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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Encouragement for those trying to live the faith surrounded by a world that doesn’t. A world that doesn’t understand why you don’t just give in and step away from God’s standards in order to fit in. You are not alone. Thank you. I needed this so badly. Even our counselor doesn’t understand. Thank you sisters for showing me I’m not alone

  2. Such powerful words. I appreciate that you are willing to share your story. It gives me a lot to think about.

  3. Thank you for your beautiful words and beautiful reminder that we don’t have to be “all that” to others or the world just “all that” to God.
    He simply desires our presence.

  4. Insightful wisdom here, K. J. Most of us can relate to pursuing a dream, only to discover that God’s purpose in it wasn’t the dream itself, but the life-lessons learned during the pursuit or after (as in your case). Sometimes guilt crowds in–a reaction to the failure because we fear we’ve missed God’s perfect plan. (Otherwise, why did the dream fail?) But I believe it’s true: “Sometimes nothing succeeds like failure” (Tommy Lasorda). The important lessons God prepared for you are proof of that.

  5. My heart cried as I read your devotional article. I know it was real hard back then when you had to make that choice. But as you said, you “needed disappointment to break open the husk of the seed of your truer, stronger self.” I can very well relate. God helped you “choose having a good life over being seen as good enough”. I did that decision, too. And it made me become truly happy and joyful deep, deep within me. All glory to God. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  6. Thank you KJ!! Such a beautiful and truthful, honest account of what we all probably deal with in the course of our lives… It is spot on for the struggle I’ve been in as well. Your article helped me to accurately see where the primary struggle is. I will also share this with my 19 year old daughter who has been going through the same thing for many years… It is obvious that God has gifted you with insight and the ability to clearly communicate your experience to help others. Keep up the good work KJ !!!

  7. KJ,

    Society tells us that we must keep doing, achieving, striving. That in turn will earn God’s love & affection. Just the opposite is true. We don’t have to do anything or perform for Jesus. He wants us to spend time with Him. Prayer, devotion & worship are the best things we can do. He loves us so much that He sent His only son Jesus to die a horrible death so we can be with Him in eternity. Don’t worry about the death of a dream. Quit striving, doing & wearing yourself out. Simply spend time with Jesus each day/week & He will shower you with love, grace & mercy.

    Blessings 🙂