I wake up from a solid eight hours and I feel like a wreck. Again, shadows of once full-color dreams linger at the corners of my mind. I can no longer make out the precise shapes but I know they were jagged, intense, chaotic, oppressive.
In my middle-of-the-night turmoil, I fluttered awake just enough to realize that I was covered in sweat — again. The nape of my neck wet, perspiration dripping between my breasts. Was this because of the dreams? Am I starting perimenopause? Is my anxiety medication not working?
I spy a sliver of dusty blue sky out the window. The world is rising and I’m wrestling. I know hope awaits me away from this mattress but I’m so exhausted that I just keep laying here. Keep checking the white numbers on my phone as they slowly change digit by digit. Soon my three boys will be asking for breakfast.
I eventually wrench myself out from my cozy covers, shuffle to the kitchen, turn on the kettle, go to the bathroom, and flinch at my reflection. When did I start looking so haggard?
The couch welcomes me and my favorite cup of lemon tea. I open my Bible at the ribbon bookmark and start reading. Slowly I exhale. I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath. This is so nice. So peaceful. Why didn’t I get up sooner? It’s my daily refrain.
I hear the creak of my son’s bunk bed as I read, “Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from him” (Psalm 62:5).
My twelve-year-old thunder stomps down the hallway. He’s still learning how to control his man-sized feet.
I read the verse again like I’m coaching my own soul. Rest in God alone. Your hope comes from Him.
It’s hard to feel at rest when you’re tangled up by invisible strings.
Elias now joins me under my gray fuzzy blanket and rests his wild bedhead on my shoulder. I keep reading.
“Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts before him.
God is our refuge.”
Psalm 62:8
Trust in Him. I do trust God. But the Spirit gently pricks my heart and asks, Yes, but what else are you trusting? The list comes quickly: My determination. Someone else’s ability to change. Hope that we can turn things around. Just a little more sleep. A little more self-control. Enough boxes checked off.
Trust in Him at all times. All times. Not when I’m healthy and my kids obey and I keep all the balls in the air and I like my hair. God invites me – us, yes He implores us — to trust Him at all times. When sleep eludes or exhausts us. When people let us down or break us open. When that dream keeps getting one step further out of reach or there’s no friend to catch your tears or money in the bank. This is when we get to trust God.
Elias is asking if I’ll put frozen waffles in the toaster for him. I tell him he can do that himself but when they pop I’ll put the peanut butter and syrup on the way he likes it.
Pour out your hearts before Him. Could this be the answer to my tangled soul? The way to rest? I ask the question but I already know the answer because I’ve lived it again and again. God works in our hearts when we take our worked-up soul and bear it all before Him. He knows it all anyway. But there is something sacred and sanctifying in the intentional unraveling of every knot and jumble. It’s where God’s compassionate hands meet us and take over the real work.
Noah does his teenage shuffle out to the living room and plops down on the other couch. I know I better get up, start the coffee, and wake up Jude. But not before I read this:
“God has spoken once; I have heard this twice:
strength belongs to God, and faithful love belongs to you, Lord.”
Psalm 62:11-12
I push myself up off the couch, weak and weary. And it’s okay. Strength belongs to God. He will carry me today in His faithful, loving arms – not minding my dried sweat. I can already feel my soul starting to rest. Can you feel it too?
Becky shares more real stories and hope-filled Scriptures for anxious and weary souls over on Instagram. Follow her at @beckykeife.
I’ve hit one of those tough spots when I know I need to wait and listen instead of doing it my way.
Kimmie, I’m sorry you’re in a tough spot. Praying for you today.
Abba Father please be with Kimmie right now. You alone know the details & what she needs. Guide & direct her steps. Give her a discerning mind to know your will for this situation. Give her your peace & comfort as she awaits your perfect timing.
Blessings 🙂
I am in constant need of these reminders to trust in God, listen and rest. Even as I read, my mind keeps straying to that “to do” list, the “I want” list. Even as I pray my mind wanders. I find it so hard to focus but I am trying. Thank you.
I get where you’re coming from, Madeline. I’m so grateful God is patient and tender toward us.
Like Kimmie, I’ve hit one of those tough spots that I want to just be over. Thanks for reminding me that God sees and knows where I am and is walking this season with me.
Yes, D. He walks with us! I’m relying on that truth today too.
Thank you! Great timing. I need this. X
I’m so glad, Jane! God is so kind to give us the words we need, right when we need them.
I’m so prone to give God options of how He can fix an issue. His choice but I’ve thought through several options. Things are so much more peaceful when I simply share my vulnerabilities & leave the planning to Him. Be still & know that I AM God is the horse before the cart that I like to reverse. Praise Him I’m becoming less in that bend but I am a slow learner. Thanks for your post this AM, Becky! Blessings!
Oh, Ruth, I relate to this so much. God, here are your options. Choose well. NO! Lord, help us to joyfully wait and submit to and receive WHATEVER it is that YOU have for us today!
Thank you! I’m on a new exhausting journey of shadows and unknowns. Saying goodbye to my Dad, caring for my 50 year old Downs brother, wondering what my 93 year old Mom will choose when she is alone….. Prayers of loved ones and God’s promises are carrying me hourly as earthly life seeks to overwhelm. Needed your reminder of WHO gives me strength
Lynne, that is so much to carry. Praise God you don’t carry it alone. He is with you today, sister. Always.
Yes…I CAN.. feel it too! Thank you Becky. Thank you !!! I needed this soooo much today. Thank you for putting how I was feeling into words and perspective as a human and as God sees me, loves me, knows me…
“He knows it all anyway. But there is something sacred and sanctifying in the intentional unraveling of every knot and jumble. It’s where God’s compassionate hands meet us and take over the real work”
Have a blessed Friday sisters \0/
So grateful this resonated with you, Janet.
Becky, I feel like you were speaking directly to me today! I’m going through a period of unrest. Sleepless night after sleepless night. I’m so exhausted. I’m weary, waiting. Just last night I wrote in my journal that I feel like I’m holding my breath, waiting to exhale. Trusting that God is working this out. Then I have this internal dialogue… am I really trusting God? Have I really laid this down at the Father’s feet? I continue to pray about it and believe it’s all going to work out. Is that trust? It’s a struggle. I told God I’m going to keep praying about it until He tells me not to.
Angela, I so feel you. Every word too. Yes, it is trust! I keep praying that Scripture, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” He meets us in both.
Becky, your word images seem so real. I had 3 girls, instead of boys. Now I’m A 70 year old grandma, but I can easily conjure up those busy days. May your day be showered with many blessings!
I love that, Irene!
This is such a beautiful reminder that we have a Savior who takes the reins and guides us through everything we are experiencing. I needed this so much today – thank you so much, Becky!
Thank you, Gail. So glad you’re here with us.
Becky I find my soul over loaded. I feel I have to do it. If I don’t do. No one else will do it for my Dad. All I get from my sister’s is we work during the day. We family to see too. Your doing nothing else. But they could do a bit more for their Dad to. Their kids are big they are not babies any more. They can do more for themselves. My sister’s do a we bit. But I do most of it. I not complaining. But if I asked them to do something for rest because I do my 6 days a week. Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy helping my Dad doing my Dad’s house walking his dog as he not able as any more. But at times I do get tired. I just wish they even do little things if I not about. Like if they see washing hanging out to dry check it out it away for to be ironed. Most times it left for me to do the next day. If I was there they put out washing I automatically check it and if dry put it away for ironing. But I just say nothing as no point. Then I hear Jesus say Dawn don’t let let annoyed you they didn’t do it. I see they didn’t think of you. You remember your doing it on to me plus your Dad. You get your reward in Glory one day. If not in this earth. I have taken that on board from Jesus. So it doesn’t annoyed me anymore. When I get annoyed over anything I am learning to take it to Jesus. Not let it annoy me. Say I doing for the Love of the Lord and the Love of of my Dad. Love today’s reading. In my prayers all incourage xx Love Dawn Ferguson-Little
I am SO tired of living with years of anxiety and depression. I am weary and worn. I know God wants us to bring Him the jumbled mess of knots we can’t undo on our own. I’ve laid many a mess before Him. Thank you for the reminder that strength belongs to God — not me. I try to do so much under my own power when what I really need is to tap into His unlimited source of power. Why to I have to keep learning this lesson over and over again? Thank you for sharing honestly and from a vulnerable place — know you are not alone.
During this season of battling the flu and pneumonia.. this speaks to me. Thank you Becky.
I’ve found it so hard to get up everyday. It’s like my body and mind just can’t manage to conquer the day. When I finally rise up and get my coffee, I know I am slowly getting there. I often get distracted by my lists, alerts, notifications and etc. I want to spend it with God. But the weight of the world is on my shoulders. And my mind is racing. I need to remember to go to God in prayer. And this verse psalm 62:8 was the main one over a week ago at an event. And here is another reminder to seek and trust Him! Thank you for your message. Such great encouragement
This hit home “what else are you trusting?” I tend to trust or pray about superficial answers to my needs. God has been talking to me about that & getting my attention. Right now awaiting a new job that involves less walking & more clerical skills. I hear God saying wait. I will do for you in my timing. All my worked up worries & trials I lay on Him. I will sit & wait patiently on Him.
Blessings 🙂
This is just wonderful. Thank you, Becky.
This is beautiful Becky. Thanks for sharing