About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. Tammy says

    Loved this devotion! How true it is… there are distractions every way we look, and it takes discipline & desire for God to stay as close as we need to be to HIM. ♥️

  2. Ruth Mills says

    When spiritually hungry trying distractions, even worthwhile ones, never satisfy that need & hunger for Christ. When hungry & bored grazing the cupboards isn’t deeply filling either. Just as only well balanced snacks & meals satisfies the body long term, only Jesus satisfies deeply our souls for eternity. Amazing gift He offers His presence in the here & now also! May I recognize my thirst is for Him & pursue only Him!

  3. Susen says

    A beautiful reminder of how keeping our hearts set on God is abundantly important. I have been growing more and more in faith over the last few months and I feel and realize a difference. A closer more real connection to my faith than I have had in a long time. And I love that verse and wrote it in my journal as one of my favorite verses. thank you for sharing

  4. says

    “As this year keeps going, I want to live a life defined by a deep longing for Christ and Christ alone. I want to be ruined for anything else that claims to satisfy. I want to hunger and thirst for God knowing that He is faithful to respond and move as only He can do.” Yes and amen!! I am with you, sister.

  5. Beth Williams says


    Lately I’ve had a yearning for more of God & less of this world. All the trappings of this world aren’t enticing me at all. I’m tired of all the disunity & “crap” going on in this world today. Longing for more of Jesus & His love. That’s why I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes food bank. I get to shower people with God’s light & love. He alone satisfies my hunger for Heaven & His word.

    Blessings 🙂

  6. Sandy says

    Thank You for reminding us
    What life is all about!
    The Love ofJesus is what it
    Is all about!