It was the middle of a dark February night last year when I found myself in a hospital room with my daughter. She had been admitted for what would end up being nearly three weeks of around-the-clock care as she battled some pretty serious and scary health conditions. The road that led us to this hospital room was a long and deeply difficult journey. By the time I drove her to the ER that night after everything reached a critical and terrifying point, I was profoundly weary.
After she was finally able to fall asleep, I laid down on the vinyl couch beside her bed. The only sound in the room was the heart monitor that beeped to the rhythm of her struggling heart as a nurse sat in the room with us, checking on her every few minutes.
My head had barely touched the pillow when I felt the familiar signs of anxiety begin to flood through my body. My chest grew tight and heavy and my hands began to tremble as I struggled to catch my breath. I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember, but that night, as I faced overwhelming feelings of fear and helplessness, the physical symptoms of my anxiety became almost more than I could bear.
The previous two years of unanswered prayers and pleas to God had drained me of all my words and I could feel myself unraveling. I felt so alone. So afraid.
But I had a lifeline.
In the middle of the dark, when I was struggling to breathe and unable to focus my thoughts enough to find any words to even pray, I remembered a tool that I had spent some time learning about: breath prayer. Breath prayers combine deep breathing with prayers of meditation on God’s Word. Made of just a couple of lines from Scripture, they’re prayed to the rhythm of inhales and exhales.
The words of one of the prayers came to my mind that night: “The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need.”
I took a deep breath. As I inhaled, I tried to focus my mind on the first few words, “The Lord is my shepherd,” and as I exhaled slowly, I whispered, “I have all that I need.” Then I repeated the rhythm. I inhaled deeply, “The Lord is my shepherd,” then slowly exhaled, “I have all that I need.” As I did this several times, my anxiety began to ease. The deep breathing helped to calm the physical symptoms of my anxiety, and the simple prayer helped me to recenter my thoughts on Christ and His love for me. I was able to drift off to sleep with renewed peace.
There in that hospital room, breath prayers gave me words to pray when I had none of my own, when all I had to offer was my trembling breath. They became a lifeline to me throughout that hospital stay, as I walked the halls breathing and praying — praying and breathing through all the hard days. And I’ve continued to practice breath prayers ever since, to help ease my anxiety while also strengthening my faith.
For years I saw anxiety as an enemy I had to fight, or a roadblock I had to somehow get over before I could experience any real peace. But the truth is, anxiety isn’t my enemy. And it doesn’t have to be a roadblock to my faith. In fact, it can actually be a catalyst to an even deeper faith when I pay attention to anxiety as a signal to slow down, take a deep breath, and turn to Christ in prayer.
Prayer changes things. When we pray, we inhale the truth of God’s presence and love, breathing in His goodness and grace — and we exhale the weight of our fears and anxieties, giving God all our worries and wants as we breath out. When you connect intentional slow breaths — which are scientifically shown to reduce anxiety — with the power of prayer, you have an incredible tool that can bridge the brain, body, mind and soul, especially in times of stress. Breath prayer can help calm your anxiety by connecting you to your Creator and aligning your breath to the rhythm of His grace. It can be a lifeline in times of anxiety and a doorway into an even deeper prayer life as you purposefully realign your heart with the One who made you and loves you and is always with you.
Whether you find yourself in a dark hospital room or your own sunlit kitchen, whether you’re standing in line at the store or kneeling beside a grave, whether you’re on a hard path or the wrong path or a path that’s been broken and busted into pieces, when the feelings of anxiety begin to press in, try taking a little time to slow down, breathe deep, and pray.
Breathe in deeply: Lord, You are my shepherd.
Things may not be ok right now, but that’s ok. You are safe. Because God is with you. He will take care of you.
Exhale slowly: I have all that I need.
God gives you breath. He will give you everything you need. You are loved and you are held, today and always.

I will definitely be using this tool!
How wonderful is this new found tool for our anxiety to lead us to our Savior. I’ve been struggling with anxiety for many decades but thanks to this practice, I now have the ability to lay it down and lean into God even more. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Konni. I hope breath prayer can help you as it has helped me. You are so loved.
I hope it will be an encouragement and help to you, as it has been for me. 🙂
I love this! Anxiety is a beast I try to tackle every day. I love this simple exercise and words to use when words won’t come easy!
I can so relate, Pam. Living with daily anxiety can be so hard and can really weigh you down. I hope that breath prayers can be a tool that helps ease your anxiety while strengthening your faith. You are not alone.
Thank you so much, Jennifer! Today’s devotional is exactly what I needed. I appreciate you sharing your heart and ministering to others who are going through dark times.
Thank you so much, Rhonda. Deeply grateful for your kind words of encouragement here. <3
I loved this Jennifer! Thank you!
Thank you, Courtney. I’m so glad God could use these words to encourage your heart today. 🙂
Your book looks beautiful. I went to your website and signed up for your 5-Day Breath Prayer challenge. Thank you for a chance to win your book.
Thank you so much, Nancy!! I’m so glad you’re joining us for the 5-Day Breath Prayer Challenge! I really pray that the breath prayers each day will be a help and encouragement to you. Grateful for you!!
I too struggle with anxiety at times. My physical therapist taught me how to breathe! Now adding prayer to each breath will truly help me connect to the ONE who brings all peace and assurance.
Yes! I’m so glad you mentioned that, Ellen. Breathing exercises can be so helpful, not only for mental health but also for our physical health–I was fascinated when I learned about them and how they can be used to help with the management of pain, anxiety, depression and more. And when we add prayer to it, it becomes such a powerful tool that not only helps our bodies and minds, but also draws our souls closer to Christ as we turn our hearts to Him. 🙂
I have been up all night with severe anxiety, unable to find words to pray. I opened my email to find this in my inbox. Everything written was exactly how I have been feeling. I know this was from God, letting me know He hears my words unspoken, and He cares. Thank you for this. It came exactly when I needed it.
Laura, I’m praying for you now. I know what it is like to be up through the night with anxiety, what it’s like to not even be able to form words to pray. You are so not alone. I pray that breath prayer might be a tool that you can add to your “toolkit” to help you when you are anxious, that they will give you words to pray when you don’t have any words to say. You’re so right…God hears us, whether in words spoken or in the unspoken cries of our heart…He hears and He knows and He cares and He. Is. WITH. Us. No matter how tight anxiety is gripping, He holds even tighter. You are so loved today, Laura.
I need to try this, thank you!
I hope they are as helpful to you, Dede, as they have been to me. Thank you for your kindness 🙂
I have discovered the power too both of breath and prayer and I will be using it more and more! Scripture has always helped me to let go and let God. Thank you for sharing this in a time where there is so much anxiety
Thank you so much for sharing here, Sharon. It’s so great to find others who have also discovered this beautiful tool that can help calm our minds and strengthen our faith. Praying and breathing, breathing and praying with you today! 🙂
Thank you for this! To look at difficult points as opportunity to deepen faith makes the difficult easier in itself. A tool to pray scripture is a much needed awesome tool! Blessings to you! Praying your daughter has been restored to health also.
Thank you so much, Ruth. You kind words here mean so much. My daughter has made some great strides toward health and healing, but it is a long journey and we aren’t sure how long it will last or how the way ahead will curve and turn. But we just take one day at a time and trust that God is holding us through it all, whatever may come. <3
Cannot wait to read the book! Will be so helpful for myself and family/friends.
Thanks so much, Tracy! I really hope it is a help and encouragement to you! 🙂
Unfortunately I can’t be a prize winner as I live in France, so I’ll just plain and simple say THANKYOU. My life for years has been stressful in many ways and 20 months ago I had a serious heart attack although, as the cardio said, I didn’t fit the profile. He said it was either hereditary or stress, I think a bit of both. I have asthma too. Recently my condition and situation have been worsening. Then yesterday, I realised how tense my body was, so I’m doing something about that, also I happened to find a slow breathing excercise on my smartwatch, which helps. And now today, even better, this. Do you think our Lord is trying to teach me something?! I’m going to keep today’s (in) courage to study and practice – and pass it on as well. Bless you.
Oh, Gwyneth, thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story! I hope that breath prayer can be a tool that can help ease those physical symptoms of anxiety and stress while also strengthening your faith. I actually have a free 5-day email series if you want to give some different breath prayers a try for 5 days? And you can see if it is helpful to you, along with those deep breathing exercises that you’ve found. You can sign up for it here: I will pray for you right now, for healing and strength and peace. You are not alone. Jesus loves you so so much.
Abba Father Please send your healing tough to Gwyneth-body, mind & soul. Help her to find ways relieve some of the stress she feels. Guide her steps daily & bring about some peace & alm in her life. AMEN
So encouraging!❤️
Thank you for your kind words, Connie 🙂
Oh wow. I’ve been doing Biblical meditation so this fits perfectly. I have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life.
I can so relate, Ellen, with both the anxiety and depression. Breath prayer is one of my favorite ways to meditate on God’s Word. I hope they will be a help and encouragement to you, too 🙂
This book sounds amazing! I struggle with anxiety and want to try this! I’m prayerful this will help!!
Thank you so much, Sandy…I really do hope it is an encouragement and help to you. Breath prayer really has transformed how I respond to my own anxiety and how I walk through my days. It has helped me so much, and I truly hope it can be a tool that helps you too. You are not alone in these struggles. You are so loved!
I’ve suffered with horrible anxiety & panic attacks since I was 7yrs old. Now at the age of 56 I’m very familiar with breathing exercises. But never ever have I thought to attach a prayer to it. What a wonderful thing this is. Can’t wait to get my copy of the book!! Would love to win & be able to share with others that I know could benefit from this as well.
All praise to the Lord for letting me see this today.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story here, Melissa. You are so not alone. My daughter started having panic attacks at age 13. It was her battle with anxiety that actually was the catalyst that forced me to begin managing my own anxiety in more healthy ways…in order to help her with her struggles, I had to get real honest about my own. It has been a jour-ney…so hard and often so dark for so long. But God is so good. His presence is always as close as our next breath. When I first learned about breathing exercises, I found them to be so helpful…but when I read about breath prayer, well that shifted everything and made the breathing even more effective for me, because as my body calmed through breathing I focused my mind on Christ and His Word, and it has really transformed how I respond to the symptoms of anxiety now every day. It’s such a great tool–it’s not a cure by any means, but it has helped me so much. I pray it can help you too. <3
Thank you for this devotional today and also for the invitation to enter this drawing for a free gift of Breath as Prayer.
I’m encouraged by this delightful way to say prayers when our efforts are blocked by life – fear, time, confusion.
I’m looking forward to these devotional helps so I can practice and share with others. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for your kind words. So grateful it encouraged you today. 🙂
This is BEAUTIFUL Tucker. I love the breathe in breathe out prayer. Simple, honest, true, powerful. My father recited the 23 Psalm as he was in combat in World War II. He has gone home now and I have this displayed on my wall. This is a GREAT way/exercise to use this Psalm David wrote to remind us of the strength, love and provision we find in the Lord. So many people, fighting so MANY battles. I pray God uses you, this book to help encourage others and rest in Him and His promises!! God bless you!
Oh, thank you so much for sharing this, Tamara! Your father’s story?!! just. wow. It really is amazing how the Word of God can bring peace and comfort in the middle of all sorts of battles 🙂 Thank you for your kind words…I’m so grateful.
Jennifer, all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you for this post!!
Thank you so much, Cheyla…I’m so glad it was an encouragement to you today. 🙂
Everyone who battles anxiety needs to know about this! Thank you.
Thank you, Pearl 🙂
I can get easily anxious. Beautiful reminder of God’s love and His care for each of us. Every breath we take comes from Him. To associate each breath with the word of God to calm anxiety is the perfect (and only) way to banish it. Thank you!
I get anxious very easily, too, Diane…you are so not alone. Thank you so much for your kind words…I’m so grateful 🙂
Thank you! I needed this today as been battling broken rib and now getting over Covid. Not able to sleep in bed for 5 weeks, tried last night & rib worse today. I’m trusting God for healing & renewed spiritual & physical strength. I’m 82 an elder at my church & had to miss 1st board meeting in 9 years. I want to complete my term on board & serve Jesus til He takes me home. I’ve had anxiety issues since age 29 & agoraphobia but God touched me & healed me. Satan brings it back when I’m down physically at times. I believe your breathe prayers will help. God bless you.
Oh, Betsy, thank you so much for sharing here. I will pray for you right now, for comfort and peace as you recover and heal. So grateful for your years of wisdom and service to Jesus. I hope breath prayers are a help and encouragement to you as they have been to me. You are not alone and so very loved.
This sounds amazing! My teenage daughter battles anxiety..this sounds like just the thing to help her center her mind and practice turning to God. THANK YOU!
Thanks so much, Jennifer. I hope it is a help and encouragement to you and your daughter. My daughter battles severe anxiety as well, so I can completely relate as a mom trying to find resources and ways to help. You are so not alone. And if you and her would like to try a few different breath prayers to see how if they help, I have a completely free 5-day email series with a different breath prayer each day (including a guided audio prayer each day to help you get the hang of the rhythm of them)…if you think that might be helpful. You can sign up for it at and try them out 🙂
Thank You Jennifer!
In a season of heightened anxiety, your timing is a perfect reminder of how to press on through it (& not avoid it as I’ve read & learned). I will be checking out your site.
Thank you so much! Grateful for your kind words here today 🙂
My grown daughter is battling anxiety; she certainly could use this book (and I could too!)
I truly hope it will be an encouragement and help to you and your daughter, Elaine. 🙂
Simply lovely. I will be using this in a meeting later today, thank you!
Thank you, Dana 🙂 I hope the breath prayer helped during your meeting!
Beautiful! I have prayed so many times for God to take my anxiety away, but he has taught me to lean into him. Instead of taking it away he has walked with me through it. I’m looking forward to reading your book. What a wonderful tool to regain union with Him during anxious moments.
Me too, Tina! I used to see anxiety as my enemy I had to defeat, or a roadblock I had to figure out how to overcome before I could experience peace and the full life that Jesus promised. But I’ve discovered that even if my anxiety never goes away, I can change how I respond to it. It doesn’t have to be my enemy–it can actually be an invitation to slow down and turn my mind to Christ. It has kept me dependent on Him and turning to Him–He has shown me in profound ways that He is my strength when I am weak. I love how you said that “instead of taking it away he has walked with me through it”…I have experience the same thing–His presence through it has been such a gift. Thank you so much for sharing 🙂
This is so good. I tend to let the enemy take me over with just the first inkling of stress. Then, with any added, I’m just a ball of anxiety. I look forward to working with this to help my anxiety and grow closer to God. Thank you. .
Oh, Jaide, I can completely relate! I hope breath prayers will be a help and encouragement to you as you begin to change how you respond to feelings of anxiety. God is with you and you are so so loved!
I sometimes breathe in Our Father, then breathe out, Holy is your name. Don’t remember where I heard that but it works to center myself on our Lord.
I LOVE that one, Maura! There are so many beautiful breath prayers that we can pray to turn our hearts toward Christ. I’m so glad this one has helped you 🙂
I read your devotion at just the right time since my grandchild has a tumor on the brain stem and will be having to go through radiation treatment.
Praying for your grandchild right now, Elaine. I pray that God will bring you and your family peace as you walk this difficult and uncertain road. He is with you, as close as your next breath.
This is a wonderful way to pray and calm anxiety. I also have sat many nights in a hospital room with my daughter feeling anxious and overwhelmed…
Thank you for your comment, Christina. My mama heart can completely relate. Those nights in the hospital can be so hard and so overwhelming. You are not alone. <3
I have been struggling with anxiety for the last couple of years – when it became overwhelming. There are days when praying is a struggle. I love this simple way of breath prayer to turn my anxiety into a gift as it teaches me a new way to pray and a new way to rejoice in My Lord. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing, Paula. I completely understand…when anxiety is pressing in so hard it can be difficult to find any words to pray. I think that’s one thing I love most about breath prayer is that I am simply praying words that God has already given us in His Word…I don’t have to make them up on my own, I simply say what He has already said and pray those words back to Him. I hope breath prayers can be a help to you in times of anxiety. God is with you and you are so loved!
Thank you for this devotional
This is a practice I am going to try, and plan to share it with my mom who is going through some tough times. God bless.
Thank you so much, Jane 🙂 I really hope that breath prayers can be a help and encouragement to both you and your mom.
Thank you for this it is exactly where I am right now! It’s so hard to relax when I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel or what. If anything, I should be doing differently. THANK YOU AGAIN!!! BE BLESSED!!
I’m so glad this could help and encourage you, Terri! 🙂
I will definitely be picking up this book! I’ve dealt with anxiety all my life and now, as a 62 year Nana of 2 (almost 3) boys, I am always looking for ways to teach them to handle their anxious thoughts when they come.
Thanks so much, Cindy! I hope that breath prayer can be a tool that is a help to both you and your grandkids. I have a friend who started praying breath prayers with her child at night to help battle some fears they were facing…I thought that was such an amazing thing! I wish I had known about breath prayers when my kids were younger…what a great tool to equip them with early on to help manage feelings of anxiety and fear in healthy and meaningful ways! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
I absolutely loved this as there are many times when it seems that “prayer just won’t come”… this is a helpful and God inspired way to talk with Him and breathe… than you.
Thank you, Debra…breath prayer really has helped me in those times when I couldn’t find words to pray…praying God’s Word is always so comforting to me. 🙂
Thank you for the information about breath prayer. So many nights I fight spiritual battles, unable to sleep. Breath prayer is the perfect weapon against the Enemy.
Thanks so much, Kathe…I hope breath prayer can help you on those nights when the battle is hard. You are not alone. <3
I would definitely be interested in reading this book!
So grateful, KC 🙂 If you’d like to give more breath prayers a try before getting the book, I have a free 5-Day email series, if you think it would be helpful and encouraging to you 🙂 You can try it at 🙂
All I need to “breathe” out to God is, “I have all I need!” How encouraging & comforting.
Thank you, Rhonda…His Word is always so comforting <3
As someone who has struggled with anxiety on and off as a teen, I really would like to give this a try. I have learned to focus on a scripture as I try to calm my nerves, and I usually settle on John 14:27. I would love to win a copy of this book and learn more about breath prayer. It sounds like an awesome tool to have in my anxiety arsenal.
Thank you for sharing, Genn! John 14:27 is such a great verse to focus on in times of anxiety! I hope you’ll find breath prayers to be a help and encouragement to you. If you’d like to learn more about breath prayer and give them a try, I have a free 5-day breath prayer email series if you think that would be helpful to you? I give a lot more details about breath prayers and you’ll get 5 different breath prayers, including audio prayer guides each day. Anyway, if you’d like to try them to see if they help you, you can sign up at 🙂
This is so helpful! I have been having a hard time knowing what to say during my prayers recently. Thank you for another opportunity to win.
Thanks so much, Heidi 🙂 Grateful for you!
This is exactly what I need. Anxiety grips me and my heart pounds. I’m already practicing it right now. Hope I win a copy. Thank you for this.
I’m so glad this was encouraging to you, Stacey. I know that grip of anxiety all too well…you are so not alone <3 I hope breath prayer can be a tool that will help ease your anxiety while strengthening your faith.
Thank you for this Jennifer. I been lead to read Psalm 25. I have to remember God is my Shepherd and I am his little sheep. Like the Farmer he take care of his sheep. My Heavenly Father Love Me and He will take care of me. No matter what I going through at the minute. As the song I know says. The Battle belongs to the Lord. That song so true. Verse 4 and 5 of Psalm 25. It say “Show me Your way OLord Teach me Your Paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. For You are the God of my Salvation. On You I wait all the day.” How true thoes verse are. God is the God of my Salvation. He will show me his ways and how to cope with what I going through at this time. Thanks again for this post needed it. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. You are wonderful women who do this wonderful work for the Lord. May he truly bless you all. Love big big hugs Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I have been struggling a lot with anxiety lately. My daughter is mixing with the wrong crowd at school and it has brought trouble into our lives. I have done everything possible to get her out of the mess and pray constantly. I don’ t have words to pray any more and breath prayer is already working for me. There is a song “I’m breathing in your grace, I’m breathing out your grace” Matt Redman (Your grace finds me) I has helped me a lot also
Thanks, you are such a blessing to me. I went to your website and found a lot of nice goodies to help me get over this difficult time. I have not taken care of my mental health lately and you have encouraged me to do that again. This time I have nice resources to go with it. Thanks so much!
I love this idea. I have heard of breath prayer but had struggled to put it into practice.
Thank you for sharing your story and give us all a way to find God in the darkness.
Wow! This book sounds like exactly what I need as I sit beside my step mom as she fights for her life.
What a perfect book at this time of life!
Loved the breath praying!
I struggle with anxiety too. I like what you said about not needing to view it as a roadblock to faith; I sometimes struggle to see it that way. I have your book on my wishlist.
I have been working on using breath prayers….this book would be a great resource.
What a wonderful book! I often deal with anxiety and had started doing breathing and using the passage “What time I am afraid (breathe in), l will trust in You” as I slowly breathe out. How nice to know there is a book incorporating prayers like this! I look forward to reading it.
I have used both breathing and scripture during difficult times but never in conjunction. Thank you, and blessings upon you for your new book.
Just that one prayer in your post- right from the psalms- exactly what I needed today
ahh, love to see this book being offered here .. I first heard about it from her website and such a lovely book (from what I can glean reading the 1st chapter). Live has been a little more difficult lately and I would love to win one of this copy. Thank you for the chance and thank you for offering the book here!
so much comfort in knowing how God comforted you He will comfort me.
God bless you for such a wonderful work.
As someone with anxiety, this is a Godsend! What a simple, beautiful way to connect with God, recite scripture and breathe which is what I try to do when trying to stop a full blown anxiety attack. Thank you so much for sharing this
Thank you for reminding me to pray with my breath when I can’t form a whole prayer
My daughter struggles with anxiety and I will mention this book to her. Thank you!
Thank you! I needed to read this today. I feel like my anxiety is getting harder to handle. I tried your breath prayer and could actually feel the calm come over me.
Thank you for sharing all the information.
Thanks for reminding me when the situation is hard, words fail me, I can breathe deeply and exhale my prayers. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book as well.
Thank you for sharing this with the world. It is so encouraging for those of us with anxiety.
I am so thankful for women who walk before and beside us! What a wonderful tool this will be!
I really could’ve use this book last year. Last year I was an intern in hospice dealing with Covid and death and dying. I saw multiple calls with units with a nursing homes. I wondered why the elderly would not be taken to the hospital. I now realized why. They were already home. If they were really sick they would go home to heaven. Luckily none of my 13 clients passed away while I was taking care of them as a social work student. I watched a few of my clients take their last breath near the end of my year internship and even after as I volunteered for a short period of time with the hospice. I have been a hospice found here for seven years. I have seen a lot of people take their last breath. I have held many elderly people’s hands during Covid when they couldn’t hold their own families hands. I was your family. I watch them breathe. I would’ve loved to have had a book like this to read to them even though they may not have understood. But at least I could’ve connected with them and shared with them positive Christian words of comfort. Now it is I who struggle unfathomable pain and suffering. I want to give back to those who are hurting more than I am. I want to make a difference in the lives of others. I will be definitely buying a copy of this book for myself. But if I wanna book I would give it away to the hospice and their chaplains to share with others.
Just what I needed to hear today! ❤️
Spiritual practices are helpful in so many ways, drawing us into God’s word and presence with the intent to grow in faith as followers. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience and encouraging perspectives.
A beautifully simple yet powerful tool. Thank you
This was such a powerful – and timely – article for me! I came here after catching the video interview on incourage’s Instagram this morning! I am praying for this message and the gift of God’s truth in this book to reach all who are in need of this message and may God multiply HOPE and do immeasurably more than we can ask, pray for, or even imagine!
I have a number of friends struggling with anxiety and I myself am at a particularly dark valley right now. So I look forward to reading your book and sharing it with others as a means of knowing God’s comfort and care for us.
Praise God for the power of prayer to calm our spirits–even a breath prayer of few words. Four years ago as we waited for a liver transplant for my husband, God gave me the following breath prayer that refocused my faith when worry started to creep in: “I trust you, my loving, sovereign Savior.” Those two words, loving and sovereign, kept me mindful of why I could trust God. “Savior” reminded me of Isaiah 12:2, “God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.” Surgery occurred on December 19, and though most liver-transplant patients are hospitalized for 7-10 days afterwards, he was home in just five, on Christmas Eve–praise God!
Thank you. This popped up on my computer just as I was going through a minor crisis with my parents. I so needed to hear about breath prayers.
I would very much like to win a copy of Breath as Prayer from Jennifer Tucker. I have been an anxiety/panic attack patient since the early 90’s. I am always curious about trying new tools to manage the condition. I believe something was mentioned about sweating being a symptom of anxiety and I have never heard this before from my doctor.
Breath prayers helped me through the trauma of my newborn son fighting for his life in a 37-day NICU stay as well as the years that followed and also resulted in a near-death medical emergency. When I felt too paralyzed with fear to pray, breath prayers were simple enough to repeat and calmed my soul the more I repeated them. 3 years later, I run a nonprofit ministry that equips and emboldens families journeying through the difficult seasons of the NICU, PICU, and child loss. Breath prayers are something I intentionally share with them since they helped me so much. I have a feeling this book just might become a staple in our outreach care packages!
Such a great devotional: I am currently under great stress and have a huge amount of anxiety, these words speak to me. I can do this, thank you!
This form of prayer is such a beautiful connection for those of us who struggle to pray other ways such as the rosary or Hail Mary because of its simplicity. It has helped me bridge my way into calming myself before learning about more of the Bible. Sometimes the Bible is so daunting this helps so much.
I have been doing this ,but was unaware it was an actual thing!
What a wonderful love gift from God, especally when you don’t feel like praying .This when the world becomes too closely wrapped around me.
But it works!!!
I’m an epileptic, and I have far too many times prayed a seizure away ,just with a breath prayer, standing only on what I know to work, and that is Gods word.
Wow. What a beautiful way to handle anxiety. I do pray very often for many reasons but with the idea of praying to the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling is such a great method for healing mind & body. I look forward to reading more! Love that this showed up in my email this morning a great tool for counselors/teens/church groups etc.
Thank you so much for this exercise to do when anxiety overcomes us. Just today, my 18 year old son who deals with anxiety, messaged me. He started his first year at a community college last week and when he went to class today, he realized he had already missed an assignment. He began to panic and started going over all of his classes to make sure he had not forgotten something else. He does not enjoy school but does not know what else to do right now. I told him to take a deep breath and count to 10 then let it out and count to 10 again. After reading your article, I believe putting it with scripture will be more beneficial for him. He has just made a recommitment to Christ and is seeking ways to follow Him better and serve others. Anxiety is tough but when you have something like this to help ease the situation, it is easier to deal with. Thank you.
This sounds like a lovely way to start the day; so simple but powerful. Perfect timing for this to come out as we are all adapting to the “new” normal. End the day with the breath prayer and give your cares to God. Looking forward to reading the book.
I have used Jennifer’s Breath Prayers for a few years now and have recommended them to many friends. I’m so thankful to her for this tool that helps center me on Christ when I am anxious.
I have used Jennifer’s Breath Prayers for a few years now and have recommended them to many friends. I’m so thankful to her for this tool that helps center me on Christ when I am anxious. Thank you!
Looking forward to the book. A few years ago I experienced debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. I’d love to gift this book to someone else struggling.
I first heard of breath prayers from Bonnie Gray’s book “Whispers of Rest”. I haven’t thought about it in a while, but it works. It is a quick way to refocus your attention back to God & away from the situation for a moment. Thank you for writing such an important book. I pray it does well & your daughter gets well. Asking God to send His healing touch to her.
Blessings 🙂
Beautiful. Anxiety WOW but God. My son suffered with anxiety in elementary school & I did not know what it was at the time. A learning season. This season begin & grew the relationship my son has today with Jesus. I can not go & or always be with my children but Jesus Always is with them. Grateful!!!!
I ordered 2 copies – one for a friend a few months ago. They are supposed to be delivered Sept 20th. So excited to get them!