in Hospital I knew something told me. I knew it was God because her body was braking down. She not see out of the Hospital. I felt was I doing enough. When it came to near the end. I couldn’t stay. I felt bad and blamed myself for that. God said Dawn don’t toucher yourself. You remember you were a good Daughter to your Mum. You just could bare for to let her go. That why you couldn’t stay to the very end and see her close her eyes never open them again. God said I am with you. Remember all the good time you had together and remember you have me with you every day. I will never leave you not forsake you. That has kept me strong. Helped me not feel guilty. I was not there until the ever end. God said to me Dawn I was there with her in your place at the end when you couldn’t do it. Thank you again for this reading it makes what God said to so true and help me know I nothing to feel guilty for. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Oh, Dawn, I can hear your pain — but I can also hear your peace. Thanks for being vulnerable, brave, and willing to share it! It’s so reassuring to know that we are not alone in our struggle. Praise God! There’s a LOT to process as we walk through the last days of a loved one’s life on earth and the aftermath of grief. I can tell you loved your sweet mom so much and I’m confident she knew that. Like you, I rejoice that our faithful, tender God’s powerful presence carries our loved ones when we can’t. Thanks so much for sharing your story!
So true! The precious lessons learned in the ‘I can’t’ seasons & spots of life. He can & does & is in all of them! Dementia is cruel taking loved ones away more than once. Thankful for your beautiful memory of your mom’s laughter! Blessings! (((0)))
Thanks, Ruth! I love how you expressed it, “…the ‘I can’t’ seasons and spots of life.” Each one is an opportunity to see God’s big heart and sovereign strength. Now if I could just remember that when I’m in those painful, vulnerable places… I’m grateful for His patience and grace as I toddle my way through life. I agree, dementia is an awful, no-good, terrible disease with a dozen “deaths” before the end, so those sweet memories go a very long way.
Thank you, Bethany, for this article. My mom also had dementia and was in a home – and I still cry when I think of her – 7 years after her passing. This is helpful and will minister to other people in this place as well. You have a beautiful way of getting to the heart of the issue and pointing us back to God.
Thank you, Lisa. I’m so sorry about your mom. I’m still surprised by the sudden, raw pain when I think of my mom, too. I’m grateful that the story God gave me to share was helpful. It’s part of the beautiful strength of community. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” II Corinthians 1:3-5 (NIV)
This is so beautiful, Bethany. Thank you for these precious truths (I lost my mom just 3 months ago). Your words are a sweet reminder of God’s love and faithfulness.
I’m so sorry about your loss, Shadia! Losing a mom leaves a wound only God can stitch together. Many times throughout the pre-grief and post-grief process I leaned on Psalm 147:3-4: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; He calls them each by name.” Our faithful Immanuel is so intensely personal in His care for both us and our loved ones when we are helpless and heartsore. What peace and praise this brings!
Bethany, your words were so uplifting. My mother had onset dementia, yet knew each of us by name. I had the privilege of having her live next to me, could help take care of her, and was with her when she took her last breath. I still miss her very much and have questions I wish I had remembered to ask. It must be extremely hard to lose one who lives far away and not be able to be with them in their last days. Losing her was very hard, but one which I could bear with the help of God. Yes, “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” I’m thankful to hear that your mother had those dear to her in her last moments of life to give her loving care. I’m sure that she knew that you were there in spirit, would have been there if possible, and loved her very much.
Thank so much for the encouragement!
Thank you! Today I needed to be reminded that God is there when I’m thousands of miles away from my dear 93-year-old sister and feeling helpless.
Oh, Gail, I know how hard those miles of separation are on our hearts! That makes me profoundly grateful that God isn’t limited by space or time. He is fully here AND there. What a joy to know that our long-distance prayers reach into the very hearts of our loved ones and that God uses our prayers to bring the strength and comfort they need right now. Thanks for sharing so honestly.
Bethany, your words were so uplifting. My mother had onset dementia, yet knew each of us by name. I had the privilege of having her live next to me, could help take care of her, and was with her when she took her last breath. I still miss her very much and have questions I wish I had remembered to ask. Losing a parent is very hard, but one which we can bear with the help of God.
What a sweet gift to have your mom so close and to be used by God to provide for her in that way. He is so faithful! My mom recognized her daughters as well, so that was a gift from God in the midst of the grief. We each have our own story and as we share with each other it reveals different aspects of God’s character in the way He works. That fills us with such hope! Thanks so much for sharing!
This is such a sweet and endearing story of truly trusting God with those most dear to us.
It’s comforting to know the peace we can have knowing God is in control- even though it doesn’t look like what we would want! Sometimes we just need a ‘faith-lift’ to trust him more.
God’s control is an enormous source of peace — amen and Amen. And He demonstrates it in such personal, tender ways to reveal His heart of compassion. What a reassurance that He understands our fears and struggles and invites us to honestly process them with Him. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful…..Just Like Your Mom
Thanks so much for the kind words. Yes she was beautiful and she and my dad are missed very much indeed! So grateful they’re both with our Savior, free from all struggle and pain. What peace that brings!
I have been there & brought the t-shirt on dementia from just laying in bed seeing & hearing things not there all the way to gero psych. Mom got it first. It was tough watching her & seeing dad try to help her. We finally got hospice on board to help out. I learned quickly that routine was best. Every Monday after work I would go see her. She knew it was me. When she passed two years later I was a bit relieved. She was no longer suffering. Then dad started having issues. One day he said I want to move into assisted living. We found a nice one & I visited once a week. His dementia was getting worse & we put him on hospice. Unfortunately, they took him off ALL his meds & caused his thyroid to level to get super high. We ended up putting him in a gero psych unit. They figured out the problem & gave him a new med. One month later dad was better than before. That lasted 1 year. Then I believe he had a stroke. We put him back in the same gero psych hospita & he died there 11 days later.
Watching family go through dementia is hard. Not being able to be there & help out can be even harder. Prayers for you & your family.
Blessings 🙂
What a hard story, Beth. Seeing our parents struggle and suffer is so painful! I’m immensely grateful for Jesus, the “Man of Sorrows” who knows suffering well and for our faithful Father who watched His Son suffer in unimaginable ways. Because He knows pain so intimately He can meet us in ours. Praying for heart-healing and renewed joy as you step into a new season.
God shows up when we can’t. He frees us from guilt, shame, and torment and the lie that we can “save” anyone. He picks up the burden, bears the weight, and brings us rest and peace . . . right smack in the middle of suffering.
I am sitting here crying over this. What a relief! Thank you so much for ministering to my heart. Other parents of adult children may understand trying to no interfere but worrying so much about them. I felt like this whole article was a reminder to leave them to the Lord and He will guide their paths.
Thank you and waving my wet tissue at you. Bless you!!!!
As a mom of young adult kids, I feel your pain! The choice to process our fears in God’s presence, to rise with trust in our hearts, and then let go and allow God to direct their future, takes faith and reliance on God’s Spirit and promises. It’s the “letting go” part that has the pokiest edges for me… Praise Jesus, His help and sustaining power is only a prayer away! Thanks for your honest sharing. Damp tissue waved right back at ya, friend!
This will be my first Mother’s Day without my mom. She died November 4th. Even now, weeks away, it makes me cry to think about. I wish our relationship was as wonderful as yours was Bethany. It could have been so much more. But I continue to be grateful for what we did have and choose to be a better mom to my own girls.
Sally, I’m so sorry about your mom. No matter what our relationship with our moms looked like moms occupy a unique place in our heart and life. Growing up, my relationship with my mom was very rocky, so I’m especially grateful that it was positive as an adult. I love that you’re funneling your energy into cultivating a strong relationship with your kids. I’ll be praying for you this Mother’s Day.
That was beautiful.I miss Her So Much…..Your DadYour Mom added so Much fun and laughter to My World and Others….Love Them Both Dearly!!! I Will See Them Again Soon
They left a big hole in our lives, I know. And praise Jesus, we WILL see them again soon. I’m sure looking forward to that heavenly reunion!
Oh Bethany – thank you for sharing your heart story about you and your Mom. I so relate having lived a distance from my Mom as well. And what a God we have who shows up at exact times we desperately need to see Him – and not just in ancient times by a river for exiles, also for us today. Your words spoke God’s hope to my heart today. Thank you. Peg
I’m so glad the Lord encouraged you. I’m grateful our great, transcendent God knows your heart need and mine, and moves to meet it so faithfully. Losing a mom is tough, no matter the age or circumstances.
What a sweet passage in Ez. showing the loving, compassionate hand of our Lord. Thanks for sharing your insights along with the memories of your mom… and how you remember her now. Only the Lord could do that for you. Because of His grace, Barb
Thanks, Barb! Yes, “Only the Lord could do that for you” is precisely where I was going with this story. I knew all the truths about God’s faithful care and had experienced many of them–I believed them to be true. But it wasnt until He personally met me with such an “eye-contact” reassuring promise that I could finally find deep rest after all that had happened to her.
I needed to read this! A difficult situation with a family member has been troubling me, and I thought I needed to fix it in someway. I’ve prayed and asked God’s help and guidance repeatedly! I finally realized it IS in His hands! I can’t fix it, and I don’t need to. I know I can trust God’s love in every issue we face.
The peace God provides when we choose–again and again–to give our anxiety and worry and fear to HIm about our lives and situations always makes me wonder why I struggled so long. But God is a gentle, loving, and compassionate Father who never loses patience with us as we flail around. I’m so grateful! Thanks for sharing.