About the Author

Anna works full-time for DaySpring from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and four kids. Anna is the author of A Moment of Christmas and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, and she shares the good stuff of the regular, encouraging you to see the ordinary glory in your everyday.

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  1. Ruth Mills says

    God’s working in the details that we get glimpses of are such a gift! And then all the details He is in that go unseen just boggle my mind growing my faith roots deeper & fatter. May we not take the 10 second miracles for granted! Thank you for this encouraging illustration!

  2. Madeline says

    Anna, that was incredibly beautiful. I don’t know what else to say. I am all teary eyed. Thank you.

  3. Tamara says

    This is beautiful Anna… miracles… all around us.. God spoke and look what He created.. so good, so good. May we embrace, open our eyes too and be grateful for the many miracles that are all around us.. each and every moment of each and every day! God bless you!

  4. Susen says

    Thank you for this perspective. Our church priest once said, “where do you see heaven on earth?” The blessings and the miracles are all around us we just have to be open to them.
    Thank you for a wonderful article.
    God bless!

  5. Donna says

    Anna, thank you for this reminder that miracles are happening all around us. May we never lose the wonder of God’s love and power!

  6. Irene says

    Anna, this whole post just sparkles! Bravo! We need to stop and marvel each time God drops a miracle in our path. That’s going to be a new goal.of mine.

  7. Maura says

    Makes me think of my favorite line from the Netflix show Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt ” a person can stand just about anything for 10 seconds, then you just start on a new 10 seconds. All you’ve got to do is take it 10 seconds at a time.”

  8. Mary says

    Happy Friday Anna. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of the 10 second miracles all around us. May we always be looking in anticipation for them. Your two young boys are adorable in the picture. God bless you and your family. ❤ Mary

  9. Paula says

    Thank you for reminding me that the miracles are in life every single day and I need to be open to them. 10 second miracles .. I will be keeping my eyes and my heart wide open to them and thanking God for each of those 10 seconds. Anna, this reflection was absolutely beautiful and a great reminder that miracles are a part of my life always and forever.

  10. Christine says

    I love this message Anna! What an amazing perspective. You are spot on and I’m so moved by the way you have captured the heart of God in the everyday. HE is there with us and we need to be more aware of all HE is doing.♥ Christine

  11. Louise Galego says

    Thank you, Anna, for reminding us that there are indeed miracles in sight beckoning to be seen. Your piece is written so lyrically and inspiring. The photo of your beautiful children made my heart smile.


  12. Olivia says

    Thank you for this awe inspiring message. Mustard seed faith, tiny miracles bring about abundant grace and overflow of blessings. Praise God for the masterpieces of you, me, mankind, and all creation. Our God is an awesome God. Alpha and Omega!!!

  13. Beth Williams says


    One of my husband’s ex co workers has a miracle child. It wasn’t a year old & was diagnosed with eye cancer. They had to go to Memphis (across the state) to St. Jude’s hospital. It took about 1–2 years but the little one is finally alright & was able to celebrate her first Christmas last year. That is just one of many miracles I can think of. Each day we wake up healthy is another chance to witness more miracles. The gorgeous Smoky Mountains, sunshine, beautiful colors in fall all are manifestations of God showing me His miraculous power & love.

    Blessings ::)