About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Ruth Mills says

    Circumstances tailored to reveal more of Him to me, indeed! I needed to read this this am! Thank you! Instead of wringing our hands over the heightened tension in our community right now we can be asking God what He wants us to know, learn & share with others about Himself in this drama. Focusing on Him rather than the angst we wish was behind us! Thank you again!

  2. Catherine says

    All I can say is, thank you for sharing with us all. This has changed my perspective on the problem my family has faced for the last 1 year.
    Praise God. He is so so good and I shall sing His glory forever

    • says

      Oh I’m so happy this is helping you. I sometimes wish someone had wrote this for me early on so it’s a blessing to have some hindsight and help others on their journey!

  3. Ann Woleben says

    Thank you for sharing your personal journey and life lessons. I like your term “tailor-made for me.” It reminds us that we must trust in God’s plan and purpose for our individual lives. Blessings to you and to Lila~

  4. Arnesia says

    I just want to say how much this blessed me. In the beginning it reminded me of my son who has a language impairment and some delays due to not hearing at a young age, that we didn’t know either. As I began to read further it reminded me of my other son who has special needs too, due to GBS meningitis at 3wks old. Although he is visually impaired and has other health issues the joy he has is remarkable!! I’ve never seen anything like his spirit before. The joy he has draws so many people to him. So, I believe the Lord wanted to remind me that He sees them, He sees this mama’s heart, and He’s been with us from the beginning and through it all. Last but not least, Isaiah 55:8-11 is one of my favorite scriptures and the one He’s used through the years to remind and keep me grounded, especially pertaining to my boys, and the many questions I’ve asked and continue to ask about the detours and interruptions in my life.
    Thank you!!

  5. Barbara M Mills says

    I cried when I read this. It hit me square between the eyes, or like the sweet sword of truth piercing me. Right in my heart. So long, too long, I have held things, people to some ridiculous standard.
    Mercy though is so sweet when we relinquish that grip. Praise God.

    Thank you for opening your heart and sharing this.

  6. Irene says

    Jami, this is lovely! You hit every “note” perfectly. You reminded us that, although our lives may not unfold as we envisioned, God’s plans are perfect for us. And our mission is to accept our assignment and learn to celebrate it! Well done!

  7. Janet Trenda says

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. I was blessed by the stories of your beautiful daughter- and your journey of faith to ‘see’.

  8. Melissa says

    After begging and pleading with God to heal my broken marriage, it ended in divorce. Not my my plan or how I wanted it to end. The healing process post divorce is extremely hard and painful. I feel rejected and damaged. AND YET GOD has met me in my darkest place, is with me and leading me in the healing process. He has shown himself faithful, true, and kind. This may not make sense, but all the pain and heart break is worth it-to experience the love of Jesus as I never have before.

    • says

      he is near to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit. his nearness is our reward, not the marriage. Ugh, I had to learn that the hard way too but what a glorious lesson!

  9. Terry Law says

    That was so “in-couraging”! God bless you on your journey with God and your daughter. And yes, we need more joy like that! Hugs

  10. Leslie says

    Beautifully written – I needed these words. Lila sounds very much like my daughter and your journey sounds so similar to mine. It’s taken me years to finally let go of trying fix her and praying for healing and trust the One who made her knows better than me.

  11. Melissa Adair says

    This is so so so so good. THANK YOU for this word & sharing this perspective. God bless Lila Nato who just inspired us all through her mamas amazing words.

  12. Scott Freeman says

    Awesome word. My wife and I have experienced much with two adult autistic adults ( high functioning) thank you for your ministry. Thank you for sharing your story. It was a blessing to me.

  13. Beth Williams says


    I can so relate to this. I was the one born with two punctured ear drums. Couldn’t hear & didn’t speak till I was 3 or 4. Part of that was due to having three older sisters who spoke for me. Took speech classes all through high school & was shy. Still have a speech impediment. But that doesn’t stop me. After three operations my left ear wouldn’t take (not close up). Fast forward some years & I got a hearing aid to help me. Then one day at work I took out my hearing aid & forgot I didn’t have it in for a while & could hear fine. A NP look at my left ear & said the ear drum had closed up. God had taken His time & fixed it. Like your children I have a somewhat happy spirit. It has been a long journey, but worth it. I have compassion on those who can’t hear good.

    Blessings 🙂

  14. Vicki Whitman says

    This is beautifully written- thank you for this post! We need to think of the blessing God has given us in these beautiful children!!!❤️