I used to write songs as a way of soothing my soul’s sorrow. At school, I would hide away in a piano room, pen and pad in hand. At home, I’d sleep with my keyboard, writing songs into the wee hours of the night. In college, I would skip meals and cut classes to spend hours in the music annex, letting my songs echo off the empty walls that held me there.
I would write the words my heart needed to hear, the words that I hoped God would say if He were sitting across from me at a cafe, drinking His coffee or whatever herbal tea He likes best. But, these days, writing songs doesn’t come easy. My kids call me constantly, my voice isn’t as strong as it used to be, and life shouts demands with its to-dos and to-bes.
I recently received a health diagnosis, just four days after leaving my job. I thought I was stepping into a season of creativity and certainty. But now every day is a wondering and every moment is a seeking. I cannot tell if the small, quiet voice within is me or if it is, in fact, God telling me where to go and what to do. In this waiting, in this season of silence and seeking and shattering, it feels like everything is slowly falling apart. The routines and structures that once held me together have altogether come undone. Direction disorients and vision evades me.
Life, as I know it, is changing. And rightfully so. My children are growing — they are hungry for food and desperate to learn more, live more. My beloved body is broken and needs new ways of holding all that I am and healing. My values are disentangling, revealing their true depth and, therefore, their true desires — all authentic and unapologetic. Our house, the borrowed walls that we call home, is two sizes too small to carry the developing story that my family is becoming.
We, I, spin through the days bursting out of the seams, spilling wild and wide out of the containers that once held us. And it is messy, and there are no baskets or tidy corners to keep things as they should be, and we are in this limbo, this thin in-between, and we are so desperate to hear the Spirit say that all of this change is good.
That everything and everyone will be okay.
All I want for this thin in-between, this space of figuring things out, is to know that I am not failing my kids. I desperately want to know and believe that the things dying off are not causing destruction, that God is in all of this — every newly paved path and lost dream.
I abide, seeking out a single word, a single scripture verse to cling to. And then, a familiar melody comes to mind. A simple refrain that I wrote years back:
When you fall apart, you are falling into grace,
Can’t you see, how He holds us up, how He holds us into place.
The lyrics linger in my mind, and I try to think back to when and why I wrote this song. Try as I may, I cannot recall the season of life that I was in. But, this I can recall: it really is true. God holds us up, and He also holds us into place. He does this, even when all that we know shatters in and around us. Even while we are falling apart, we are falling into grace. Even while life is crumbling in ways that we cannot comprehend or control, His love for us still proves to be all that we need.
He holds us when we are in the deepest abyss where it is dark and the path before us is unknown and unseen. He holds us when we are afraid and unsure of where our next paycheck will come from. There is nothing too broken, nothing too beyond fixing for His hands. There isn’t a puzzle that cannot be put back together in and through His power. There is nothing too heavy for His heart, there is nothing too hard for Him to work out with His holy plan.
There is no depth too deep, no spiraling or shattering that will separate us from His loving hands. There is no circumstance too confusing, no pantry that He cannot fill with His provision, no broken body that He does not see, no song He cannot sustain with grace. Through community, through His word, through thanksgiving, through miracles, through mundane moments, through His holy hands at work in and through our lives.
This is one song we can always be sure to sing — He will hold us up and He will hold our lives into place. No matter what shatters, no matter what surrounds us, He is good and He will ever guide us into His goodness.
I needed this today, thank you so much!
Walking this out with you, Wanda ♡
So beautifully written. It speaks volumes to me. Thanks you.
Madeline, I’m so glad to hear this words spoke to your ♡. Hoping you continue to carry it with you.
How lovely that God gave back to you a refrain you had given to Him. His encouragement is often not what we expected, but is usually the very thing we need. So much hope in your words, pointing us back to the Giver of Hope. <3
He is the ultimate Gift Giver…taking what we give and giving it right back. Thank you, dear friend ♡
Just beautiful, the way you described your changing life. So many similar things are happening in my life also. Prayers for you as you travel on your journey homeward.
May grace greet you, Karen, as you walk this road of change and transition. He is with you…always ♡
Your words are transparent, vulnerable,
palpable, and relatable.
May God’s good graces shower you today and in the days to come. You are his child, Rachel, and his faithful servant.
I am hugged by your words. Thank you so much, Kathleen. Good graces to shower over. Trusting the same for you ♡
Thank you so very much for this encouragement. I love it when God brings what you need.
He is so good to us in that way. So glad this encouraged you in just the way you needed ♡
Thank you so much for this word of encouragement
You are so beyond welcome, Rebecca ♡
Rachel so well and beautifully written. So true. We all even if we have kids or do not have go through times in our lives when we think everything is falling apart. Why is this happening to me or us. If Married. We have to really trust God and had this over to God when we think our lives are falling apart. We say why why me. We have to go to God in prayer and stand on the promises in his word the Bible and say God your word say this. It say you be will do this. So I standing on this promise that your word gives me. As I stand on Philippines 4 verse 19. It says ” My God’s shall Supply all my Needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus”. How true that is. But when your world falling apart or you think it. This is when we find it hardest to true God and stand on his promises. The Enemy would have you think God not come through for me. Yes he will be not in the way you expect or in the timing you want. We are like most of a microwave we want like our meal heated in a few minutes when we put in the microwave. We expect that of God with his answers. But sometimes God makes us wait to see how strong our faith is in him. He puts us through a test. To see also are we going to pray to him about abs stand on his word. Or just expect him to answer right away. As we know he knows already before we prayed about it and stood on his promises if we do. What we need. But God like us to anyway pray about it and stand on his promises. Believe them. As that us having the faith to trust God with it. Even when our world seems to be falling down around us. I the Don Moen song you get it on YouTube. It is ” God will make a way where there seems no way. ” How true that is. A song worth listening too. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers incourage xx
Your comments are exactly what I feel and think about my situation! Why me, Lord? Why me? Thank you! 🙂
Dawn breathes life into so many of us, doesn’t she? ♡
Dawn, you’re so right. We like things to be done quickly…fast. Like a microwave. I feel that impulse in me. And I want to retire it. I want slow, I want deep. I want the Lord to do his good and holy work within me. Thank you for always sharing your encouragement here. It means so much to see you show up here. Grace to you in this season, Dawn. ♡
Thank you for this encouragement, Rachel! Praying for healing.
You are so welcome, Courtney. Thank you for those prayers. ♡
Beautifully expressed words, that have bolstered me today. Thank you.
Bolstered. What powerful imagery. I’m so glad this words did that for you, Lyn. Grace to you ♡
Your words and perspective are a beautiful balm to mind and soul. Also the fact you worry about doing right by your children, means you are doing right. You are holding them close and lifting them up to Lord.
Maura, your words hit deep and I will take them to heart. Thank you, so much, for that kind and gentle reminder. Grace to you ♡
Thank you so much for I needed this very much for I had felt the past few years I felt my life is falling apart and including my family and as much as things in my own house is falling apart and I had prayed relentlessly to have a bit of help ! Blessings to In courage !
I am with you, Lisa. It has been a heard season…a hard few years. May perseverance and hope ever be yours. God sees you. He wants the best for you and is with you. ♡
Thank you so much for this gift of wonderful words. I was feeling very low in spirits, and didn’t know what passage to read in my Bible. God led me to you. What a blessing your words are. I know now that when things fall apart, I am indeed in Gods grace always. Many Blessings to you
Adrienne, I am so glad this words helped you feel held. Keep clinging. May refrains and words from scripture come when you need them most. And know that the Holy Spirit is always coming to you—with you, even now. Much love. ♡
Thank you! Words written so well. I felt like I was looking in the mirror. I see you. I feel you. I hear you. Only God can heal. Only God can mend this brokenness. God can and God will take care of you. God’s will be done! Praise God!
I am so glad that our God mends broken hearts. Believing this for myself and trusting it for you too, Olivia. ♡
Thank you for your encouraging post. I needed it. I’ve been needing those words for several years. I need them every moment of every day. I know the truths are there all the time. That God knows our situations by heart as we cry out to Him for help. But I get discouraged so easily and so quickly. I find it very hard to accept the bad things – particularly health problems that don’t want to heal but linger on and on. I deal with a lot of pain every day and in different ways. Thank you for your words!
I just prayed for you that you will find answers and healing to your health situation. That God will give you sustaining grace and strength for each day.
We are learning how to be gentle with ourselves, Linda. We know the truth…but living it out is hard and holy work. It’s not always so easy when pain lingers and dreams are deferred. Thank God we don’t walk this road alone. You are surrounded by your (in)courage community. And you are surrounded by God. ♡
Father please send your healing touch to Rachel. Guide their steps & give them strength for this journey you have them on. Bless them with peace, patience & comfort as they await your timing.
Ours is a loving caring God. He will walk with us through ALL trials. Nothing is to hard or heavy for him to handle.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for this kind prayer, Beth. Trusting you to sense and believe that God walks with you through your trials, too. Much love.
Thank you for these inspirational words…..meant so much to me…I will hold it in my heart and take it daily.