About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. Love this encouragement! Blue bags of chips ahoy will be a nudge of remembrance to rephrase my prayers to be the blessings. Thank you for sharing & being a blessing to me/us!

  2. This really spoke to my heart today. So many times I offer up those little prayers, expecting someone else to be the answer. Thank you for reminding me that I may be the one to answer if I am willing to obey.

  3. Thank you for these words and perspective. So many times I am praying for God to provide for others, to bless others with peace, love, whatever they need. Now I am going to look to God to equip me. And phew. Hard look at the snap judgement. Needed that. Thank you ❤

  4. Becky, this is so good. We are all quick to jump to critical annoyance where kind patience is needed. Thanks for this reminder. We don’t always see the whole picture. But God knows. And we need to be willing to be the blessing in those situations. Looking forward to your book! These excerpts have been so good.

  5. Becky,

    This reminds me of Matthew West’s song “Do Something.” Talks about waking up & seeing all the trouble in the world. Then man gets mad at God & says do something. Then God gently says I did–I created you. God expects us to be the answers to others prayers. Be the one to help feed homeless/less fortunate. The one who talks to mama traveling with a child. We need to shift our focus onto others & act on what God tells us to do. A few weeks ago volunteering in a food bank one of workers said I hear you’re a good cook. Then I heard God audibly say cook food for him. He’s going through cancer treatments. I did. It blessed the pants off me. When we take the time to hear God & act we just may get the blessings.

    Blessings 🙂

  6. What an important reminder for me. Be the blessing rather than the critic as I move through my week. Thank you.

  7. Oh my. This brought tears. First of all, you are so authentic and honest. Then to hear how God answered your prayer! He is so amazing! WOW! And also I appreciated this as this is something I have been working on for over a year–NOT JUDGING. I catch myself having an opinion about everything! BLAH! I’m trying to see the good, the blessing, the joy in all things. Who am I to think I should have an opinion about everything?! God has brought me down a peg or two and I’m so grateful He has!
    Thank you Becky for a beautiful, meaningful devotion. I needed it, for sure! God bless you!

  8. Thank you Becky!

    What a beautiful example of Psalm 143:8b…”Show me where to walk for I give myself to You.”

  9. Becky I know someone with austim. I looked after them when I was Registered Childminder. I know quite alot about how there world works. The way they see and do things. One thing I do know is they have little patience’s most of them. They don’t understand stand why things take so long to do. Or you have to wait your turn. For some of them that is hard to grasp. As they get older they say if for example you took them to Coffee shop for a treat. They expect there drink and treat to come out in less than 3 minutes. Even if the coffee shop is busy. You tell them they have to wait a bit longer. That gets to them. They see the world so differently than Me and You Becky. They think it should be out nearly right away. Then when they are finished. They think now I finished it time to go. Getting them to sit wait for you finished what your having in the coffee shop is hard. One more thing about kids with Austim. Is most of them can’t sit still. The Austim world so different. I can see why that Parents get frustrated. Think everyone is looking at them and talking about them. Saying behind their backs. Why does that Parent not disapline that child. Tell them to sit down and stop being so fiddie. When you have a child with Autism. That is can be very hard. I found that out as Childminder. With the child I looked after. You can get days they are as good as the saying goes Gold. They love you praise them for that. But you have to remember they see the world different to any one else. Especially small spaces and crowds get them. So I can see why the boy on the plain was fiddie. No matter what Parents do. Sometimes. It doesn’t work. I have been there when Childminding. Through it all now not Childminding any more. In those years as Childminder. It taught me not to judge Parents. When you see a child who you think is doing in your eyes things that they shouldn’t be doing. Your are not to judge that Parent by saying why don’t they disapline them. Tell them not to do that. God told me this. As you never know that child could have Disability like Austim. The Parent at their wits end. They know if they did disapline the child. It could only make the child if has Disability like Austim worse. As the child would not understand why if the Austim really bad. Why they are being disaplined. So when we God said to if you see a child that is fiddie or in our eyes being naughty. We are not say that is Juding the Parents and we are jumping to conclusions. Why can’t they disapline the child. Tell them to be good. God said Dawn just pray for that Mum and her child. As you don’t know what that Mum is going through. If the child has Disability or not. As saying anything you are Juding that Parent. That is wrong in my eyes God told me. So if I see a child that is being what I call naughty. I just go into prayer. Say God be with Mum and her child. She mustant have it easy at times. Give that Mum the strength to cope. Be with her. Something along those lines I pray to myself for that Mum and her Child. So I not juding the Mum. I praying for her and her Child. As we as people in this world don’t know what other people who are Parents are going through with their kids. If they have a disability their child. Especially if we don’t know the child or the Parents. So this were we especially if saved. Have to use wisdom. Not judge that Mum. That day your were on Plane with that Mother and her we boy with Austim. My heart would have went out to her with her son with Austim. It would not have been a easy plain ride for her with a child with Autism. So God will bless you Becky for being a friend to mother on the plane journey. With her we boy with Austim. See you were a real blessing to that Mum that day. Thank you for sharing what you shared. My heart goes out to parents with kids with disabilities. I pray for them. Ask God to give them the strength to cope. As it would not be easy for them. But God showed me no matter how hard it is a times bring a child up with Disability. They would not stop and say I wish they were normal. They get on with being a Mum to child with a disability. Give them all their love. They could say I know it hard at times for me. Especially when my child got disability. But I not change them for the world. They are my child. I love them no matter what. This also teaches me. That God loved us no matter what. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx in my prayers everyone incourage.

  10. As a Mum of 3 children with complex needs , thank you for being a blessing to that Mum.
    We have met with much kindness and acceptance over the years but have also garnered stares, pointing, tutting etc.
    My daughters have also been “the answer, the blessing” at times.
    God can use the least likely of us to be the blessing
    Much love

  11. Becky I love your message: let me be the blessing, empower me to be kind, let me see others through eyes and a heart of compassion.

    Thank you for sharing your words. Even though you would have preferred the comfort of a quiet flight, you gained a life lesson and in turn you have impacted each of us who reads your story.

  12. Thank you for that. It reminds me of a time I was the one on the plane but the mama was behind me. If we all did this the world would be so much better. I deal with this type of situations every day from other people wishing they would would just be Ku see and more understanding.

    Thank you I try to always be kind.

  13. Your post was very touching . The prayer to be a blessing is one I will incorporate into my prayers!

  14. Kindness works for me all the time !

    I truly enjoy being kind to people; my friends, my family and those I don’t know. It won’t be expensive to smile at people. It’s courteous to say good morning and or hello, how are you today. May I open the door for you? May I help you with your packages? You go ahead, I can wait.

    These are just a few ways to be kind. You could consider taking a student who is your neighbor to school with your child. You could offer to share your pound cake with your coworker. You could offer to get groceries for an elderly neighbor. Maybe you could share your groceries with a neighbor who lost their job. Maybe you could offer a ride to a coworker who doesn’t have her own vehicle.

    Just pause and consider how you would feel if someone helped you when you needed help. Pass it on.

    Enjoy your Holiday weekend.
