I was half asleep on a summer morning, spreading butter across a cinnamon raisin bagel, when I heard these words coming from our TV: “The lion goes out on patrol every few days to survey his lands and seek out predators that could come against his cubs.” This simple nature fact came from one of the main characters of my daughter’s favorite shows, Wild Kratts.
The Holy Spirit jolted my sleepy brain awake. That’s what Jesus does for you. Not only does He guard you, but He goes out to seek and destroy the very real enemy on your behalf.
As I was pondering this idea, Gabrielle spoke up. “Look, Mom, that lion is like Jesus protecting us from the devil and all of his attacks!” It was like she read my mind. Where two or more are gathered, right? And this time, Jesus was confirming the idea in her and me.
Jesus going out on patrol like the Lion of Judah makes me feel more secure and a little nervous all at the same time.
I like that Jesus can be our Lamb of Salvation but never lose His mighty power as the King of all Kings. He doesn’t timidly wait for an attack from the enemy but seeks out the evil and destroys it on our behalf.
Jesus is not afraid of what we will or won’t do. He is not afraid of the devil or any form of evil attack. He will protect and provide for us as His children, and we can live in peace because He’s on patrol.
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Exodus 14:14 (NKJV)
I think my nervousness comes into play because I realize there is always a threat of attack. And sometimes, I feel alone when Jesus goes on patrol to protect me, even though I know I can choose peace — trusting He’s taking care of the situation. As other Bible translations say, I can stay calm, be silent, and be still.
I wonder if sometimes when we feel like Jesus is quiet, when we’re curious if our prayers are being heard, and wonder if He’s even there, that really, Jesus is inviting us to see Him as the Lion of Judah. He may be on an offensive patrol exactly when we think He is quiet in our lives.
Jesus is fighting for you. He gives you peace you can hold onto while He seeks the enemy on your behalf.
But it’s your choice to stay at peace while Jesus fights for you.
Every day this week, there has been an opportunity to choose peace in our family’s lives — the opportunity to choose to believe that the Lion of Judah is on patrol and that we can stay calm and trust we will not be conquered. Through health crises, extremely difficult work circumstances, financial situations, feelings of loneliness, and everyday stress, we got to choose peace and believe that Jesus was pursuing the enemy on our behalf, fighting our battles.
What we really want is peace in the middle, don’t we? We want to know in the middle of the diagnosis, job loss, feuding friend, political drama, ignoring husband, and rebellious children that Jesus will win, that we will not be overcome by evil.
In the middle of every form of attack we can face and when we feel like we’ve been left to face it alone, we can hold onto peace. The peace that passes all understanding, that only comes from the Holy Spirit. The peace Jesus left for us, so our hearts will not be troubled or afraid. The peace that Jesus gives because He is the “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, and [He] has triumphed” (Revelations 5:5 CSB).
You can cling to the peace that Jesus, as the Lamb, died to give you and that He, as the Lion, fights for you to hold onto.
No matter the circumstances you are facing, you will not be conquered. I’m going to choose to hold onto the peace Jesus gave me and look to the horizon for the Lion of Judah to return from His patrol as a victor on my behalf.
Thank you for this comforting reminder that we don’t have to “do it all”. Jesus is actively protecting us and when we trust in Him, He will be our peace!
Amen! Thank you for sharing this picture of Jesus as our Lion of Judah!
Thank you. I’m praying for His peace over me this morning. Laying it all at His feet.
What you said Stephanie is so true. It reminds me of song that is so lovely to sing. It called “The Lion Of Juda” some of the words go The Lion Of Juda the lamb that was slane for you. Are some of the words you get the song on YouTube worth listening to. It good to know we have Lion who will take care of us and projects us all time. That Lion is Jesus. But for him to do that we have believe he will do that for us. Believe his as his word also says. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Satan would want us to dought that. He do anything to dought. So we have to be on our guard against him. Have the Armour of God on every day. Stand on the promises of God word and live by them. Thank you for what you shared so good and so true. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little God bless
Struggling with this today. Yes He has protected me and my family. But what about those who have been victims in recent attacks? Their question most likely was “where was He THEN?”
The devil also prowls like a lion looking for people to devour. (I Peter 5:8). I have to remind myself that in the end, God wins. But what a battle until then…
This was so beautiful and right on time! Thank you!
Thank you for this dose of courage, Stephanie. I like the NKJV version of Exodus 14:14, with that directive to “hold your peace.” With you I want to hold onto peace until the Lion of Judah has worked his goodness on my behalf.
We must remember that in the end we win. Everyone wants peace in the middle of trials & tribulations. Surprisingly you can have that if you focus on God fighting for you. He & His army are on patrol to make sure we are safe & secure. Take heart God is fighting for you trying to give you peace amidst those attacks of the evil one!
Blessings 🙂