The email came from a kind stranger. She’d devoured my new historical mystery, All That Is Secret, enjoyed it a lot, and made a request: Could she interview me for her lovely blog? Honored when anyone wants to ask about my writing, I eagerly replied yes and worked my way down her list of questions, answering each one with detailed care.
On the last page, however, came the most important question of all: What is your book’s takeaway? Its one key message for readers?
I looked at the question and squirmed. An editor at another blog had just asked me the same question. It’s a question that a “real” novelist could answer at the drop of her hat. But this novel was my first fiction, and with All That Is Secret, I harbored my own secret — that, in truth, I didn’t know the takeaway when I started writing it.
I was just excited to be writing my own mystery, finding it thrilling and amazing and fun, especially for me — a writer of devotionals and nonfiction books and articles. New to the mystery “game,” I longed to write a riveting puzzle, making it intriguing for mystery fans, new and old, to enjoy.
Also, to be honest, as a woman of color, I wanted to write a lead character who loves Jesus and who is Black like me, navigating a setting I understand (Colorado), during an era I’d heard about my entire life — the 1920s when Colorado was ruled by the Klan.
This mix of faith and race often ends up in my writing. Some readers don’t like that, arguing the topic of race has no place in devotionals or serious books about our faith. Eager to leave that fight, I decided to try writing a novel — to bring excitement, romance, history, and page-turning intrigue to a story of faith and race, but not call it that. So, I’d give myself a break. My readers, too.
Excited about this new form of writing, I hadn’t seen the most obvious spiritual truth that God, in His Holy Spirit, had built into my story — using someone like me to write the takeaway that I needed perhaps the most:
God is our Keeper, so we’re never alone.
Sure, I’d sweated to develop my tale about a young theologian — a fan of Sherlock Holmes — who answers a cryptic telegram, leaving her frustrating teaching job, to return home to Denver to solve the murder of her beloved but estranged father. But her takeaway, for us?
Even when we try to “take a break” from our life problems, turning even to a different ministry to write a new life chapter, God still leaves a pearl hidden deep in our plot. I’d written the book as an escape from my life’s troubles and tensions. But as I dug deep to find the answer to my interviewer’s question, I was stunned to discover the truth the Lord Himself had written into the heart of it:
I’ll never leave you. So, with Me, you’re never alone.
As the Lord told Jacob of the Bible: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15).
Will my lead character learn that for herself? I won’t spoil it by revealing if or how. But as I contemplate my story’s takeaway, I almost tremble at the miracle of it. I’d thought I’d written my novel. My name is on the book cover. But God wrote it first.
Even as I struggled, early on, to convince people to read a Christian mystery — including fellow believers — the Lord was keeping me, drawing even unbelievers to my humble story, watching over me and keeping me just as He watches over and keeps you, too.
Oh, to be kept by Him, indeed, even when we don’t see that He is always there. A hymn declares that truth. But even before that song was written, He was singing over us, keeping us, often before we knew He was with us.
I didn’t plan to show this truth in my novel, but it was written into it nonetheless. Only God could pour such grace and love into a first-time novelist’s humble effort — but also into our lives. The Lord is faithful to keep us, writing our story one page at a time. May we dare to surrender our story to Him, following in His keeping love and power.
All That Is Secret from award-winning author and (in)courage contributor Patricia Raybon has been picked as a best in its category by Parade Magazine, Woman’s World Magazine, CrimeReads website, BookBub, even Masterpiece | PBS, which named it one of seven “Best Mystery Books of 2021” as recommended by selected bestselling authors.
We’re excited to give away FIVE copies of All That Is Secret! Just leave a comment telling us what it means to you that God is our keeper.
And join Patricia and Becky Keife tomorrow, 11/10, at 11:00am central on Facebook for a conversation about All That is Secret!
Knowing God is my Keeper is the only truth that brings me peace in this tumultuous world. The keeper of lies fights relentlessly to break us down and discourage us. I’m beyond thankful that God is in control and fights for me. I pray He will use me to encourage and bless others, so they also know that God is their Keeper.
Amen, wonderful Melanie! I so agree. With His keeping love! Patricia
Patricia – thank you for your faithfulness in sharing your talents with the world. God has certainly been writing my story, notably over the past few months – I’ve started a new career and am taking several leaps of faith that have been perfectly timed by our Heavenly father. I’ve been saying lately how it’s all “overwhelmingly wonderful” and I feel so grateful this life is mine. I love how God’s handiwork was all over your latest book. May He always be the Author and Finisher of our faith. Amen!
Your new chapter sounds so exciting, Andrea! God’s wonderful, keeping blessings as you stride forward with Him!
This devotion kept me wanting more as it reminded me that as we journey through life and when things aren’t going as planned or when life put a squeeze on me, that all along God is keeping me in perfect peace. I’ve been kept by GOD because I’m still standing and able to write a comment today.
Amen, Nikeia! You’re still standing in the keeping power of our Lord. May you continue to walk in peace in the knowledge of His keeping strength and love!
Patricia, thank you for sharing your heart and reminding us of this powerful truth – the Lord keeps us and He is writing our story. We just need to be brave enough to share our hidden hurts and “surrender our story.”
I can’t wait to read “All That is Secret!”
Beautiful Rhonda, I so agree. Surrendering our story and its chapters to the Lord can challenge us. But as our Keeper, He knows our best steps and paths. May He strengthen us to follow Him!
Such a comfort to trust God is our keeper & always with us. I imagine the fingerprints of God are in more unseen events, twists & turns of our lives than we ever know & will never know this side of heaven. Imagine all of those being revealed & the Ah ha moments in THAT novel yet probably going to be too busy praising Him to care about mystery novels anymore but then again He is The Author… Thank you for sharing your reflection of Him in your being an author too!
Well said, wonderful Ruth! Now, that’s a personal novel we each will want to read! His beautiful, keeping love for you today!
Walking through a painful divorce, the grief of a long cruel goodbye caring for my elderly mother who has advanced Alzheimer’s and all this set in Covid. I could easily despair, crawl under a rock and give up on life. And yet Jesus calls me to abundant life. He is the Keeper of my soul.
Your confidence in Christ is beautiful and strong, wonderful Melissa. As you walk these life challenges, may you continue to affirm without a doubt that the Lord is daily walking with you, going before you, keeping your heart, mind, and soul. Your testimony inspires and we are grateful! With His peace and love, Patricia
Hmmmm…God is my Keeper means I am safe. He protects in easy times and when I am afraid, like a parent or guardian keeps a child. I must also mean I am valuable to Him because a “keeper” has been entrusted by others to protect something very valuable or important. I’m excited for you as you release your first novel! I love that you said writing it was a way to help you take a break from life’s problems. Blessings!
Oh, I love that, Angela. Our Heavenly Father is our loving parent and guardian — and we are valuable to Him! Amen!
Friends and family might desert us, at times it feels that way, but never our God. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Sometimes we forget.
Amen, Carol! Others may sometimes abandon us. Or, it may feel like it. But never our keeping God! Like you, I’m so grateful for Him!
Being reminded that God is my keeper has allowed me to breathe… so often I notice I’m living for the world and I’m not even aware. Looking for the world’s approval is dangerous & a slippery slope downhill. So after reading your lovely message I am reminded this morning to choose the narrow path and thank God for these various trials… take heart Our Father has already overcome the world my friends! Following my trials have always came many blessings… and I have never been let down by that Hope. Praying others today may find peace in their Makers Arms and may we be reminded He is our keeper not the enemy…!
Thanks for sharing our Father’s Truth this morning my beautiful sister in Christ!
Carrie Schrock
I so agree, wonderful Carrie. In Him, we can stop chasing the world’s approval and walk with peace in Him! Thank you for sharing that blessed assurance!
I love that God is our keeper. Definitely is a feeling of safety which I think we all need these days. At least, I do.
Yes, A feeling of safety. That is such a beautiful gift. Thank you, wonderful Madeline, for sharing that!
Patricia. I wanted to tell you as well how much I loved your book- I can’t wait for the next one! It is such good truth- We are NEVER alone! Thank you for that today!
Oh, beautiful Marie! Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback. I’m so grateful that you and others are enjoying my historical mystery. With God’s help, I’ll be so honored to share Book 2 with you! Thank you with His love!
God is my keeper? Even through the roughest, hardest times of my life I know he is holding me, keeping me in his hands, even when I don’t “feel” him.
Amen, dear Sarah. He is our keeper! His wonderful love to you today!
God has seen me through the death of both parents, when i was seven years old. A life of abuse, until i met Him as Savior and Lord, when i was 31. Two near death experience and so many other circumstance to even mention. Times when i was depressed, discouraged and lonely. He is my rock, He gives me strength when i have non, He is my Daddy who always protects me and never leaves me alone.
What an amazing testimony, amazing Elaine. Through our storms, troubles, and even tragedies, He keeps us with His power, grace and mercy. Thank you for that He is our Rock! His blessings on you always!
Knowing God is my secret keeper bring peace an joy. He knows me better than I can ever understand myself and is the most patient best friend. We just finished the 3rd Harry Potter with my kids and that secret keeper failed. God will never fail us!
Thanks for sharing more about this book. I have been seeing the buzz about it!
I apparently added the secret part to the answer! God is an excellent, faithful keeper too!!
Oh, Becky, I love what you added! He is our secret Keeper! Amen and amen! With His great love, Patricia
God is our keeper means to me that he is always with me, looking out for my best interest and guiding and directing me in his ways!
So well said, wonderful Dawn! Thank you and His wonderful blessings on you always!
Congratulations and YAY! for you! Only God… He is our master in all we do… everything that we touch, everyone we interact with, every second of our existence was ordained by Him. How beautiful that He wrote your redeeming story into this masterpiece of writing He blessed you with!! In Him and through Him all things work for the good to those who love Him as they are called for His purpose to do the things that He has ordained for His glory!!! all praise to Him… He is not surprised by this.. May your book touch many heart and lives and remind us all that God is with us and for us always, always, always! Thank you – God bless you!
Amen, wonderful Tamara! He is with us every second! Thank you so much for affirming this wonderful power and truth! It can be sometimes easy to forget that He is on our side, watching over us always. Thank you for helping me share that message here today! With His great love, Patricia
The anniversary of my Mom’s death is coming up on November 23. She died of congestive heart failure. How do I know God is our keeper?
There were several tough nights when my Mom was in pain even with meds. My sister and I would hold her hand and pray out loud over her. My sweet Mom would slowly relax and finally go back to sleep. I know our Lord was gently rocking her. My sister and I were blessed to see the Love of our Almighty God and the Keeper of our Souls at work
Beautiful Sue, what a gentle and powerful reminder of the Lord’s keeping love. I pray His sweet embrace and covering over you and your entire family as you recall with precious memories your beloved Mom. In her loving memory, He is keeping each of you, now and always!
God is my keeper indeed! 67 years I’ve been part of the human race and I see His sovereign guidance and leading throughout the joy and the pain of each chapter. I’m glad God revealed your take away to you in such a wonderful way.
Over your beautiful 67 years, you have testimonies for certain about the Lord’s keeping care and power–as you so well described it, “His sovereign guidance and leading.” Thank you, Teresa, for affirming my takeaway. It applies to us all, indeed! With His love and joy!
It has been amazing to me as I look back over the years how I can see God’s hand was always with me. I didn’t always realize it and certainly didn’t always acknowledge it. But I see it now–how He was always working, leading, guiding, loving me back to Him. Now I know to look for it–those special moments that could only be orchestrated by the One True God, who promises to love me and never forsake me. What a blessing! To God be the glory!
Amen, Debbie! I love how you describe how the Lord has been with you over your life–in big, small, and special moments that only He could orchestrate! To God be the glory, indeed. Thank you for sharing!
I’m so thankful you stepped out in faith and wrote what God laid upon your heart. I’m an 81 year old white woman who hates racism with all my heart. Our Bible study group did a series on it & what as older white people we can do. Conclusion is pray and treat each person as an individual with love as God does. Putting faith and racism is a brilliant idea that I’m sure came from God. Blessings dear sister
Wonderful Betsy, thank you so much! Your Bible study group sounds amazing. I love your group’s conclusion on dismantling racism–to pray and treat each person as an individual with love as God does. Now, that will change the world! Thank you so much for your beautiful witness here today. Truly, you blessed my soul. My warmest thanks! Love, Patricia
What a wonderful devotional to start my morning! “God is our keeper so we are never alone” struck me since last night my daughter said “I feel so alone”. She feels alone in this Covid mess. She and I know that feelings are not always truth. This was another reminder that God is always with us. Your book sounds exciting! Thank you!
Thank you, Judy! I’m grateful to God that today’s devotional spoke to your heart and situation. May your precious daughter also know that she is not alone. Not even in this Covid mess. The Lord is our Keeper. May we always remember to daily seek Him! His love and grace over you and your entire family! Much love, Patricia
Knowing that God is our keeper, gives us the assurance that he is in control of our lives as we put our faith and trust in Him as our Lord and Savior. Therefore we can live a victorious and purposeful life for Him.
Well said, wonderful Karen! Amen, indeed!
I am in a situation with my eldest son that had made me feel like the worst human alive. I was doubting everything I have ever done. I felt like I was falling without a parachute. Then between a popular Praise and Worship song on the radio and this article, I have had God reassure me as He has so many times…HE is my keeper. Isn’t it wonderful that God knew your take away on this book before he ever even made you! It was so exciting to hear how HE made this very personal to you so that it enriched your book even more. I pray God continues to use and inspire your gift to share with the rest of us!
Your wonderful feedback is inspiring, amazing Suzy! When we write out (in)courage posts, we never know who the words might touch or help. Thank you for letting me know you were directly impacted by today’s reminder. He is our Keeper! I’m so grateful, indeed, that HE wrote that takeaway from time’s beginning. To Him be the glory! Thank you, Suzy, so much!
Psalm 121 is my “go to” Psalm when I feel shaky. And He has made it so obvious that He is, indeed, my keeper. We knew we had to move into a health community because of my husband’s health; we were 59th on the list. When we were told that 58 people had said “no” to an available home, we knew that the LORD was keeping us in the palm of His Hand! And then 9 months ago when the LORD called my husband home, I am shown every day that He is my Keeper!!
What an amazing testimony, dear Carolyn. God’s blessings on your beautiful assurance that Lord has kept you–and will keep you still, each and every day! With His love!
First, I am excited to read this book regardless if I win or not!
I remember sharing something of a vulnerable nature a few years back with someone who wasn’t exactly “safe”. The words I said to her before I shared, “and it’s ok if you do end up telling others (I has asked her not to) because in the end, I trust God with my feelings, with my heart, not you”.
God is my keeper. He always has been. As my keeper He gives me courage to share my life as He leads me because He is the one who keeps me.
Molly, I so agree! Knowing that the Lord is our keeping God gives us courage. What a beautiful blessings from our merciful and loving God. Praise His Holy Name! With His love! Patricia
Knowing that God is my keeper is the only thing that gets me through the hard days when my kids are being defiant, fighting with my husband, or when financial hits just keep coming. Knowing God is in charge truly has given me the peace that passes understanding, though I still need the reminder everyday.
Your book sounds intriguing so it’s on my to read list regardless if I win the giveaway!
Thank you, Brynne. I love your beautiful reminder–that knowing God is truly in charge gives us peace! What a glorious benefit of walking daily with Him, remembering that He’s our Keeper, going before us, and we’re never alone. I’m so grateful He wrote that truth into my story, even before I knew it should be there! With His love and wonderful thanks! Patricia
I haven’t read a good mystery novel since my days of devouring the Nancy Drew series in middle school. “All That Is Secret” sounds like an amazing book, especially with the takeaway of “God is our keeper, so we’re never alone”. What this means to me is that my Father in heaven loves me even before I call out to Him when I face trials in my life. He is always there, keeping watch over me. I am never alone.
Thank you so much, wonderful Alecia! That even before we call out to Him, He is always there, keeping watch over us, so we’re never alone. I love that the Lord wrote that into my mystery and I hope you’ll put it on your reading list! Much peace and wonderful blessings on you and yours! Love, Patricia
What a lovely and truthful article, Patricia. Thank you for sharing your feelings. I have always wanted to write a novel. My biggest problem is not knowing the ending. Much like our Christian walk of faith, where we see the big picture, we are unable to envision the compelling details that form our future with God and Christ. Congratulations on your new book, and I wish you great success with your next books! Blessings.
I can so relate, Sharon. I didn’t know the ending of my novel either. But I learned that many novelist write that way–not from an outline, but by “the seat of their pants.” In fact, there’s a word for writing that way. It’s called not being a plotter, but a “pantser.” It’s an exciting way to write a story and I loved, every day, discovering the next plot point in my novel. (I also studied a slew of books on how to write a novel, which helped a lot, too.)
But as you say, our lives are like that, too. While we can’t envision what is ahead, we can be assured that the Lord already knows. What a joy to walk daily with Him. May He guide you with love as you keep surrendering your story into His loving and strong right hand! With His joy! Love, Patricia P.S. I pray you try writing your novel, too. I can imagine it would be wonderful!
Knowing that God is my Keeper, that He will never leave nor foresake me, is such a comfort to me in an ever-changing world. Life took an unexpected turn with my husband’s sudden death last year and facing life alone for the first time in decades. It has been a challenge, but I have seen His hand showing me He is always near and taking care of the details in so many big and small ways over the past year, even before I think to ask sometimes. He is keeping me well.
What an amazing testimony, Kathleen, that the Lord has kept you, watching over you with love and care, since your beloved husband’s passing. May He continue to gently and powerfully lead and guide you in all things, showing you how much You are loved. He is so good! With His great love, Patricia
Hello Patricia all the way from Enniskillen CoFermanagh. N.Ireland. I am so proud of you for writing this book. Why you have written it. I have friend called Emma. She is my best friend. She is getting me your book for me for Christmas. My first white friend. I have a cousin called Moon. Yes Moon. That is what her Mum my Dad’s sister decided to call her. She has not got white skin or brown brown skin. But it is sallow. Because of the colour of her Dad must be skin. As my Dad sister my Aunt has white skin. I never met Moon Dad. I probably never will. I don’t know if Moon see alot of Dad or sees him at all. I know in the past Moon has met him. But I have always loved my cousin Moon. She nor her Mum my Dad’s sister are saved. Nor is my Dad. All my life. Moon is big now. With a Daughter of her own. Her Dad and Mum not together. I always treated Moon as my Cousin. Her skin colour has never brothered me. As I just expect her as my Cousin. All through the years I have known her. Oh to be kept by Jesus. Is just lovely. As he loves all no matter what skin colour we are. Like the kids song I was taught at Sunday School when small. Now 50 50 in February next year. It is. “Jesus Loves All The Children Of The World Red And Yellow Black And White” How true that song is for us as Adults today. We especially if saved are to do the same. What gets to me in this world. Is how any one can be rasic. As when in Hospital if not we’ll. We don’t care what colour skin the Doctor or Nurse is. As long as they make us well. So how can we rasic. It saddens me. Skin colour shouldn’t come into it at all. We all are made the same way. Just have different skin colours some of us. It is good to know we can be kept by Jesus. To know matter what people say about us. Especially if saved. It doesn’t matter. Yes it may hurt. But all that matters is what Jesus says about us. We can take it to him in prayer. He will help the words not to hurt us and help us to forgive the people. Who say things about us that hurt. Help us heal. We wi never forget what they said. But it will get it will not annoy us. As we have forgiven them. I don’t want a copy of your new book this time. As it my Birthday in February and my friend Emma I can ask her as a Birthday present to get me the book. As she likes me to tell her what I want for my Birthday and Christmas. So as she not buying me things I don’t want. I am so looking forward to reading your book I have asked her to get me for Christmas. My First White Friend. See God made you and your white Friend Friends for a reason. To know it doesn’t matter what skin colour you are. All that matters is you love either as Friends like Jesus would want you to do. Plus the way he loves us all no matter what skin colour we are. But when I listen to the news. I only listen to it to know how to pray for things from it that God would put on my mind to pray from watching it. It really hurts me how some people can be so rasic. That they burn people’s cars and sometimes put a brick through there window with a note on it. No matter what part of the world we live in. No matter what skin colour we are we shouldn’t be like this. Save or not Saved. As some people who say they are saved can be like that too. We should love all people. Like Jesus. It reminds me of another song that I was taught at Sunday School. It is”Jesus Loves Me This I Know For The Bible Tell Me So” You get both songs on YouTube. How true both are. I had a great Christian friend who is with the Lord today. She was alot older than me. But she used to say. Dawn remember this “Bidden or not Bidden God is watching.” How true that is. God sees everything we do and say. She used say. Unless the unsaved repent they will be sorry when they leave this world. How true that is. Also she say we the saved should know better. Think before we speak. Remember the unsaved see everything we do. Just like Jesus does. So if we what to win the unsaved for Jesus. We got to live like Jesus and watch what we say and love all people of all walks of life. No matter what skin colour they are. So it is so good to be kept by Jesus. I will after Christmas in the New year let you know what I thought of the book Emma got me for Christmas My First White Friend. I know it will an excellent read. Like the last on I read about you and your Daughter and her being Muslim. She is still your Daughter no matter what. Jesus would not want you to love her any less just because she is as Muslim. As Jesus love us all no matter what we are. He longs for us to all love him and follow him. I still pray that for your Daughter and my Husband Cousin who is married to a Muslim too. They are bring there boys up in the Muslim faith. As I probably said to you before. My Husband Cousin was brought up like your Daughter in a lovely Christian home. But you can’t help who you fall in love with and Marry if get Married. They could be a different as people say religion to you. So you could follow them. Go with their beliefs. Like my Cousin Husband did. Then bring your children up in that faith. So if your family members are saved all they can do is pray. That they and their families will see the light. See Jesus in them. I believe in God’s perfect timing my Husband Cousin will plus her family. Plus your Daughter and her family. I don’t give up praying in faith. As in Our Daily Bread reading years ago. A Mother prayed of over 24 years for her son. One day because the Our Daily Bread was sitting on the Kitchen table. The words on the front cover convicted him. Through the Holy Spirit. He got saved even it was over 24 years. God answered that Mother’s prayers. She never stopped praying. I believe for my Husband Cousin family and Your Daughter and her family. The same will happen. In God’s perfect timing. Both theses families will get saved. What a glorious day that will be. Even if we have to wait as long as this Mother did. Lets hope not. Thanks you again for what you wrote. I just love it. God bless you in this new book. I am so looking forward to reading the book My First White Friend. By you Patricia. As I love your books. Your writings on Our Daily Bread and incourage. Love you all incourage. Keeping you all in my prayers. My God richly bless you all. Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Dawn, you are a wonderful gift to this community. And you are so right. The Lord keeps us all, no matter the color of our skin. May He continue to bless, keep, and watch over you at every moment of every day or night. He is our wonderful Friend and Keeper, and I’m so grateful that He is keeping you! With His peace and love, Patricia
Meant to say 50 now and 51 in February next year. Sorry it says 50 twice. Silly me. Please forgive my mistake. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
No problem at all!! Many blessings!
Thank you Patricia for your kind words. I love to pray for people of all walks of life and skin colour. I will be so looking forward to reading your book when I get it for Christmas My First White Friend. As I know you will have wrote from your heart. If we are saved. Skin colour shouldn’t matter to us as we are Children of The King that king is Jesus. We should love people of all walks of life. Even if not saved. I will let you know what I thought of the book. I know it will be excellent. Especially when you have wrote it. Here your experience of having a friend with a different skin colour than you. Thank you again for your nice reply. I love to pray for your Daughter and her family. I know in God’s perfect timing they will all see the light. Even if the wait just like my Husband Cousin and her family. It will be worth it to see them all saved. We all will rejoice and thank God then. Thank you for you kind word today in Our Daily Bread as well. You write so beautifully and from your Heart which is blessed by God. Through the Holy Spirit who guides you. Big big hugs Dawn xx
Thank you so much, Dawn–and you are so right. The Holy Spirit writes the words. May He strengthen me to seek, hear and heed Him! Much love, Patricia
I am going g through a tough season and am learning this more and more everyday…to just trust he’s got it!!! Would love copy of your book!
Oh, dear Sharon. Tough seasons are so hard. I pray the Lord strengthens you to keep surrendering it all to Him, receiving His keeping care and love in every place and way you need Him! We often say “He’s got it!” and, indeed, He truly does. Praise His Holy Name! I’m praying all His very best for you. May you also win or acquire a copy of my Colorado mystery! With His wonderful love! Patricia
Thank you for the reminders that God is always with us. I believe that though I don’t feel it. I know by faith, not by feeling. You see I suffer with depression, fear and anxiety. I went for about a year and a half without all this stuff, the longest ever and believed that I would never go through this again, but I got overloaded with many things, some things in my family and some things helping others, and 5 months ago it came again. I fall on His mercy!!! For those out there who have suffered as I have I would be so grateful for your prayers. This request is not just for me but also for my husband and our family who includes our 14 year old grandson who has lived with us since he was 2 months old as well as his mother, my stepdaughter. I never had children of my own. Sorry this is so long. The Lord bless you all!
Your honesty is so refreshing, Donna. As you say, it’s one thing to know that God is keeping us. So, we’re never alone. It’s another thing to feel that truth, too. So, I pray that as you continue to surrender your situations and all your family members to the Lord, that He will deepen your awareness and feeling–that blessed assurance–that He is with you and your family members always, never leaving any of you alone.
We know this was difficult even for Bible heroes to understand. The Lord had to declare to Joshua, for example, to be strong because the Lord would be with him. May we also learn that, too–learn it so well that we feel it, too! As you look to Him and not at your troubles, may He show you, over and over, all the ways He is keeping you. Watching over you and yours, too! With His wonderful love! Many blessings, Patricia
God as my keeper gives me peace and joy.
Amen, Susan! His peace and joy!
I would love to read this book! The first Christian mystery?
Thanks so much, Marta! I loved writing All That Is Secret and I’d be honored for you to read it. No, it’s not the first Christian mystery. But thank you for your interest. I hope you’re able to get the book! Kind thanks, many blessings, and happy reading!
Thank you for writing a Christian mystery novel. I love mystery novels – but to find one based on our/my Christian faith is next to impossible. I look forward to reading your book.
Thank you so much, Rise’ Sheriff! (Your name is so intriguing!) Thanks for your kind words about my mystery novel. I loved writing it and I pray you enjoy the story’s journey! With much love and thanks, Patricia
I’ve been wanting to read this ever since I saw you were writing a mystery! You seem to have a graciousness about you in how you respond to others even when it’s not the most friendly thing being said to you. God is my keeper. It has been a super tight last few months around here. Working a ministry job as a single girl who went through a divorce almost 10 years ago (really?!), it has been quite the struggle and one I’m struggling to hold onto hope through. But yes, God is my keeper. Not my finances. Not anything else. God. I needed that reminder. He is the one in control. Not me. I’m so happy to see you rewarded for your work!!!!
Your kind words, Heidi, are a blessing and a gift. Despite your own struggles you are able to reach out to me with encouragement. thank you so much for your kindness.
Indeed, as the Lord keeps you through challenges and carries you over mountains, may He provide the precise help and relief you need in every situation. He sees you and He knows you by name! As you surrender to His keeping, may He lead, guide, and bless you well–more than you can ask or imagine! With His great love! Patricia
Looking back I see evidence of God’s keeping of me, even when I didn’t want it. Only a loving Father could be so generous in love, grace and mercy.
Wonderful Natalie, I can so relate. Even when we didn’t want the Lord’s keeping power, He kept His anyway. What a mighty God we serve! With His great love, Patricia
It is so comforting to know that God is our keeper. always there. He got me through breast cancer and do many more things. Congrats on your mystery novel. I would love to win a copy. I am a huge fan of mystery novels.
What a beautiful testimony, Stacey. The Lord is your keeper — even through sickness — and you know it without a doubt. Thank you so much for encouraging others with your clear, strong witness for Him. In the meantime, I’m hoping you can get a copy of my mystery novel! With peace and joy, Patricia
Hi Patricia,
I remember so well the first time I heard Larnelle Harris’s worship song “In It After All” when he sang at the Brookkyn Tabernacle. I was blown away. Now I am blown away again. As I read your devotional I began remembering before I recognized God as God,
before I knew Him, before He called me, He kept me, He loved me, He guided me, He protected me even from me. I have tears of joy reading your wonderful devotional. I can’t wait to read your book. As a believer and avid mystery reader it is hard to find great books that aren’t a challenge to my faith. Looking forward to your future devotionals and new books the Lord will give you to write.
Thank you and praying every good and perfect blessing from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be yours.
Gratefully, Judy Paolucci
What beautiful words, wonderful Judy! Even before we knew Him, He was keeping us. It’s so encouraging to realize the truth of His keeping power–through our lives, our challenges, and our creative endeavors, too. He is so good! May He continue to hold you close and keep you always! With His great love!
What a lovely post! Knowing God as my keeper is so comforting because it reminds me He is my Protector, nothing can happen that He doesn’t allow. Thank you for the chance to win.
And what lovely feedback, Megan! The Lord’s wonderful blessings on you and yours today. With His great love! Peace and joy, Patricia
Dear Patricia, your book has been on my radar for some time! The whole concept intrigues me. And it sounds like you hit the ball put of the park. Well done!
Dear Irene,
Your kind encouragement blesses me so much. I loved writing my novel and I pray you have an opportunity to read. Sending my warmest regards and grateful thanks. Happy reading, too! With God’s love!
He knows me inside and out and that’s comforting 🙂
Amen, Geanna! His keeping love is so comforting! With His great love, Patricia
It means EVERYTHING to me that God is my keeper. He is my strength, my deliverer and my Hope . It means He has me in the palm of His hand …I will praise Him forever ❤
Amen, Kathleen! I am praising Him with you! With His great love, Patricia
He has our hand every second. We just need to listen, obey, and let Him lead! As we trust Him day by day, we can look back on our lives and view where He has taken us. Therefore, we can trust Him with our future!
So well said, Lori. When we take the time to look back, we can see His keeping love in every moment and second, day by day. So, our future is in His hands. Thank you so much for that beautiful reminder! Warmly with His love, Patricia
Because God is my keeper I do not need to me afraid – He will keep me in perfect peace if my mind is stayed on Him.
Amen, Marsha! So well said! His many blessings on you and yours!
I love that you integrate all that is you in your writing. It’s a beautiful challenge- though intimidating. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Janet! I’m grateful you enjoy my writing and I’ll try not to be intimidating! To God be the glory, indeed! Warmest thanks and wonderful regards! With peace and joy, Patricia
I have been wrestling with trusting God with the pain and weariness some loved ones are walking through. I so often have to remember that God is their keeper. I’m thankful for this reminder that God is MY keeper, too. He’s not just caring for them and helping me care for them, HE IS CARING FOR AND KEEPING ME. Thank you Patricia for this precious reminder.
I so agree, wonderful Melissa. When we’re caring so much for others, we can forget the Lord is keeping us, too. I’m grateful to God that this post provided that reminder. To God be the glory! With His great love, Patricia
Thanks for the confirmation. God had given me some down time. I was just telling a coworker how sometimes especially, fall for me you feel all alone more often. It was a a great reminder how God is our keeper no matter what we might go through.
Thanks. It sounds like a good book.
Thanks so much, Shirley. I can relate to what you’re saying. In the fall, as the weather changes and the days grow longer, we may feel more alone. But, as you say, the Lord is keeping us no matter what! To Him be the glory! May you feel His keeping love all year long. With His peace and joy! Patricia
Good Tuesday morning Patricia. God is keeping me and my family in this time of grief due to the death of my grandson few months ago. Each day God shows us how much we are deeply loved and cared for, and that our precious grandson is kept in His arms until our family will be joined together for eternity, where there will be no more tears and heartache. God continue to bless you as you are being kept by our Heavenly Father as well.
Thank you, Mary, for your unselfish encouragement about how God is keeping you and your family in the midst of your grief. He is indeed our Gentle Healer and Eternal Life Giver! Oh let us wait upon Him , abiding in Him during these tenuous times…
In His love,
Beautiful Mary, the Lord’s caring and keeping love come through so wonderfully in the lovely spirit of your words. I pray our Heavenly Father’s ongoing comfort and peace will continue to keep and assure as you and your family remember with love your precious and beloved grandson. You reflect his heavenly light. Eternity will shine forever with all of your love! God’s many blessings on all of you! Love, Patricia
Amen! God’s wonderful blessings on you, Sherry!
It gives me so much comfort and makes me so happy in Jesus, he has been so good to me and answered so many Prayers. He answered a Prayer for me just this morning and I thank him so much.
Oh, Julia! You are so right. The Lord is so good, granting us His fresh mercies every morning. His many blessings on you today and always! Much peace and joy, Patricia
God is my keeper. He walks through dark valleys with me and along stretches of road that seem to never end. He delights in bringing me to spacious places of rest and into the love of his family.
What a beautiful and amazing image, wonderful Amber. Thank you so much for sharing!
I cherish the truth that God is my keeper. The role of a storekeeper (or shepherd) comes to mind. The store (or sheep) cannot do anything to keep itself in order or to protect itself from any number of dangers or thieves. The storekeeper (shepherd) does all the work of taking care of the store (sheep). God keeps me in His tender care always – even when I don’t actively notice or think about it. That is deserving of my never ending thanks and praise.
Amen, wonderful Laurie. What a beautiful analogy!! Thank you so much for sharing that!
I was surprised by tears as I read this today. I had not thought about how God isn’t just working in the people around me, but has something for ME in this time!! I desperately needed to read that. God is here and He goes before me. I will look for Him and His joy for me here and now, regardless of whether other people do the same.
And congratulations on your book’s success. ❤️
Oh, I can relate, Lynn. What a good reminder, indeed. He is keeping ME. It’s so often, yes, before we even realize it. His wonderful keeping blessings on you as you abide daily and always in Him. With His wonderful love!
I’m clinging to the truth that God keeps us as I journey through an uncertain season. Thankful for the truth that He is with us and goes before us, even when we question or doubt!
Cling to Him, indeed, wonderful Olivia. He is holding you close with His strong right hand! With His love!
Oh my, dear sister Patricia! Just like you, not realizing how much you needed that take away, it was the same for me this morning and for quite awhile!
I didn’t even want to read this entry, but rather, go on to my “regular “ quiet time reading. BUT GOD! And your title drew me in, “Oh to be Kept by Jesus”. I needed it badly.
I have never felt so alone and lonely as in recent weeks. But your truth “God is our Keeper, so we’re never alone” was the balm my soul and spirit needed! Along with more of what you wrote.
Thank you so much for sharing, Patricia! Best of success as you are kept by our Jesus!
With much love because of Him! (I’ll also be sharing this writing with others, along with dear sisters at the jail where I volunteer. I know they’ll be so encouraged and built up as well! ) Thank you again!
Oh, dear Deeb. I’m so grateful to God that you were drawn to today’s post and were blessed by it. Now, as you said, you can tell others, that we are never alone, including you and all the women at the jail where you volunteer, in our churches, in our homes when we are surrounded by or “with” other people, but may feel lonely. What freedom and joy for each of us to know that, despite our circumstance, the Lord is always with us, keeping us and watching over us.
Knowing that, may you surrender to His love and release any lonely feelings to Him, letting Him replace them with His keeping mercy and love. He is singing over you, indeed! With His great love, Patricia
Glory to God!
Amen, wonderful Dorothy! To God be the glory! Much love and joy, Patricia
Oh, Patricia, I’m so excited to read this book! I love a good mystery, and am finding I really don’t want to read anything but christian fiction! Thank you so much! Anticipation to read a story that is woven with a truth I struggle to remember daily, that God is our Keeper…who is here for us through it all…and writing our own story.
Thank you, Jennifer, so much! Your enthusiasm conveys such joy and love for the Lord and for His wonderful grace and keeping power, even in our creative endeavors. I’m so excited for you to read my Colorado mystery. May the story intrigue you and bless you! Warmest thanks and happy reading! Peace and joy, Patricia
God is a mystery! I am excited to hear how He works through the mystery genre (one of my favorites). He has worked through me in mysterious ways and I am trying to discern how now, in my time of change.
My keeper, “shade at my right hand.”
I love the imagery of scripture that makes him feel close by.
Excited to hear about your book! Congratulations!
God is good and greatly to be praised! He does keep us and sustains us through it all. We have all we need when we have Jesus!
Tina Johnson
That wonderfully freeing sensation when we are truly kept by Jesus. It’s something I remind myself of every day.
Over generations, the idea of being kept has been fraught with bad connotations. It’s time we realize that all things originated with God and take back His meaning for them!
Dear Patricia,
Such a lovely reminder that He will never leave us and that we’re never alone.
I was sorry to read that some people don’t like the mix of faith and race in your writings. As a middle-age, white woman, I cannot begin to imagine the hurts that all people of colour have faced in their lives. When authors like yourself speak of these things, it enlightens us and helps us to understand, or at least be aware, that division still exists.
Your writings are so filled with love and peace that I feel this is God’s gift to you and your readers. Through Him you share the gift of the Holy Spirit to share the light of Jesus.
I ordered your new book, “All That is Secret” and it has arrived at the bookstore! I’ve always enjoyed mysteries, and am looking forward to reading this one with some historical content.
Blessings, Sandy
So glad to hear of all of the recognition from the “secular world”! Yes, it needs to know that God is always there, even if they don’t think they need to know that!!!
God has kept me moving forward even when I was stuck.
I never knew what Jesus as my Keeper truly meant until He walked through the darkest and saddest things in my life with me. There really is such a peace that passes understanding knowing that He is with me/us no matter what! He knows the worst things about us, but always steps into our stories and is “all in”! I love that about Him! There is nothing that can ever take us away from His love and presence, and when the fears and lies start coming, I can run to Him. He keeps me centered in His truth and love and grace–always.
God teaches us along the way that He is our keeper. I thought I knew it at the beginning of my faith journey, but now I know I didn’t know the depths of it. Psalm 139 tells us that even if we make our bed in hell, He is even with us there. My faith in Him, my attachment to Him and trust in Him has grown so remarkably through a hellish journey as I’ve learned that He truly IS with us always and everywhere.
I devoured this story in two evenings! Looking forward to a sequel, Patricia.
To me it means that my autoimmune disease has no real power over me. It means that my husband getting laid off half a dozen times in eight years was sovereignly ordained, doesn’t define us, and hasn’t stopped God from providing all that we need. It means that in all the storms we have weathered, He’s not surprised or scared or out of control. So I will not fear, despite shadows of death following me for 15 years now. Because He is guiding me safely home. And I can lie down and sleep in peace.
It gives me peace of mind and brings things back into perspective.
God’s promise to be with me always is what keeps me going, even while passing through the storm. After living a good part of my life believing the lie that I’m alone and unloveable, this fundamental truth is a balm to my soul. Thank you Jesus that you never, ever leave me or fail me.
God is my keeper so therefore I don’t need to fear, fret, faint or forget that he is watching over me!
God is my keeper means that He has always held me in the palm of His hand, and He always will.
When I think back to my B.C. (Before Christ) days, God surrounded me with people whose lives were examples for me of Him, and how to live with Him. God held me close, even though I was running (rather trying to run), far from Him. And once I asked Jesus to lead me, He keeps me close through prayer and the Holy Spirit speaking to me. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time. So that is how I see God as my keeper. He never leaves or forsakes me.
Patricia, I pray blessings on you. It’s a great news for the world and Christian community. I pray you will bless many with your book.
Today’s devotional is interesting and timely for me. I woke up at 4:00 am this morning thinking about how secrets in a family affects the mental, emotional and physical health of children. I reflected on my life experiences, felt some pain, shame and grief and just wanted healing for my family. After reading the devotional, I felt a peace just knowing that God is in the journey and He is writing my story. He is rewriting the story of my family so that other generations would not have to take this journey. Thank you for helping me to remember that God is there in the beginning and ending of my story. He is in the details fine tuning everything for my good. Congratulations on your first novel and God bless you Patricia.
Yaye Patricia!! I have never read a mystery because I’m more of a romance reader.. if I read a fictional book at all;) honestly I read more Bible and studies then anything.. also devotional or biography of christian writers.. BUT my God has kept me through so many firsts and lasts and then some more.. no wonder I keep singing that song in my head.. He’s the ancient of days… blessings abound to and through you dear sister Congratulations ❣️
I am excited for you and your new book. I would love to win a copy. I have a friend also who is an avid mystery reader and loves JESUS too. This will definitely be a gift for her this Christmas!
I hope I haven’t missed my window to write a children’s book and also a Christian birthing book. I am not a writer but these are in my head. My time is scattered and uncontrolled.
I recently walked through a horrific experience. I had thought previously that if this ever happened, I wouldn’t survive it. I wouldn’t be able to make it. What I found was that, instead of floundering, I was able to flourish. My Father upheld me by His righteous right hand. He was true to His promise. He didn’t leave me. He didn’t forsake me. He was faithful and true. He is my keeper. He is my shelter. I have learned that no matter how devastating my circumstances, He is good and His love and mercy are everlasting. He is my constant companion and comforter.
Thank you for sharing your platform with me and others. God is our keeper, in particular, I am an only child born to a young unwed mother.
My mother lived in the rural part of Gluckstadt, MS. She and my grandmother moved to Jackson, MS when I was four years old. There are many things I don’t remember but what I do recall is my grandmother was such a sweet and kind person not just to me but to everyone.
My mother worked a lot to take care of me and help my grandmother. I went to Hart Baptist Center for Kindergarten and to Deva L. Brown Elementary School for grammar school.
During all my growing up years, I was never alone at home and I had love and care from my mother and grandmother every day.
Now, since I am all grown up, I know it was God keeping this tiny girl family together with love, kindness, security and compassion.
What a mighty God we serve.
Enjoy your day.
Brenda M. Russell
Your Sister in Christ
History is certain. No mystery there. But today, what lies ahead is unknown. That is…to us.
But God, gently holds us, guides us and lights our path…
How many times I can look back now, and realize He has been there all along. Never leaving or forsaking us. To know that our precious Lord is our keeper brings a peace that truly surpasses all understanding.
Thank you for your post. I teach reading. After we have discussed a story, the last question I ask is “What is the author’s message”? The curriculum I use gives us the answer. It’s not always easy trying to figure out the lesson the author wants us to learn. So to hear that you squirmed at first in knowing what your message was in your book was reassuring to me.
As I read the Bible, I ponder at what is God’s message through the verses I am reading that day. Through prayer and listening to the small voice, I find God’s message. Just as you found your message in your story. Thank you for reminding me that God is always there and his messages are always available when we take time to listen for his voice.
Lovely reminder of the intricacies of God’s truths and work in our lives. When we take the time to seek we find!!
Knowing God is my keeper means I can rest in his care.
I have to remind myself often that God is my keeper and He has my life in His perfect control. It’s sometimes hard to remember that in the valleys we walk through so thank you for this great reminder! And the chance to win your new book! I love a good clean mystery!
Congratulations on the new book! Thank you for writing a Christian mystery.
I’ve witnessed God keeping me through valleys & mountaintops. He healed my dad from geriatric psych & made him better than before. When I lost my last part time job Jesus had another one in store for me 2 weeks later. It never ceases to amaze me how God works for us. We must remember Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you & not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.” God has a journey for us & He will go before us & keep us on the right path.
Blessings 🙂