About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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  1. Rachel, what you wrote was amazing. The cracks, the hole- it hit home for me for sure. Knowing that Jesus is standing there ready to mend me- I reminding.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful, needed devotional that points me to my Healer and says that Jesus is more than able to heal and restore me, and each of us that need healing and restoration! Praise God!!!

  3. Thank you for this beautiful, needed devotional that points me to my Healer and says that Jesus is more than able to heal and restore me, and each of us that need healing and restoration! PraiseThank God!!!

  4. Rachel, I love this! Everyday I am more aware of my brokenness and how I am in need of repair that only the Master Builder can accomplish. Plus having lived in and fixed up an old house I relate very well to the analogies. Thanks for these words that have touched my heart this morning.

    • Me too, Susan. I am ever aware of my brokenness and my neediness…and I am so thankful that God is gentle and patient with us…as well as faithful. So thankful for this analogies to remind me (us) of what is true…

  5. I could relate to phrases like “hiding the fearful thought that you’ll one day crumble” and also “from the strain of another’s situation” and “self-imposed pressure” and definitely the heartbreaking phrase “the relationship that fractured”
    And yet I cling to the Lord as my “maker”, “mender”, and “strength”

  6. Beautiful and lasting analogies. Thank you for putting them into visual and heart- felt images and words. This is a keeper of faith and living our lives day by day .

  7. At first, as I was reading, I didn’t know where you were headed. I’m concrete, not abstract!
    And then, it became crystal clear and ever so poignant. I love (how you saw) how Jesus sees the cracks that we think will kill us but He ever so gently puts his finger on the tiny little hole in our hearts where the life drains out.
    What a call to trust the Creator of all and the Keeper of our hearts.
    Thank you Rachel. ♥️

    • Cathy, thank you for sticking with and this analogy. I hope the imagery stays with you and carries over into the new year. I’m so thankful for the way He puts His finger on the tiny little holes in our hearts. Oh, how we need that…and Him. Grace to you, this season!

  8. You are so insightful and precious, Rachel. I thank God for you and (in)courage because you share your insights and Godly wisdom in parables born of the Living Spirit of God. Praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!!

  9. Thank you for your encouragement! I am in the longest season of my long life of depression, fear and anxiety. It seems like it will never end. I look to the Lord for the deliverance and healing that He has for me! And am asking for your prayers as well as I pray for others ❤️!

    • He is with you, He sees you, and those cracks are not too big for Him to touch, heal, and work through. I’m in a long season, too. Believing and trusting Him with you, Donna. Grace to you.

  10. This brought tears to my eyes. There is so much pressure to be perfect when in reality, it is those cracks that make us who we are and who we are to become. Thank you for your courage and beautiful words.

  11. At first, as I was reading, I didn’t know where you were headed. I’m concrete, not abstract!
    And then, it became crystal clear and ever so poignant. I love (how you saw) how Jesus sees the cracks that we think will kill us but He ever so gently puts his finger on the tiny little hole in our hearts where the life drains out.
    What a call to trust the Creator of all and the Keeper of our hearts.
    Thank you Rachel. ♥️

  12. Rachael,

    Thank you for such poetic symbolism. I, too, enjoy watching home renovation shows. We humans need restoration also. We have cracks, & even holes in our hearts. Everyone must learn to believe, trust, look to & lean on Jesus our maker & mender. This reminds me of the song “Have Thine Own Way Lord”. Chorus: Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will, While I am waiting, yielded and still.

    Blessings 🙂

    • I am so thankful He is the potter…smoothing and trimming and shaping our hearts, our love to be like His. Something so arresting about that word—yielding. Lord, may it be so in and through our lives. Amen.