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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Dawn Ferguson-Little says

    Mary I’d like to say this about her. She was God choose to have the king of the world. Who was born in humbal stable. God chose that his son would be born in humbal stable. Even though God son went on to king of the world. So as to teach us that you don’t need any were fancy to born. That he was coming down to the level to show the world we can be born any where. You don’t need any where fancy. As if God had wanted he could have choose somewhere fancy for the king of world to be born. Mary must have been so proud to choosen to mother of the king of the world. We can read the story of Mary being choosen and wondering how can this be when I am virgin. Joseph did not want to marry her because he didn’t want to disgrace Mary. He wanted to do the right thing. God told Joseph to take Mary as his wife. As the baby she is carrying is convinced by the Holy Spirit. Joseph did as Lord told him and took Mary to be his wife. They traveled to home of Bethlehem for the baby who became king of world called Jesus to be born. When we read all about in our Bibles it one of the most lovely stories. It is so lovely we bring it to life this time of year. As God gave us the best gift/present of all that was his son Jesus coming into the world to show us that are saved how to live as he want us too. No better gift/present could we give people than tell them about Jesus. Especially if not saved. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  2. says

    An interesting diversion from the Word of God, but let the Word speak for itself, there is enough reinterpretation and augmenting of scripture as it is. Let the pure word of the Lord from the inspired word of God bring light and illumination to all people’s hearts

    • says

      Hillary, we’ve been traveling through an advent series from a book written by Sherri Gragg who uses historical and cultural research to bring Bible stories to life. You’re absolutely right this this kind of story is not a replacement for Scripture! But I’m grateful for the way writers like Sherri can use their gifts to help us consider different aspects of the biblical narrative.

  3. Dierdre says

    I’m super confused by this story. I thought it was going to say, “ Psych, this is not really how it happened…” but it just ended. Where did this version come from? It’s not in the Bible.

    • says

      Hi Deirdre,

      Sorry this was confusing for you. Based on the author’s historical and cultural research, she’s offering an alternative view to the way the story of Christ’s birth has classically been interpreted. I’m grateful that regardless of the specific details, we can all meditate on the truth that God chose to deliver His Son to humanity through the most miraculous and humble means!

  4. Irene says

    This is definitely not the story I grew up with. I think I’ll stick with the version I’ve read in the Bible. It’s not important maybe, but it’s what feels real to me. No disrespect meant for this author.

    • says

      Hi Irene,

      Thanks for being here at (in)courage. Based on the author’s historical and cultural research, she’s offering an alternative view to the way the story of Christ’s birth has classically been interpreted. I’m grateful that regardless of the specific details, we can all meditate on the truth that God chose to deliver His Son to humanity through the most miraculous and humble means!

  5. Carolyn says

    I agree with the comments already written.
    Please, let us stick to God’s version of His Son’s birth. The Truth of God’s Word.
    Thank you!

    • says

      Carolyn, I appreciate your comment. We’ve been traveling through an advent series from a book written by Sherri Gragg who uses historical and cultural research to bring Bible stories to life. This this kind of storytelling is certainly not a replacement for Scripture, but I’m grateful for the way writers like Sherri can use their gifts to help us consider different aspects of the biblical narrative.

  6. Renee says

    The Word clearly states Mary laid Jesus in a manger (feeding trough). I highly doubt they kept feeding troughs in the house. The Word is sacred and this post is offensive to those who cherish it.

    • says

      Renee, I once heard a Christmas sermon about the typical family home structure in 1st Century Judea. The preacher described a large open area in the center of the home where an overflow of travelers would be welcomed in and even animals might stay on especially cold nights. Hearing this floored me too and definitely challenged the classically told version of Christ’s birth story. However the details of that miraculous night played out, I’m forever grateful for the gift of Jesus and the seasonal call to remember the humble miracle of His birth.

  7. Beth Williams says


    Interesting interpretation. The NIV states that there was no guest room available. Sure they may have been with family, but no room inside. So she laid Jesus in a manger or feeding trough. I never even thought that Joseph would have seen his family & tried to stay with them. Great story.

    Blessings 🙂

  8. Row says

    I love this narrative. It brings it alive. Unlike some of the posts, I don’t think it detracts from the traditional view. Thank you, Sherri, for painting such a beautiful picture of a key moment in history.

  9. Christine says

    This story, while beautifully told, inflects a great deal of poetic or literary license. I can see a lot of the comments are revealing a lot of push-back. I feel that a statement in the beginning stating that this story was told from an alternate perspective from the writer would have allowed for the reader to be more objective. I have enjoyed the excerpts from Sherri’s book and look forward to reading the next one. Sherri has the ability to transport the reader to another time in place which is a great gift.