It was all set in my mind: Leave Boston at 4:35pm EST, land in Phoenix around 7:35pm PST, walk to my gate, and depart for my hometown in California at 8:18pm PST.
But then we sat on the runway for forty-five minutes because of weather delays. I lied to myself that the shrinking gap was still possible to cross as the flight went on. And then we hit turbulence, which can only be described as one of the few things that immediately spikes my heart rate and causes my mind to decide that it’s never going to get better and that this will be my lot in life for approximately fifteen years. There is no safe landing in my adrenal glands when we hit turbulence.
“I’m sorry, I missed it. What did the pilot say?” I asked the woman beside me.
“He said buckle up.”
“Oh, are you afraid of turbulence?” I questioned, looking for some camaraderie.
“No, I’m not. You?”
“Yes. I am. Just keep telling me it’ll be okay if I seem stressed.” I let out with a nervous laugh.
“Okay,” she said. “And if you really need it, I guess you can hold my hand.”
She was offering what we really want in moments of fear: comfort. This woman who was a total stranger knew that even if she wasn’t a touchy-feely person by nature, her offer of a hand to hold was what my heart needed somewhere over Ohio. I needed someone to advocate for me.
We landed in Phoenix thirty-five minutes late.
I started sprinting with a backpack and a camera bag and a bum shoulder.
I was out of breath so I pushed the Siri button on my iPhone with my headphones still in and breathlessly said, “Call Bre Lee.” Bre lives in Phoenix and is a good talker off-er of ledges. She would reassure me that even if I didn’t make it, she would help me out as a friend in the city I was about to be stranded in. She listened to me run and tell her over and over that I wasn’t going to make it. She sat there while I made myself keep going through two terminals. And when I didn’t make it in time and was greeted by the “Doors Closed” sign, she told me she would be standing by as I figured out the next steps. I needed someone to assure me that I wasn’t alone.
I went on a hunt for customer service. I looked for my bag, which had made the flight to my hometown without me. I was sweaty and aching and toiletry-less. So I called my friend Bailey who was barely still awake and she told me she was so sorry that things were falling apart and I was about to spend the night not in my final destination. I needed someone to comfort me.
The next morning, as I woke up at a hotel in a town I didn’t plan to be in, I went to the roof and was reminded in Psalm 29 that God comes to His people with His power and He gives us strength and peace. I sat there, jetlagged and exhausted, and recalled that the Holy Spirit is an advocate, Someone who comes alongside. And sometimes, we see the shadows of that work of advocacy through the presence of others. We experience their kindness, and it points us to our great Advocate. He’s reflected in the strangers and friends that meet us when things are falling apart.
I got on a flight stand-by. I was the second to last one on that flight to my hometown and when I arrived at the seat, a woman in the spot beside me (who knew the flight was full) looked at me, smiled, and said, “I was waiting for you.”
Beautiful & powerful. Thank you.
I have no friends or family there for me but I know God is there and heaven will always be worth it.
Ariel! We are SO glad you’re here with us and we are praying for good community for you, sister!
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I saw the title this morning. My life is in a bit of turmoil- yet again. And what has helped are kind words and offers of help from new friends and old, and others like the woman who checked me in at the local car repair place I go to. And then the sunrise this morning reminding me that I am not alone. When you wrote of the woman on the plane, I thought of Blanche DuBois (A Streetcar Named Desire) when she says how she has come to rely on the kindness of strangers. And while I do not rely on them, I can certainly appreciate a smile or nod when we cross paths.
It’s amazing how a little kindness goes a long way!
Hello Everyone, thank You Lord for helping me every single day and night. Thank You Holy Spirit for being with me every step I make (even my unwise steps). God, You are my Heavenly Father and I am Your Beloved Daughter, You know the entire story of my life. Your Word says You knew (Saw) the end from the beginning. This is the confidence I need to navigate life.
Sometimes I don’t act like I believe I can make it strong all the way. Sometimes I act like I am more concerned about what affects me than others. I know I am Your new creation in Christ Jesus. Nothing and no one can snatch me out of Your Hand. It’s been three years now with so many questions about Covid-19. We may never get all the details worked out. But, God You know everything !
As I remind my three girls about Your Grace and Mercy, I remind myself to be patient because You are my portion and I place my trust in You. I know now that our children have a way of teaching us (parents) as we mature. That includes great work standards, punctuality, loyalty, and honesty. All these attributes are needed in all our relationships.
Thank You Lord for sharing Your wisdom with me. Thank You for not giving up on me. My Christian G.P.A. is only judged by You.
Enjoy your day Everyone.
Your Sister in Christ
Isn’t it awe-inspiring when we can look back, and see the hand of God bringing us comfort, protection and reassurance when things go awry! The angels He puts in our path, when we need their comfort and encouragement, takes His grace right over the top!!!!
Wow! Beautiful, beautiful story. I have seen God in people many times. Just this weekend my car almost overheated and as I was a state away from home and on a major highway traveling back from a basketball tournament with my teenage son, I was concerned. By Gods grace I was able to safely pull off the highway to a Walmart parking lot in a safe area. As I waited patiently for my husband and the tow truck I saw a big rig parked near me with the numbers 221 painted on the side. That was my Grandparents house number. I believe God sent angels to help me this day in the spirit of my grandparents and seeing their house number assured me I was safe and that God was covering me and my son and that all was going to be fine.
It’s crazy how others can provide help and I love that you remembered Jesus in the middle of a WILD day. I hope your son’s basketball tourney was good!
As someone who has had a tough year and a tendency to go off the rails, I can certainly relate to this post. And I totally agree that God has placed people in my life at different times to remind me that I’m not alone. My hope is that God has used me as a reminder to others that they’re not alone either.
Love this perspective, friend. You are right that you are NOT alone!
Wow, Melissa, this almost gave me shivers! I generally travel with a daughter, who irons out all the wrinkles in our plans. She gets on her smart phone and finds whatever help we need. There is still waiting in lines and close calls, but she’s usually there to guide us through it all. Meanwhile, I nervously pray.
Yes, we can certainly plan but the LORD always knows! So glad he uses your daughter to remind you of that. Sounds like she’s great!
Its so amazing how God’s hand is everywhere we look! You didn’t crash, He provided a comforting seatmate. Your friends were so kind and supportive to you. He even had an angel waiting for you on the last leg of the flight! Amazing!
I sure needed to be reminded of that today. I often feel like the one who always gives but I’m in a season of grief now and I need the Lord to send the advocates ! I’m thankful for the ever present Holy Spirit and the help he has and will send to help me overcome ! Thank you.
Thanks for joining us! So glad God is ever-present!
great encouragement
God sends angels among us to help us in our trials. They just look like you & I. When I moved out of state for college I had a neighbor who cared for me. The first night she gave me dinner & throughout the semester the family would invite me to dinner & over for a Super Bowl party. I have never forgotten that & do my best to pay it forward. Being the one to help/care for others in their needs. When my pastor’s wife was moving her mom (out of state) into her home I made a chicken pot pie & some bread for them. Just a quick meal when they got back. Today I’m taking bread & chicken pot pie to my MIL who fell last Tuesday (4/26). There are times in life when we need people to be there for us. I was in that position off & on for 10 years caring for my aging parents. Now I see it is my turn to be the hands & feet of Jesus.
Blessings 🙂