About the Author

Barb Roose is a speaker and author who is passionate about teaching women to live beautifully strong and courageous so that they experience God’s great adventure of faith and purpose for their lives. She’s the proud empty-nest mom of three and whenever possible, Barb prefers to eat dessert first.

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  1. Thanks, Barb, for an excellent reminder that offered help is a gift from God. As a person who regularly says, “no thanks, I’m good” when offered help, I will be more open to accepting it as a blessing rather than think of it as a show of weakness on my part. Well said! Thanks to you for your help……..May God bless you as you have been a blessing to me this morning!

    • Louisa, we are two peas in a pod, aren’t we?! I’m so glad that today’s post connected with your heart and that you’re open to the blessing that God has for you. Thanks for stopping by (in)courage today!

  2. Barb,

    Well, first…WELCOME TO INCOURAGE! Out of the gate, you’ve celebrated Jesus so beautifully.

    I often think of God as “giver,” but not in terms of “receiver.” Thank you for pointing out this trait in Jesus. You’ve made it clear that when we receive help from others, we’re bearing his image in this world. I’ll be thinking about that differently today and going forward.


    • Hi Robin! thank you for your kind words and warm welcome – as well as your thoughts on today’s post. I’m sure that many other women will connect with your reflections and I love that today’s post has opened up a new perspective for you!

  3. Years ago when my Dad died we knew there would be the onslaught of casseroles coming our way. Locally there was only my Mom living in a retirement village with all her meals provided & my husband & I on diets that brought in meals would sabotage. God whispered the casseroles are not to help you grieve, Ruth, it’s how your friends express their own grief & you need to let them. We compromised & let them feed our gathered family a feast the day of Dad’s memorial service. Everyone was blessed by that compromise. And a ministry of feeding grieving families the day of funerals began at our church; so our allowing help in a tangible, manageable way planted a seed for blessings beyond our small already provided for family. Accepting help with boundaries is how I’ve balanced the knee jerk Thank you, but no in me.
    Barb, I can tell you are going to help us, encourage us & challenge us by sharing your writings! Thank you!

    • This is beautiful, Ruth. Thank you for sharing your story and life experience with us. Wow! What a powerful story on how God has blessed others in your church through your family’s willingness to say “yes” to accepting help. Love it!

  4. Four year ago I became a widow. I too did not readily accept help until then. I had an older and wise friend who had been a widow for a long time and she told me it is ok to accept help; actually it is important to do so and to think of it as a gift to the other person. I took her advice- not easy at first but I am so glad I have changed my ways. It has deepened my friendships. I never thought about how Jesus accepted help but what a beautiful vision of the angels tending to Him. Thank you and welcome!

    • Madeline, thank you for stopping by (in)courage today. Your story and reflection is powerful and I believe that God will use your comment to minister to another today. I’m also glad that you were encouraged by Jesus’ example in today’s post as well.

  5. Welcome to (In)Courage, Barb! This is just what our ladies group was talking about last night. We’re so much better at offering and meeting needs of others than accepting help ourselves. I love the reminder of how Jesus accepted the help of the angels ministering to him. Thanks for this.

  6. It is very hard for me to accept help also. But I remember once being told “don’t rob the other person of the joy of blessing you” that stuck with me! Very powerful! People are blessed by helping others, and if you say no…. Then you are actually robbing them of their joy!! Something to ponder….
    Wonderful thought provoking devotion!!

  7. You’re right Barb. As Women we love to help others. Accepting is harder. Thank you for reminding me to say YES and be appreciative! Your story is an important one to share as you did in Kansas City at the Church of the Resurrection where we met. Back then, I had just published my first book. With God’s help, I’ve now published 4 and am currently writing the 9th with plans (God willing) to launch one each year. When it comes to publishing, I have been the recipient of help from many…and for that I am grateful! Lisa Wilt

    • Hi Lisa! Nice to see you here. I’m glad that you enjoyed today’s devotional and congratulations on all that’s happening in your publishing journey since we met years ago.

  8. Beautiful reminder of how God can answer prayers by bringing those answers through others.


  9. Such a powerful lesson! We need to be honest with ourselves when we’re not okay, and pray against the pride that will hinder a believer from being obedient to the Lord’s call. Jesus in human form was needy, just as we are. Of course He could have taken care of himself, but I think you’re sharing the lesson we often miss: it’s okay to take the help. Will definitely do that from now on! Thank you.

    • Hi Grace! Thank you for stopping by (in)courage today. Your wise words and encouragement are so appreciated! So good to see you this weekend at the Women of Hope event!

  10. Barb, your words really hit home to me. I’ve often refused help and been glad when people ignored my response and helped anyway. And most of us love helping! You’re right about that, too. I look forward to hearing more from you!

  11. Barb, what a powerful lesson! Yes, even Jesus allowed Himself to be cared for. It reminds me too of all the times Jesus asked the disciples to go with Him to pray. Jesus could have done it all on His own, but He chose not to. Some of the most powerful times in my life of experiencing the presence and provision of God have come through the helping hands of others. He is so kind like that!

  12. Barb,

    Welcome to In Courage. So glad you are here. By not accepting help we are robbing people of their blessings. I’ve learned over the years to accept the help God sends my way. Later in life I try to pass it on down to others-maybe even the same people. Using the principle of reaping & sowing. Recently God has decided to bless me immensely. In light of those blessings I’ve gone out of my way to help & bless others. I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes food bank in town-part of Second harvest. Last Saturday 04/02 I was at a local grocery store with others asking for food donations. I even gave some myself. My feeling is you never know what someone is going through.

    Blessings 🙂

  13. barb, thank you for talking to me at just the time that i needed it. i’ve been thinking lately that an (in)courage post i read some months ago. she basically said that it’s easy to be the helper, but not so easy to be the helped. (guilty!!) that has been playing over and over again in my head over the past few weeks. thank you for reminding me that help does not equal you are weak and incapable. help means you are humble enough to accept what someone else is offering rather than trying to do it on your own. (still working on that part :-/ )

  14. Welcome to (in) Courage, Barb! I sooooo needed to read your words today. I love giving but find it so difficult to receive. It IS wild how we can develop 2 very different sets of beliefs and not see the incongruity of it all. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and these very uplifting and loving words. Many blessings to you.