When the pandemic hit in early 2020, my small business, like so many others, was turned on its head. All of my live events (my primary revenue stream at the time) were canceled, and my husband was furloughed. I felt in my heart that the traveling road show season of my business was coming to an end, and as much as I loved it and was going to miss that season, I loved being home with my young son more. I prayed and asked God to lead me to whatever was next and to make very clear what I should do about my business. As we focused more and more on online product sales, my inventory started to spill from the bonus room above our garage into our guest room, attic, dining room, and then into the garage itself. I knew in my heart that we had outgrown my home office, and my patient husband was not so subtly wanting his garage spot back.
In that moment, God led me right to what would one day be the future home of my business, a former doctor’s office that had been abandoned and was in desperate need of repair. A fixer upper was putting it lightly, but where most saw a mess, I saw a future masterpiece.
As I talk about in my books (Betty Confetti and Happy Hand Lettering), I am all about turning a mess into a message and mistakes into confetti. I could tell you dozens of stories about the signs I witnessed in that building, even on my first walkthrough. Same college, same name, same house number, and if I wasn’t a believer, I could have easily written them off as coincidence. But instead I knew with all my heart that they were just little nudges of reassurance from the Lord that I was exactly where He wanted me to be. God doesn’t give me a handful of confetti all at once; I seem to collect one piece at a time. Little by little, slow and steady, on His timeline and not mine, it always seems to come together.
My dad is a contractor, so for more than thirteen months, he and I got to work together side by side, hammering and nailing and sawing and building my dreams by hand. This father/daughter duo, aptly named Confetti Construction Company, completely renovated and restored the building, an eighty-year-old town landmark, to its new (and colorful) glory as the home of my company, All She Wrote Notes. I wouldn’t trade this time working with my dad for anything in the world. It’s been one of my life’s greatest joys and a gift that I know came straight from my Father in heaven.
As with many construction jobs, it’s always more work than you think it will be, and we ended up having to completely gut and restore the building from the foundation to the roof. I worked alongside my dad, learning and laughing every week as we made progress. Since so much demo work was required, for a long time it felt like we had to go backwards before we could move forward. But all along, I was reminded that we were building it back on a stronger foundation than it was before — in more ways than one. I constantly prayed for guidance and direction, trusting the Lord to reveal the next step and the next how of His perfect timing. Nobody has ever called me patient a day in my life, and if I had known at the beginning of the process how long it was going to take, I probably would have said no. But I’m so glad I just walked in faith and trusted that it would be ready whenever it was meant to be ready.
Right before we installed the sheetrock, I went around with both of my parents and wrote some of our favorite Scripture passages in the walls. My favorite, at our checkout counter, is from Luke 16:10 — “Whoever is faithful with little will also be faithful with much.” It fills me with joy to know that God’s words are buried here beneath our very foundation and that everyone who gets to visit us here will be surrounded by His presence.
The mural I hand-lettered on the side of my building says, “Brighten the corner where you are.” You may remember that as an old hymn or camp song — all about shining the light of Jesus right where you are. So how can He use you today? You don’t have to build a colorful building or an online following. You can brighten your corner by choosing praise and positivity every single day, right where you are. Ask God to help you shine His light today.
Are you hopeful for some hope?
There are times in life when it’s easy to be joyful, and there are other times when, well, it’s just hard to see the good in anything. Life circumstances come at us fast, and before we even realize it, we start going through our days with an unseen heaviness that weighs on our souls and minds.
In her new book, 100 Days of Praise and Positivity, Maghon leads you through uplifting devotions, encouraging Bible verses, fun hand-lettering exercises, and more — all to remind you of the One who longs to refresh your spirit and renew your heart and mind.
Order your copy today and enter to WIN one of five copies that we’re giving away! Leave a comment telling us about how you move towards a positive, praise-based mindset and you’ll be entered to win.
Then join Maghon and Becky for a chat all about 100 Days of Praise & Positivity! Tune in tomorrow on our Facebook page at 11am central for their conversation.
Giveaway open to US addresses only and closes on 1/14/21 at 11:59pm central.
Listen to today’s article below or on your favorite podcast player!
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This made my heart so happy! 🙂 I loved every little bit of it, Thank you so much for sharing!!! I’m still smiling! lol.
Praying that you will remain joyful always. May God continue to use you and your family for His glory, and May you always bask in His grace, mercy and love. May you continue to seek His face at every turn, and May you always encourage others to do the same.
Hugs to you and your family, including your precious parents too! God bless you all:)
Thank you SO much Boni!! I can feel the joy in your comment and it absolutely made me smile this morning!!
My family and I recently had Covid-19 and today is the last day of isolation and to read this devotion reminded me that God has been with us throughout this entire process and how to shine more because I’m still alive to share. Thank you for your obedience with being a beacon of light. I’m
Inspired and motivated after reading todays message.
Yessss! So glad y’all are free and healthy!! Absolutely a reason to celebrate!
This is beautiful so uplifting! One of my favorite songs is by Van Morrison, God shines his light, I think that’s the name! Regardless that song has helped me through some of the hardest obstacles in life from losing family members to going through a horrible divorce. But God shines his light and has a plan and gave me the most beautiful second chance. How could I not be the eternal optimist I feel like I’m living proof that God is with those in need and if you can walk with him and ask him for your oath and guidance he will provide. Just like your business! I just love this so much!
Just listened and I love that one too! Thanks so much for sharing!
Praising God in the valleys of life is hard. I am trying to lead on Him.
Great word! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Love is Patient, love is kind has always helped me. Thank you
When I wake up I make sure the first thing I do, after reading the verse of the day, is pray that God will help me to be a light for others wherever I go (starting at home). Most days that’s just to the gym or grocery store, but I try to make a point to look for people to just simply smile and say “Good Morning!” to. The joy I feel when someone asks why I’m always so happy or smiling is incredible because, Praise God, I get that opportunity to explain that it’s all because of Jesus!
Oh I love this so much! Thank you for sharing!
That was great and came at a time when I needed some prodding to get up and at ’em. I live alone, unless you count the 3 dogs and 5 cats, and I look forward to reading words of encouragement like these daily. Thank you for that.
Hopefully, I can in turn be an encouragement to other and live my life as God would wish me to do.
Hey those fur babies sound amazing! You are absolutely brightening your corner with them in your life! Thanks for reading!
Lately I feel as if I need all the positivity I can get, and this article helped steer me in the right direction, along with praising THE ONE to whom all of my blessings flow. Thank you, Maghon and (in) courage!
I found Maghon online several years ago and was blessed to be able to attend the launch party of her first book, Happy Hand Lettering, as well as one of her hand lettering classes right before the pandemic. Watching her business grow because of who she is (bold, colorful, FUN) has actually allowed me to spend more time being authentically me and less time apologizing for who I am or hiding my true self. I am so grateful for her positivity!
James 1:2 tells us to consider it a JOY when we experience trials. I am trying to channel that into all of my circumstances and praise HIM in the storms.
AMEN JACKIE!! So grateful God brought us together!
I try every day to look for the good. Nature, families, strangers, good is often there when you watch for it.
Ive been trying to focus on him and all the positive qualities of my family. Sometimes its hard to get back on track
This could be just the book to read as a new year starts! I look forward to giving it a try.
Music is my go to for praise. So many times during Corona isolation I would hear a song on KLove that lifted my up! The one that came to mind when reading this is “Be a Light” recorded by Chris Tomlin and friends.
I love that song!! Thanks so much for reading today!
I try to remember to live by faith, not by sight! Some days that’s easier said than done, but I know it’s ALL in His hands!
Thank you for the positivity, and the reminder that we don’t have to do great things, just pass the joy from God on where we are. As Mother Teresa says, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” Thank you for reminding me to continue on. God Bless!
I love that quote so much Jane! One of my favorites!
This article speaks to me since my husband is in construction and he remodels, repairs, tinkers and is very creative. I plan to read this!
Some days I do struggle with finding light in the darkness of depression and anxiety… but I have found that, often what goes into my heart, is also what will come out… listening to Christian music is one way to help this – whether or not you sing out loud with it is up to you! Another way is to try to help others in one way or another every day. It can be as simple as emailing/texting a friend that I’m thankful for them or taking a donation of non-perishables to the food bank. My prayer journal, though not a daily habit, is a simple list of who and what I’ve prayed for. This helps to encourage me on days when my inner Light feels extra small.
Thank you so much for sharing! opening up just like this makes so many others of us feel less alone. god is using you right here!
Your post exudes positivity, Maghon! I felt uplifted just reading about the new direction God has taken you and the construction process to get there. I have found that a daily gratitude journal helps to keep my spirit encouraged. The entries are short–just highlighting one small blessing of the day. But the review of the past 24 hours, and all its small moments of joy, also holds value. Your book sounds delightful, Maghon, and I’ve put it on my TBP list!
YES!!! I find that when I am regularly keeping a gratitude list — that I’m always looking for more things to write down! 😉 so fun! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this opportunity to enter! God bless your life!
Love this & currently I need new ways to find positivity
Filling the world with love. Living in kindness. Walking in faith. Her reminders are just the nudge needed to make the world bright. Absolutely love her, her message, and all of her books and products!
I have determined to continue being kind, giving words of encouragement, a helping hand daily because this world has really become a place that so desperately needs positivity. Even when I don’t feel like it, after sharing a word, or smile, I feel better myself.
I focus on gratitude! I thank and praise God for the many blessings I have. By doing that it helps to not dwell on the pain and disappointment that life can throw at you.
God’s Word is what He uses to transform minds! In Romans 12:2 it says, “ Do not be conformed to this world,fn but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” If you are looking for transformation, then you should be looking to God’s Word!
When I struggled with an eating disorder through high school and college and became VERY unhealthy spiritually, mentally and physically, my mom would encourage me to give my worries to Christ (Isaiah has such references for this) and to choose to do something kind for someone else. I still find comfort and JOY in doing little things for others–even to those I meet in the moment. So, I try to GIVE IT TO GOD, but enjoy sharing kindness or small acts of service for others to settle my heart/mind. IT’s a win=win!
Andree! Thank you so much for sharing! I love that advice so much!
I think this is just awesome. A simple way for me to do this is just by simple acts or kindness, or a kind word.
omg. the song! i’ve had that song in my head for the past 24 hours before i read your article! (coincidence? i don’t think so!) however, growing up in a spanish baptist church, of course the lyrics are in spanish in my head. haha! thank you so much for sharing your story and the hope we can have. i was diagnosed with a couple of serious illnesses within the past 6 months so some days, weeks have been tough and not so joyful. i try to remind myself daily God knows all about it and I’m in good hands. i will “brilla en el sitio, donde estes!”
I was JUST going to ask you how to say this in Spanish before I saw the end of your comment! CHILLS! Love when God let’s us know that he hears us like this!! Praying for you!
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing. This story brought tears to my eyes. I love that you’ve found more time for family!!! I bought Betty Confetti for my kids for Christmas as I’m always working with them to understand there is beauty in everything and you have to work to find it. I’m so happy to support women like you who inspire me to take that leap of faith with God.
Wonderful reminder to look beyond….to seek first His perspective…. To shine like stars… to set our hearts and mind on things above… verses from Matthew, Philippians, and Colossians help me at least start my day in the right mindset.
My goal for this year is to take a more positive approach to what goes on around me and lead with faith in the uncertain moments.
Love, Love, Love this story. A true testament to letting God guide our plans and our hearts. Best of luck to you.
I move towards a praise-based mindset by stopping and thinking of all the things I have to be grateful for. Loved this devo today. I love how she says God gives her confetti one piece at a time! Would love to win a copy of the book.
Counting my blessings every day and always try to remember God is good all the time.
I love that you had that experience with your dad! Our local Christian station has a “joy pledge” around Christmas time and I try and remember it year around. It makes it easier when I remind my kids that there is something to be thankful about in every situation
I listen to positive encouraging Christian music to help me each day!
Thank you for sharing the joy of the scripture with all of us in beautiful lettering and inspirational color!
I would love this book
Reminding myself daily of all many blessings help me remain positive and for me to stay true to God!
I plan to take time to think of my blessings each day and journal them to help remind me that God deserves the praise and without him we are lost.
It can be hard at times to be upbeat & positive. Hubby & I both work at hospitals & Covid is getting worse. (I currently work as clerical in Covid unit)). I try my best to stay positive. Looking at the bright side of life. When I do get a bit down I make a thankful journal. On it I will list everything from Home in Heave & sins forgiven to hot tea & pens. Nothing is to small to include. Then I realize just how blessed I am & how God is using me in my work capacity to help others. What may seem like a small thing to most people is a big deal for the RNs, CNAs & patients. We all have bad days & need someone to uplift our spirits. I try to do just that by shining God’s light & brightening the corner where I am.
Blessings 🙂
Beth! Thank you SO much for your thoughtful comment and for the work y’all do. I can only imagine how defeating it can feel at work some days but THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for how you help others. Such a beautiful perspective you have on everything! I bet you are at the top of a lot of patients gratitude list!
Thank you so much for your encouragement!!Especially those of us who don’t have a following on line or an “out front” position. That we’re important right where we are