About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Thanks for sharing this! I’ve struggled with this for years, but God redeemed a negative experience I had at an old church and used it for good at my current church. We’ve created a human value system of sorts, where we rank importance of a serving role and the people in the role and their worthiness. Thanks for speaking truth and grace into this and bringing it to light! May your words help change hearts and minds and better the kingdom.

  2. Such wise insight! I recently had a grandmother share what her visiting grandkids had learned in my Sunday school class over a year ago. I was amazed at the energy that gave me to continue my mostly unseen service in the children’s area. Inspired me to also be more intentional with others & their “thankless” task doing. God’s choice of us makes us each a rock star!

  3. Simi,

    What you’ve described here so well is something I detest (people respecting some at the expense of others)…and have been guilty of at times. I think this is one reason we’re called to “pray without ceasing.” If we’re in constant communication with the Spirit, he can gently convict us when we fall into the temptation of pedestalizing leaders. Thank you for sharing this to serve as a Spirit-led reminder to love well and always <3.

  4. Your message, Simi, really opened my eyes and convicted me to be more aware and intentional towards those serving in the background. Thank you for sharing that wisdom.

  5. So well said! Thank you.
    Seeing with this perspective- could change not only the Church, but the world.

  6. Sometimes some of the attraction towards people with the microphone is that we’ve heard some of their story – enough, maybe, to say “me, too!” – whereas we know zilch about a stranger behind a coffee table (at least, until we start asking questions). And sometimes we’re repelled by people with a microphone, again because we’ve heard enough out of their mouth to be confident they are *not* our jam (albeit often for wildly inadequate reasons).

    But yeah: our worth is in God, and other peoples’ worth is also in God, and serving God faithfully is serving God faithfully whether the service is visible or invisible, “big” or “small” (at least in theory; God is still working on rooting out work-is-worth Protestant Work Ethic early training; so I’m stuck, sick, and not able to put much of anything solid into the collective soup pot). And “microphone or no microphone” would also be on that list of things that do not change our value.

    Unrelated to the point of the devotional, though: In days of yore before I got stuck-in-bed sick, when I hosted events as an introvert, sometimes the socially-aware extroverts would ask for assignments – what they could help with – and sometimes they helped set up or brought foods like many other people… and other times I’d assign them to talk with people on the edges near the beginning of the party and introduce them to other people. (A few times, we had one or two people who really prefer watching parties to being *in* them, and in that case I got them out of the way while the extroverts were successfully mixing the rest of the room up.) I don’t know if “extrovert-powered mixing agent” might be a solution for lonely church conferences in the future or not… 🙂

  7. We are the Body, and He is the head. We need to give ourselves encouragement sometimes. Instead of believing that we are invisible, we need to tell ourselves that the Body of Christ is not complete without us.

  8. Simi,

    This post is spot on. I work in a large hospital ICU unit as a clerical. Most people only think about clinical people in a hospital. Literally it takes everyone working together to get the job done. I make it a point to thank EVS (housekeeping), Dietary (food service), Central Supply (supply stockers). Sure they are doing their job, but it is nice to receive encouragement now & then. It makes you want to do a better job.

    At my small church we make it a point to thank everyone for their service. I feel my job is to encourage everyone & not to idolize anyone.

    Blessings 🙂