My first pregnancy was hard. I was nauseated and vomiting almost the entire time. I prayed that if God ever wanted me to go through this again, at least my delivery would have to be easy. And it was! Delivering my daughter was such a beautiful and peaceful experience — thanks to the epidural and the angel of a nurse I had coaching me through the process.
As the time got closer to delivery, I was really nervous. I was told that they were going to take the baby from the womb and place her immediately onto my chest. It may seem silly, but I faint at the sight of blood, and I am sort of a germaphobe. So the idea of having this baby covered in all sorts of fluids flung onto my chest was not how I had imagined this precious moment. I wanted it to be perfect, like in the movies where the babies are cleaned off and photo ready. Would my own baby gross me out so much that I would ruin this magical moment? I was thinking of all of this as I pushed my little girl out. They placed her on my chest, blood and all, but I didn’t even notice. We made eye contact. She reached her little arm up and placed her hand on my neck as if she was giving me a hug. I began to cry; she was already crying! It was magical and perfect.
Even though she was covered in a lot of mess, she was perfect. She was mine to hold. The one for whom I had been waiting nine long months and loved more than I knew I could love.
I always wondered about Mary, how she must have felt the moment she first held Jesus. I wonder if she was looking at all the cows and thinking, this is not the way I imagined this moment. But she was the one chosen to hold Him. She was the one who would birth the Perfect One who came to make His home among the messy and broken.
As Mary held that little baby covered in blood and all, knowing He is the Son of God, she must have cried so many tears of joy. He was the one that they had waited for, the Messiah. The angels sang and the shepherds worshipped. It was indeed the perfect moment.
In Luke 2, Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord as required by the Law of Moses. There they met a man named Simeon who confirmed that this child was indeed the one through whom the world would see God.
Maybe Mary needed that reminder — after all, Jesus was still a human baby who probably kept her up all night and needed his cloth diaper changed often. Teenage Mary was probably breathing a sigh of relief as she was reminded that her work of mothering is hard but it is holy.
Then Simeon looks at Mary and says “…a sword will pierce your very soul” (Luke 2:35). As he reminded her of Jesus’ purpose, he reminded Mary it won’t be easy for her; in fact, it will hurt her to the core.
So, the million-dollar question, Mary, did you know? Yes, she did. God loved her enough to reveal that her son didn’t come to stay in the world, but to save the world.
Unlike that starry night, with angels singing and cattle mooing, the day Simeon’s prophecy came true was dreary and somber. On the hill of Calvary, Mary held her son, covered in blood, pressed up against her chest. Indeed her soul was pierced. She would cry, but heaven would be silent. She had waited along with all her people for the Messiah that Isaiah had prophesied over 700 years before. And as much as it hurt, Mary knew indeed He was the perfect lamb who would take away the sin of the world.
It is easy to get caught up in all of our Christmas traditions and creating magical moments for our family, that we forget that Jesus was actually born to die. Christmas is more than a birthday celebration; it is the crux of the Gospel message: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Christmas is remembering that God reached down to dirt to create man, but man rejected Him. Then God came down in flesh into a cradle in the dirt to restore man back to Himself. He didn’t just lie in a crib, He wore a crown of thorns and died a criminal’s death. Christmas was Love Himself reaching out for you and me and that’s what makes it a moment of celebration. So even as you remember the manger, remember the cross.
Mary DID know. I love that. Thank you 🙂
Merry Christmas 🙂
Beautiful! Thank you
You are so welcome! Thanks for reading !
Powerful message. I’ve sent it to many family and friends. Thank you. May God bless you and your family.
That means so much. Hope you have a beautiful and joyful Christmas.
I will be printing this beautiful piece of writing and then tucking the paper into my Bible.
Aww what a beautiful compliment ! So glad these words blessed you!
Beautiful reminder of the greatest love given to us, Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Thank you Simi.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. ✝️❤
Merry Christmas!!
Dear Simi John, your words of truth and mystery broke my heart and I wept. I wept for Mary knowing that her sweet baby was hers for awhile but he belonged to the God that created him. I wept for all the aborted babies that deserved to be loved instead were rejected and killed. I wept for all the childless mothers that have so much love to share. I wept for all the ones who have rejected the love of the Father through the Son. So as we rejoice at the holy birth of the Savior of the world, let us not forget that as you so rightly pointed out, that His death and resurrection is soon to be mourned and celebrated. I remember the book The Grestest Story Ever Told and to this very day I weep for those who do not know the one who was born in a manger and crucified on a cross and then resurrected as prophesied. The greatest gift we can give is to tell the story of the Christ.
As I was explaining to my 5 year old great grandson why we celebrate Christmas, I told him it’s Jesus’ birthday. He very solemnly looked at me and asked “then why did they kill him?”
Like Mary, let us ponder those words in our hearts and share the truth with those who don’t know.
He didn’t come to stay in the world but to save the world- so we celebrate with hope!
Simi thank you for this reading. I never had kids. As not brave enough to give birth. But I was as Registered Childminder for 19 years. I do love kids. All the kids I looked after in my car knew they were loved and special in their own way. Plus I used to play on TV Psalty the singing song book to them. To get the gospel into them in a nice way. As most came from families not saved. I still pray for them today and there families. Plus some of the kids I looked after from babies have now their own kids. I love my sisters kids my Niece’s as Nephew’s as my own. My sisters know that. I amire women who have kids. My sisters say the pain worth it. You are to are brave. Now you look at your kids. You say no matter what you went through during being pregnant and the not liking blood after your Daughter was born. You I bet would do it all again to have her. I just not that brave. But we look at Mary how brave she was to have the King of the world who went on to die for our sins at Calvary. How amazing was that. She says to Lord how can this be me a virgin. But God says to her. The Holy Spirit will come along you you will be with child. Mary said let me as you have said. How amazing was that. You went through the 9months you Simi if you look at now. Like Mary you be glad you went through it. Like my sister’s. As they not change anything. Mary didn’t either she was glad to be chosen to have the king of the world JESUS. Amazing. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Amen! You forget the pain when you hold that precious baby…
This post brings to mind my favorite Christmas song: “It’s about the Cross” by Go Fish. Here is the chorus: It’s about the cross
It’s about my sin It’s about how Jesus came to be born once So that we could be born again It’s about the stone
That was rolled away So that you and I could have real life someday It’s about the cross. Makes you think just why Jesus came to this Earth. Another song I love is “Leaving Heaven” by Matthew West. Snippet of Chorus: So if you ever wonder how much you’re worth You should know That you’re the reason why I’m leaving Heaven.
Christmas is about Jesus leaving the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth to save our souls.
Have a blessed Christmas.
Blessings 🙂
Love it! Thanks for sharing !
This is so good, so real. Thank you for sharing not only your experience but how it relates to the Word!
Thank YOU for reading and commenting! Merry Christmas !!