About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Dear Sino,
    Thank you for your message today.I immediately connected to your title. Your beautiful words, “His love compels us to pursue His goodness and extend His grace to others.” ring true and are the perfect reminder. God bless.

  2. I can so relate. I smile when I am supposed to, I say the right thing, but so often the real thoughts in my head can be critical and judgmental and just plain unkind. But I am trying. And I value the grace bestowed on me and forgiveness. I once heard my pastor say during a sermon that by the time you have finished sinning, you are already forgiven. I didn’t see that as a way out, certainly not a way to justify not embracing the values and acts of Christ, but rather not to come down hard on myself when I stray, and an opportunity to make amends. So thank you for your wise words. And yes, amen to that.

    • amen! God’s grace is so rich and deep that we merely see and taste a glimpse at a time. As we grow in Christ, we are able to see more and continue to be in awe of His amazing grace!

  3. Thank you Simi for your beautiful message here. I can very much relate exactly to what you have said. Struggling as a performer as well, learning that it is God who changes hearts! When we discover more of His love and grace we cannot help to want to extend it to others! So thankful for His patience and grace towards us!

  4. Wonderfully written! I’ve been raised in an honor-shame culture and discovered I am in need of God’s grace more than those who outwardly appear less-than-perfect!

  5. Amen Simi for shearing your heart. You can look good on the outside. But that what Man does he looks on outside but God looks on heart. 1 Samuel 16 verse 7. That is so true. God see everything we do. All we hide from people. But we can hide nothing from God. If we want to live right for God we have live as his word the Bible tell us. So people of all walks of life our love for Jesus. By the way we live. Doing and saying and saying the things Jesus did. We then if we know we have messed up got to Jesus and ask him to truly forgive us. But only if we are truly repentaned and mean what we say. We don’t do the sin again or mess up our soul. Even if it is over a problem not to do with sin that it is has soul in hot mess. God will if give it to him in prayer help us and through his Holy Spirit help tell us what to do get out of this Hot mess we are in. See we serve a might big God. That loves so much. He doesn’t want us to stay in our Hot mess anymore but live free of it. No matter what the Hot mess is that we are in should it be a sin or problem. We can go to God in prayer with it. I say Amen to that. Thank you Simi for what you wrote love it. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Liitle xxxx

  6. Simi,

    I used to “play” the Christian role. You’d see me in church choir, hand bells, youth group, etc. Hear me say “I’m a Christian because I go to church”. It took years for me to learn of a relationship with Jesus & His grace of forgiveness. Now that I’ve grown as a Christian I want to share His love & grace with everyone. Not just play the “religious role” but truly love on others & tell them about a life of abundance found in Christ.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Yes! That’s awesome. Isn’t it crazy that it is actually not when we are perfect but when we recognize our need for grace that we actually love ppl and are compelled to share Christ with them!