About the Author

Kathi lives with Roger and a bunch of chickens in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. There they host writer retreats, and Kathi writes about how to do life with God a little closer today than yesterday. She’s a best-selling author and absolutely loves her Clutter Free Community on Facebook.

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  1. Thank you for letting us know your home surrived the fire. I have over hear in Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Been lead by God to pray for the fires and the floods in different parts of the world. Pray for people who have lost their homes and love ones. One thing God has put on my heart to pray that it will make people in our world especially those not saved. Just how easily life can be taken away form you. All that we have in this world is only temporal. We could be hear today and gone tomorrow. Just like those who have lost loves ones and their homes. That they will see how important it is to know the saviour of the world Jesus. I also have been lead to pray for the people that are helping rebuild their lives. The fire fighters putting out the fires. That they will know they are the hands and feet of Jesus. That is the real Church. Not the Church building. It is helping people like this. Showing the Love of God to a broken world in theses times. Letting people know there is a God that cares. Plus his followers that care to show his love in theses difficult times. God will bless them all maybe not this side of earth. But when they leave earth. For going the extra mile for him. To show his love in this way. Should it be just listing to them brake their hearts if lost a love one or their home. Praying for them. Our giving them a meal. No matter what it is. We can say we are doing it all if saved for the love of Jesus. Showing his love in simple ways. To let people know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even though they can’t see it at the moment. They will see it. Like you Kathi with the things from you Green house. I praise God your home was not destroyed in the fire. We are the Church in theses times and the true Church is those saved who go the extra mile to help people in need like Jesus did. It reminds me of song that I was taught at Sunday School when small. It is appropriate for today. It “Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all” We can if able follow that song be like Jesus be his hands in theses days. Helping people no matter what part of the world we live in. Thank you Kathi for sharing your heart. Love you all incourage. In my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Liitle xx

  2. Kathi,

    Praising God for saving the greenhouse & giving you hope in the midst of tragedy. Jesus said “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart for I have overcome this world.” It is certain that trials & tribulations will come to everyone at some point. We must develop a greenhouse effect of God’s word & His past goodness towards us in our hearts & minds. Then when the crisis hits we will be prepared & not fret. For starters Jesus died a horrible death for me on the cross & saved my soul from eternal Hell. That plus the fact that He is in control of this spinning universe gives me hope in situations.

    He made a way for my aging dad (82-83) to get “dunk” baptized. Dad would read New testament with Psalms & Proverbs at time he was caring for mom who was bedridden. He spoke with my pastor and said “you know them ten commandments? I broke them lots of times & need to get right with God.” My pastor made arrangements & during lunch one day borrowed a closer church & baptized him. For that I am immensely grateful-my parents were not in church at that time.

    Blessings :))