My love of strawberry jam began in Lucille’s kitchen.
I wish I could share with you the intricacies of our friendship, how God had the kindness to mold a mentor out of my Sunday School teacher. There was a season in my life where I would sit at her kitchen table every Sunday morning, drinking in her wisdom with my hot chocolate.
And without fail, my breakfast included toast with the most delicious strawberry jam I’d ever tasted. I bragged about it so much that my family wanted to try it, so I asked Lucille where she bought her jar of sugary goodness.
I remember her pointing over her shoulder, to the yard beyond her kitchen window. She told me she grew her own strawberries and when the time was right, her family came over and made strawberry jam with her. She smiled warmly, the kind of smile that creases your face when the memories are sweet.
As a young teen with an old soul, I was fascinated by the idea that Lucille’s homemade strawberry jam was precious. It was likely a family recipe, which meant it was off limits to the nerdy girl trying to catch a ride to Sunday School after pathetic attempts at learning the piano.
I knew I wasn’t special enough to have the recipe for the good stuff.
But I loved it dearly — so dearly that I asked for it as a graduation present before I moved away. When Lucille presented the plastic-wrapped mason jar to me, it was too much for my heart to handle. So much in my life was changing — I was graduating high school, moving over two hundred miles away, and starting a brand new life that I was both terrified and excited to begin.
So I threw caution to the wind, stuck my heart out on my sleeve, and asked for the recipe. “I know it’s probably passed down from generation to generation, and I know I’m not your daughter or anything, but will you please share the secret recipe for your strawberry jam?”
My heart ricocheted in my chest, proving that this wasn’t really about a recipe at all. I was asking Lucille if I was special enough for her to share something sacred with me.
And I’ll never forget her response, even after all these years. Without missing a beat or making a face, she simply said, “There is no secret. I just follow the directions on the box.”
I still think of that moment each time I eat strawberry jam. I’ll smile or laugh to myself because I spent so much time believing that recipe was out of my reach when it was available to me from the beginning. All I had to do was ask.
I think I’m like that with God, too.
I make things harder than they need to be. I convince myself the things He has for me are out of my grasp. I think they’re beyond my reach or only meant for special people with special privileges, with special access — as if God has a tiered membership program and I’m forever on the bottom.
I believe I’m not right, I’m not worthy, I’m not enough.
Meanwhile, God assures me that the blood of Christ doesn’t just cleanse me, it makes me family. There’s no family secret to keep because I’m already in. He isn’t withholding anything good or right from me.
So the kindness of God — the goodness and wisdom and divine direction I can so clearly see in the lives of others — is available to me too.
I beg Him for direction. I measure and compare. “Just tell me the recipe for a good life, God,” I pray. “Tell me the secret, and I’ll use it to make You proud.” And my heart ricochets in my chest because I think if I can have a good life, or at least a life that looks good, it will mean that He loves me. It will mean that I’m enough.
But I think He echoes Lucille’s words from years ago: there is no secret.
Because it’s Him. He’s the one ingredient needed to make a good life. Everything else pales in comparison, fading into nothing as He exists into eternity.
My good life is found in Him. He is the good stuff . . . the best stuff.
That’s the easiest recipe ever.
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I love to tinker with recipes, adding my own twists or substituting trying for the healthier without losing the yummy of the original. I sometimes succeed but sometimes fail. “Easiest recipe ever”. Absolutely no need to tinker with God’s recipe for a good life! When I try as we are all prone to do it is always a fail. Thank you for sharing this great example, it truly resonates with me.
I’m so glad to hear that! And you’re absolutely right–no need to tinker with His recipe. It’s already good and perfect.
Courtney. Thank you for sharing you heart about the Strawberry Jam. I think at times. I not good enough. For the recipe of life. What I mean by that is. I find I have struggle in life. I don’t have many friends. The friends I have I don’t see that often. So I feel like a recipe gone wrong. After following the instructions in life’s recipe. To do right. Be accepted. It never happens. I get down about it at times. Years ago I used to be worse. Then my Salvation Army Offer. Prayed with me. Said Dawn you remember. It doesn’t matter what people think of you. All that matters is what Jesus thinks of you. You are a Daughter of the king of kings. That kings is Jesus. You are accepted in his eyes. So I say that to myself. I got the best recipe in Life. What Jesus says about me. Jesus gives me ingredients through his word and the Holy Spirit. To know I am ok and to guide me through life to be the cake he wants me to be. That is sweet and beautiful for all to see and teast Jesus goodness in my life. If I live for him. Do what he tells me. I am learning to do that. Thank you for sharing what you did. Love it. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Dawn. Dear, sweet Dawn. Thank YOU for this awesome reminder that it isn’t just about having a good life in Him, but having a good life for His glory. May we live in such a way that all can see that He is good. Amen and amen. Praying for you!
Your post is perfect, thank you.
Thank you for reading, and thank you so much for your kind words.
I’m crying. I so needed this now. Such a sweet reminder that I’m not the only one who tends to feel this way and that He is all I need. I’m already given all I need.
April, I’m so grateful that these words could meet you where you are. You are certainly not alone, and I think we all need the reminder that we already have what we need when we have Him.
Wowed!! You expressed my feelings exactly!! Asking really is the hard part!!☕️
It is, isn’t it? And yet it’s so simple. We’re the ones who often make it more complicated than it needs to be. My goodness, He’s so patient and kind toward us. Thank you for reading!
I love this!! We’re no longer a slave to fear (or feelings of worthlessness, worn, dirty, unrighteous, etc.) We’re adopted into the family of God. We cry Abba Father and He listens! He knows the plans he has made for us- plans for Hope and a future – NOT A HOPELESS FUTURE!
Martin, you’re exactly right! Thank you so much for reading and for all of your encouragement. It truly means the world.
I love this! Beautiful words from a beautiful soul.
Thank you. A million times over. For everything. So grateful for your influence in my life!
Oh how my heart needed this message this morning! Thank you!!
Lisa, so grateful that these words could be encouraging to you. Thank you for reading!
Well this just made my heart skip, my eyes swell and my hands raise in praise! What a beautiful way of sharing the goodness of our God, our Father, Who is never withholding His goodness. Thank you for illuminating that our perception often needs to be shown the simplicity of – just asking. What a blessing!
Kayla, thank you for reading! I’m always so blessed by your natural inclination to cheer on and encourage your people. Love you!
I needed this today. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you! He’s all we need. How amazing
Love you, sweet girl. So grateful these words could encourage you today! Thank you for reading.
People think the good life must include lots of money, success, nice house & car. Achieving all that requires putting in long hours at jobs & sacrificing family time. Truth is God is the only ingredient we need for this recipe. We are right, worthy & enough with Jesus providing ALL we need. Just like that strawberry jam recipe was right there on the box-Jesus is always there waiting to commune & Sup with us. Keep putting Jesus first in your life & you will have the recipe for a great life no strings attached.
Blessings 🙂
Ohh my heart ❤️ this touched my soul… I believe I needed to hear this! You are doing amazing and you indeed are a Gift from God! Thank you for sharing keep reaching for the stars
Oh my goodness, this is one of the most precious,beautiful heartfelt story,”testimony” I ever heard,thank you young lady. And may God continue to bless your sweet heart.