We always thank God for all of you, making mention of you constantly in our prayers. We recall, in the presence of our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 (CSB)
We are so grateful for you.
You, drowning in diapers. You, confined to your bed. You, working two jobs. You, waiting for a miracle.
We thank God for you! Wherever today finds you, know that you matter to God, to His kingdom, and to all of us here at (in)courage. Your faith, love, and hope are a gift to your Father and to your sisters. Thank you for being you and for being here.
How can we pray for you?
At (in)courage, one of our greatest privileges is turning to God together in prayer. Let’s hold space for our own concerns and space for one another. Leave a prayer request in the comments and then pray for the person who commented before you.
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One of the greatest gifts tied to Christ’s death on the cross is the tearing of the curtain to the Holy of holies giving us free access to The Father. It is an honor & privilege that I/we get to speak to God at any time from any where. Being asked to pray for someone/something is an opportunity for me to talk to God. Wow wow wow! Praying for the continued success of (In)courage! May you continue to glorify God & build up your readers to be courageous in our walks to bring Him more glory!
Thank you, Ruth. We’re grateful for your encouragement and prayers!
Praying God’s blessings over you & your family. May He guide your steps & shower you all with His love, grace & mercy. AMEN!
I made a huge mistake and acted out of being bothered, non submission to my husband and God, and irritated with what was happening being it was uncomfortable for me. Now, this one mistake could cost my family in great way and have financial and emotional impact. Please pray that God gives the decision makers grace and mercy to see our hearts and not my mistake.
Praying for reconciliation in Jesus name
I will pray that God’s mercy and Grace will reach the hearts of the decision makers who will determine the outcome of your actions. That they may have the same forgiving heart towards you that God has for them. I will also pray for you that the next time your feeling uncomfortable about a situation that you remember to “be still and know that he is God” to be slow to anger and not to react but pray for patience for God to lead you on how to handle the situation.
Marilyn, I pray that our Father fills your heart with His peace and comfort as you navigate the coming days. I pray for His wisdom with those making decisions that affect your life. May His love fill your heart and may His comfort assure you of your complete acceptance in His eyes regardless of anything that you may have done.
I pray for a financial miracle, to help fix up my home and property, to help my grown children and grandchildren financially and we always remember the to those of us that God has given much, much is expected. I will help others in need who are less fortunate than myself.
Thanks, todat I just went back to the curch I had to leave 11 years ago.. I don’t fit in anymore, don’t know where to go to be honest… I need connections but don’t know how…
Please pray I will find a place where I can belong…
Hanneke- I am praying that the God who sees you and loves you exactly as you are will make His comforting presence and love even more known and that He will guide you in wisdom and discernment as you find your place. I hope you remember that even when it’s hard to find belonging with people you are always loved and belong with God
Sweet sister. You already belong. Sometimes it takes us to take the first step. Gods word says if you want friends you must show yourself first to be friendly. It’s hard to do I know but sometimes we are surprised by the reaction of others. They may have the same feelings you do and can be just as hesitant due to prior experiences. But there is no battle won that Christ doesn’t go before us showing us where to go and what to do. Nothing ventured nothing gained
Dear Hanneke, I know exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling. My husband and I had to leave our church also after serving faithfully there for 25+years as it had become more and more controlling and condemning each year. We also haven’t found a new church home yet. Quite frankly I am afraid to trust preachers and church people again, but I know that I can trust the Lord to lead us to the place where we fit in and belong. I am not looking for perfection, but just to be loved and accepted. I am praying for that for you and for us. May the Lord lead and guide us to the place He wants us to be. God bless you and keep you and restore to you all that you have lost.
In Courage,
I volunteer with a Food Bank (Loaves & Fishes). They need to get their own building. Now they use the kitchen & large pantry in the church that runs it. They also need funds to keep running. The economy is making it hard to continue feeding people, around 200+, each night for 4 nights a week. Plus they give out food boxes from items given them by USDA. We keep getting more & more people all the time. We pray for our clients. We had a yard sale yesterday (8/13) to help raise more funds. There is a great need in Carter County TN. Thanks.
Praying for everyone here. May God give each of you a discerning heart to know His will for your lives. May He bless you all financially, spiritually & mentally & healthfully. Asking Him to answer ALL your prayers in His perfect timing.
Blessings 🙂
Dear Father, thank you for Beth and for Loaves and Fishes and the beautiful work they do for Your Kingdom. I pray that you will come provide abundantly and above all expectation for their ministry and may so many people be touched and provided for, by You, through them. Amen
Lifting Loaves and Fishes up to our Lord. Asking that He will supply all their needs and the needs of their clients. Thanking Him for what they do and for you, Beth, and your servant’s heart.
Beth this message comes all the way from Northern Ireland to you with love. I pray for food banks and all the people who work in them. For God to richly bless you all and the work you do helping people in need. Those that can afford to pay their bills and put food on their tables will give to food banks. I also pray that people will appreciate the food food banks give them to help them. Plus with children. Be thankful for the work of food bank. I will pray for you that all resources come in for you and your food bank to keep running plus get a new building to do this work you all do to feed families and people in need. I love the name you have on your food bank loves and fish. Like the story of Jesus when he fed the people and kids on five loaves and two fish he made it stretch to feed all the people there that day. I know he will do the same for you. Gald to pray for your food bank as well as all the others in our world. Cause they do an excellent work. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Divine intervention, forgiveness, healing and restoration between my daughter and my mom. My daughter has not seen or talked to my mom in almost 5 years.
Dear Father, please come bring deep forgiveness and healing in the relationship between Julie’s daughter and mom, come restore in beautiful and unexpected ways. Give Julie much wisdom and peace as she trusts and wait on You in this. May it happen soon if it is your will. Thank You for the wonderful truth that You are a God who redeems and restores. Amen
One of my best friends died in a car accident last week. He was only 30 years old. It has been a big shock and very hard to process, as all loss is. I have this true, wonderful peace that he is in heaven but I so wish I could have said goodbye. All that said, just to testify, God has met me beautifully in the grief ❤
Sorry for your loss, may God comfort you in all that you need.
Thanks so much ❤
Barbara sad to here you lost your friend only 30 way to young. But you will yes miss her and think of all the lovely things you did together plus the laughs you had together. You remember even though you have not got her on earth any more. You will see her again one day when your time up on earth up with Jesus you have that to look forward too. Then you both will be together for ever and not apart. I will say a prayer for you and her family. May you all know and the family the Shepherd Jesus is close to you today and in the days that lie ahead. Big big hugs to you and the family. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx ❤️
Thank you very much for your beautiful encouragement ❤
My work situation has changed in a way that will decrease my paycheck by a couple hundred dollars at least. God has never let us down in the past and I know He won’t now, but I’m struggling with apprehension, if not fear. I need wisdom to know when to look for another job and when to hang tight and wait to see if things will revert at some point.
Also, my husband has chronic health problems he is struggling with currently. I am sad to have to go to church alone…
Praying that God will fill you with wisdom and courage to face the unknown in your career. I pray that He will guide your path and make His perfect will known to you. I pray for your husband to feel better and that God may provide comfort and companionship at church during this time until he is well again.
Please pray for John and I and our relationship. We need to learn to communicate better and to understand and meet each other’s needs during this season. Please pray that God would help us see each other through His eyes and see the purpose beyond this issue that He will use for His good and glory.
Father God, please hear the hearts of Stacy and John. Allow them to communicate better with you so that they can communicate better with each other. Open their eyes to see each other as you see them, remind them that a three cord strand is not easily broken. Strengthen them to hold on to you as they hold on to each other, Lord. All things work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to Your purpose, allow your purpose to be revealed at the right time. In Jesus name, Amen!
Today is college drop off day for our youngest daughter, Lakia. Please join my family in prayer that she will be safe(she is 13 hours and 28 minutes away from home), and that she will continue to be dependent on God and not turn away from Him. I also ask that you pray for my husband and I as we navigate life with her being away.
Hi Angela!
That’s so hard to be away from family, daughter or mother. I will pray for your daughter’s heart to be filled with Jesus’ love for her, I’m sure your influence in her life will be so important in her relationship with Him. And remember, home doesn’t have to be a place, but the people! I just moved across the country from my parents and some days it hurts so much, but it’s given me the opportunity to cherish fond memories of them and we laugh at them over FaceTime! It’ll be hard, but I’m praying for your family!
Hi all! I’d love prayers for a friend of mine who is seeking Jesus. Prayers for me to be a light for her. Prayers for my family through big changes. Prayers for a friend who lost a mother. Prayers for my kiddos as they return to school. Prayers for the children’s ministry at my church as they shift leaders! Thank you all!
Emily, standing with you in prayer for all those good and hard things.
At 80 I’m trying to bounce back from my 3rd bout with Covid. It’s taking longer than I’d like. Also, old Arthur…Itis has risen his ugly head. We’ve just moved and I really need the strength and endurance to get settled and be ready for visiting relatives in 3 weeks. Your prayers are coveted. God bless!
Peg –
My mother and sister are currently battling COVID as well. I pray for a swift healing to renewed health and energy!
Elizabeth the same Psalm I sent to peg I send it to you Psalm 103 v 3
Praying for your family too. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Peg Psalm 103 v 3 come to mind for you. Praying you make a good recovery. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I’m navigating the stressors of life as a single momma. Please pray that I see God’s wisdom for our financial situation and a challenging week ahead. Please pray that God will open the doors to opportunities that I need.
Elizabeth, I was raised by a single mom and my sister is a single mom. As I pray for them often, I will pray for you too. God sees you. You are not alone.
Good Morning… It is Sunday 747 am….. I was just reading the info. you sent… I Do Believe GOD IS SOVERIEGN. I Believe HE IS OMNISCIENT, OMNIPRESENT, And OMNIPOTENT… I BELIEVE HE HEARS AND ANSWERS PRAYER…. I Would Appreciate Prayer that HE would Hear and Answer My Prayers….That HE Would Do Miracles, and Bring Breakthroughs, That He Would Make Ways Where There Seem No Ways (in many different things) and That HE would Lead, Guide, and Direct…Thank You-Jana And I Pray For The Woman That Commented before me that The LORD GOD Would Hear and Answer Her Prayers and Be With Her All The Days of Her Life, and Be WIth Her Family and Friends and Bless Her and ALL of Them..-Jana
Jana, praying the Waymaker who move in mighty ways that clearly point to His goodness and power in your life!
Please, pray for my family and for my husband’s family. We are facing problems with our mothers. They are old and don’t live in the same town we live. Our brothers and sisters, who take care of them, are feeling tired and they blame us for this. We need wisdom and God’s direction.
Michele, that is so hard. Praying for God to bring clarity and healing to all family members involved.
I am asking for prayers for my husband, who had a stroke and needs healing of his right arm, hand and leg, so that he can get back his strength and endurance to do the things that he enjoys again. I am asking for prayers for the both of us, that we have more faith and trust in the Lord in this situation Amen
Praying for you and your husband – praying that God the great Healer will restore strength to the weakened limbs and determination to persevere. My mother had a stroke and spent six weeks in an in-house physical therapy center. When she arrived, she couldn’t walk or lift her left arm. She had extensive physical and occupational therapy, even swallowing therapy. She walked out of the rehab facility on her own after weeks of hard work. I pray God guides you to a similar program.
Pray for healing of my legs and arms
Prayers going up ! Know that Jesus is in the business of Miracles ! Your legs & arms will be healed. One of the pains I experience is pain in my legs & arms when I eat gluten so I feel much better when I eliminate this from my diet. Hope that this helps .. In Jesus Name, Amen. ❤️✝️
I need prayer for healing from an abusive relationship, which has caused me a great deal of financial turmoil.
Praying that you are in a safe place now, that Jesus will salve your wounds and help you get on a firm footing financially.
Please pray for me and my family to deal with grief and estate settling. We lost my mother in March and my father two weeks ago.
Praying that God will comfort you in your grief and provide help in all your necessities.
Melody, I pray God will comfort you on your journey with grief, and strengthen you and your family for the steps ahead.
Please know you are not alone and many other families are on the journey with you. We trust in the Lord’s promise of eternal life as we muddle through the paperwork.
I pray you give yourselves time to grieve. Take care of yourselves…hydrate, go for walks.
Please pray for my family, as we navigate a time of division and difficulty.
Dear God, I lift up Toni and her family to you, knowing that as they go through this difficult time you are working to heal and strengthen them. Give them your wisdom to see each other as you do, beloved and forgiven. Amen.
Prayers needed to keep a roof & food over my head until I can get a lawyer to take my case back to Court for Fraud. To get a Judge that will give me Justice. For a great Lawyer to prove in Court the injustice that was done to me through this corrupt legal system .. To expose everyone involved. To return to me what the locust had stolen; Inheritance, finances & children. In Jesus Name, Amen. ❤️⚓️✝️
Hello Toni L,
This is Brenda M. Russell. I am writing a few words and phrases to you because I truly appreciate it when others pray for me and my family.
I thank God for you Toni because He created you and me to be members of His Kingdom. Think about it, you have not seen me or spoken to me and God has given you extra love from His Heart to share with me. And He did the same in my heart to share love with you.
I petition our Heavenly Father because He is the Good, Good Father. You and I are His Beloved Daughters. I believe He wants us to be whole and complete in our day to day lives (without lack). Sure we have to be grateful for what we already have. Then we have to be willing to forgive others (even when it’s hard, He will help us) and share with them even if we think they don’t deserve it. After that, our foundation is strong for Prayers to be prayed and on the way to being answered.
Now, don’t forget we still have to practice patience while we are waiting to embrace our blessings.
Toni, I pray that your emotions are healthy, your body is strong and your heart is soft and pliable.
God bless you and your family Toni.
I love you.
Your Sister in Christ
My husband, several members and I all got Covid at church. Doing better except my throat is so sore can’t eat, drink or get pills down. Thx for prayers
Pray for complete healing for a floater that I have in my left eye, pray for my sister who has been having dizzy spells. Also, fir my friends Dave & Rosella who have Covid. They need God’s healing touch .
I am requesting prayer for discernment from the Lord regarding my current job and what next steps are.
Praying for direction for you Pam
That God would bless the work of my hands.
Prayers for all who are suffering from Covid ,asking for complete healing.
I ask for prayers for my family as we mourn the death of our oldest sister. As a family of 8 children, she was always there to guide us and the pain of her loss is heartbreaking
I also ask for prayers for my son, who is addicted to drugs. He is seeking help and attends an outpatient clinic, but it seems to be never enough. Lord, God, I know he is your child and you will watch over him.
And for my 41 year old daughter who is expecting her 6th child next month. she is a single mom and she is still working, providing for her family.
Lord, at times, I feel so overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do. But you do Lord, and I thank you for your love and your guidance from the Holy Spirit. I ask this all in Jesus ‘ name. Amen.
I’ve been out of work since March of this year due to a chronic illness. I’m still battling it, but am seeking God for wisdom about what my next step regarding work should be when I’m well enough to do it. Yesterday, I put a ‘feeler’ out there to a Christian daycare in my town that is currently hiring Teacher’s Assistants. I’ve always loved children, and my last job was being a nanny to a toddler who I still adore! This position would probably require attaining some college credits, and I have some anxiety about that. I’m praying for God’s will to be done, and for Him to give me courage if this is the path He has chosen for me. I’d also need to be well enough! Additionally, I was involved in a wonderful art ministry several years ago and am feeling led back into that. My health challenges are making it hard to do much of anything, so I need prayers to trust God for His timing and for His leading. Thank you!
Hi Kimberly. Praying for all your needs. I am a soon to be 77 year old woman and when I was 63 I made the decision to go to college for the first time. It was a challenge but one I was ready for. I had no purpose in doing so but felt I needed to do it anyway. One of the best growing experiences I’ve ever undertaken. I learned a lot and made a few friends through the process. So whatever path God has in store for you embrace it. All it takes to know which way to go is to take that first step and He will direct your path.
My husband suffered a TBI in an ATV accident in February. After 4 weeks in shock trauma his family intervened, took over his care, & kicked me out of his life. When going through marriage difficulties 6 yrs ago my husband signed papers that gave them the legal right to do so. They convinced him I didn’t want to see him (I had been at his bedside 8-10hrs every day for 4 weeks), moved him 3 hrs away, & pressured him to file for divorce. Our daughters & I need housing as we now have to sell our home. He’s an alcoholic & abusive. The divorce will be safer, but I still love him & miss him.
Oh, Michele. I’m so sorry for all your family has been and is going through. That sounds like so many layers of hurt and trauma. I’m praying now for you and your daughters, that God would provide for every need and move you into a season of healing.
Requesting prayer for healing and restoration in my husband’s body. He’s been battling non Hodgkin lymphoma since February 2022 and has been currently hospitalized since 5/17/22 (*this is day #90 in hospital). God has moved mountains to get us to today. We continue to face HUGE hurdles moving forward. GOD IS BIGGER AND GOD IS ABLE!
Father Please put your hand of healing on Dee’s Husband, and your arms of peace and comfort around Dee her husband and family in Jesus name Amen
Please pray for physcal health for mu Daughter in Law Andi
Pray for healing for my friend Karen, who is currently ravaged by ALS. She is very weak, unable to speak clearly, and having difficulty eating. She loves God, and would love to see her children walking with God.
I ask for prayer for my granddaughter, Hensley. She is autistic and at 4 1/2 yrs., is not potty trained and does not know how to use eating utensils. Please pray for guidance for her family and therapists.
I ask for prayers for peace in this shattered time. Lord, fill me with the grace, love, humility, empathy, and wisdom of Christ as I walk through each day bearing witness to You. Amen
Please pray for a friendship/relationship with my daughter-in-law and son. I really want a breakthrough! Thanks!
Need prayer for my family relationship to be mended healed restored reconciled a permanent place to live on very low income for the judge to make a descion on my disability case soon.for all believers now and in the future to hunger and thirst after righteous godliness holiness.In Christ precious name amen.thank you for your prayers
Dear heavenly Father, I pray for all these ladies who are in great need of You to deliver, heal and provide to them all their needs, as only You can. And dear Lord, as You know, I also have great need of You as well. I ask You to intervene in all our lives to make a way where there seems to be no way and to restore hope to us all. You oh Lord are our Hope!
Please pray for 2 of our grown children. They are both going through very difficult marriage breakups. Our hearts are breaking because of this and the 4 grandchildren involved. Please pray for reconciliation. Thank you.
Terry, I lift up you and your children, that all will find peace in the arms of our Lord. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide them with wisdom in the discernment process.
I ask for prayers for my elderly mom that she will be able to discern the best place to live that will bring her peace and joy.
Please pray that my daughter will be released peacefully from over a decade of being bedridden, now unable to move or speak. I pray that she, in heaven, will be free to walk and run and laugh and all good things that were taken from her in this life. I pray I will have the strength, when that time comes, to stay focused on her freedom from suffering and not be consumed with a selfish desire to have her here with me.
I have a dear friend who has endured extraordinary pain for years from a botched colonoscopy. Scores of doctors, procedures, pills, and interventions later, she is no closer to relief. She prays for God to just take her, as life is nothing but sheer misery. We continue to cry out, begging Him for a miracle. But there is silence. I’m at a loss to know how to encourage her, as by now, even scripture has a stale ring to it. She is desperate beyond my ability to describe. Please join us in storming heaven. Thank you.
Christine, I’m sorry to hear how much pain your friend is enduring. Being desperate for answers and desperate for healing but not feeling God’s presence is really frustrating and discouraging (I know those two words don’t really even begin to describe it)! I will pray for your friend’s healing, that God will comfort her and that He will give you the wisdom to know how to encourage and care for her. ❤️
Thank you, Amanda.
Hi, I would love prayer for a few things… I’m only 25 and have been trying to navigate life with chronic health symptoms for 10 years that I believe are directly related to childhood trauma. Healing from this trauma and healing of my symptoms have been my prayer for years. If nothing else I just want to know how to live well in this place of pain and unknowing.
For close to a year now I have felt near to God despite reading and studying his word, listening to worship music, praying, going to church, etc. I have been seeking him out but I don’t feel him near which is very frustrating and discouraging. I would love prayers that I would feel close to him again.
I currently live at home with my parents and older siblings. Things have improved since I was younger but I know I still always feel anxious and on edge/tense and it’s not healthy for me. I have this desire to live somewhere else because I don’t believe I can heal (mentally, emotionally or physically) while in the same environment that hurt me (and keeps hurting me). I don’t have the financial means to really live on my own though so I’d love prayers for God’s direction and provision and his peace if he is asking me to stay with my family longer. Thank you ❤️
It’s difficult when we want to “feel” God, but we don’t. ( I always want to “feel” Him 🙂 )
That does not mean that He is not there! I just prayed for you! Remember that our feelings are not always accurate, but know and believe that God is close to you all the time!
My prayer for you is that you make the truth of God’s word more important to you than feelings which can be deceptive. What He says He will do, He will!!!!
He has promised thatHe has not given us a spirit of fear but one of truth and a sound mind. Claim His promises each and every morning as he has promised that His promises are brand new every day. So comforting to know that no matter how much we might fall short we get do overs every day. Whenever you feel fear creeping up just say the name of Jesus over and over until you feel safe. The Bible says at the name of Jesus, Satan will flee. You are loved dear girl.
Thanks and praise to God and prayer for His Will in my life.
I’m send prayers to you, I always struggle with that, challenging God’s will with mine.
Prayers that I find an apartment I can afford and still live in a nice area!
Jennifer, I’m praying in agreement with you about your apartment and the area you will live in.
Please pray that I trust what God says about me and not give into fear or the enemy’s lies.
Praying for you to believe what God says about you, Tonya. You are more than a conqueror – God loves you (Romans 8:37).
Please pray for me as I am in need of clarity, wisdom and healing.
Thank you CL. I’m praying you receive the full measure of God’s wisdom, clarity and healing. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!!
Could you please pray for my sister’s, Vicki, hearing to be instantly and totally healed.
Pray for my job situation, a lot of change and uncertainty. For my manager who has has lost her Mum, that her heart will be stirred to think a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Dear Father—Lifting up DF’s prayer requests to you. Please be with each individual and meet their needs.
Please pray for Godly wisdom as my husband and I parent our teenager with anxiety.
Dear Father, please be with Caz and her husband and give them wisdom as they raise a teen.
I have been praying for a financial miracle for a year. Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.
Please pray for my daughter who wants a godly husband. For my two sons that they seek the Lord and that the Lord provide for them. For a miracle for my husband that needs to get back his job and only a miracle from the Lord can happen. That we can sell our house that the Lord send us the right buyer for our property. God bless you.
Praying for @ Annette Vasher. Please Lord she needs a financial miracle and you Lord is our provider. Please provide what she needs. You are the God of imposibles. We trust you because you are faithful. In Jesus name. Amen.
Praying for a miracle
My husband has been drinking a-little to much …causing conflict in our home
Praying for peace in my home
ABBA you know the depth of Dawn’s prayer need.
Please ABBA fill her heart with peace, fill her home with peace, and all who enter there.
Let her feel YOUR presence as she waits on YOU.
GOD’s will and protection for a 4yr old struggling with PTSD. Praying for her to feel loved, feel she belongs, and healing. Thank you.
I pray and believe for total healing for this dear child struggling with PTSD and God to do a miracle in their life.
For good news on scans to be performed this week for my husband who is undergoing treatment for cancer.
Lost my husband four years ago and just not sure where I fit it anymore. Unfortunately he left me financially devastated just surviving want to be thriving and find my joy again & be happy in whatever season I’m in.
Praying for you P Lindsey, that God would be your net and you’d not fear falling any further than his loving arms. Praying you find a place where you belong and sense God’s strong love where others can be like a family for you, and you no longer feel alone. praying God will be in your financial situation and you will see his hand at work.
Wonderful idea!
I have metastasen, cancer that spread to my bones. After a year of treatment it is in remission. My prayer is that it remains in remission or God heals me completely. I have my third child still at home with two years of college to go. My husband is chronically ill so I need to work a couple more years. I pray God gives me the strength and health to do that.
Please pray for my relationships. I feel like the enemy is attacking the relationships I hold close because I’m in God’s will. Pray for my overthinking as well.
Please pray that my unsaved children, Meghan and Daniel, will come to salvation in Christ, and in doing so, will lead their peers to salvation as well.
I sprained my ankle Saturday and the enemy attacked me with panic attacks and fears last night.
Amy, I’m so sorry about what you’ve experienced over the weekend. Father, I want to lift Amy up to you this morning and ask that you calm her fears and any anxiousness that is still in her. I also ask that you relieve her pain and heal her ankle as quickly as possible and that it won’t keep her from doing anything that she needs to do while it’s healing. I also ask that you bind Satan from her and send him far away. She needs to hear from You and only You as she receives your love and physical care. In Jesus Name, Amen
I lost my sweet husband last December to COVID pneumonia so I’m on the journey through grief. I’ve gone through GriefShare, a grief program with 13 weeks of videos and lessons and now I’m going to be serving in this ministry as a co-table leader for the next session. Please pray for God to use me in the way He desires in this ministry, which can be pretty heavy at times. My desire is to help others walk through grief and come out in a place where they can really see their new normal and have joy in it. I also have some family issues with lots of past hurts and pain. Pray for healing and reconciliation for them all. Thank you.
Please pray for a smooth transition for myself. I am starting a new job and my heart is a bit heavy with worry these days. Thanks!
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. It takes a lot of courage to seek help. It warms my heart to know you found a way to try and accept your new normal and make your way through the grief process. I pray for you to be successful in your new journey and I pray your family comes around to realize how amazing you are.
Please pray for our sons and daughters, grandchildren and great granddaughter’s salvation. May they turn from their sins and seek the Lord with all their heart. Thank you for praying. ♥
Please pray for me. I’m dealing with/going through: a very difficult breakup, a long season of “stuckness” and the health and wellness of one of my parents that has a plethora of serious health problems.
Thank you.
Prayers for you all✝️
Dear Kat,
I will pray for you these next days for peace in this broken relationship.
God delights in you, and loves you so dearly. May your heart be slowly
healed. Jesus is with you in this endeavor.
Also, for your dear parents, especially your mom at this time in her life.
God bless you.
Pray for Jill and Ryan as they goodbye to their husband and grandfather.
I lift up Jill and Ryan in this time of loss and grief. I pray the Lord comforts them as only HE can.
I pray for them in the moments no one else is there…that they can feel HIS presence and rest assured in
HIS promise of eternal life.
The Lord has been speaking clearly to me for the past year or so preparing me for using my gifts – To be bold enough to start a PODCAST focusing on finding Jesus in the word. I pray that I would be moldable clay, fully obeying and listening to His voice alone, placing my agenda and opinions on the sidelines. More of HIM, less of Me! I’d love for you wonderful folks to stand alongside me to hear clearly His voice and direction.
Prayers for you lisa! For clear direction and guidance and for complete surrender and trust in Him!
Prayer for a healed back!
I ask prayer for the recuring pain in my neck, upper back, left shoulder, and left arm.
I see my physical therapist Wednesday morning. Please pray for her wisdom and
evaluation of my situation. It has been ongoing for over a month.
Thank you, dear sisters and brothers in Christ.
Dear Kat,
I will pray for you these next days for peace in this broken relationship.
God delights in you, and loves you so dearly. May your heart be slowly
healed. Jesus is with you in this endeavor.
Also, for your dear parents, especially your mom at this time in her life.
God bless you.
Please pray for my heart towards ministry. I’m feel worn out and weary. I know that things in my personal life will be changing soon (my boyfriend and I are talking engagement) and that my job will be coming to an end (I’m on staff at my church), so I want to finish well but I’m also eager for these changes. Pray that I would rest in the Lord, trusting his timing and trust his provision to provide a new job when the time comes. I’m finding that I’m easily irritated these days with parts of my job which doesn’t benefit anyone. Pray for joy, peace, patience and grace to about as I lean in for whatever amount of time I have left.
Please Pray for our marriage and my health. I MUST lose this weight as I am killing myself.
Liz, I am praying that God will heal the fractures in your marriage, that he will soften your hearts toward each other, and that you will find connection. I am also praying that God will walk along side you in your journey toward better health.
I left an abusive marriage 13 years ago. I didn’t date for 10 years. After reading several books during Lent in 2019 and attending a friends wedding where I heard the pastor say “we are not meant to do life alone”, I decided I was ready to date again.. at age 46. I prayed for God to send me a kind man. About a year later he did! We were together just over two years. Overwhelmed by stress and anxiety from outside forces, I said some unkind things to him. The relationship ended about 7 weeks ago. I am heartbroken. I immediately apologized for my hurtful words. But the damage was done. I’m disappointment in myself for hurting someone I love very much. I am praying for his heart to soften and for reconciliation.