Did you know rainbows are not an arc? Rainbows are actually full circles. Only from a heavenly perspective can one see the full circle with all of the brilliant colors.
Years ago, it might not have looked like it, but I was overcome by the odds. I was at a loss at what to do. My circumstances seemed impossible. I needed God to show up in my storm, and I needed a miracle.
We had been trying to have a baby for almost seven years. I had been to the specialists with no answers, tried holistic treatments, prayed and waited. Nothing worked. God was kind to me through the infertility process, giving me specific encouragement, visions, and dreams, and I believed Him. But even with all of that, I became emotionally exhausted and needed Him to act.
Do you ever get to a point with God that you almost wish He hadn’t promised you something because the waiting and battles to receive it are more than you can emotionally stand? That’s where I was while I was in one of my most favorite and beautiful places in God’s creation.
God saw me in the waters of the Pacific while on vacation in Hawaii. I swam out from the shore by myself. In a place where I should have been thankful, I cried out to Him while I let waves of His constant love wash over me. I was a little angry and frustrated. I told Him so. I was real and raw with my Savior, swimming in His creation. My salty tears mixed with the Pacific Ocean. I reminded Jesus of His promises and told Him I needed Him to come through.
I boarded a plane that afternoon, not totally sure what the future held. But the next month, God changed my situation and increased my faith: I was carrying my miracle child. I was overcome with a wave of complete joy. I’ve never been so amazed, relieved, and thankful.
Fast forward another seven years. I stood on the same beach, playing in the same waves with my living, breathing answer to prayer, my daughter Gabrielle. The Holy Spirit helped me realize at that moment that it was seven years to the day from the gut-wrenching prayer that she and I were standing there. God had brought me full circle.
I began paying attention to God’s goodness working together in every detail and His beautiful orchestration of my life, and I felt so loved in such a special place because of the redemptive circle He was showing me. His loving hand was like a rainbow over the island going back to redeem parts of my story that were extremely hard, showing me He was there, and healing my heart with the revelation of this redemptive circle.
A redemptive circle is when God reaches back in our story and redeems what has caused us pain — a rainbow of grace and mercy. It’s always out of our control. But God demonstrates His authority over time. He redeems circumstances and what we think is out of the question, making the situation right on our behalf and healing our hearts in the process.
Redemptive circles help us not get stuck in the past or in pain but empower us to have peace and move forward, able to follow Jesus in freedom.
I floated out to my sacred spot in the ocean with Gabrielle, and we talked to Jesus. I thanked Him with happy tears for the miracle He gave me in her, for answering prayers, for keeping His promises, and for bringing me back to that same spot to remind me of His love for us.
Are you in the middle of a storm looking for a rainbow? Does today seem impossible? And tomorrow something you just don’t want to face if God doesn’t show up? Do you feel desperate in your situation? Do you feel unloved by others or even by God?
God sees exactly what you are going through. God not only sees you, but He cares about your hard stories. He will reach back like a rainbow and redeem them, now or later. But you can ask Him to make it right. Then, like Hagar in Genesis 16:13, you will see God — showing up to fight for you, at work behind the scenes on your behalf, actively fulfilling His promises, and redeeming the most difficult parts of your story.
God really comes through on His promises. He answers our prayers in His timing. He creates new life in all kinds of beautiful, unexpected ways. God is trying to show you His faithfulness in your life if you will pay attention.
When you see a rainbow, remember God can rescue you and will redeem the storm you’re facing.
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I have seen redeemed rainbows!! God is so gracious. He has brought me through so many storms in this life. At 25 I was diagnosed with a progressive illness. I almost dies 20+ times. Each time He intervened personally—the doctors had no explanation as to why I pulled through. That is just part of my story. He is still right now redeeming my health—My doctor’s said
4 years ago that I would die within a few months. I am still here, home bound– I am getting stronger now-everyday. I have learned so much in these 4 years. I am 61 now. He still has plans for my life! We serve an awesome God!!!
Thank you for this encouragement.
Thank you for sharing your trials and joys. Your words are a balm to my waiting heart.
The power of rainbows! Several years ago I was told I needed an MRI. I had a sudden loss of hearing and there was a possibility of a brain tumor. As I exited the hospital, I turned to my husband and said “I am fine, there is no tumor.” I said that because as I looked up there was a rainbow and it appeared to end in the area of my home. I truly believed that God was telling me it was all good. And it was. I am grateful for this reminder from you. I have gone through some very rough patches the last few years and when I look back, I am here because of the grace of GOD.
God promised us storms. He also guarantees that He will guide our steps & see us through each one. Are you in the middle of a storm? Cry out to Jesus. Tell Him how you feel & what you need. He understands completely. In His perfect timing He will redeem your storm & bring beauty our of the ashes. I’ve seen God work on my behalf many times. Rainbows always remind me of His redeeming love after the flood-(arc with Noah). Pray long & hard. Soon very soon you will see your redeeming rainbow.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for sharing your story of encouragement Stephanie. I read a testimony this week similar to yours.
It is always inspiring to hear the happy endings that some women get to have when God blesses them with a child. However there are many of us who did not get the happy ending that we hoped for. How should we perceive God reaching back to redeem our stories? There are many Involuntary childless women like myself who prayed and sought God for the blessing of a child but our prayers were not answered with a yes.
What is the message for us? I have found in my experience that testimonies can be like double edged swords. They can be helpful to the group that gets the blessing but can prove difficult for those who did not.
I do not have the answers nor am I saying that testimonies should not be shared. I am bringing awareness to the fact that for some of us this can be a painful reminder that God did not chose us to receive the blessing of children.
Usually when I say this to Christian folks they give me some well rehearsed scriptural explanation like Romans 8:28, and in most cases those giving the answers have children.
As Christians let us consider that not everything is spiritual, we are also emotional beings. The Hurt and pain of unanswered prayers are real.
I just wanted to bring perspective to the other side.
Thank you, Nisa, for this reminder that is so real to so many. I agree that we often forget about the (seemingly unanswered) prayers that don’t get to experience the full-circle happy ending. I also struggled with infertility and often struggled with surrounding stories and experiences that left me empty. It’s a tough place to be! Thank you for your thoughtful response to this beautifully written devotional.
Blessing for a good week ahead!
I’m so sorry for your heartache. I know unanswered prayers are extremely difficult, no matter what we’ve prayed for. I’m sorry if my story has caused you pain. I’m praying for your tender heart. ❤️
My hope was sharing what God has been teaching me about His redemptive circles would encourage each of us in our hard stories, unanswered prayers & the storms each of us is experiencing at the moment. The thing that gets me through is that God is redeeming my situation on earth or when I’m in heaven. No matter if I can see the redemption, I know He’s redeeming my hard story.
Thank you for this reminder of God’s unconditional love for each one of us. He knows us intimately and hears our cries. Some are answered prayers they way we hoped and others are answered in a different way. God does care always. We are His beloved and when we hurt, He hurts. Remember He Loves each one of us and hears us. His will and way are different then ours. Help me to trust only in You Lord, to put my Hope in You Lord, the keeper of my Heart. 🙂
Thank you! God thank you for the rainbows. God, thank you for your promises. Praise God!
Good morning Everyone,
Happy Spring Break !
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
It’s so difficult sometimes to focus on a great prayer already answered because we are so certain that this new request is so necessary and right now is the best time. Smile
Don’t get weary in well doing (paraphrased). Keep your focus on the only One True Living God. He knows everything about you because He knitted you together in your mothers womb, the Word tells us. So it’s realistic to know that He holds the answers to what is best for you and me too.
Why does it seem to hurt our feelings if we have to endure a long wait. We just are somewhat impatient and we are somewhat selfish and we are somewhat prideful. These character traits don’t describe our Lord and Savior. Parents have to wait for their children to grow up, it’s a process even when they are 30 years old (Smile).
Take courage and confidence and never give up but in the interim just trust and obey God. Do good to others and let your “light” shine.
God bless Everyone
What a great devotion. I needed to hear this today. We have not.spoken to our son and d.i.l for a year and a half. We have a 1 yr old granddaughter that we have yet to meet and see, plus we have a grandson due in June. Will we see this new grandson? I have no idea. But this is just one of our storms. Our biggest storm happened April 17, 2015, when we lost our son in tragic garden tractor accident, he met Jesus before we knew he would. He became a Christian just 8 months prior to him meet his Savior.
This devotion gave me hope that one day We will see our grandchildren. As he knows our story.
Thank You for a hopeful devotion that spoke to me today.