About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. Thank you for this Karina. As hard as vulnerability is, it is the place of deep healing and blessings. May we strive to “ let down our guard” and to be real with God and other Christian friends.

  2. Thank you for sharing your words and perspective. My situation and lifestyle is very similar to yours, this resonates well. Being honest, I do not know that anyone fully knows me. This year, I have been stepping forward and scaling back as needed to share my full self, not parts of myself…sometimes. 🙂

  3. Wow, this is so appropriate as I turn 41 tomorrow and I am deeply grieving the loss of some things this year. I am trying to pray & ask God for them to return if that is His will. One of those includes a dear friend. Yes, I have had someone tell me recently that vulnerability is hard for me and I know they are right. Thank you for sharing this.

    • You’re so welcome Heidi! Thank you for sharing! Praying for the Lord to heal your heart, mend every broken place and restore anything the enemy had stolen.

  4. This message was so beautiful and really makes you think. Thank you for this experience.

  5. Thanks,
    Even if i don’t know you personally (it can’t be possible living here in France and you in USA) but i have been blessed through a lot of your messages here and in your personal blog. Be bless

  6. Just like Scripture talks about seeking God to give us a “heart of flesh, for a heart of stone”. I think we need to seek a Heart of Vulnerability, to replace our Heart of Pride. Thank you for your wise words today!

  7. Karina,

    Most people crave real connections with others. For me it takes time. Time to get to know you & let myself be real. Taking off the masks of pretending. After many years at my church I have some super close friendships. Those that I treasure & want to see often. My biggest problem is knowing when & with whom to be vulnerable. Not everyone is going to like me & I’m alright with that. Learning to just be myself & let people decide if they want to know me on a deeper level.

    Blessings 🙂

  8. Karina,
    Thanks so much for writing about vulnerability. Your powerful message opened my eyes to my very core with a renewed focus of. trusting in walking in my true self.
