About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. We are so fortunate that Dorina’s elementary teacher encouraged her gift of writing! I always know that every Saturday, I am going to be blessed and challenged through her Glorygram.
    Peggie Morgan

  2. The question you posed….wow! When you take a bit to think about that! Thank you for sharing this article.

  3. Interesting question- maybe it would mean no anxiety or depression; maybe it would be not worrying about EVERYTHING!!!
    Thank you for this.

  4. Dorina my last Salvation Army officer. Said to me one day Dawn never forget you are Daughter of the King of Kings who die for you. That meant so much to me. She went on to say that King is Jesus. Who is your Heavenly Father. How good that is to know. Love your message today. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all incourage in my prayers.

  5. Only God! Dorina, I’m blessed each time I hear your story. Grateful to see God’s picture of adoption — His unending love and grace — on display in your family.

  6. I am so sorry for the great loss that you and your daughters had to endure. But, so thankful for this wonderful happy ending that God blessed you with in Shawn. I am looking so forward to all of God’s “chosens” having our wonderful happy ending, too! Being in Heaven for all eternity with Him!
    Blessings to all of you!!