Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. Indeed, the hairs of your head are all counted. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:6-7 (CSB)
Dear Sister,
Yes, you in the corner cubicle who feels invisible,
Yes, you rocking the colicky baby for endless hours,
Yes, you who are a widow or empty nester, wondering if your heart and home will ever be full again,
YOU are not forgotten.
When friends leave you out, when you get passed over for the promotion, when you’re sitting in the oncology ward, when the world says you are expendable — listen to what God says about you. God says you are not forgotten. God says you are worthy of care and attention. God says just like He holds the sparrows and knows each one, how much more does He know you and cherish you and call you loved.
Don’t be afraid. God sees you, sister. And He is near.
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You know that is so true. No matter what we go through in life. Our Heavenly Father loves us. Too much too let us go. No matter what people say about you or what seens to be going wrong in your life. Or what ever your going through. Like the song “What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and greifs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer” How true that song is. We not forgotten by the one who even knew us before we were born. As it says in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 ” Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified to you” Now instant that so good to know. God knew you before you were born. He formed you in your mother’s womb. What an amazing God we have. The Father Love Letter also tells us how much our Heavenly Father Loves us. All you do is type in the words in YouTube “The Father’s Love Letter” just listen to it. It will tell you just how special you are to God. So you remember your not forgotten. You are a Daughter of the King of Kings. I often have to tell myself this at times too. I now and then listen to the song on YouTube “What at Friend We have in Jesus” and the “Fathers Love letter” all on YouTube. Especially if I feel forgotten and everything going wrong in my life and things have happened. I know I not forgotten by listing things like I just said. Reading that verse in Jeremiah 1 verse 5. Thank you incourage for this post. I hope what I wrote helps someone reading it. As only for my Salvation Army Officer. Telling me this and showing me this. Telling me to listen to all this when every thing seems to go wrong etc. I do and it helps me. Makes me know I have Heavenly Father who cares and loves me. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little
Amen. He sees me… authentically.
That line about being a widow and wondering if my home will ever be filled again was right on the spot for me. Both my children live in different states, neither has any children and it doesn’t seem like they ever will. And i have moved to a new community. But, I am able to drive to my old church and see my church family at least while the weather cooperates as I am in Maine. But am meeting new neighbors and once settled, that is, boxes are opened and things sorted, I look forward to filling the void with them. And yes, I need to remember regardless, I am not alone.
Amen! Thank you for these were of Encouragement today, because I needed this reminder, that am” Not Forgotten” even though, am going through some tough times right now..
In Courage,
I make sure my patients’ families know they are not alone in ICU. They have an advocate in me. I will see to it that they get the help they need. Often times I listen to them as they tell their stories. I have let some cry on my shoulder. God sees us all no matter where we are or what we are doing.
Blessings 🙂