Is the world still feeling uncertain to you? Did you, like me, think we’d be back to “normal” by now – when COVID numbers began to decline, once we had a vaccine for the virus, as churches and businesses began to open up again? Years ago, Patsy Clairmont wrote Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer, and that sentiment is as spot on as ever. Everything’s fine when I’m with family or friends, but if I scroll social media or read the news, I find myself wondering how we’ve lost our way so badly.
On one hand, it’s November! It’s a month that brings with it autumn’s incredible beauty, crisp, clear skies, cozy sweaters, college football, and pumpkin-spiced, well, everything. It’s a lovely season for expressing our gratitude, counting blessings, and gathering family and friends.
On the other hand, it feels like we’re a culture in chaos with circumstances out of control. COVID changed the way we live. The state of politics in our country seems like two parties have been dropped into a centrifuge, then spun and slung to their extremes. It’s so loud at those edges that all the noise seems to be rendering people deaf from any opinion that doesn’t already align with their own.
What are we to do when our world no longer makes sense? What are those who follow Jesus to do?
I believe an old refrain holds the key:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
A while back, I had the sweet privilege of serving women in my area as a leader for a community Bible study, and every Thursday before our class met, the leadership team arrived early to pray, go over announcements, and walk through the day’s lesson. But before any of that took place, we began by singing this familiar chorus.
Tendering our hearts in song was effective. The things of earth – never-ending to-do lists, looming work deadlines, disagreements among friends, challenges with children, an argument with our spouses, health concerns, financial pressures, the chatter and clatter of politics, even some of our anxieties and feeling not enough – grow strangely dim.
The worries of the world wither under the blaze of God’s glory. When Jesus becomes our primary concern, everything else becomes secondary.
We see a perfect demonstration of this in Matthew 14 in an exchange between Jesus and Peter, His beloved friend and one of the twelve disciples. Following a miracle feast, Jesus sends His disciples ahead of Him by boat while He retreats to a mountain to pray. By the time Jesus travels to catch up with them, they are already a good ways out, their boat beaten and battered by the wind and waves.
In this familiar account, Jesus makes His way toward them by walking on water. (Can we please take a moment to marvel at this together? Let’s not allow familiarity to dull us to the wonder of a miracle!) Jesus quickly identifies Himself and offers assurance to His terrified friends. Then, in a bold gesture, Peter asks to join Him. Jesus’s response?
If this story is new to you, Peter starts off just fine. He’s fully focused on Jesus. But the second Peter’s attention shifts from Jesus to his circumstances, fear creeps in and he begins to sink. Immediately, Peter calls out to Jesus to save him, and immediately, Jesus does.
Think how this plays out in your own life. Are the “winds” of the world swirling in your mind and carrying you out in a sea of anxiety, disappointment, or despair? Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Do you worry that circumstances are simmering and seething and have finally reached a boiling point (personally or otherwise)? Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
When we focus on Jesus instead of circumstances, our circumstances may not change, but we sure do.
This calls to mind what we read in Romans 12:2 in the New Living Translation:
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know God’s will for you,
which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Transformation is accomplished by first changing the way we think.
I know what it’s like to wander around and feel lost, to wrestle in a sea of doubt, to question beliefs you once held dear. And while I don’t know what’s going on with you personally, I know all of us are affected by what’s going on in the world.
How can we possibly handle it? We can’t. We aren’t even supposed to — that’s why we have a Savior! Isn’t this liberating?
Since we’re forgetters, let’s remind one another that the gospel is good news. When we are mindful of who God is and what He has already accomplished in our lives and in our world, when we trust that He is good and loves us without condition, when we study His Word, claim His promises, and accept the forgiveness He offers, when we believe that He actually holds the whole world in His hands, when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, we will find peace.
To me, focusing on Jesus isn’t just one way we can best handle a world that feels crazy. It’s the only way.
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Amen! I woke up not wanting to get out of bed. Physically tired from working extra hours as we are short handed. Emotionally worn out from family drama & Spiritually disappointed by some surprising criticism of our wonderful church staff. But turning my eyes on Jesus makes me excited to get out of bed. I get to go worship my Redeemer, Strength & Miracle Worker not just because it’s Sunday but because of who He is! Thank you for your encouragement in truth!
Thank you for sharing exactly where you are right now. It’s honest and an encouragement to all of us :). I’m saying a prayer for you this morning that see and celebrate the reality of Jesus throughout your day (and into the week to come with all you have going on). xo
Praying for you sweet sister. Asking God to calm your worried & anxious mind & soul. May He give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Abba Father,
Please ease the mind & soul of Ruth. Send some peace & calm to her. Take care of the family drama & church criticism. Help her to remain focused on you & your love for her & the family. In Jesus name AMEN!
Blessings 🙂
Oh how this touched me. I am going through some health concerns. And it has been difficult not to think about the test results, the upcoming tests, the possible diagnosis. This is all because I went in for my annual physical and had the usual blood work. I keep praying but the doubt and fear creeps in so quickly. I am comforted by the lyrics and your words today. Thank you.
I’m SO thankful you went for your annual physical to find these things, even if they stir uncertainty. I’m praying for you this morning, Madeline, for God’s presence and goodness to bring you peace.
Thank you! This world, daily life challenges, and illness has greatly taxed my soul. But God to is with me. I shall not be afraid. He will never leave me or forsake me. Praise God! I am keeping my eyes on Jesus. He is the source of my strength!
You’ve called us to remember some important things, Olivia. Thank YOU!
Amen, Robin! It’s easy to forget that God’s got our back in this thing we call life. Thank you for this reminder!
Doesn’t that give us great hope, Dawn? 🙂
Oh, how I needed this reminder right now in my life! I may not have the answers for the craziness I’m experiencing in my life that appears will get worse before it gets better, but I can sing, I love to sing, and this old familiar hymn will be on my lips and in my heart often! Thank you for the encouragement my mind and heart so needed!
I find myself humming it when I didn’t even realize I was. Somehow, just meditating on the name of Jesus is so calming. I love that you thought of singing as a path toward encouragement in the Lord.
Amen! In the last few years the loudest, meanest voices have garnered all the attention. Yet we have that gentle whisper of our Lord showing us the way. I try to lean into that fact, and also at the end of my day recount all the acts of grace I’ve witnessed. It helps me see there is much more kindness than ugliness and divisions.
So true, friend…so true. xo
Robin thank you for sharing from you heart what you shared. You said something about let’s know who holds the world in his hands. That reminds me of song I was taught at Sunday School when small. Now 50 51 in February next year. You get it on YouTube. “He got the whole world in his hands. In hands he got me and you sister.” There are other verses to that song. It is true for us at Adult to believe it too. Not just for kids. As God has the whole world in his hands as made it. Like he made us. So what an amazing God we serve. No matter what. The world going through we can have the confidence to know we are safe in the Lord. People might say will ever get back to Normal. Especially when we look at are Hospital. Over flowing with sick people. One with Covid and ones just sick. You can hear people saying they wouldn’t like to go Hospital. Especially when so much sickness in it and Covid. People are afraid. We that are saved shouldn’t be afraid. We have a big big God who is will look after us. As another kids song goes. That I learnt. That is good is good for us as Adults today. Our God is a great big God. He is when head this world. So who do we need to put our faith in. Especially if saved. I saw this saying on line. It is so true. Prayer is the best medicine and God the best Doctor. Yes God uses Doctors to heal us and himself. But we need to go to God first in prayer and sock up his word as our medicine. Then through his Holy Spirit he will speak to us if saved and tell us what to do. No matter what it is. Even if we feel the way we feel because we can’t cope as things in this world are too much for us to cope with . Or we are not well. God is close to us. He through his Holy Spirit will if we let him. Give us the strength to cope. Plus know he close to us. He is there to help us. So we don’t need to be scared or worry. Just keep our eyes on the master. Who is Jesus. Going to him in prayer for everything. Plus standing on the promises in his world. Like in Psalm 91. As it says in verse 4 of Psalm “He. Shall cover you with his feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge. His trusty shall be your shield anf buckler.” Verse 5 says of Psalm 91. That follows on from verse 4. “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day” so true. But verses. So we don’t need to be afraid. What happens in this world. Even Psalm 91 is a good Psalm to say everyday and believe it over your life. I have done that. Beloved it. Over my life and what it says. So know God will look after me. As that Psalm says. Thank you Robin for what you shared. Love it. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Ahhhh, Dawn…now you have ME singing “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” Such a fond memory of my childhood :).
This is such a good reminder, Robin! Thank you!
🙂 Thank you for taking time to read and encourage me! Grateful!!
Amen! This world and my life feel so crazy at times! “Turn eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face…” Thanks for a wonderful reminder! Hugs
Terry, sometimes it feels more like “Crazy” is a setting on the dryer, huh? 😉 🙂 (Thank you for stopping by today!)
Such an encouraging post! Thank you, Robin!
Hi Robin, Thank you for this timely post. It seems like we will never get out from under this pandemic and it’s easy to give in to the worries of the world.
At church yesterday the message was: Fear Not! Fret Not! Faint Not! Forget Not! It was a reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. And the chorus you added goes perfectly with that reminder.
Keep the faith!
Hey Robin!!
You know what? The older I get, the more I appreciate sermon titles I can remember! It helps me carry the message well after I hear it. Thank you for sharing this, a helpful remembrance.
It is the only way, and it works every time, all the time. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Hallelujah!
I hear your enthusiasm :).
Love Patsy Clairmont! (Remember her retelling of Baby Moses in the bulrushes? He was the first basket case, you know!) Also love that old chorus, Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus. “The light of his glory and grace” gives us plenty to ponder so things of this earth WILL grow strangely dim. Third, I love your insight, Robin: “When we focus on Jesus instead of circumstances, our circumstances may not change, but we sure do.” AMEN and thank you! That’s a delightful outcome to look forward to!
Sounds like we’re both in the PC admiration society :). Her insights and encouragement stick, don’t they?
And, yes!! We DO have much to look forward to….thank God!
I’ve felt soul weary from work trials hubby & I face at the hospital (He is CT & I work as clerical in a unit that was shut down again-staffing issues). To alleviate my frustrations I volunteer at Loaves & Fishes food bank. I help make food boxes, put meals together or hand out meals-whatever needs to be done. Last Saturday (11/6) they had a clothing giveaway. I helped sort out the clothes as well as assisted people in finding nice clothes for themselves. Then we bagged what was left & it went to Salvation Army. In this way I take the focus off my problems & turn it towards others. Sort of like “turning my eyes upon Jesus”. We have prayed for people, a few have been baptized-mostly it feels like family of a nature. We even pray for each other when life hits them hard.
Blessings 🙂
What a lovely redemption of a hard season, to give your time and energy to others. What a blessing. 🙂