Confession: Some of the worst moments of my life have happened while I was going too fast.
I’m not talking about the speeding tickets — there have been a few — or the time, in my typical rush, I knocked the water glass to the floor, shattering it into a thousand pieces. I’m talking about bigger things — the way that, in a hurry, I have cut short meaningful conversations with people who needed me to listen or the times when I have rushed my kids or shut someone down with my body language, all because I was running behind.
I was at my worst when I was a young mom. I would fantasize about how I might be able to coordinate the kids’ naps for just forty-five minutes so I could squeeze in some work — as if those forty-five minutes were the real work I was called to do.
People have this romantic idea that because we live on a farm, our lives are slower paced. But the truth is — like almost everyone I know — we succumb to the enchantments of faster, bigger, stronger too.
Our culture has trained us to want quick fixes. It seems everyone is selling a faster way to grow your business, lose weight, make a buck. We get tempted to order life around hustle and achievement, which leaves us anxious, weary, and tense. These are the symptoms of what I call “a hurried heart.”
There is no pill or magic cure to fix a hurried heart. The cure is “an inside job.” And that cure starts here: by making a commitment to a life of growing slow.
When I examine the Biblical narrative, I find the courage to take a growing-slow approach to life. The Bible is a story unfolding slowly as God’s people move through times and places to experience His faithfulness.
God’s seeming slowness exasperates people. The Israelites’ journey from the wilderness to the promised land, for instance, must have felt like forever. And then the people had to wait many generations for the promised Messiah to come. When Jesus did arrive, He lived an unrushed, unhurried pace — walking from village to village, taking the time to heal, listen, and teach. But Jesus didn’t always show up when and where people wanted Him to, and that caused frustration.
Think on this for a moment: The Biblical story isn’t even over yet! There’s a big part of the story we are still waiting for — the second coming of Christ. But even that kind of slowness is for our benefit. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9 NLT).
This is the way of our Lord — slow, steady, unhurried. Just as He led the Israelites to the promised land, He is leading you. There’s a fascinating story in Scripture that gives me comfort when I don’t instantaneously see results in my life.
In the story, the Israelites have been delivered from slavery. They are in the wilderness on their way to the promised land. God explained to them how He would drive out the Hivites, Canaanites, Hittities, and others to make way for the Israelites to claim their promised land.
“I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land” (Exodus 23:29-30 NIV, emphasis added).
God could have given them the land all at once. But He knew a better way: little by little.
Take a look at those verses again. Notice the apparent consequence of giving over the land all at once: “ . . . the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you.”
“Little by little” is how God chooses to roll sometimes. And that might be for our own good.
You are likely eager to jump into your promised land right now. You may feel impatient. But get a little quiet. Go a little slower. God knows what He’s doing. He’s moving you forward, little by little.
Dear Lord,
I confess that I am sometimes in a hurry and don’t like to wait for Your hand to move. Your Word says that You are not slow in keeping Your promises, as some understand slowness. Help me to live in the promise that You will move things forward in Your will, in Your way, and in Your timing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
We love what Jennifer Dukes Lee writes about in her latest Bible study, The Growing Slow Bible Study: A 6-Week Guided Journey to Un-Hurrying Your Heart, which is excerpted here today. In this study, she helps you:
· gain the courage to slow down and enjoy your life
· uncover surprising truths that will help you grow, even in difficult seasons
· lay down burdens you’ve been carrying and receive God’s healing
· find value in the good things you are already growing.
Order your copy today and enter to WIN a copy! To encourage you to live a life of growing slow, we’re giving away FIVE copies of Jennifer’s Bible study book! Leave a comment telling us one way you want to commit to slowing your life down.
Then join Becky Keife and Jennifer for a chat all about the Growing Slow Bible Study! Tune in tomorrow on our Facebook page at 11am central for their conversation.
This was the exact word I needed this am. We are currently waiting & watching my Dad-in-love in his final hours. Huge question of how long Lord? There is the temptation to want the waiting to be over so we can be about the doing of what’s next. BUT GOD is in the details & won’t call Dad home 1 millisecond too soon. May we be content in the waiting knowing God is honing each of us more in His likeness even as we wait. God is acting even as we sit & it is for good.
I’m praying for you, Ruth, as you go through this most difficult time. We just lost my sister-in-law after a long cancer battle, and recently put my mom in hospice, so I empathize with you. Praying you feel God’s comfort and blessing.
Thank you. Praying for you too!
I’ve been in your shoes also. My mom laid in bed with dementia for two years. Why oh Lord please take her. He knew that in the waiting my dad would read the Bible & get baptized at 83. God knows & sees the bigger picture. Asking God to send comfort & peace to your weary waiting souls. May you feel His loving arms holding & hugging you close. Remember this: His timing is perfect. I will keep you all in my prayers
Blessings 🙂
Ruth, I am coming here first thing this morning to respond to comments, and yours is first, and my heart is aching for all of you right now. Please know that many of us are praying for you as you wait, and as you grieve. Love, Jennifer
As a single momma, I always feel the pressure to do, do, do, work, work, work…I would love to slow down more so that I don’t miss the precious moments with my little one.
Yes, Elizabeth! I remember when the girls were little, wanting to coordinate their nap schedules so I could get “real work” done. I wish I could go back to my younger self and remind her that mothering was the “real work” and the other stuff could wait. Yet, I also empathize with you, Elizabeth, because the pressure must be even more so for you, as a single mom. Much love to you today.
This really touched my heart . I have been working many long hours since the pandemic as a nurse …. My thoughts run wild
as I try to get everything done at work and home …. This reading made me realize God is always in control and I need to slow down and take each moment with love and joy and know that tomorrow is another day !
I am so glad this spoke to you, Karen! I love your words here in the comments.
I’m learning to say no to things that overcrowd my days. Allowing myself the time to slow down has been a blessing.
Saying “no” is an art form! Good for you, Lesly!
I am “retired”. I think. I sure don’t feel it. It’s not what I imagined it would be like. I have no sense of direction for my life. My husband is now planning to work another 7 years. I had Covid and was very I’ll for 9 weeks (in bed), and still struggling with lung & some brain fog issues (much better…praise the Lord). I need a sense of direction and hope that God has a plan for me.
Hi Diana, I am familiar with that post-Covid brain fog. It’s a doozie. I am glad you are on the road to recovery. As you walk this path of healing, may God would give you glimmers of his direction and plan for your life during this season. Meanwhile, know that you are loved, loved, loved no matter what you “do!” xox
The first thing I need to do is to slow down when I read these wonderful daily posts and engage in my other morning readings. I tend to rush for no real reason. I need to slow down and relish what I read like I relish that first cup of coffee! A great reminder. Thanks.
Rushing for “no real reason” is an actual thing. It’s a huge cause of burnout and a hurried heart. I’m so glad you mentioned it, as a reminder to us all.
I am having to prioritize things as the evenings fill up and the days are filled with work. Last Saturday I had to say no to something. I’m learning that’s okay.
Learning to say “no” is an important step in slowing down. Well done, Heidi!
what a hurried life we live. May we learn to Grow Slow in the Lord and humbly walk with Him each and every day!! thank you – God bless you!
Amen, and amen. Thanks so much, Tamara!
This devotional post was exactly what I needed today!
Praise God!
Thank you Jennifer!
I need your book!
Just yesterday I was talking to God and asking Him about my moving to Garner NC to be nearer to my daughters!
And saying “when God”?
“How long God”?
I need to slow down.
I need to trust God for the timing of selling my house in Charlotte in order to purchase a house in Garner!
Hi Joanie! Thank you so much! I am glad to know these words spoke to you. Have a blessed week.
This was very much needed, I’d love the study book, but don’t see how to order it on this post(?)
Oh, I am so sorry about that! You can go over to Amazon, and search for “Growing Slow Bible Study.” Let me know if that works for you?
Paula, you can also click up on that hyperlink where it says “Growing Slow Bible Study” in that brown-toned font.
Here is hoping that I achieve the privilege of receiving your newest Bible Study.
Every day is a blessing ! Life is precious ! Why does it take a long time to learn to enjoy each day, one day at a time. Because we have not been taught to s l o w down, ever. We need to be taught to crawl, toddle around, and then slowly start to walk. Even babies try to run once they find their balance. So the grownups do the same thing. High School Graduation, College Graduation, Graduate School, First Job, Repaying College Loans, Marriage, Two Babies, PTA, Little League, Cheerleading Practice, and on and on . . .
So, when did we learn to slow down and ask God for His Plan for our lives? I am convinced that His Plan is far greater than our own plans, but it will take a day by day slower time.
Let’s pray for God’s Grace and Mercy, His Wisdom, and His Guidance. We need Him 100% !
God bless you Beloved Daughters of God.
Thanks so much for sharing, Brenda! You’re absolutely right. We aren’t really taught how to slow things down. We learn, from an early age, how to hurry it all up!
May we all find pleasure in the simple things and take the time to enjoy what we know to be most important in our lives. It’s not the dusting or vacuuming or worrying about how will all get done. It’s being in the present and doing and being with who and what we love.
This post reminds me so much of an Alabama song “I’m in a Hurry (and Don’t Know Why)”. Here is a sampling I’m in a hurry to get things done Oh, I rush and rush until life’s no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die Even I’m in a hurry and don’t know why Don’t know why? I have to drive so fast My car has nothing to prove It’s not new But it’ll do 0 to 60 in 5.2. Sounds like most of us.
Society tells us to hurry up go go go do do do keep up the frantic pace. Taking time to rest is a waste. Lysa Terkeurst said it best in her book Your Best Yes – “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give anyone–not even your family.” We need to prioritize our lives & give ourselves permission to sit & rest in Him. I long for the time when I can move more out in the country & live a simplified unhurried life.
Blessings 🙂
Wow, this sounds just like what I need. I am always rushing around, trying to fit everything in. I am aware of God’s timing, and yet I am still rushing and impatient.
It would be wonderful to win this book. Blessings to all.
Again a Wonderful message
To us all!
A message that does encourage
Us all!
Thank You
I live a slower life already, but would like to be more intentional by saying no to things that are too much for me, even if they are good things, things I enjoy.
I have to slow down and wait for God’s Hand to bring my future spouse into my life. I dream and long for a faithful and loving husband and children. So often I try and rush this in my life. I think about what it would be like to be married constantly but I have to keep surrendering my time and plans to our good God. Even when it’s hard, I have to trust His Hand is moving and He is working all things out for my good and His glory. He will use this wait. Thank you for sharing, Jennifer ❤️
I definitely need an “inside job” to slow my “hurried heart”. Courageous Simplicity helped me so much! I just need more focus on slowing down and quieting the noise that distracts. This book is right on time! I would be so honored to win a free copy so I could participate in the study. So glad to discover a new author!
I used to think slow meant I wasn’t doing enough, but I’ve grown to realize slow can be a thoughtful process to conduct ourselves more intentionally, and not just dragged into the world’s rush around us.
And, in regards to God moving slowly, I remind myself that He knows best, and that is certainly also related to timing!
One way I want to commit to slow down in life is, taking walks outside to take a breather, taking fasts from social media or TV. Just to enjoy the moments
I have been using my spiritual practice to help with social anxiety and am looking to read materials that will focus my mind on peace and grace.
I have been working on slowing down and enjoying life. I love to go on walks. Observing nature reminds me to slow down and enjoy the season I am in. It can be hard to remember that the Lord’s timing isn’t mine timing, but He is faithful and I am so thankful for that.
Time spent outside, under God’s great big sky, is a great way to slow down.
I’ve been working on not looking at social media as much!
Always a great way to prioritize and slow down. Good for you, Abby!
Thank you so much! So inspiring
Glad this spoke to you, Wendy!
Thank you
Slowing down actually helps allow more time. No need to clean up messes or make corrections for what you didn’t take time to do correctly the first time. It also develops relationships!
Yes yes yes! Slowing down actually makes a person MORE productive, not LESS productive, for exactly the reason you describe here. Thanks, Valerie.
I’m committing by having my first cup of coffee in my recliner while doing a Bible study instead of working.
Sounds perfect!
I love to write, and I want so much to share my words with the world. I’m in a busy season with Littles, though, and I often feel like the dream will never become real. I’m thankful for Jennifer,’s reminder that God can do beautiful work in the seemingly slow seasons, and need to cherish these days. I am going to take a step back, focus on God’s Word, and journal more faithfully instead of trying to rush straight to writing a book.
Rachel, I’ve been RIGHT THERE, right where you are. My own writing journey started when the girls were very young, and it probably went more slowly than it could have gone, but looking back, I am glad for all the times I prioritized the family. I have a chapter about that in Growing Slow, specific to the writing journey. It’s the chapter called “You are not falling behind.”
Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement, Jennifer! I was just informed that I won a copy of your Growing Slow Bible Study, and I can’t wait to dive in! From one Midwest girl to another, God Bless!
Growing slow in my writing so I can appreciate the here and now with my kids while they’re still home ❤️ Such an encouragement that slow can be our calling.
“slow can be our calling…” I love that, Bre.
I find myself rushing my kids through conversations and their stories as I juggle a newborn, teaching, and housework…missing the foundation building aspects of their lives. I would like to actively be present and stop multitasking.
Yes! Our daughter Anna told me recently that the biggest change she saw in me after my own Growing Slow journey began was that I was more attentive in conversation!
I want to stop worrying about everything that “needs to get done” (laundry, cleaning, work, etc.) & just enjoy the special moments w\ my family. I have found out this last year more than every that time is precious & we never know when our time here on earth will be through…… 🙁
I am leading 2 ladies discipleship groups. and one of them is about to conclude. However, I would like to take them on this 6 week journey.
I’m committing to slow down and pay attention to things I’m truly interested in… not only ideas from others or things put in front of me. That’s why I joined Jennifer’s book study for Growing Slow that’s starting later this month♥️. I can’t wait!
My heart wants to rush on the the next thing, afraid of possibly missing out on something… trying to slow down that “hurry” so as to be present in the now… letting go of the possible missed stuff
I want to slow down…with food. As a college student without a meal plan (cause expensive), I’d often just eat what was fast and easy. But now that I’ve been finished with school for a while, I want to take better care of myself by actually cooking, and making healthier things. Not taking care of my body definitely impacts my mental health, and then my relationship with God (through flare ups of anxiety). I’m learning that food can be a means of His grace to me, with a big impact on my mental health struggles.
Growing slower–to not rush through prayers.
I am soon to semi-retire, working three days a week rather than five. One of the things I look forward to is doing bible studies in my swing beside the pond behind my house. That is a little bit of heaven I’ve pictured looking forward to this point.
I loved this book so much!! I want to enter the giveaway for my friends. I have been trying to make efforts to slow down while I’m eating and actually taste my food, to enjoy watching the sunrise, and to be fully present whenever my kids interrupt me. I’m still working on it. 😉
I sit down in the morning with my cup of coffee and my Bible. This is my time to slow down before heading into my day. It sets the day for me.
I want to slow down and be present so that I’m not always thinking of the next time while I’m still in the present thing (especially conversations with people).
One way I am slowing down is by cultivating a creative hobby. I started crochet about 7 years ago as a way to feed my need for some “me” time, and it has ended up feeding my soul in a way I could not have predicted. I am no master, and consider myself a slow crocheter, but the process of creating, then sharing, is nourishing.
I am coming out of a season of life that has involved lots of extra things that I needed to do. I am praying and hoping that I can take the time that I have been using for that and spend more time in the word.
I am learning to savor God’s creation; the delicate detail of flowers, the quail crossing single file in our back field, squirrels peeking in our door window “asking” for birdseed. Each moment counts. Thank You, Jesus.
I have found myself saying yes to too many good things and filling up my plate making it so I’m not my best self in any of it. My goal is to make a difference in my communities & the lives of people around me. However, I’m finding that my closest ones are being put aside at times or I’m too tired even I’m with them. I want to be fully present with the ones I’m with & I want to learn to stop, slow down & be rested so I can enjoy the life I’ve been blessed with with the people I’ve been blessed with.
I commit to be slow in the hellos and good byes. I want others to know I am glad to see them and stop what I am doing when they enter my home, especially my children. The same goes for goodbyes. I want the people in my life to feel loved even after they exit.