About the Author

Jen encourages women to embrace both the beauty and bedlam of their everyday lives at BeautyandBedlam.com. A popular speaker, worship leader, and author of Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation, Jen lives in North Carolina with her husband, five children, and a sofa for anyone...

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  1. We are in a season of extra responsibility on our plates so I am trying to be especially intentional what I put on our calendar. I love this encouragement to layer my creating-rest-nos with feeding gratitude, flexibility, patience, laughter, contentment, compassion, encouragement, forgiveness & hospitality when we do say yes! Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight.

  2. Jennifer,

    We definitely need to feed the souls of those around us. Holidays are festive times, but they can also be sad times for many. I have a friend who lost her mom suddenly this year & a co-worker about to lose her brother & dad at same time. I say a hearty yes to nourishing their souls & comforting them in this time.

    My pastor & his wife have a tradition of inviting people over for Thanksgiving & Christmas meals. They ask people they come in contact with if they have plans for the day. If not then come over. We all bring a dish or two to share. A good time is had by all. For the first time this year my hubby will be going with me. We sit around the table, share stories, love & laughter. Mostly we enjoy each other’s company & everyone feels loved.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth – I love your pastor’s tradition. I bet so many people have such stories to tell of their hospitality.

      I will be praying for your time ministering to your friend. I am so glad she has you.

  3. Jen thank you for sharing you heart. What you said is so true. We need to feed our souls. Not just our bodies with food to keep them healthy especially if saved. As we need to feed our souls with prayer and the reading of God’s word. To do that. We if don’t feed our spiritual souls with the word of God and Prayer. We will end especially if saved. End up sliping and letting all the wrong stuff into our souls that is not of God. Kids see as well as people everything we do. If kids and people see we and know we are saved. Doing things that are wrong in our lives because we haven’t been staying close to God in prayer and his word. They will not want what we have. They will say if that person being us is meant to saved and is living like that not living the way God would want them to do. Why would I want if they are not saved get saved they will say. How true that is. We will not have spiritual souls that are healthy. We not hear from God. If I don’t have kids as not brave enough to give birth. Will end up feeding them of us that have been kids all the stuff that is not of God. Like me over my Niece’s and Nephews. God says in his word train a child up in the way he should go he will not part from it. How true that is. Children watch what there parents do. Like me when with my Niece’s and Nephews. They also watch I do. We want to be in the word of God and praying for your kids. Me my Niece’s and Nephews. Doing what it says when in front of our kids and me my Niece’s and Nephews. So they all see we are different. We are living our lives the way Jesus would want us to do. They see us feeding our spiritual souls. With the word of God and Prayer. As Children copy their elders. Especially kids there parents. I know she doesn’t smoke now. Someone who copied her Mum because she smoked. She tried it. See Children some of them copy their elders Especially kids their parents some of them. They say so if my parent’s do it something the kid could say Mum or Dad do it so ok for me to do it. If saved we have to live our lives in front of our kids as Jesus would want us to do. Me my Niece’s and Nephews. They will hopefully copy us if living right for Jesus and doing what his word says. By watching what we say watching what we watch on TV and do on the internet and on our Phones etc. What Jesus would want us to do is the following. Being kind caring loving to everyone and let them see we read or if they don’t see us letting them know we read the word of God and pray and our prayers include them our kids and me my Niece’s and Nephews. So by doing this we are feeding our spiritual souls and theirs to. If a parent pray if you can especially if your kids not saved over your kids or for them. Let them know you do that. Then they will not depart from the word of God. Hopefully if not saved at the moment. See Jesus in you and want what you have. Get saved one day. Because you have been feeding their spiritual souls. By living your life in front of them for Jesus. Thank you Jen for what you shared. Loved it. That is what I do. For my Niece’s and Nephews. I keep you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

    • Your nieces and nephews are so fortunate to have you.

      “Because you have been feeding their spiritual souls. By living your life in front of them for Jesus. ” Yes to this.

  4. I love it. ❤ Yes to all of it. Thank you for the reminder. I hope you enjoy your holiday season and God Bless.

  5. Jen,

    Oh, so true! Thank you for those sweet reminders as we move into next week. I’m already feeling thankful. This week I’m at a conference I haven’t attended in person in two years. It’s sweet to see people face-to-face.