I recently found a few of my clothes from college in a box that was tucked away in the garage. They say fashion trends come back every ten to twenty years, so I was pretty excited to see my favorite pair of jeans in that box. I quickly ran to my closet to put them on. I started planning the top and shoes I would wear with it. All of a sudden, I realized these jeans weren’t coming up past my thighs. I wiggled and jumped. Nothing worked. I yanked on the belt loops so hard, for one final try, only to rip them off. I was furious.
I stared at the long mirror that hung on the back of my closet door. I carefully examined the curves of my hips, the cellulite on my thighs, and the stretchmarks on my waist. I almost didn’t recognize this body. It wasn’t how I remembered it. I mean, I was never skinny but how could I not get these jeans past my thighs? They were my jeans! Tears began to flow. I was angry and frustrated at the reflection I saw in the mirror. I peeled the jeans off my legs, threw them into the corner, and ran out of the closet. I lay in bed feeling bad about myself for a few hours.
Later that week, I was working with an older gentleman who needed physical therapy for weakness and balance. The whole session he kept telling me about his conquest in college and all the sports he played and how now his body was practically useless. Finally, I spoke up and reminded him to focus on his present functional abilities and how far he had come in therapy. I told him that his younger body did what he needed it to do then, but right now his body was doing all the things he needed now. I encouraged him to honor his body for what it was today instead of comparing himself to his past.
When I got home that night, I saw that old pair of jeans lying in the corner of my closet. I went over and picked them up. In that moment I realized that so much had changed in twelve years, including my pant size. I had gotten married, started a career, had two babies, traveled, and lived so much life. I don’t want to go back to 2010; it was a great year but I am grateful for where I am right now.
I decided to take the advice that I had given my patient and honor who I am today. I wasn’t going to resent my body for not meeting an unrealistic goal or punish it through dieting. I decided to throw my twelve-year-old pair of jeans in the trash and stop looking back. In doing so, I thought of Lot’s wife.
Do you remember her? The one who was promised to be saved from destruction only if she would flee without looking back. But she looked back at the life she was asked to leave behind and she was turned into a pillar of salt. This is an Old Testament story that Jesus recalls as a warning to His followers. “Remember Lot’s wife!” (Luke 17:32 CSB) Lot’s wife had a good life and a guaranteed future, but she glanced back at what had brought her comfort instead of focusing on her current call in life.
Something magnetic happens when we look back at the past. The nostalgia pulls us in like quick sand — slowly we are lost in our memories. And the “glory days” or the “good ol’ days” make it hard to find contentment in the present days. It is hard to choose to step into an unknown future when we can sit back and live in the comfort of yesterday’s memories. So Lot’s wife serves as a reminder to forget the former and focus on the future.
Here are two passages to reflect on today:
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 (ESV)
“Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:13b-14(NASB)
I was salty over a pair of twelve-year-old jeans not fitting me, just like my patient was about not being able to jump hurdles at the age of eighty. Friend, God is not done with you. He isn’t disappointed that your gifts and talents look different today than they did ten years ago. He wants you just the way you are, right now. The curves, the stretch marks, and the cellulite are part of the story too — don’t wish them away. Instead, know that they are part of your call for today and tomorrow. So no more turning back.
Love this especially since I just got personal trainer and am nervous and excited to lose weight but I believe this is a gift from God.
Yes! I recently started working with a trainer but with the right mindset – to be healthy and strong not to punish my body or meet cultural standards. I am proud of you- it isn’t easy, keep going!
Oh, Simi…this is so good! These lines were the ones that layered in on my heart: “Something magnetic happens when we look back at the past. The nostalgia pulls us in like quick sand — slowly we are lost in our memories. And the “glory days” or the “good ol’ days” make it hard to find contentment in the present days.”
Well done, friend! You’ve encouraged me and given me a word to share with the people I serve. xoxo
Oh this so resonated with me today. My daughter is to be married in October. I know this is an exciting new time for her and for us all, but I have been mourning the loss of the “just the 5 of us” family. Your writing and the verses you cited remind me that there is such glory and joy ahead and I need to embrace that. Needed this today as I sat in that wistful place.
Paula, I know you will have so many beautiful new memories to make in the future.
I love you Robin! Miss laughing with you!
Your words today are wonderful! I read them and felt they were written for my daughter who is going through some unexpected changes in her career. I know God has a great plans for her as she steps from a position she trained for for years and has loved deeply into an unknown future. It is hard to only look ahead without that last look back…but Lot’s wife shows us life is not in the past. We take the lessons learned and move forward following the light God shines on our path. Thank you for your insight today.
Amen! Our life is not in the past, it is to be lived out in the now. So glad this post encouraged you!
Well timed spot on encouragement! Just last week I was standing in my closet being frustrated that although my eating hasn’t changed I fit into a dress for a wedding 16 months ago that now is too tight. Ugh!!! Not sure I like the physical changes of aging but the spiritual growth only God
& time can give are so much more precious than the harder to shed pounds around my waist! Donating the won’t fit anymore & not looking back!
Donating and giving away is the way to go! We don’t need a reminder in our closet of our past. Lol
Seriously, it’s like you wrote this for me. Thank you for the reminder.
I am glad this encouraged you !!
This is so good! I have been lamenting way too much lately over the losses of this later stage of life. I need to refocus, get into my gratitude journal, and see how God is using me now, or how He wants to use me now, In this body and this brain, with life experience that can bless others.
Thank you, Simi!
Yes! He doesn’t loves a past or future version of us, He takes us just as we are- isn’t He good?!♥️
Beautiful reminder Simi! I’ve been awfully stuck lately and this gives me something to hold on to. Thank you!
I am so glad to hear that!!!
Thank you for this affirmative thoughtful piece. It makes me wonder. As women age on the outside, what’s happening on the inside? People (not just ourselves) may respond to us differently at the various stages of our lives. How do I honor these passages and changes? It’s likely sometimes it hurts, there maybe grief or loss or I might notice something feels off after interactions. As you point out something new is also there – fresh and bright and ready to blossom if I can become present, offering gentle acceptance and letting God’s love lead. Is my identity built on rock or sand? I know Christ’s compassion shines from the inside out through it all. Hopefully awareness of this light grows today and within this holy moment.
Amen! Yes, it is good to remember but not good to long to go back there. Love how you articulated it!
Simi what an wonderful message so true. We can if want let past scars hurt us or things people have said to us. That are not nice. God made us just the way we are all different shapes and sizes. I have very good beautiful womens suit in my wardrobe that my late Mum bought me. You hardly get one as nice today. It doesn’t fit me anymore. I wouldn’t get into my wedding dress either. Not because of body shape has changed because I had kids. I don’t have them. Not brave enough to have them. It because of health reasons I had years ago. I have put on weight. It will never probably come of the weight I have put on. But it doesn’t annoy me. As I learnt in life it not what people think of me and how I look. It what God thinks of me that is all that matters. But what hurts me is most. When you have a family member. Who says something hurtful about the weight you put on that is not your fault. I am very thankful to God today I am well as I am. Not like the days I lost weight because of fibroids and very heavy periods. That threw me into seizures away back then. Now I don’t have fibroids or seizures now. Because I had Hysterectomy to get stop the bleeding and through my fibroids that put me into Seizures. That would every month and before my period that would make my hormones play up. Then I go into seizures. I was not well then. But since my Hysterectomy operation 5years ago this October coming. I doing well and have no more Seizures. Then I took a thyroid problem. Since getting it and knowing I be on tablets for the rest of my life for it. I have put on weight I had gained weight again after the Hysterectomy. But that was just a nice weight. Then put on more with the thyroid problem. To get a family member that is supposed to love you just the way you are. No matter how much weight you put on you can’t help. I am now 12stone. I don’t know what I was before having the Hysterectomy or after it before taking the thyroid problem. But since having the thyroid that is what made my weight go up 12 stone. It didn’t annoyed me I put on more weight because of my thriod problem. I was just thankful to God to have no more heavy periods or seizures because of all this. The thriod problem didn’t annoyed me. But my family member to be so blunt hurt more. They said to me Dawn you put on alot of weight. Your going to have to get it of. I told them I can’t and why. I also told them I ok my health is good I feel ok. But they are the type of person who thinks because they are older than you they know better. They just said we have to help you get it of. I do walking and walk a dog. So it not that I sitting doing nothing all day. I watch what I eat. I eat good food. Drink plenty of water. So it not my diet as it good that has put the weight on. But when the person said it the way they did. I wanted to cry in front of them let them know they had hurt me by saying what they did. But I felt God say there not saved until the do get saved. They will always be like the way they are. Thinking the know better. You just pray for them. Don’t let it get to you what they said. I have done that. I am like you Simi and the old Jeans. Not going to let what they said to me get to me. I am going to live my life for Jesus in front of them and keep praying for them. I have asked God to help me forgive this person. You can’t tell them as they are type of person who would have answer for you. They say I only said it to help you let you know you need to loose weight to help yourself. God loves for who I am weight and all. So does my Husband. It doesn’t stop God and my Husband loving me any less. But at the time it hurt badly what they said to me. Keep you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Words and cultural standards can bruise us deeply, but ultimately we remember we don’t live to please human beings or gain their approval. We live knowing that we are loved, accepted and approved by the King of Kings- nothing can separate us from His love. I am glad you know His love!
What wonderful words of
Encouragement! Yes I am
Dealing with a Fractured
Spine & I am 83! Send up
A Prayer for me to not get
Discouraged. Thanks so
Much for your words that
Reminded me all is well &
To keep my eyes on Jesus!
Dear Sandy, I am praying that the Lord will encourage your heart, be the Lifter of your head and the Healer of your body, in Jesus Holy Name!
Hi Sandy. Lifting you up in prayer. May the Lord uphold your spirit, send people your way to bless you, and bring healing to your body. ❤
Sandy, Praying to our wonderful Lord to be YOUR Comforter of the Downtrodden. Coming along side you and making you brave and giving you His strength, peace & comfort! Also asking Him to redeem this time to draw unbelievers to Himself as they watch you navigate this hard space while He deepens your faith roots. All to His praise & glory! (((0)))
Sandy I said a prayer for you now. Stay strong and encouraged.
Abba Father please send lots of encouragement to Sandy. Shower her with peace & comfort that only you can give. Keep any & all discouragement away from her. Help her to see the good in each day. Give her strength to endure this trial. Bless her immensely in any way.
Blessings 🙂 ((((((((Hugs))))))))
Wise words! Thanks!
Thanks friend
This is a Challenge for people of all ages, especially women. Your encouraging words made me see a different perspective. I think when someone says a comment about weight gain, my response will be I’m growing in the Lord and prospering in good health and that includes my weight as well. thank you for encouraging the body of Christ. I❤️
Love that!! Yes!
Oh this so resonated with me today. My daughter is to be married in October. I know this is an exciting new time for her and for us all, but I have been mourning the loss of the “just the 5 of us” family. Your writing and the verses you cited remind me that there is such glory and joy ahead and I need to embrace that. Needed this today as I sat in that wistful place.
Change is hard and it is so tempting to hold onto the familiar, but I know you will make lot of beautiful new memories !
Thank you Simi. Where I am in life right now is so unexpected, but as I am reminded daily. I am right where I am supposed to be!
“He isn’t disappointed that your gifts and talents look different today than they did ten years ago… (obviously HIS plan)
“don’t wish them away. Instead, know that they are part of your call for today and tomorrow. So no more turning back”
Yikes! I don’t want to be a pillar of salt!
Same friend! Let’s not be salty over losing good things because we know that God has even better in store for us!
Aww, this testimony I gleaned so much from! I desire to press on with God in my present stage of life! He is doing some wonderful things and I thank Him for the ongoing new and also hard things too that are growing me!!!
So proud of you! Press on friend!!
Dear Sandy, I am praying that the Lord will encourage your heart, be the Lifter of your head and the Healer of your body, in Jesus Holy Name!
Simi, I appreciate your encouraging words today!
I am so glad it blessed you!!
And 12 years from now, you’ll look back on today’s body with longing. And you’ll still be God’s amazing child!!
I believe it!!
Thank you, Simi. I needed this. And I might share it with a friend. This friend, a woman twice my age, was lamenting many things that weren’t the way she wished they were. Or remembering things that no longer are. I realized that we struggle with the same things, just different flavors, in every decade of life. But I don’t necessarily want to carry those struggles with me into old(er) age! Thank you for a way forward that puts gratitude to God at the center. I can thank God for what He gave me in the past, and I can thank Him now for how He’s currently providing for me – and always will. Blessings!
Amen! Yes, do share. It reminds me of Marie Kondo- thank the memory and give it off to God. There is life to be lived today and dreams to be dreamt for tomorrow. God is not done.
I’ve heard this comment several times: “God didn’t put our Eyes in the Back of our Head, but the Front; because He wanted us to see what was Ahead of us”!
Lol! Amen! Yes, love that! Although I tell my kids I have eyes in the back of my head, lol
Thank you for your insight it met me where I am
That makes me so happy!
it is so easy to get frustrated & lament the past. The reminder is much needed for many people including me. Don’t worry about the past, how we look now. God loves & needs us just the way we are. He can use us in any place. He has us right where He wants us. Great analogy of Lot’s wife. Thanks again.
Blessings 🙂
Amen! Thank YOU for reading! ♥️