While 2022 held a good deal of sky-reaching highs, it had its lows too. One of those lows was an onslaught of personal discouragement that followed me from 2021. This wasn’t present in every area of my life, certainly, but it was certainly present. One area I felt it most acutely was in my professional work, specifically a change in some relationships that I first talked about here. In spite of praying and reaching out and putting all kinds of effort into widening my circle, I hadn’t experienced the success of connection I’d hoped for on that front. This loneliness in my work-life stayed consistently in my circumference, like a biting, too-cold wind from the north that constantly made me cross my arms to ward off its chill.
Add to this my internal critic reminding me daily of my shortcomings and mistakes, likely contributing to the problems at hand, and well . . . my heart found itself weighing ten pounds rather than ten ounces like the anatomy books report.
For years, I’ve prayed incessantly for a change to my situation. Unless the Lord brought me some fresh vision and camaraderie, doing what I’ve been called to do felt impossible. Then, at the tail-end of 2022, something did change. In my prayers, my heart warmed from a message I didn’t hear audibly but still sensed in the realest of ways. That message, from the Lord, was, I see you, I hear you, and I want you to believe that I have much good in store for you still in this area of your life.
While this was always true regardless of my feelings, something shifted and lightened within me. After inhaling those hopeful words, my heart and soul let out a long exhale as I really believed the message. Even my pants fit better than they did before.
What’s vitally important to know is that as of today, in 2023, my circumstances haven’t changed one whit. With no clear answers or resolution to the problem at hand, the external picture of my situation ain’t too pretty. But internally, this fresh hope shifted the winds from the frigid north to the more springtime south, blanketing my discouragement and unbelief that things will ever get better.
Perhaps a good question to answer is simply, how? How did my hope shift when my circumstances remained the same?
In his gorgeous book, Gentle & Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers, author Dane Ortlund discusses something that I believe sheds light on the subject.
In 1 Corinthians 2:12, Scripture says, “Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.”
About this passage, Dr. Ortlund explains, “To grasp the role of the Holy Spirit, according to this text, we must bear in mind that the Greek word underlying understood (oida) should not be restricted to merely intellectual apprehension. This verb simply means ‘to know,’ and as is generally the case with the Bible’s language of epistemology, knowing here is something holistic — not less than intellectual apprehension …it is experiential knowing.”
The Holy Spirit infuses Scripture into us in a way that gives color to our lives so that what we know becomes what we actually experience on a very personal level. And in this case, my spirit of discouragement is no match for the Holy Spirit who kindly helps me see and know that God can be trusted again and again and even here too.
While I can name for you what hasn’t changed — my daily struggle — I can also name what has changed. I have a richer, deeper dependence on God as I’ve considered “opening the vents of my heart” (to use a phrase of Dr. Ortlund’s) to more fully receive God’s kindness and truths by the power of the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean I’ll never face discouragement again. I’m certain I will. But this is one way my faith reserves are building and growing so I’m able to recall the ways God has kept His promises for me in the past. When future discouragement leans in, I’m able to lean into Jesus Christ, who is God with us, all the more as I trust Him all the more.
After all, Jesus knows what it’s like to be us and understands every bit of what we’re going through.
If you’re carrying around a good deal of discouragement in one or more areas of your own life, take heart. A turnaround could be right around the corner — either in circumstances or, like me, in your perspective of your circumstances. It is my abundant prayer that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you know that the Lord sees you and He hears you today. Don’t doubt for a millisecond that He doesn’t have great things in mind for your future too. He loves you wildly.
In the meantime, you and I can keep ourselves in the Word, letting it be the compass that guides our hearts and keeps them headed in the right direction. We can process our discouragement with safe loved ones. We can name good things God gives us today: a bang-up sunrise, chickadees bopping around the bird feeder, a sweet or funny message from a child.
Through the Holy Spirit, we can know that God’s reserves of mercy and comfort stretch higher and deeper and further than any season of discouragement.
Thanks be to the good Lord above.
Kirsten so true what you wrote today. God sees and hears all we go through good or bad. Yet he still loves us. He love us to take it all to him in prayer. Tell him our problems no matter how daft or silly we may feel they are to us. He loves us to talk to us in prayer. Through his Holy Spirit he will answer us in his own time. He might not answer us right away. To see how strong our faith is in him to believe he will answer us. As he will. We might not like the answers he give us but when we get them. Days or months from now when we digest them. We we see God answers were the best. But it what we do with them. Do we do what God tell us as what God tell us is the right way to go. Or do we go our own way. Then regret going it if we mess up. Say why did I not go God’s way and do what God told me through his Holy Spirit. I done it my way not listed to God ended up regretting it. So now I do it God’s way that he tell me. It has worked out best for me. As God wouldn’t tell me a way that way not best as he love me and wants me to go the right way. I say Amen to. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers incourage. Xx
Thank you so much for sharing here, Dawn! xo
What a solid word of encouragement so many will relate to and benefit from (raises hand). The Holy Spirit is a powerful gift, and to hear your testimony of its work in your life is a bonus.
Robin! Love seeing you around the watering hole here! Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for all the ways your OWN words have encouraged me through the years. Love you so.
Kristen, a turnaround in my perspective is exactly what I need. I have been struggling and have come to the conclusion I cannot change my circumstances. But I can change my perspective and my reactions. I need constant reminders that I need to stop and listen. But more importantly for me, I need to recognize what the Holy Spirit is telling me. I have a hard time hearing and understanding.
Praying that your turnaround arrives soon, Madeline, and that you and I both are able to hear and decipher the Holy Spirit’s words and wisdom. Sending you lots of love.
Words of encouragement I so needed to hear today!!
I’m so glad, Joanne. xo
Kristen, thank you for the reminder that my heart has something to hold on to during this difficult season.
You’re so welcome, Cheyla. xo
Thank you for these words of encouragement!! It’s the exact reminder that I needed; to not allow my current circumstances that seem so impossible to control how I feel. It’s the Holy Spirit within me that I need to surrender to. It’s the Lord I can trust in all things, and He alone will give me strength to endure! Your message of (in) couragement has blessed me!
And *your* message of encouragement has blessed me mightily. Thank you so much! Here’s to us both not allowing our current circumstances to control our feelings. xo
Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Yours is my current season and it’s been hard to “hear” the Holy Spirit. This devotional was a reminder, as a pastor I know once said, to open my third ear and listen closely. Jesus is speaking. My fears, angst, and disappointment drown out Her voice. But She sends servants like you and I my ears were opened. After the tears, came a hush, a peace, and strength for the day. My circumstances are no different, but my perspective is.
Proverbs 3:5-8 (NRS) came to me
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
8 It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body.
Praying God’s continued healing and refreshment for you.
Yours in Christ,
Thank you so much for your generous prayer, Michelle, and I’m praying right now for you to be able to hear the Holy Spirit’s words and wisdom during your own difficult season. Thank you, too, for the Proverbs 3 verses! Beautiful reminders!
Me too! Need to change my perspective to overcome the discouragement that has settled over me. Thank you for this encouragement.
Thank you for your encouragement here, Gail. xo
Thank you, thank you . . . obedience in a long direction has engendered discouragement for me in a season of yet-unanswered prayers. I will borrow your (and Ortlund’s) words and pray He will open the vents of my heart!
I find that borrowing Ortlund’s words are always a good move! So glad they’re of help here too, Susan. Much love.
Hi Kristen,
Thanks for the lovely, positive post today!
Praying for blessings in your career.
Shalom, Sandy
Thank you, dear Sandy! So grateful for your presence here and for your kind words! xo
Oh, how I can relate to this! 2022 started out with a bang for me. I was in new position at work full-time benefitted. Around August things changed. My job suddenly changed drastically. I wasn’t happy. I felt like I had gone backwards in my job from when I started 3 years ago. Add to that I made two mistakes & caused myself some pain. Come December I was feeling super low. Thanks to my wonderful husband that God sent me I feel encouraged. I believe God is doing a work in me. There have been several sermons that resonate with me. Now you post this: I see you, I hear you, and I want you to believe that I have much good in store for you still in this area of your life. God is up to something. I just have to be patient & wait on His timing.
Blessings 🙂