Today I am spending much of my Saturday working hard to prepare for tomorrow — a day I plan on taking completely and fully off. Taking a day completely off? Doesn’t that sound like a fantasy, something we can only dream about until we win the lottery and finally hire that full-time manservant?
Not so, friend. I am out here living the dream of having one day a week, totally and gloriously and completely off.
Today, I’ll make a big pot of tomato soup and prepare all the fixings for a black and blue salad (black angus beef, blue cheese), so lunch is ready to go for tomorrow. I will prep some chicken and vegetables, so Sunday evening all I have to do is pop dinner in the oven and then sit down to a feast with people I love.
I’m also cleaning the house, doing dishes, setting up the coffee maker, and getting ahead on laundry. Outside, I’m cleaning out the chicken coop and giving the ladies food and water. My only to-dos tomorrow will be to attend worship services, hang out with friends, and eat amazing food — and, if the day decides, take a nap.
Not a bad list. All of this is preparing for Sabbath.
This has not always been my sabbath routine. You see, Sabbath and I have had a complicated history.
For so long, I felt the tug to be a “good Christian” and follow all the rules about Sabbath. It somehow showed my devoutness that I would turn down invites from friends to go do something fun on a Sunday. (Yes, I was a snot.)
I’ve finally discovered, after way too long, that I was doing Sabbath all wrong. I’d always looked at it as a long list of “you can’ts” and “you shouldn’ts” I had to follow. To me, Sabbath was just a set of rules I was constantly breaking. (Nothing like long-term religious guilt served up on a weekly basis.)
After spending some time with people of the Jewish faith, I realized they had a totally different perspective on observing the day. Their day was one of rest, one to be celebrated and protected. It wasn’t a punishment or a long list of the things that they couldn’t do. It was a list of things that they didn’t need to do because the day is reserved for God and others.
After considering Sabbath as something special God has set aside for me, I’ve had a different way of approaching my Sundays.
Now, almost every day during the week, but especially Friday and Saturday, I dedicate some time to prepare for Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I try to get ahead on some projects, just a little at a time. Friday is our day to go into town, so I make my shopping list and meal plan on Thursday. On Friday, I go shopping for whatever we need, and then Saturday is my day to prep for Sunday. Saturday dinner is the signal to our brains and our bodies that the work is done.
We are not legalistic about it. Sometimes we are on a work trip or vacation and things need to be done on a Sunday. But no matter where we are, we set aside some time to honor God and be with those we love. It is our rest and reset for the week. And it is what my soul has needed all along.
This celebration of Sabbath has brought a beautiful rhythm to my seven days. Saturday night and Sunday are the natural culmination to our week, so everything during the week leads up to that day of rest and restoration.
We can take our example from Jesus, who was reprimanded more than once for “breaking” the Sabbath. His response stunned the religious leaders of the day:
Then [Jesus] said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”
(Mark 2:27 NIV)
Since my mindset change, I have a different relationship with Sabbath. While it may look like I’m being legalistic, nothing could be further from my heart. I am receiving Sabbath as the gift that it is.
This practice of Sabbath takes practice. We humans are not good at the not doing. I feel so much more comfortable with a checklist and a lot of rules.
If observing Sabbath is new to you, a couple of things to keep in mind:
- At first, you’re not going to be great at it — and that’s okay. Keep trying. Eventually, you will go from wrestling with it to looking forward to it.
- Realize that observing Sabbath doesn’t change your day; it changes your week. Decide on a Monday that you will participate in Sabbath that Sunday and plan backwards, doing a little each day to prepare for Sunday. This is not to “earn” your Sabbath. This is to take the pressure off and truly be able to enjoy it.
- Make Sabbath special. Plan your time for worship. Plan your time with people you love. Finally, and this is important, plan for a time when you will decide whether it’s a nap day or not.
Because remember, Sabbath is a gift.
So much wisdom in your words! My Dad was a meteorologist & worked shifts so Sunday was sometimes a go to his paying job day not a worship/day of rest. That meant his Sabbath might fall on a weekday but he was intentional about having a day of rest each week. I was spoiled seeing that principle lived out in front of me.Thank you for sharing Kathi! Worship/rest well today!
I love that you had that example lived out for you!!!
What a gift! Our God is so good! Thank you for sharing this sweet reminder. It took me many years of way too busy Sundays to understand this gift and how important it is. God knows what we need.
I’m still learning. It is a gift, isn’t it?
Sometimes you need someone to tell you what might seem obvious. I love your Saturday meal prep and catching up on house chores so you can enjoy celebrating Sunday with your loved ones and God. Your essay prompted me to think of Sunday in a new way – like getting ready for a party. We do all the things ahead of time so we can enjoy being with everyone rather than, say, fussing in the kitchen.
Thank you!
Jennifer – it’s makes me so happy that you got to rethink the gift of Sabbath!
I haven’t really thought about Sabbath in this way…it has always been a day that I just “didn’t.” Whatever I normally do throughout the week, I just don’t on Sunday’s. But this thought-“Prepare for Sabbath”-is a paradigm shift to my heart. Thank you for sharing!
That makes my heart happy Rachel!
I cannot imagine beginning the week without Sunday worship. On the few occasions I do not participate, I feel like I am missing something to begin the week. For years now I have tried to observe it by not doing laundry and such. However, for me, cooking with my family was part of the ritual and not a chore but a celebration. My non-church friends/believers cannot understand when I say I cannot join them Sunday morning as I “need” to be at worship or my week won’t be complete. It grounds me! So, I am off to get ready for my Sunday worship! Amen
I love that you know what grounds you!
Thank you for sharing your perspective on the Sabbath. As a Mom to 2 kiddos it can be challenging to make Sunday a day to rest. BUT, your article changed this for me. Thank you for sharing and helping others to see what sometimes can be hard.
I love that – and YES having smalls brings extra challenge. I love that you are trying to find some ways to make that work!
So true!!! Learned this as a child and it has stuck with me!!!!
I love that you’ve had a lifetime of Sabbath!
you totally made me giggle more than once, but this one made me lol – “…finally hire that full-time manservant?” have an awesome sabbath! 🙂
I hope you had an awesome sabbath!
I remember in the 70s & early 80s when Sunday was literally a day of rest. No stores were open (not even Wal Mart). You would go to church & then relax at home. Thus giving your soul & body time to prepare for a busy week. There are a few places (Chick–Fil-A) for one that don’t open on Sunday. They want their employees to enjoy some family down time. God announces the Sabbath in Exodus 20:9-11 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. God understood the need for resting our bodies & souls. Giving us time to recharge & spend with Him.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you! Resetting my plans and ideas for observing the Sabbath.
Love that!
Saturday is the real Sabbath
It’s me again saying it’s wonderful to read these
Testimonies! What outstanding
Women with outstanding
Thoughts & Wisdom!
Thank You All!
Thank you for that encouragement Sandy!
There is only one Sabbath. That is the 7 th day. Saturday. Genesis 2:2-3. Exodus 16. Exodus 20:6-11. Which day was Jesus crucified on? Luke 23:54-56
Luke 24:1-2. Jesus even kept the Sabbath in His death. He rested in the grave on the Sabbath because His work was finished. No where in the Bible are we told that the Sabbath has been changed or are we commanded to keep another day. I know many will not agree with me. But you cannot argue with what it says. God bless.
Hi Lori,
Thanks for being here, for reading Kathi’s article, and for sharing your thoughts with the community. I respect your reading of Scripture, and I’m also grateful that God sees our hearts. From how Jesus lived, I know that God cares deeply about having an intimate relationship with people. He wants us to embrace His invitation to rest in Him — an act of trust, obedience, and surrender. I have seen profound fruit from the practicing Sabbath in my own life and the lives of many others, regardless of the day of the week.
I agree with the Sabbath being a day of rest and reset and a day spent with Jesus, but the day that the Lord has blessed as the Sabbath continues to be the seventh day, the Saturday.
Have a blessed week!
Thanks for your comment and for being here, sister! In my experience and from what I know is true of God’s character based on Scripture, God knows our hearts and He values relationships over religiosity. He blesses us when we trust Him, surrender to Him, invest our time in Him. Jesus invites all who are weary and burdened to come to Him and He will provide rest for our souls. I’m so grateful that is true on Saturdays, Sundays, and whenever we need Him. He is faithful to be found by those who seek Him. He is kind to honor all who accept His invitation to rest.
I love love love this!!!! As I get older, I 10000% cherish my weekends.
As I have no children, I only have my own obligations to fulfill (little bit of grocery shopping; top up on toiletries; miscellaneous errands etc) – yesterday I spent the morning, cross legged ontop of my bed trying, trying and trying again to get a crochet pattern right to make a soap pouch for my mom for her underwear drawer 🙂
Kathy – thank you for sharing this! I remember growing up we rested on Sunday and the only work that was done was fixing meals and clean up afterwards. Now that I am clergy, it has been a struggle for me to take a Sabbath because I “work” on Sundays and I work a full-time job Monday – Friday. Last year I decided Saturday would be my Sabbath (after a lot of prompting from the Lord). It has been a struggle but I have finally gotten to a place where I do no work on Saturday and it feels wonderful! I feel so much better prepared for Sunday morning taking that time off on Saturday. Our bodies were made for rest as much as they were for work!
This is all so good, Kathi! I agree, Sabbathing isn’t a once-a-week decision, it’s a daily lifestyle. A get-to not just a have-to! God is so kind to know what we need and to shepherd our hearts into great trust and dependence on Him. And amen to all the naps!
#2 – we’ll said. It’s kind of like giving or saving…making those a goal affects how you spend the rest of you money – you work back to what you spend on other things. So deciding to set aside time for rest doesn’t mean the other things don’t get done, but it does shift when they are done. So having a purposeful week in advance is somewhat key it seems to make this work not only physically for resting but also mentally- thank you
this is truly beautiful. Thank you for helping us understand how to appreciate and even celebrate the Sabbath
Kathi, this post is a beautiful invitation to my soul to enjoy a Sabbath and to live well in a rhythym of God’s grace and intention. I’m going to see if J.J. and I can implement some of the routines you and Roger have in place. Grateful you shared this with us.
As a family we keep Sabbath Friday sundown to Saturday sundown….as Sabbath was kept in the Bible. Kathy I love how you turned something that felt like drudgery into something so beauriful and delightful. Once i had littles i was determined to make Sabbath special for them. I also do all of the advance prepping…..i love your idea of preparing throughout the week… prepare for Sabbath. You sound like you love and enjoy your Sabbath. That pleases Jesus’ heart. I like to light candles for supper Friday night, as a beautiful introduction to entering into a different mind space and place of peace. Friday night we also have a special meal and time of family worship. Sabbath lunch alwayshas a special treat involved as well as a simple celebratory way of closing off Sabbath for sundown on Saturday. Just writing this down fills my heart with excitement for the coming Sabbath. Thanks for your beautiful article.
Kathi, what a great way to enjoy the Sabbath! It’s something I will start this week. Love your words and your beautiful smile.