Do you ever hear someone talk about peace and then look at their life and think, Well yeah, it’s easy for you to be content! Look at how perfect and easy your life is! Meanwhile, peace in your own life feels crowded out by trial after trial, struggle after struggle. How can you be content when the basement floods, the baby won’t sleep through the night, the teenager won’t obey curfew, the budget’s too tight, loneliness is a constant companion, and you hurt your hip in your sleep? (Is it just me?)
It’s easy to associate peace and contentment with pleasant circumstances. Surely that’s the message our culture preaches. Just buy that new skincare product, organize your closet, put your kid in that program, throw the perfect party, read the self-help book, and earn that promotion. Ta-da! Then you will be content with your life. And yet … I don’t know anyone who has done all the things and didn’t wind up just creating another list of must-haves and must-dos.
Even if we’re not swayed by material things, we do this with spiritual matters. Just help with that ministry and attend that retreat, check off your quiet time box, make your donation, and pray before every meal. Surely those good things will lead to the peace we long for, right?
Looking for contentment by doing good things for Jesus won’t replace the peace found in Jesus.
The apostle Paul writes, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Too often Christians apply this verse to mean “I can do anything I want by the power of God.” While it’s true that God does empower His people to do a multitude of things, in the context of Philippians 4, Paul isn’t talking about things like running a marathon, starting a business, or even serving the poor. He’s talking about how to live from a posture of contentment. How to find an inner stability, serenity, and satisfaction that don’t hinge on our present situation.
Whether he had a full belly or felt hunger pangs, as a free man or in prison chains, Paul learned that peace isn’t found in the presence of abundance or the absence of hardship. Peace is the quiet strength provided by Jesus.
Paul was beaten, abandoned, and imprisoned. He battled sickness and loneliness. He begged God to remove a “thorn in the flesh,” which God refused to do. “Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT).
This is the way Paul learned to be content in every situation. This is the way we can learn to be content in every situation. Paul’s source of peace wasn’t in his own accolades but in the atoning forgiveness of Jesus. His peace wasn’t in his own efforts but in the effective grace of Jesus. Paul no longer identified himself by his pedigree and prestige because his true identity was in Jesus.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12–13 (NIV)
Paul took on a posture of contentment, which enabled him to experience the life-changing peace of Jesus. Our circumstances don’t have to be extreme for us to need God’s peace.
On a regular Tuesday when you run out of laundry detergent. On a Saturday night when you get a phone call that makes your heart sink. When you’re treated unfairly, when you get overlooked, when your security net falls through, when a door slams in your face — every moment of every day you have a choice to make. Are you going to look for happiness in what’s happening around you? Or are you going to look for strength and peace from the one who is in you?
Choose well today, friend.
by Becky Keife, author of the BRAND NEW Create in Me a Heart of Peace Bible Study
We all want peace. We crave an inner calm-meets-strength that doesn’t rattle with volatile circumstances or disappear with busyness.
What if this kind of unshakable peace actually is possible?
We think it is.
That’s why we’re full of PEACE and joy today to tell you that our newest (in)courage Bible study, Create in Me a Heart of Peace, is now available! Cue the confetti! This Bible study features the real-life, going-first kind of stories you know and love from our (in)courage writers and an in-depth Scripture study — like the excerpt you just read from study author Becky Keife.
And isn’t peace just what we all need right now? The Create in Me a Heart of Peace Bible Study is the second in our series of four studies, and it’s now available wherever books are sold, including:
- Amazon
- DaySpring
- Baker Book House
- Christianbook
- Barnes & Noble
- LifeWay
- Books-a-Million
- Target
- Walmart
- Goodreads
And what would a launch day celebration be without a giveaway?!
To celebrate the release of Create in Me a Heart of Peace, we’re giving away FIVE gift bundles!* Just leave a comment on this post telling us where you need peace in your life right now, and you’ll be entered to win a bundle that includes:
- A copy of the Create in Me a Heart of Peace Bible Study
- A CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible
- Prayers to Share for Peace – 100 Pass-Along Notes
We’re thrilled that this Bible study is able to be in your hands. Get your copy and let’s learn what God says about peace. Sign up below and we’ll send you the first week of the Create in Me a Heart of Peace for FREE so you can start right away!
Sign up for a FREE week!
Listen to today’s article below or on your favorite podcast player!
I need peace in my finances. Getting paid once a month is becoming more & more of a struggle. I try to believe Philippians 4:19, but then doubt that promise when I can’t pay utilities. It’s hard!
I am lifting you up in prayer today, Rhonda. I am so sorry for all you are going through – sending air hugs and prayers your way!
I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression for the last year. Just this year so far I have had to battle infidelity, our golden retriever suffering from seizures with no known cause, our french bulldog developing pancreatitis and being hospitalized for one week completely draining all our savings, while struggling to right the ship with both my husband and I’s vehicles keep breaking down….peace is greatly needed right now…
Abba Father your word says you won’t give us more than we can handle. Jessica is going through a lot of trials. She needs peace in the midst of them. Send your healing touch to both dogs & Jessica. Help them keep their cars running so they can work. Assist them financially, spiritually, health wise. Bring calm to their lives & take one or more thorns (trials) off their plate. In Jesus Name AMEN
Blessings 🙂
I need peace in the midst of a move that is scary. So many unknowns in the new place and I feel like I’m losing my support network.
I can only imagine how hard it must be! I have not moved away from my family and friends, but I have made changes in my life that were hard. Just remember, God is going before you and with you! Praying you find your new support community quickly and that you have peace while you make the move. Praying you will enjoy your new adventure.
I need peace in my thoughts and in my schedule. Today and always. Amen.
Amen! I feel that with you, Bomi.
Peace in my life is desired in these areas: family relationships and work activities. Praying for peace for all!
I’m so weary of living in fear – fear of my ex, fear of not being able to pay the bills…I so desperately want the blanket of peace.
I pray for you today asking God to hold you, to comfort you and give you the peace that passes all understanding!
Elizabeth, I have been where you are at . . . more than once. Cling to the Lord as if your life depends upon it (because it does!), stay in fellowship and worship the giver, healer, redeemer . . . and let your church family minister to you. Please do not let fear separate you from the holy fellowship of believers. Journal your prayers and fears and doubts, AND remind yourself that you are wonderfully and perfectly made (check out Psalms). You are a child of the King. He has you in the palm of His hand and will never leave, nor forsake you. Journal those positive, loving, uplifting, hope-filled verses. And, if possible, take a walk at least once each day to release those positive endorphins. Reflect on the beauty of God’s handiwork; remember that He is the Creator, the Great I AM. I am praying His peace will center you spiritually and emotionally, replacing fear with confidence and boldness.
What a beautiful reply, Sharon. Thank you for sharing so many helpful and vital suggestions to Elizabeth!
Praying for peace that passes all understanding in every area of your life. He will sustain you through anything and everything. Feel His blessed arms around you. Blessings and hugs to you, my friend.
Father send a huge blanket of peace to Elizabeth. Send the grace that relieves fear. Guide her steps & shower her with your love & care. Bless her financially, spiritually, mentally & physically. Mostly Lord give her a sense of calm & ease. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Peace is so needed but hard to find. As the kids return to school and we navigate a new routine, Mommy needs peace to wade through the chaos and provide love to myself, family and friends.
I pray this Bible study will encourage you, B!
I need peace in my job & at home. A lot of people look up to me.
I pray for peace in our family as we are going through many changes. Each of them will be joyous, (a Fall wedding, senior year of college, and a Spring marriage) but change brings its own unsettledness and anxiety. Please pray for the peace and joy that only mJesus can give as our family goes through changes and growth.
I need peace in my finances and in my husband and I’s relationship as we move towards empty nesters.
Shelly, I’m pausing to pray for you now. I’m so grateful that God’s peace really can reach into our lives and transform our hearts in the midst of challenging relationships and circumstances.
I need peace in many areas! This year has been a roller coaster of stressful events. I am recovering from a hysterectomy and now I feel my emotions are on a even crazier roller coaster!
I need peace with my family.
Audrey, I am praying for you today and understand exactly what you’re going through. Ours may be different circumstances, but we both need peace for and in our families. I’m asking God to send supernatural peace and reconciliation in your family. Every time I pray for my family today, I will be thinking of you and praying for you, as well!
I need peace in my decision to leave my husband. I know logically it’s the right thing to do. But spiritually I’m struggling feeling like I should stay for better or for worse. Even though I have rarely caught a glimpse of “better” in 31 years
Bernadette, I am so there with you. Every time I pray for my situation, I will pray for yours.
I need peace as I witness our country continuing to move away from God, and also for my family as we enter into these last days. Praying that God will continue to send His peace to sustain and uphold us all.
We need peace here at our Assisted Living as going under new management as of September 1 and there will be a lot of changes and. with changes there are a lot of rumors, so need God to help us sort them out.
Elaine, I’m praying now for all the residents and staff. May God use this transition to bless and draw people closer to Him.
Jesus send peace & calm to Elaine & the residents at the assisted living. Make the management transition smooth. Help keep the rumors at bay. Bless everyone working & living there. AMEN.
Blessings 🙂
I need peace in decision making concerning church ministries. I want to do what God wants, not what others desire for me to do.
I need peace in my home life. Some days I feel so lane even though I know I am not. Thank you for this study and this opportunity. Praying for peace.
I need God’s peace over broken relationships in my extended family.
We all need peace so we can be peace makers in all areas of our lives.
My peace is an ever-shifting thing, especially in a chaotic world where I feel unsettled.
I need to place my peace in the one who is in control of all things. It is a day by day battle of the mind.
I need peace in my thoughts and my actions.
My mother is moving into a nursing home, and I pray for all my children to come back to Jesus.
This devotion on peace & contentment is helpful & inspiring to me! It helps me remember the only true & lasting peace comes from Jesus & I must keep my thoughts & eyes on Him & not on my circumstances! I have been having serious health problems for over 25 years & God has drawn me closer to Him through it. Nehe 8:10 describes how God has helped me endure. “The joy of the Lord is truly my strength!” I look forward to this study & pray God will use it to bless all who read & apply it in their life! Love & prayers, SherryChatham, your grateful sister-in-Christ
I need peace in dealing with my teenage daughter who is going down a dangerous path.
There are days, I must admit, when the struggle to find peace in living my purpose, giving to others, meeting needs, is real. The inward battle to accept where I am at this present time in my Christian walk is a constant. I desire peace in the inward parts. The struggle is real.
I need peace to deal with all the uncertainties in my life
I recently told a loved one that I’m not really interested in happiness, but I’m looking for peace. These past few years have had their fair share of heaviness and loss.
I’m looking forward to this study as a tool to help me learn what true peace in Jesus can look like. So timely. Happy Launch Day!!!
I would love this study. I’m seeking the peace that surpasses
understanding. I’m often trying to keep the peace and please those around me only to come away feeling drained as though no one cares.
Peace is the small sliver I find in the quietness of the evening right before I fall into bed and pass out from the busy day. As a full time working mom of 2 kids, one who is deaf, I don’t leave my full time job and come home to rest. I come home to work more. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful each day for my babies God has given me to care for. But every mama would agree, it’s a rough season. So peace in our busy day to day lives is where I need it most. To slow down and soak it all in… and find peace in it all.
I need peace for my thoughts and future after the loss of my fiancé.
The timing for this devotional was perfect! Our family is going through so much tension and strife, and we are headed to a wedding where there should be joy and happiness. I am asking for prayers for my family and peace in the midst of struggles! Thank you all so much!
I need peace to have hope in the future.
I need peace in this unexplained anxiety I have been experiencing. I know God is with me even when I wake up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding. All I can pray is, Help me, Lord!
I have done a couple of your studies. They are wondrful!
My mother passed away last month and I need peace with handling everything that needs to be done.
I need peace in my marriage. I don’t see a way forward after the devastation but yet am stuck in the cycle of fear of moving forward, fear for the future, deep sadness and feeling less than. Whatever Jesus wants, I want. I just can’t hear Him right now.
I feel the need for peace during my workday. More often than not, it get quite chaotic enough that I wished I had the time to focus on a short meditation and prayer to give me a sense of calm. Sometimes, my anxiety can be overwhelming! After all, I know that if I don’t take care of myself, I am no good to anyone else.
I find that a bathroom break works wonders!! When I worked I used my bathroom breaks as a time to talk with God. I know it sounds crazy but it helped me get through difficult days and helped me keep my sanity.
I need peace as I navigate life as a new widow. Jesus is my best friend and guide in all things. I know Him in a newer and closer way now.
I’m halfway through Create in me a heart of hope!! I’m excited about this study too!!! I’m looking for peace and contentment in many areas.. especially with some upcoming decisions my adult children are making. Mainly a move to another state!!
I need peace in my fiance’s and his family’s lives. His mother passed away recently and it was out of no where. The most wonderful woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I know God has a plan for everything but this has been very hard to swallow. Please send prayers!
Peace at home. It’s been a long hard few years of almost constant battle.
My family and I just moved across the states for military reasons, bought a house, found a good school for my children everything that we need we have thank god. But the inner voice in me keeps telling me I need to do this and that and that I’m not enough so I often find myself struggling with Anxiety and low energy. I’m working on my priorities and spending time with the lord in the mornings so I can find peace throughout my day. I pray we can all find the strength and peace is available from god, trying to get it all done alone is not the way, we need God to guide us ♥️ And every day is a new day to have a better day.
I need peace right now as I figure out some health issues with vertigo. I have five children and it is starting to affect me caring for them. I also just joined the PTO at my kid’s school and I am praying that I may communicate God’s peace and love into this secular community and that God would give me a voice to speak into the public school community and how they are teaching my children. I know God goes before me in all things. I trust Him!
I would like this devotional so my husband and I can do it at home. We have conflicts with family members and for some reason it’s getting worse why because they have anger and using there punishment not letting us see grandchildren and also we’re seeing our family going the opposite way same sex partners . How do we love them still, we do because the Lord is love and we must show love. We need peace in all that Satan is doing to the family.
We all need to find that peace that passes all understanding, that peace which only comes from our redeemer as we place our lives and trust in Him. We live in a fallen world filled with fallen people – some of them are believers who have believed the lie that they are “not enough” or unlovable. I have a family member who has struggled for years with these issues. In fact, we spend 3 hours on the phone last night, as she wrestled with the “why’s” of being rejected by her mother, siblings and (adult) daughter. The resounding message to her was for her to turn all her heartaches over to the Lord (and not snatch them back like a security blanket!) and for her to dwell in Him, until His perfect peace fills her soul. “Be still and know that I am God.” We cannot force people to love us. And until we truly rest in the dependable, true love of Christ, His perfect peace will elude us, and we will be unable (or unwilling) to truly forgive the haters. There will be more late night telephone calls, more meltdowns, more encouraging words to lift her up, call her out when she’s over the top, more opportunities for prayerful verbal hugs.
I found such daily inspiration in Create in Me a Heart of Hope. I know I’ll equally love the new study. I have an upcoming shoulder surgery and I know I’ll need extra mental daily encouragement during that time.
Today, a gentle and much needed rain is falling. Before the chaos begins I breathe in the clean, fresh air and pray for HELP. Lord, bring peace to my 91 year old mom, struggling psychologically, physically, and financially. Peace to my twin brother, moving to assisted living due to Parkinson’s. Bring peace to my brother, with heart failure, and my sister living on the streets. Bring peace to my husband, who is caring for my mom and brother, 600 miles away, and send peace to my disabled daughter, who lives with us. Send peace to me, as I face health issues, and strength to help my family at the same time. My blessings are many and I thank you. I pray for peace for mankind amid the chaos we call life. In Jesus name.
This message, as always was right on time. I need peace more than ever as I care for my dying loved one at home with dementia, and try to remember that we are both exactly where we are supposed to be, and God will see us both through.
I need peace in helping be a caregiver for my Mom-in-love and peace for her in being the care-receiver, which is just as hard.
I need deep peace in a few different places. 🙂
I need peace about our daughter and her husband’s foster son – a 5-month old they have had since he was born. He has become a precious part of our family and they would love to adopt him. There is a court date in December when the judge could very likely make a decision about the baby’s placement. I know what we all want, but need to have peace about what God wants.
I need peace to pack up two households in preparation for a move to Idaho. Working full time leaves little time to get this done. Blessings to you.
Life is full of uncertainty right now and it is driving me a bit batty. I have to realize that none of this took the Lord by surprise.
peace in finance
The gentle reminder at the end in today’s message was perfect. Choose well friend. I’m one of Encourage’s “older” followers. I’ve been through the child rearing, working, scrimping, wishing for more time, money, patience……Now in retirement I find at times I’m still seeking Peace…..I’m looking forward to this newest Bible Study. Thank you for reaching out to all of us no matter what age with God’s words of encouragement.
I need peace in my family life. Due to some recent happenings with my sister I have been exhausted, angry, sad, discouraged and frustrated. I need peace that I know only Jesus can provide…
I need the peace of Jesus in every area of my life. I have been experiencing so much turmoil for the last several years. I am so thankful to have Jesus’ love, comfort and peace.❤️
Peace in Jesus, knowing Him and knowing He has got every moment… doesn’t feel okay right now. Life is strange and has different stresses than it’s had before. I need a deeper, unshakeable understanding that God is….IS peace. That He’s got this.
I am praying for peace today in my mental health struggles. I have suffered from PTSD since childhood and, although I have been in therapy for several years, it remains a battle daily. All praise and glory go to God, though, who called me His own only three years ago. I don’t know how I would be in my healing journey without His constant presence, love, and strength.
I need peace as my young adult children navigate life. Parenting adult children is not easy–knowing when I should say something and when I just need to shut my mouth, when to help them land gently and when to allow them to fall.
I need to find peace with the decision that my husband has decided to end are almost 25 years of marriage. Also peace with my health struggle. While dealing with all my marriage struggles the doctor has found a 3″ mass on my left ovary and I need to have a hysterectomy.
I am in the midst of reconciling with my husband after 7 years of separation. There are days that it seems like too much but God is so far! He is always good! Blessings!
Peace – something I definitely need in this time of transition. Something my mom really needs as she deals with growing old and considers moving. I think this study might be good for us to do together. Thank you. God bless.
We need peace for some health issues and just some everyday things! This sounds fantastic!
I need peace on my body, freed from pain, so I can sleep at night.
The battle for peace – something I have worked on/struggled to keep my entire adult life. Looking forward to the study!!
I need God’s peace as I navigate my new life since the death of my husband for 16 years. Finding a mental health consultant is apparently hard where I live. I just left one office where they said there was a two year wait list
Such a timely and profound posting today!! Many years ago I had a co-worker gift me with a magnet that highlighted contentment and told me that’s how she saw me. It took me aback as I had not really thought about it. But upon reflection and going back over my spiritual journey I realized the truth in her statement. I also realized that during a really rough section of my life resulted in me completely turning my life over to my Lord and Savior, my Heavenly Father, and my guide the Holy Spirit
During that experience I declared in prayer that if God never did another thing for me he had done everything by giving me my salvation through the death and resurrection of his son Jesus. I have endeavored to live by that ever since. Just knowing the peace that passéth all understanding has made the road less traveled by to be the most extraordinary journey.
I pray we can all learn to embrace the peace of Christ and to dwell in the knowledge that He is our constant companion. Bless you my sisters.
I need peace in several of my relationships right now. My extended family plus my marriage. As I get closer to the Lord and healthier emotionally, I’m breaking unhealthy patterns in my life and it is causing discord in these relationships that have been dysfunctional for so long!
I need peace in an estranged relationship with adult son. Heartbreakingly the last time we spoke on the phone was Mother’s Day 2019. The last text I had from him was October 2021. It’ll take a miracle for a restored relationship.
I’m at going to print this and give it to my 14 year old son.
I need peace. My mom passed away in December and I’m pregnant and due in 6 weeks. God is good and I need His peace to wash over me.
I need peace in several areas of my life right now with the biggest being my home life and finances. Need to move but can’t seem to get my finances in order and save what I need to in order to move. Difficult relationships and work situation have left me extremely anxious and unable to sleep most nights.
I need peace in my mind. It seems like my mind never can get enough peace.
Need peace for financial provision from the Lord during these times of high inflation and rising costs on everything. My husband and I are retired and on limited income. We both currently have Covid as well.
The Lord is Faithful and True
I need the peace our Lord and Savior can provide me with knowing that all my family will be wrapped in his arms of security, comfort and peace throughout the day, everyday.
I need peace in my “adult child” life. It seems that my sister and I have moved into the “caregiver” arena for our mother who has a debilitating and degenerative disease. Watching her suffer and knowing there is nothing we can do to help her is a horrible feeling. Also knowing that she is on the downhill slope of living a somewhat independent life is just sad. I need God’s peace beyond all understanding now more than ever.
I need peace in so many areas of my life. The two that I am struggling with most is having peace that leaving my husband was the best decision not only for myself, but my children as well. And two having peace that my finances will be okay as a single mom of 2 littles, especially with the rises costs of everything.
Needing peace with circumstances that I can’t control….
I need peace for my health issues..
I need peace in my workplace environment.
Seeking & claiming God’s offered peace in so many areas of my life today.
Celebrating 25 years being married to my Texas farmboy hubby.
Blessed to be a mom of seven and MeeMaw of two!!
Today I need the peace of Jesus in my prefrontal cortex.
Thank you so much for always sharing such timely truth and encouragement for my heart! God bless the ministry of incourage and the words of this devotional today in reaching the hearts of those in need of His Peace.
I meant to add that I need peace today as a mother. Thank you ️
I struggle to maintain my peace in the midst of all that’s going on in this nation and around the world. I try not to feed myself with all the information being thrown at us yet it’s a bit difficult to not listen to what’s going on.
I need financial peace due to a lot of medical debt. Living on one income makes getting things paid off very difficult. I need a job but can’t work outside of my home for medical reasons.
I need peace in every aspect of my life right now- my relationships, my finances, my identity, my career. This has been one of the hardest seasons I’ve ever faced. I want to give up but daily l I’m trying every day to remember God’s faithfulness and promises. I know that’s the only thing that will give me peace.
God is the only possible solution for the need for peace within ourselves and our world. There is so much hate and division within our country – how did it get this bad? Praying God will put it upon the hearts of our elected leaders to make legislation that is not self-serving and will benefit the majority of our citizens. I am only one person. I know I can not bring about change on my own. But I know the ONE who can. I pray every day for peace within myself and peace for our world. In God we trust.
We have had three deaths in our family this year. I know God has it, but I have been getting fearful of losing another family member and been fighting hard not to worry.
We need an anointing of peace because we will go on vacation and scatter our own adult child’s ashes.
I need peace when it comes to my future. Thank you for this giveaway, hoping to be able to do this study!
Trying to keep the negative speak at bay, by practicing being at peace in those moments. It’s hard to rewire, but going to keep trying.
I certainly needed to read this today. Thank you.
At the moment, I pray peace over my mother . She’s also a suicide loss widow. Life is not kind to her atm. Only the peace of Jesus can set her anguish free.
I need peace in my life right now because I’m a stay at home mom with three littles, and life is busy!
Where do I need peace? In my home, where we have a relative living with us, while trying to get back on their feet. Sometimes I just want my home back where I can just run around in pj’s!
I need peace in my mind and my health right now.
Finding peace in my everyday life has been difficult… due to my job as a nurse and taking care of a special needs adult … maintaining family relationships and connecting with my friends …: I try to find peace each moment of the day by looking at my blessings placed in front of me each day
My family, job and our future.
I SO need a heart of peace . . . His peace that surpasses all understanding so I can consistently be His light where He has placed me.
I need some peace about my job! I feel like God led me here but I’m struggling. I’m the oldest person on the team by almost 30 years and they are all so quick to pick up new things and computer stuff. I’m slower and feel like I can’t keep up sometimes. I feel scared sometimes I don’t have anything to offer. Then I’ll have a day where all the young people ask me a million questions. How should I word this email…. What would you do about this…. Lol things that come with life experience! I feel like God is showing me we all have something to give one another.
I could use peace in my relationship with my son and his wife
I need peace at work and being happy where I am called to be.
I need God’s peace as I process what seems to be an emotionally charged upcoming school year; aging parents and independent teens leave me yearning for peace.
I need peace in kindness to others. Being able to say what I need to say in a kind and loving way.
Right now I need peace in my life in how to handle all the things that are going on. My husband’s mom had surgery last week. I’m having surgery Thursday. My husband has lung cancer and his surgery is scheduled for September 19th to remove his upper left lobe. My half sister’s husband passed and the funeral was today. And my husband’s son and his family have moved in with us because they’ve fallen on hard times. Just a crazy time for us. God has us in the palm of his hand and we will get through all this hot mess ♀️
I pray for peace at home and at work.
I need peace in finances and determining what I should do as far as work is concerned.
How exciting! I would love to find peace in the second stage of life. Understanding a clear path for me.
Peace in family relationships
I need peace in my husband’s unemployment. I know God will provide for us, but it is still hard not to worry. I love Becky and wish I could buy the study. Thanks for offering the giveaway.
I so need to find peace with my job being short handed and the tasks of 3 people are in my lap. I know our Father will give me strength to accomplish my job, it’s the anxiety that is overwhelming.
Great lesson. Peace in God for sure.
I just need peace in our family. A critical spirit in my adult children breaks my heart. I feel a spirit of rejection that is overwhelming at times. I can’t control anything they feel or do but I pray that they could extend Grace to one another.
I need peace in my life letting God work in my adult daughters to bring them closer to Him & desiring fellowship w/ Him & His church
I need help finding PEACE in a broken relationship with my daughter.
I need peace about my job and also for my final year of high school as I figure out what to do next.
After almost 10 years of intermittent verbal and physical abuse, I am taking steps to get out of a toxic marriage. I want my daughter and I to have real peace in our home and in our lives. For many years, I have thought I was doing the right thing by staying in this mess. I thought I was doing the right thing by God. And I still believe that I was, but now I hear a different message. I hear Him telling me to let go. I’ve been holding on to something that wasn’t there. I have to fully hand over EVERYTHING to God now–and trust Him to protect my daughter and me. We need peace in the process as we seek God’s will for this situation.
Peace that passes understanding – that I would hang on in those rough patches because He has a plan. Would love to win this! For me, and for a few people in my life that are struggling to find peace!
I have more than one area of myself and my life that needs peace. A major one is finances. Of course everyone needs money and more money, but I also have a heart to help people and places, and I just can’t do anything much. And I do try to do small things and I always have, but I want to REALLY help. I also am in the not enough category myself.
Needing peace as my health issue is seemingly back and possible 2nd surgery is needed.
Thank you Lord for YOUR strength!
I need peace whenever I serve Him…a reminder that I do it all for His glory!!!
I need peace in the next stage of my life. After a divorce, job changes, and moving back in with parents until I can afford to support myself on a single income I need to work on developing my trust in God and listening to His words on my circumstances rather than the world’s.
I need peace most in my relationships and peace in my heart despite difficulties – I never feel calm. It’s killing me.
I need peace in grief of losing my Dad and a dog within about a month of each other. Grief is weird and fielding emotions is challenging.
Need peace in my life dealing with father-in-law’s time on this earth is short. Also being able to help my husband with what is to come. We all know this will lead to an eternity with the Father but the steps getting there are heartbreaking.
I need The Peace of Jesus in my life. I lost my oldest sister and sibling last month and tonight my daughter’s mother in law died, after just being diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. I am trying everyday to remember the lives we shared and the love. My world is shattered. I know they are with God, but it just doesn’t seem real.
One day, sometimes, one minute at a time is all i can do .
I need peace of mind about my brother who has been in the hospital for 2 months and still has a long recovery ahead. I feel so helpless, though I know that God loves him and will supply all his needs.
I need peace in a tough season of life right now. My hubby is between jobs and I admit I am worried about that
I need peace in my family situation. I’m trying to help my single mother daughter with my grandson who is behaving badly at school (where I teach), help care for my elderly mother while married to an alcoholic. It gets pretty overwhelming at times to say the least! Thank you for prayers and the chance to win this book!
I need peace with my daughter.
Recently I have been struggling with anxiety and am having to learn new ways to find peace when experiencing an attack. I am learning that God is with me every step of the way and can take my worries away.
I need peace in my internship work right now. The stress of the commute and studying is beginning to be overwhelming.
I need peace in financial life
I need peace in decisions for my next career move!
I need peace with and for my husband. He has been working on starting his own business and the financial strain is really getting to him. He is angry all the time and has shut himself off from Jesus. Praying for a breakthrough. I am struggling to stay positive enough for both of us.
I need peace in my heart and mind. The calm that comes only from centering both on Jesus.
It seems that the past year has been overwhelming. From the loss of my precious Momma, my husband’s change in jobs, and my health issues that seem to have no answers. God has been my strength but some days I can barely go. My hope & joy seem distant. All around me there are so many family members who are hurting and can’t seem to find the way out of the pain. I want to be a light in the darkness and to point them to Jesus. The prince of peace.
I’m praying for Peace in restoring the relationships with my Sisters. I believe this is possible through God’s grace, with better understanding and in the Truth.
We all need peace in our lives. These past few years have been really hard on many people-especially medical personnel. People had to navigate everyday life a little differently. Children had to be homeschooled, most had to work from home, churches & other places were closed & we were isolated from friends & family. It was rough on many. Asking God to send His peace that surpasses ALL understanding to everyone.
Blessings 🙂
Peace. I’ve been hearing Protect my Peace. Find the calm within. Yesterday I learned The God of Peace is Protection. My Story is a story of Protection & God has been talking to me about Peace. To find out The God of Peace is Protection. Wow Wow God. Learning to Protect my Peace I must stay focused on God. In His Presence. Seeking Him. Noticing him & his wonders. Watchful of him. His Light! His Love! Peace what a Beautiful New study. Thank you! Praise God!!!
I need peace that my adult children are healthy and happy as they navigate through tough times.
I need peace in marriage. Embracing change.
My family is going through a very hard and troubling battle with our youngest. Peace is not easy to find right now.