Time for Bible Study Mondays! We are thrilled to go through our newest Bible study, Courageous Kindness, right here with you. Each Monday for six weeks we provide the reading assignment, a discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. All you need is your copy of Courageous Kindness and an open heart, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Pick up your copy of Courageous Kindness and start Week 2, which empowers you to use exactly what you have — even if it doesn’t seem like enough.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week 2: Exactly What You Have, on pages 49-83 in Courageous Kindness. Grab your copy and start reading!
Discussion Video
Three (in)courage writers invite us into their conversations about Courageous Kindness! Join study author Becky Keife alongside Grace P. Cho and Lucretia Berry each week as they discuss the readings. Listen in on their conversation about Week Two (and find all the weekly videos here):
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you read Week 2:
We’re responsible for giving what we have; God is responsible for the difference it makes.
– Becky Keife in Courageous Kindness. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Reflection Questions
In the comments below, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- What stands out to you as you study the feeding of the five thousand?
- When have you seen God use your small or seemingly inadequate offering to meet a specific need?
Let’s Pray Together

Click here to get a FREE week from each of our four Courageous Bible Studies and get free leader resources! Also, tune in each Thursday for a new episode of the (in)courage podcast and hear from (in)courage team members Anna and Joy, and writers Becky, Lucretia, and Grace as they all work their way through the study right alongside you. Listen wherever you stream podcasts (or find them all here!)
Answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week Two together! Blessings as you work through Week Two, and we’ll see you back here next Monday to begin Week Three!
Thank you for standing strong for others to learn more about the character of Christ.
I think of a little boy who was taught to share with others. He was willing to share his lunch with several of the disciples. That’s all that was needed for Jesus to thank His Heavenly Father. What happens next is by obedience and gratitude.
When I think of my journey as a wide and mother of three daughters, many times I did not have enough Bubblegum Funds to do nice things for my girls but my mother and grandmother always helped us.
Sometimes I had to choose between a bill and some school items or extra food. I never did without. I know it was the Grace of God and His Loving Kindness for me and my family.
Thank you ladies for what you shared. One of you said about having fibroids. I had them too. Was not well with them for years. I lost alot of blood too and weight. With mind Every time my period was due before it would come and during it and after it. Each month mostly I take seizures. My h hormones would go up the left. Because of all the blood I lost. I was in alot of pain. God took me through that time with his grace. As four years ago past in October. I had a Hysterectomy to get rid of my fibroids. I could have had other treatment to get rid of them. But I decided a Hysterectomy was the best so as they never grow again. I even lost weight with mine. I was not scared of going for the Hysterectomy operation. As I had so many people praying for me. I went into the operation not scared. As I knew Jesus was with me through it all. I got over it the best ever. God help recover after it. Plus since having the operation four years ago. I only had one tiny tiny seizure after it. I had none since. My seizure were the type when I took them. Before I had the Hysterectomy to remove the fibroids. Stop all my very heavy bleeding I mean heavy. My seizures you could be taking to me one minute the next without any wording I go into a seizure. Mine I could not tell when they were coming. So I know God used the operation to heal me of my seizures. Get rid of my fibroids for good. I am feeling so much better now. I do revert have the operation. I never wanted kids. Too scared to give birth. So people did say to you could have the operation. Then revert it. Decide you want kids. But that has never happened. It was the best choice for me. I never apart from that we small one never had another seizure since. You said something about Jesus feeding the 5000 people. God showed me this out of at the start of the Pandemic when things were closed. Mostly. People having to wash there hands alot and sample sanatize them more. That people in those days went here the Kind of world speak. They knew Jesus would take care of them and not let anything happen to them. So they sat down on the grass. The baskets of food were passed by. The people that day didn’t worry about Germs. Or if that person beside them had not washed their hands or if they had runny nose. So Jesus said to me who were they trusting and they didn’t care how close people say beside them. They I said to Jesus were trusting you. Not worrying about Germs. We are no matter I got out of this to trust Jesus no matter what. That he will take care of us like he did that day feeding 5000 people that day. They didn’t worry about anything happening to them. They knew the Saviour of the world would take care of them. We are to do the same. Not worry about the way the world is going. Keep standing on the promises of God read his word the Bible and Keep Praying. I do that. Thank you Ladies for sharing you hearts. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Liitle Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh N.Ireland. xxx
That word revert is meant to be regret in that message of mine. It just the typing things sometimes changes the word. Forgive my mistake love Dawn Ferguson-Liitle xx
In Courage,
This is the first time we see Jesus take something seemingly small & turn it into a banquet that feeds 5,00. Plus they pick up 12 baskets full of left overs. One for each of the disciples I guess. It tells me that God can use anything no matter how small, insignificant or seemingly useless & turn it into something grand. Don’t take for granted your small efforts.
Before Covid hit our church partnered with “Feed the Multitude”. Our church made desserts. I would make about 2 dozen or so cookies each month. The other church made spaghetti casseroles. My in laws both got ill in 2017 & were hospitalized. I would take a left over casserole, fruit & a little dessert to them each month. It helped MIL to not have to cook. I also helped my neighbor by taking a casserole, some beans & fruit to her & caregiver.
Now I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes. I go each week as often as I can. Doing whatever needs done–making food boxes, putting together meals, handing out meals, etc. I’ve seen people’s lives changed. We pray for some of people & a few may get baptized. God has gifted me with talent & love of cooking. When I found out a couple of the volunteers have medical issues. I cooked meals for them to take home. My way of showing God’s love for them.
Now I’m going to make some bread & take leftovers for a friend who is dealing with huge medical issues with her dad & brother. Both are in hospital. Brother has Covid pneumonia & failing kidneys & on vent. Dad not eating, on 6 liters oxygen, can’t walk, has cancer, etc. She is falling apart. I feel so bad for her.
Blessings ::)