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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I love the name Empowered to be Seen- I downloaded the sample of this devotional and it is BEAUTIFUL. So many of my friends and I are in seasons of being stretched- whether it’s through motherhood, work, caring for families etc. and many of us grew up in the idea that a woman is called to give until it hurts, she is exhausted, etc etc- this spoke straight to my heart!! Thank you!!

  2. We are walking, stumbling, crawling through my Dad-in-love’s final hours. Human logic says he should be in heaven already yet God continues to sustain him & us. We are exhausted yet energized for a new day each day only because God in us is our strength. Praise Him!!!

  3. Empowered to be at peace speaks to me the most right now in the midst of all the chaos going on in my life right now.

  4. I believe we all feel the affects of the chaos in our world right now. The only one to rely on sometimes when things are so out of our control is our Lord, he has shown up for so many of us here and I pray he continues to.

  5. I love “Empowered to be Hopeful” and actually, Empowered ……all of them. Thank you for writing this beautiful devotion. I am trying to be hopeful each day.

  6. “Empowered to cheer each other on” is so wonderful! Having sisters who hold us accountable, lift us up, encourage us, walk beside us and rejoice with us is vital for an abundant life in this often negative world we live in. So grateful for God’s word and his family!

  7. Empowered to be seen and empowered to be accepted. Are the titles that jump out at me. Excited for this book!!

  8. It all is so needed. Maybe trust and peace as we face another major cancer surgery for my husband. The Lord got me thru the first surgery. Thank you Jesus. But not wanting to face another similar test. But God empowers beyond anything we can do on our own. Thankful for writers who share Gods words and hope. Blessings to you all.

  9. “Empowered to Cheer Each Other On” ~ Last year (2021) I was told I would not live until Christmas, but God had other plans for me and here I am, empowered to share my testimony, empowered to lift others up, empowered to encourage. Instead of sending “thank you (cards) for having been a part of my life” cards for Christmas, I sent actual Christmas cards sharing my testimony. Now I send cards to those who are sick, grieving, or just a surprise hello in the mail. God is so good, ALL the time.

  10. I love all your Titles. If I only can choose one, I would choose Empowered More of Him. Because He has & is all that has kept me going! Short version is 25 years ago, surviving 3 Cardiac arrests at age 43 & told to plan my funeral as I didn’t have long to live, & 2 comas, CA 2 times, & now complete bone marrow failure. I will be 68 this year & it is only because of God’s strength! See Nehe. 8:10 “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. He is! Amen! He has made me a prayer warrior for others! Thank you Lord! Please enter me in your contest for a copy of your new book. Love & Prayers for all of you & your ministry! Sherry Chatham, your grateful sister-in-Christ!

  11. Thank you fir your devotional that I often share with my friends.
    I’m fighting a battle right now and God is with me.

  12. “God is invested in our wholeness and the empowerment of my whole being”
    To have this devotional to help cultivate that, to be empowered by God to live what is best for me in whatever I am facing, whatever season I am in.

  13. Every week I am empowered to be strong at my internship with hospice. If I have permission from family members, I can read from the devotional I have. I have had so many life altering moments with the elderly during this difficult time. They are so strong. They are my heroes. They empower me to be the best that I can be.

  14. Laid low out of the blue by inflammation of the sciatic nerve. From someone who walked twice a day now one who can barely move. Oh yes, I truly need that empowerment.

  15. Empowered to be confident! I am in the process of taking over a task at my church formerly held by someone with some very big shoes to fill! I am both excited to do this and scared to death that I will FLOP!

  16. Here I go, you opened my mail this morning.

    How do I just relax in God’s unfailing Arms?

    I believe in the Awesome, Almighty, Aall-Knowing, Holy, Pure and Perfect Creator, and I am His Beloved Daughter. He is concerned about shaping and molding my character into the image of the Character of Christ.

    Now, this does not feel good all the time, but we walk by Faith and not by sight (our senses, emotions or perspectives that are flawed). I tell myself many things, like you are an example for your children and your spouse. You are the “one” who forgives first and ignores how you feel, you take the high road, you don’t ask “why” you just keep going. Well, I get weary and then I realize I did not ask for help from the Holy Spirit, I did not pray the Bible verses regarding my challenge, I did not place this situation on the altar. Oh, that’s why I am upset and agitated.

    I need to battle God’s way. Give everyone and everything to God in Prayer with Thanksgiving. Then pray for encouragement and endurance while I wait with a joyful and expectant attitude. Now this is easier said than done. I have spiritual support in Christian Counselors and kind, close and safe friends. Thank God for His plan for my life. Yes, this Christian Journey takes a lifetime, step by step, day by day, with God’s Grace being sufficient for you every single day no matter what it looks like or feels like to you. Wow, what a mouth full !

    You and I are on the Potter’s Wheel, He is concerned about your character, not your comfort. Use your energy to help others while your character is being shaped into the Character of Christ.

    Enjoy your day.


  17. Empowered To Be Seen & Empowered To Be Known sound amazing! Feel like I am running on fumes with the exhaustion and full schedule lately. Trying to go to bed early when I can. Thank you for another opportunity to win!

  18. I like “Empowered to Rest” because it’s such a struggle to break from the busy and rest. But that’s what God calls us to do – rest in his presence. We need HIS power to rest when it becomes so difficult to do so on our own.

  19. Thank you for today reading. It has taught me so much. My Family see me a super hero. Dawn can do it. Dawn will do it. Just because I don’t have kids. They say they are busy. I am the only one saved in my family. I pray for them all. They say I am busy with the kids. Yes they do there part for our Dad. But not to as much as me. What are you doing Dawn that you can’t do it. They think I am the super hero. I get my super hero batteries run flat. But I always find that we teny weeny tiny bit power to go on. As I don’t want any rows. Them saying to me. But Dawn we are busy with the kids. You have no kids. So no reason why you can’t do it. Even if it helping my Dad. Who is 81 tomorrow. I get I feel I am the only one doing most of it. Because I feel if I don’t they say something to me. For quite life. I end up doing it. All I want to do is cry inside. Since I broke my Ankle before Christmas. It is getting alot better. I have heard them say my Dad can do more for himself. Now your not round helping him. We do our part my sister’s say. I knew when I get well enough to go back to my Dad’s. I know my sister’s and my Dad will expect me to do as much as I did before. I feel God saying Dawn you have to pull back and do less. Yes help your Dad. But not be doing it all. Your going to have to learn to say I will do my bit go Dad help him. But we all help Dad. As I am the type of person. Who just done it for the love of my Dad and the love of the Lord. Also if I saw mess I just have to tidy it. I could not leave it. As it would annoy me. I’d go to find the strength from somewhere to do it. Now until I get better like a super hero. To stand up for myself. Say I will do my bit. You to my sister’s have do your bit. It not as if any of kids babies they are ages from 8 – 21 my sister’s kids. They can do we bit more. They got Husband’s to help with the kids. This scares me. I not one to saying anything in a nice way if it needs to be said. I just get on and do. For a quite life. I find that easier. Even if my hero batteries run flat or low. I seem to get the power to just do it. Then nothing can be said to me. When I get home from my Dad’s I find my energy not good. I want to rest. But I can’t. I have to see my home. Start cooking tea. Or something like that. I am pushing myself to find the super power to go on. The Lord showed me this Jesus took time rest and pray. I have to do the same. I have to do the same to charge up my batteries. Not do as much. Yes I can still be a superhero. But just remember we’re the off button is. Take time out for me to rest like Jesus did. Love today’s reading. In my prayers all incourage. Love the readings. Learn so much from them. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  20. Right now in my current situation, I think Empowered to be resilient and empowered to be at peace are the two that speak so strong to my heart. <3

  21. Empowered to be who God created me to be. I pray that prayer often so I can really relate to that one. Thanks for sharing all you do!!


  22. The devotion title that speaks to me the most and the one I’m looking forward to reading is “Empowered to Say ‘No.'” I’m in a season where a lot of people, especially family, are giving me opinions and sharing expectations for decisions that are ultimately mine. As a people-pleaser and peacemaker, it’s really hard for me to say no or to set boundaries where needed, but I’m learning how to, with God’s help. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Empowered with hope, courage and belief to do what seems impossible. Going to download first 5 now. Thank you for sharing.

  24. This book sounds awesome and will speak to so many women. After 5 months of cleaning out my in-laws house of 42 years, how many times did I say “I CAN’T DO THIS”!!!!
    But God…….
    HE provided the physical, mental and emotional strength needed to get it done. I was definitely Empowered by my loving Heavenly Father who is always with us if we seek Him.
    Thank you for the chance to win and share this awesome book. ❤️

  25. Oh, so many of the titles jump out! I’ve dealt with chronic pain for years with no permanent “fixes”. Just yesterday after several days of debilitating pain in my hip, I can add bursitis to the list. My first response was “Really God? Aren’t I suffering enough?” I know God is good, He loves me more than I can imagine, and He won’t give me more than I can handle. But it’s a daily struggle! So, resting in His promises and trusting Him to help me each day, and the eternal hope of Heaven is what I need help to remember and focus on.

  26. Empowered to be a Friend says it all. Next week we move back to our home state (GBR) and I am somewhat anxious about reestablishing and establishing friendships. Girl power (in a non-Super Hero fashion) sustains me, upholds me and at times validates me. Thank you God for the females in my life and the structure and commitment they offer.

  27. Empowered to be strong…and it doesn’t have to be just me! That we have one who will provide just enough to get us through. A hope that I need to cling to through the battles that are silently being waged in my head. Thank you for this powerful reminder!

  28. Empowered to Feel All Our Feelings speaks to me. So often, I find myself “hiding” my true feelings, pasting on a smile for the world to see, and I’m afraid, by doing this, I am also teaching my son not to feel his feelings. We had a conversation about this the other day when he was trying to hide sadness and disappointment from me. I need to do a better job at modeling my own feelings, by first feeling them, to show him that it’s okay to feel our feelings.

  29. Empowered to be seen resonated to me. It named what I was feeling at a recent family celebration when I was serving everyone and making sure everyone was fed and having a good time, but I had not eaten. This is something that happens often and yet I didn’t see it as a spiritual issue calling me to draw close to Jesus. My Lord sees. I can be empowered and encouraged knowing I need only to lean in and trust him.

  30. Empowered to be Strong and to be Surrendered. My favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9, to be strong and courageous, but find that hard to live out in every day life. But to also be able to let go, surrender, let God take complete control of my life is super hard. Things I need to work on in my life!

  31. I feel that “courageous joy” is speaking to me the most. I’m at a point in my life that I need to have the courage to bring the joy to there and myself. I believe this then goes into “Empowered to be seen”. I’m working on a project or two that I’m leaning on the courage and the need to be seen! Love this beautiful writing!

  32. Ever since I received my word of the year, EMPOWERED, I’ve been going to see some supportive products to walk with me on my Empowered journey this year. I’m starting a new habit, one that is changing my life in the best way, with God as my rock, foundation, provider, Healer, comforter, resource.
    Thanks for this leadership. God bless you all.

  33. I just received my copy of Empowered a few days ago. I’m SO looking forward to sitting down and absorbing all this knowledge. I am also anxiously awaiting the Bible Study as I have a group of friends that are going to join me on this journey. I would love to be able to give away these copies to them!!
    These questions really speaks to my heart♥…
    “Ever feel like you’re both not enough and too much, at the same time? Wonder why ‘you go girl’ statements feel good for a minute, then fizzle?”

  34. I can only pick one?! I want to feel empowered to be known and accepted and to use that to be kind and joyful and be the kind of friend others need. I guess it all comes under being who God wants me to be. I can’t wait to dive into this and feel closer to God and others. Thank you!

  35. Two speak to me. 1)Empowered to be a Friend. In a couple weeks I will be spending a girls’ weekend with 3 amazing women I have been friends with since we were in 5th grade in 1971. I have been trying to find a devotional to give them and I think this is the one. 2)Empowered to Feel All Our Feelings-The Power of Grieving. I loss my husband, best friend, 5 years ago and I grieve that loss every day. I thank God I grew up in a house that always put God first and that I know I will be reunited again with him.
    Thank you for writing this book. God bless you all

  36. So many chapters would be awesome and much needed! Empowered to be at peace, combined to trust God, stands out for me, in this season of my life!

  37. Empowered to Cheer Each Other on. Wherever we are in our lives, whatever circumstances we face.The God of love gives us beautiful people, to remind us of His unending grace.

  38. Empowered to Say No speaks to me because saying NO can be a struggle. I think about letting people down, but then I think if I say yes to everything, I can cheat myself to what God wants from me. I don’t want to be like a Martha, just busy and not productive running around in circles sometimes. I want to make time to sit at Jesus’s feet. Thank you for these devotionals!

  39. Empowered to be Accepted speaks to me. I have moved all my life and never stayed anywhere long enough to find a place to fit in much less feel accepted.

  40. THE POWER OF GOD’S HEALING HAND and EMPOWERED TO BE HEALTHY resonate with me. I have been struggling with my health for about a year now, and I know that I not only need to trust God to heal my body, but also that there are things I can do to improve my health and aid in the battle against illness.

  41. Empowered to Cheer Each Other On spoke to me. Mainly because that’s who I am – I try to others cheerleader, encourager, to be the one there if only as another being with no words. I’m truly happy for all their accomplishments and heartbroken for them when things didn’t go as planned. But I also want to turn those disappointments into a positive they can look back on as it wasn’t God timing.

  42. In Courage,

    Empowered to be beautiful. I know beauty isn’t just what’s on the outside. It’s what’s in your heart that matters. Sometimes it’s hard to look in mirror and see a beautiful person. My attitude some days isn’t as Christ like as it should be. Maybe I said the wrong thing or haven’t prayed enough. There are days I just don’t feel radiant. I’m a little tired, overweight & don’t exercise enough. Deep down I know in my heart that God sees me as a beautiful creation. One with a few flaws but He’s working on them.

    The battle I’m facing is to eat better & exercise more. To get a more healthy body for the Holy Spirit to live in. God is helping me by sending me emails about healthy eating & exercises. He knows I want to get into much better shape to please Him & be a more Holy person.

    Blessings 🙂

  43. The reason why Empowered speaks to me is because Empowered is my 2022 word of the year. It is the first time I’ve done a word of a year and I feel empowered that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

  44. Empowered to be at peace speaks the most to me. It seems that there is chaos all around, in our world, nation, community, relationships, minds, health. It’s hard to feel my soul settled in the midst of the madness. I am reminded though that when I focus on the troubles around me, I am not looking at my Jesus before me. Any chance of peace is only available in Him.

  45. The Power of God’s Voice in our Rage….plough wee!!! This title yes please right now!!! My mouth….communication & how I receive. God is working & teaching me-GRATEFUL! Those days when flesh wins in the moment…ughh. So this title reaches for me & i am reaching back. Can not wait to read this & absorb. Listen. Learn & pray & pray some more! Thank you!!!!

  46. The titles I am most interested in learning more about are: Empowered to cheer each other on, Empowered to be quenched by Living Water, and Empowered to be surrendered. May God help us to see that we can do many things if we will fully depend and rely on Him!

  47. This book looks great! I am looking forward to reading the devotion on peace and the one on kindness. But they all look good!

  48. I’m being drawn to Empowered to be Seen and Loved. Both of those speak deeply to my heart and my deepest needs in my life right now.

    Thank you.

  49. Empowered to be hopeful! Life right now seems to be so messy and things not going the way me and my family thought it would go. Everything seems to be thrown around so much, we need to remember to look to God and not give up hope.

  50. “Empowered to live fully alive” appeals to me as I am in a new environment after moving from CT to TN right before Covid hit. I’m still feeling displaced, unfortunately, and in search of my ‘community’ of friends. I love everything from (in)courage…you are so real life and uplifting!!

  51. Empowered to be valued. It’s been a long, hard journey 56 times around the sun. I have struggled with believing that God sees me as worthy…of value. I long to see Him face to face to finally hear the words I long to hear. I look forward to spending time in Empowered and joining other women in living out God’s powerful purpose for us.

  52. Empowered to be Hopeful speaks to me as I am walking through a loveless marriage and praying as I wait for my daughters to be freed from their addictions. This is and has been a very difficult time but I am trying to have hope that God will work all things out for His glory and trying to be patient in the waiting which is oh so hard!!

  53. This sounds exactly like what I need in all aspects of my life. I would be honored to win this. Blessings to you. God is Good.