I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 17:6 (NIV)
We are one week into the new year. One week into getting back into the groove of post-Christmas life. Perhaps one week of setting goals and making plans. Or maybe one week of wishing you could burry your head, ignore all the could’s or should’s, and just go back to bed. However you’re feeling on this eighth day of 2023, one thing we can agree is worthy of our attention is prayer.
Prayer is the invitation to an ongoing conversation with God. It’s how we get to know His heart and how we share ours with Him. Prayer helps turn our hearts from fixating on our own concerns to focusing on the goodness of God’s character. From wallowing to worshipping. Prayer is the opportunity to let our petitions lead us to praise. Because no matter the circumstances we face, Jesus, indeed, is worthy of our gratitude and praise.
So let’s take time to pause in prayer together. Share your heart in the comments and take a moment to pray for the woman who comments before you. What a beautiful gift that God promises to hear our prayers — and that as sisters in Christ, we can tenderly bear witness to those prayers as well.
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Your messages help to keep me grounded in faith. God bless you for sharing and encouraging me with the faith filled messages. God bless you!
Prayer can open our minds and hearts. God’s blessings are a gift, that keeps on giving. Sometimes we just have to open our hearts and let God in.
The last two years have been a huge health challenge. It’s brought me to my knees. Childhood trauma,and abandonment issues made me question God mòst of my adult life. I’m slowly coming back to God. I want to, however, I have symptoms of MS. I can’t walk on my own, I use a walker now. It’s just too much to deal with. I ask, what did I do to deserve this? I can use your prayers. Thank you.
Lord I lift up to you Rita! Meet her needs according to your glorious riches which means your abundant supply of all that we need. It’s no accident the struggles she is facing are the things I will be working on with many people as I am about to start my counseling internship tomorrow. Let her feel your presence thru this day. Amen!
Father, I come to you today for Rita. She has huge health challenges including symptoms of MS. Please send your healing touch to her body, mind & soul. Shower her with peace & contentment. Guide her steps back to you precious Lord. Make your presence known to her & bless her with your great love. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Blessings 🙂
Prayers and comfort for you. God Loves You.
We need to find a church we feel connected to people. Our church went through leadership change and we landed on the wrong side. We’re not treated badly but we don’t have the connection to the people that we had before. We need God’s guidance….what do we do next?
I prayed for you Kimmie.
Father guide Kimmie & family to the church you want them to attend. Show them a place where they can have connection & community. Be with them in the midst of these times & keep them safe from evil one. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Please pray for me as I am about to embark on my counseling internship tomorrow. I am nervous and excited as I step into what I know God is calling me to do.
I prayed for you Michelle.
Go before Michelle and prepare the way for her journey into couselling. Help her to stop and listen before she speaks and give her your wisdom.
pray for wisdom and understanding and be led by Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit knows it all. Every detail of a persons life. He is willing to help us if we ask Him. ask that person what Holy Spirit is leading them to do in that situation.
ask that person what is the last thing Holy Spirit told them to do and go do it.
Jesus be with Michelle tomorrow as she begins her counseling internship. Keep her level headed & assist her to do the best she can. Guide her steps to the right job afterwards. AMEN
Lifting up prayers of strength, courage and bravery to take the next right step in your day, week, month year by asking for God’s guidance.
Please pray for my sister-in-law’s mom. She is elderly, sick and very depressed. My brother and sister-in-law need wisdom and strength and her mom needs a mighty touch from God, in her body, mind and spirit! Thank you.
Prayers for you, your SIL and her mom. Depression is quite the demon that likes to sneak in any tiny crevice it can. In Jesus name I rebuke satan to flee from her life and thoughts.
Abba Father-Oh sweet Jesus please give strength & a discerning mind to assist sister-in-law’s mom. Send your healing touch the mom. Shower the mom with your love, peace & contentment. Take away the depression. Bring some joy into their lives. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
We removed my dad from life support Friday. He is still hanging on. He gave us confirmation on Thursday that He is saved! We have been waiting on this for over 40 years!
Oh sweet sister. Such a bittersweet place you find yourself in. Praising God your dad is saved. Prayers for strength as you endure this trial. May you sense God’s love & peace surrounding you.
I have bipolar 1 disorder with rapid cycling. I’m on medication but I’m experiencing a bout of depression and anxiety that’s lasted for the last 2 weeks or so. I’m finding it hard to function. I pray everyday and know that God is with me, that He hears me, listens to me and is ready to help me. I just need some encouragement to get through each day until I once again stabilize.
In all the world, there is only one you – you have a laugh, a smile, a heart that no one else can duplicate or replace. Your life is a wonderful reason to thank God – which I am doing right now.
Job 10:8 God formed you with His hands. You are God’s special treasure. You are chosen for greatness.
It’s Vel-Velta to the ears of my heart.
Thank you for being part of God’s treasure too.
Stay bless
Hi Ann. Oupss sorry for my comment on a comment of your post. I didn’t saw it was an answer directed to you first.
I feel sorry you go through all of this. It is a difficult moment. You are so brave. Congrats for reaching out and sharing your vulnerability.
I pray the love and light of our Lord surround you with peace and joy. That you may feel calm aliveness.
I pray you might be surrounded by divine and Godly led people who can encourage you to continue to grow, one step at a time.
Maybe you could listen to this :
Prayer for complete recovery from Covid for the third time. Renewed strength, breathing, and my mental. I desire to read the Word more.
I strongly recommend The Bible Recap reading plan and their recap podcast to follow through.
You can do it Arnesia 🙂
Covid is leaving your body now, the eighth day of the year.
Stay Bless in Jesus
Jesus be with Michelle tomorrow as she begins her counseling internship. Keep her level headed & assist her to do the best she can. Guide her steps to the right job afterwards. AMEN
Lord, I know your hand is holding the hand of each person who has submitted their prayer requests here. You are a good and faithful God who will meet their needs and see them through. Whatever your plans are for each of them, your Spirit is breathing your love and peace upon them. Amen,
So it is for you too, Maura. Thank you for your prayer ✨❤️
Dear lovingly Holy Being! Thank you for the gift of life. Praises be given to you forever for the loving-kindness you give, gave and will give to everyone.
Holy Father I pray for rest in 2023. I pray that all my sisters above and below may feel in their inner being all the love and care you lavish on us.
I pray for those who mourn. Let them be reassured in your presence.
I pray for miracles where it is needed and wanted.
I pray for your Kingdom to come, may it take roots in my life and grow forever.
Father I especially thank you for your perfect son.
I pray that many more encounter him this year and decide to follow the path he challenges us to take.
I pray for eternal impact of this epic story.
Bless all “The Chosen” team for following this mission.
Thank you for being so wonderful and so reachable.
I love you forever
Eternity will almost be enough 😉
Thank you for your beautiful prayer Kim. I lift you up in prayer my sweet sister in Christ, that God would lead you and direct your paths this year. That you would be filled with His spirit afresh and that you would be bold and courageous to share your hope in Christ to a world in need of a Savior.
Thank you too precious sister, Esther, for your prayer.
Amen to that!
I pray for a lot more communions too 😉
In Courage,
My hubby could use a less stressful job outside of hospitals. Even though I know God gave me this job, I don’t like it. It doesn’t use any of my skills. Will continue to work it while looking for something more up my alley. Fully trusting God to put me where He wants me.
God please send financial blessings to those needing it & give them a discerning heart to know how to handle those finances.
Jesus send your healing touch to everyone who needs it.
Father be with all who are mourning the loss of a loved one or pet. Comfort them with your peace.
Help us all to bring people to you. Help us to walk daily in a Christ like manner that leads people to question why & allows us to tell them about you.
Blessings 🙂
I pray that all believe God has us where we are suppose to be regardless of how it makes us feel. To trust God with all our hearts, souls and mind. Truly, trust Him. It takes time for some so be patient in your journey with God. I’m a new ‘daily’ reader of the Bible. I never thought I could read/understand the Word but I do! God provides and is my source of all things.
God bless!
I pray my very shy introverted daughter has a fun and happy winter quarter during this second year of college. She’s struggled to make friends and feel she belongs. I know to trust in God that He’s placed her exactly where she should be today. I pray for all students starting new classes this month and that God provide them with strength, confidence and energy to thrive.
In Jesus name Amen.
Praying for your daughter and you, Margarita. God brought Psalm 139 to my mind. I think it will be a blessing for you and your daughter to read it, either together or separately 🙂 God created your daughter wonderfully and He will bless her with the right friends, who appreciate her, at the right time ❤️ God bless you ❤️
Thank You God for being with us always and hearing and answering every prayer in Your perfect timing. Fill us with Your perfect peace. In Jesus’ Name, amen ❤️
God bless you. Praying, thanking God for the strong woman He has made you.
Prayers of healing and true lasting repentance for my broken family as my dad passed away on Monday, the pain is consuming.
My prayers are with you and your family….I pray that you find peace and comfort in the midst of your loss…it will take time but it will get easier… take it one day at a time and be easy on yourself.
Andrea, I’m praying for peace and comfort in the days and weeks ahead. I’m sorry to read about the loss of your father. Losing a parent can leave one feeling lost and untethered. I pray you find strength in loved ones and friends and in your Father in heaven. Amen
I pray for all things broken in 2022 to be restored in 2023. I give thanks that what was meant for harm is being made good! Thank you God for planting me in a better situation where I can grow. Help me to walk in obedience this year, trusting that you have a plan, even when I don’t see it. Help me to let go of people and places that are no longer for me and to grow relationships and opportunities that will bear fruit. Amen
I had decided one time not to make a resolution, because like most I know, will say -with me- I broke my resolution!! I’ve been introduced to a ‘Word’ to be my word for the new year! My word is LESS. Less of this, more Bible study. Less-en my voice! I talk to loud. Less wasting time! Less eating. Of course, if you take away, you have to add, so my word is Less/More! The more will be God, Jesus, my savior & H.S.
Today I pray for my Aunt who is having her hip replaced in the next week. She is very strong willed and I worry she will overdo it. So I am asking that you help her rest when she needs to, and to keep her safe while she’s having the procedure done. Also keep an eye on my uncle. Keep him out of trouble, while my Aunt is healing.
Laura I will say prayer for you Aunts hip replacement surgery to go well. I had to have an operation 5 year ago past in October last year for a hysterectomy. I don’t know we’re I got this saying. It help me though the operation. I didn’t worry at all about it. The saying was “Don’t Worry about tomorrow God is already there” So I went into the operation with no worries and not scared at all. I knew by that saying I was not to worry about the operation the next day as God was already there to make it go smoothly. God did. You share that saying with your Aunt. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little
Prayers for my financial security, success with my bookkeeping endeavor, and finding a new apartment. I also wish for prayers for my mom and brother. He’s been dealing with health issues for over two years and Mom’s been there for him. She’s almost 80 (!) and in good health. Prayers that she continues to stay healthy. Thanks!
Pray is so important. Our Lord Jesus took time out to pray rest and be about his father’s business. We are to do the same. God is our Heavenly Father he wants in Children to talk him in prayer. Know he hears their prayers. Plus pray if need help. Know that he understands what we are going through at times he there to help us cope through them. Know his loving arms are round us. He if we ask if we are going through something take it to him in prayer. Through his Holy Spirit in his time help us deal with it. God loves us to talk to him in prayer and pray for others too. As he is interceding for us in prayer his children because he loves us. How amazing is that. I say Amen to that. Thank you incourage for to reading on prayer. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
People have been praying for a wonderful lady who was suffering with cancer and losing her battle. We had a big prayer vigil for this lady and so many across the globe were praying. We lost this lady last Sunday, New Year’s Day. A sister who’d been praying for healing is now mad at God for taking her from us instead of healing her. Trying to find the right words to share with this sister who is still angry, is hard. I told her that my God, who knew me from the beginning and knows my end…could be trusted. She said “if God knows us from beginning to end, then WHY should we pray for Him to intervene on someone’s life…if he loves us why does he not answer our prayers for healing?” I’ve struggled with her negativity and don’t know how to answer her. She said she wasn’t going to pray for awhile cause she’s just “too mad at God”..how can I help her?
Prayer is so helpful. I am not consistent in my prayer life. I need pray daily why don’t I
Hi Vickie – Try not to be hard on yourself or feel like you have to be perfect, care for yourself the way you’d care for a dear friend. Remember, God knows your heart and prayer doesn’t have to be formal, talk to Him when you wake up in the morning or when you go to bed or when you are washing the dishes, talking a walk, or driving in the car. I just prayed for you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
I’ve had MS for a little over a year and I’d be very grateful if anyone would pray that I don’t have any new lesions this year or any flare-ups. I also broke my foot a few months ago and am praying that it heals completely and correctly (the bone was 90% healed a month ago!) and that there are no additional health issues for me this year!
Kimberly- I pray now that you will have no new lesions or flares in 2023.
Praying also for the healing of your foot and no additional health problems for you.
Prayers for strength in 2023.
Sometimes when I go through hardships or overwhelmed , I push God aside which shouldn’t be. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and my thoughts go wild , my sleep gets terrible and I worry that God isn’t there or make me better. I pray my faith is strong and I don’t waver in God . I want to live life one day at a time trusting God
Dear Father, surround Lola that she might walk confidently in Your presence. Guard her heart & mind that as the bi-polar symptoms tempt her to doubt she be embolden to rehearse Your truths and that they may be manifested tangibly to her. Give her medical team insight & wisdom to treat her exactly so that her disease is manageable. Show her patterns to clue her in when adjustments need to be made and an urgency to not ignore those patterns to seek help asap. This disease can be a challenge but it can also be a beacon of Your control over everything & draw not only Lola but those around her watching closer to You. Be magnified in this diagnosis. Give quality sleep & calm thinking as only You can. In Your Almighty name, Jesus, the Great Physician not only of our bodies but our souls! Amen!
Prayer is an opportunity to build a relationship with our Creator and to mature into the life we were designed to have — there is forgiveness and redemption, love and contentment, peace and joy.
Know Jesus, God’s Son, is life’s greatest gift and treasure! John 3:16.
Lord God, Our Father in Heaven, we come before You to praise You and thank You. I ask that You bless all the women who need Your help in many different ways. Please help them/us to grow in our trust that You work out all challenging circumstances to the good of those who love You. I have seen You do this in my life with my frail elderly mother (who passed last year) and an extremely difficult work situation, according to Your good timing. I thank You that we can all come to Your throne of grace to find mercy when we need Your help. I ask that You will continue to go before us all this year, especially those who are asking for your help, and show each one that You love her and are with her always, no matter what. In the name of Your Beloved Son Jesus and His atoning sacrifice and through the Holy Spirit, I pray this. Amen
Just finished in early December, 40 Days of Prayer. Here’s a little gem: God always answers but His answers can be No, Slow, Grow, or Go.
Bless the Lord. He is worthy to be praise. He is a mighty God. Lets continue to pray for each other also for the nation our family. God is real and great. No one like him. Glory to God in the hightest.