The word empowerment brings to mind motivational speakers and the self-help section of a bookstore. Messages from the stage and page tend to run along the lines of “If you believe in yourself, you can do anything!” It’s an inspiring slogan in the moment, but its energy fizzles out in the long run. It falls short of what we truly long for — to be empowered in the fullness of who we are.
The problem is that we’ve learned to compartmentalize ourselves — our physical bodies, our mental health, our emotional well-being, our relationships with one another, and our faith in God. We seek empowerment in each category by watching fitness gurus on YouTube or listening to Enneagram podcasts, reading books by celebrity pastors or trying the latest health food.
But what often happens is that we prioritize certain parts of our being over others because it feels more spiritual or urgent. We might nourish our souls but neglect to eat well and drink plenty of water. We might exercise our minds but lack meaningful friendships. When we do this, we become lopsided in our being, forgetting that every aspect of our lives is important to cultivate because God is in it all.
God cares about our whole being because He, who is spirit, became flesh in order to dwell among us (John 1:14). Jesus, who is fully God, took on Himself the vulnerability and beauty of being human. He enjoyed eating meals and napped when He was tired. He wept when His friend died and raged in anger at injustice. And His work of redemption includes the restoration of our bodies, minds, and souls.
God is invested in our wholeness and the empowerment of our whole being. This involves more than “You go, girl!” statements that lead us to believe we can do everything in our own strength. God empowers us to be all that He’s made us to be by the truth of His Word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
And at (in)courage, we’ve taken all of these thoughts, convictions, truths, and experiences and put them into one place. Meet our next book:
Empowered: More of Him for All of You, by Mary Carver, Grace P. Cho, and Anna E. Rendell is designed to incorporate the five major components of our being — physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual. The sixty Scripture passages and devotions invite you to see from different angles how God empowers us, and each day ends with prayer and reflection questions to deepen your learning.
Friends, Empowered: More of Him for All of You is unlike any other book we’ve ever written, and we are SO excited for it to be in your hands. It’s honest, it’s hopeful, and it’s beautiful in both design and content.
Order your copy, from DaySpring, Amazon, or the retailer of your choice.
It’s our prayer that as you read this book, you’ll be empowered in every part of your being to live fully as God created you to be.
Listen to today’s article below or on your favorite podcast player!
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My word for 2022 is EMPOWERED so I was blown away when I saw the message of this post. Definitely going to look into the book as well
That’s awesome! What a great pairing 🙂
My word for 2022 is Beloved. Hard to imagine.
Oh, Carol. I’m so glad Beloved is your word for the year. Even if doesn’t feel true, that is absolutely who you are! God’s dearly loved daughter. Praying you experience this truth in new ways this year.
Thank you for all you do incourage. Thank you for today’s reading. We can get set on being empowered by things that are not what God wants for lives. We can copy people. Who we see that we seem have it right. They are great at the word and in praying for people. We seem to think. Plus in their prayers and walk for God. That we get I want to be like that person. Living as they do they have it so right we think doing it right for God. But if we sometimes look closer they don’t have it all right. They are just trying to live as Jesus would have them. Do as his word says. They are human they do make mistakes to. We have to sit back say would God want us to try and copy how they live for him. I say that answer would be No. We are to live as the beautiful individual people God wants us to be. Not copying someone else. As God has them living the way he wants them to live for him. Doing the things he wants them to do for him. Especially if Saved. The only way we can live the way God wants us to is to. Is to go to God in prayer and his word. Ask God through his Holy Spirit. To teach us how to live for God and be the person he wants us to be. For ourselves. Not trying to copy any one else. God will show us and teach us. So as we are empowered to live as the person God wants us to be. Not copying someone else. As all our talents are different. God will use them in his own way. So we can as people that live him for him the way he has for us. To empower his Kingdom. I say Amen that as we are all unique. With different things we can do for God. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I can’t wait to hold this book in my hands! Well done, Anna, Grace, and Mary! We need your wisdom and your stories.
Yesterday was jammed pack so I only saw the title of this post before the tasks began. My word for 2022 is Empowered so knew I’d circle back to read this post as I quickly read the title & said amen God I sure need you to empower me today.
I must brag on God as He enabled me to focus on my job, mop the floor & do a load laundry created by our lab having an accident in our living room, make contact to coordinate between with the rehab hospital & Assisted Living community we’re praying will accept my Dad-in-love, put out the trash & move yard trash to the curb for today’s pick up. Never crossed my mind to think I was being super woman accomplishing all those things but was very aware the whole day that God was my strength. My enabler. My empowerment. May my empowerment be all of ours, every day! It is God in me/us that makes us whole & able to accomplish what He intends! Yeah God!
Thank you for this encouraging post & book to come!
I would like to see scripture to backup these statements. The way things are stated are more complicated and confusing than the scripture verses. We are indwelt by the the Holy Spirit of God for comfort and to lead us into all truth. The empowering if it is truly for this day and age it will come from the Holy Spirit within us not of ourselves. The truth may be there but the way it is written I think the primmis is incorrect because it is man/women empowerment with very little credit to God or the Holy Spirit.
I was inspired and encouraged by reading your posts. Thank you!