If you listen obediently to the commandments that I am commanding you today, love God, your God, and serve him with everything you have within you, he’ll take charge of sending the rain at the right time, both autumn and spring rains, so that you’ll be able to harvest your grain, your grapes, your olives. He’ll make sure there’s plenty of grass for your animals. You’ll have plenty to eat.
Deuteronomy 11:13-15 (MSG)
Throughout the brief period that my husband and I lived on the plains of North Dakota, we visited many churches as ambassadors of the Bible camp we worked for. We met so many wonderful people, drank a lot of great coffee in church fellowship halls, and saw God’s glory across the wide expanse of North Dakota sky.
During one particular church visit that autumn, we were sitting in a wooden pew toward the front of the sanctuary. It had been a lovely service that included several favorite hymns, a robust “greeting of your neighbor,” and was now concluding with the prayers. As the pastor led us, he prayed a few sentences about one topic (our church liturgy calls this a prayer petition) and the congregation responded to each with, “Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.” None of this liturgy was new to me. However, my ears perked up when he began a petition focused on the harvest.
He prayed for the right amount of rain — that neither flooding nor drought would damage the local fields. He prayed for daylight to last longer so the farmers could accomplish as much work as possible during the swift daytime hours. He prayed for a healthy harvest, a fruitful return on years of hard work and backbreaking labor.
Praying for the harvest was new to me, as I’d been born and raised in the suburbs. As I peeked around at those praying around me, it gripped my heart to see their faces upturned and clenched, their hands tightly folded, and their heads nodding in agreement with the petition.
The whole prayer experience only lasted about three minutes and occurred more than ten years ago now, yet I’ve never forgotten it. Each year when harvest season arrives, I pray for farmers — for the sun to shine, the rain to fall appropriately, the labor of their hands to be prosperous, and for a rich reward for all their work.
We may not all be farmers, but we can certainly pray for an abundant, beautiful harvest in our own lives. Isn’t that what we hope for — in our mothering, family, marriages and friendships? Proof of the hard work we’ve done, the care and attention we’ve lavished, and the focus and determination it took along the way?
Every farmer knows the result isn’t entirely up to them. They can love and care for their fields, and still, the crops can be wiped out by a flood, drought, insect infestation, or other act of nature. Every mother knows this too — that she can pour her whole heart into raising her kids and they still may not turn out the way she had hoped. Nature takes its course and we can simply nurture the results.
Whatever the harvest may yield, God promises to care for us and for those we love. To provide all that we truly need. And to send the rain at the right time.
Lord, help me trust the harvest. You hold it in Your hands, and they are more than capable of producing a fruitful crop. Bless the farmers in this season of stress and labor. Amen.
- Do you trust God to provide all that you truly need? Why or why not?
- What are you harvesting in your life, in your marriage, in your work, and/or in your children?
Extra Shot:
Carve out the stem section of a mini-pumpkin (you can use a large drill bit or a carving knife.). Insert an electric taper candle in the hole, and voilà! You have a beautiful and non-flammable harvest time decoration. I like to use several different pumpkins and gourds, placing them in the center of my dining room table and using both taper and tealight-sized electric candles.
This is one of twenty-five autumn devotions found in Anna E. Rendell’s book, Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul: 25 Devotions for Autumn. As one who finds glory and beauty especially during autumn days, Anna’s book includes twenty-five days worth of inspiration sure to help you embrace and soak up the season too. Each day brings you Scripture, devotions, prayer, reflection questions to ponder throughout your day, and an “extra shot” — inspiring quotes, recipes, and fun autumn ideas — like espresso for your soul! You’ll also find lined pages for your own autumn reflections, nine of Anna’s favorite autumn recipes, and and a bonus devotion for the start of Advent.
Also, brand new this year — listen to Seven Days of Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul, as read by Anna! Stream each episode and give yourself a moment as Anna reads seven full excerpts from the book.
It’s Anna’s prayer that the pause found on the pages of this book would provide you a moment of peace. A break in the hustle. A chance to savor this fleeting and favored season. . . and we’re giving away FIVE copies! To enter, just leave a comment telling us what you love about autumn or how you’ve experienced a harvest season.
Then, join Anna and Becky Keife tomorrow, September 22, at 11:00am central for a conversation about autumn, God’s goodness, and Pumpkin Spice for Your Soul.
This devotion is so thought provoking because it really made me change the way I think of a harvest. I’ve never prayed for a harvest. However; reading this devotion challenged me in a way that I will be intentional with praying for that. This seasonal change and autumn brings a different flavor of temperature, the crisp air, changing of the leaves, the mental reset to slow down and it’s a reminder that God is the one who does it all. I love everything pumpkin and to enjoy the aroma and the goodies with my
Family brings joy to my
I love that first morning when you step out and the air feels crisp.
Selfishly, I love Autumn because my birthday occurs during this season and I thank God for my life. But I also love this time of year… it’s so beautiful with the colorful leaves popping against the blue skies, the crisp cooler air necessitating the need for a cozy sweater or jacket, the slowing down/preparing to settle in for the coldness to come… it is a great season!
Autumn is a time to reset, to review the year as we begin entering the end of it. I also love that I can get Pumpkin spice lattes from my favorite coffee spot!
I loved this devotion this morning. My grandfather was a farmer and it made me think of and appreciate his hard work and his faith in God and His provision. I love fall! Mainly because of cooler temperatures since I live in Texas and we are so ready for a break from the heat. I also love making fall treats like pumpkin bread. I love your writing and would love to win a copy of your devotional
As a farmer’s daughter I am well acquainted with harvest, and one of the biggest lessons learned there is that we have to trust that God will supply all of the necessary ingredients to make the harvest successful. This also applies to our lives— no matter how hard we try to be in control, God is the one that orchestrates the growing and the harvest. Fall is such a blessed time, the weather cools and once the crops are all in, the brief period of rest is so refreshing!
What a great analogy and timely, too. Thanks for such a sweet and thought provoking post. On this chilly autumn morning, I need to ponder those 2 questions- I know I haven’t fully trusted God to provide. Maybe if I did, I would not be so stressed and anxious about things in my life.
I love wearing shorts with a sweatshirt. This is one of my favorite things about autumn.
Thanks for this devotion, Anna. Your words always make me think.
Thanks for this wonderful devotion. Also as a suburban girl, I love a particular worship song about the harvest and singing praise in all seasons. We serve a faithful God and there is beauty found throughout all seasons, especially this one!
I love the cozy touches of fall – warm blankets, candles, apple cider and the cooler temperatures. I’ve been enjoying your Pumpkin Spice for the Soul playlist on Spotify. I play it at the boutique where I work. Thanks for sharing
Autumn is my favorite season! I love the cooler temps, gorgeous colors in Michigan, the smell of burning leaves and campfires, and everything pumpkin spice! The beginning of a new school year always feels like a fresh start, and I love new school supplies, even though it’s been many years since I’ve been in school. As empty nesters, we also prefer to travel at this time after the crowds are gone and the rates drop.
I also grew up in the suburbs, but my parents were raised on the farm. I don’t think I’ve ever really thought to pray for the harvest, except when it was in trouble. But we all benefit from the hard work of our farmers and we should be praying for them. I will from now on. Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
Ahhh harvest here in the thumbs up of Michigan.. Tractors whrrr in the fields. Crop dust fills the air. Trucks rumble down the road filled with grain for the elevators. Produce gets “put up” for winter. Roses and bushes pruned, pumpkins carved, bird feeders cleaned and filled.. all given by the Grace of God.
“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness”. 2 Corinthians 9:10
this is soo beautiful… we are all farmers, planting seeds of Jesus in others hearts and then we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come and grow the faith in each individual. fall… oh the colors of the MidWest.. nothing more beautiful then the canvas and the colors God paints!
Autumn is beautiful as the fall colors swirl and paint so many beautiful photos….telling us God is alive and around us, encouraging us to breathe deeply and let our prayers be released to Him. He cares much more deeply than we do for those God has entrusted into our care.
Have been praying for and waiting for the “harvest” of my granddaughters soul. Thank you for the encouragement to continue waiting for God’s timing.
I love the warm colors of fall. My house is decorated throughout with them.
I was born and raised in upstate NY and fall was when we would put up the harvest from our garden in preparation for the long cold winter. I loved helping my mom with this chore. We would shuck the corn – remove it from the ears and freeze it- remove the green or English peas from their pods and freeze them, and can the tomatoes. I have such fond memories of spending time with mom – helping her put up our fall harvest.
Autumn is my favorite season for many reasons:
My birthday.
Cooler weather
Fall leave.
Pumpkin spice latte.
Need I say more?
Autumn, what I love most is the beginning of a season of rest. We are not quite there yet but it is coming. The earth is pulling in getting ready for the sleepiness of winter. I love the last proclamation in the colors, the cooler days, the windows open letting in freshness. We certainly do not rest during this season, but its just different and restful
I admit, being from Florida, Autumn or Fall was not much different from the other seasons growing up, it was just an extension of Summer. Now that I live a little more North (Georgia) I can appreciate the change in not only the outside world (beautiful fall colors, leaves shedding preparing for the cold ahead) but also the change in our inner world as Fall is a time that draws us indoors, more time in stillness, reflection, family and nourishing warm foods. Togetherness.
For most, autumn is a fav time of year. Same for my family. But autumn also brings more joy as my sons bday is in October. After battling infertility, we had our miracle baby, Reagan, in winter (Feb, same month as my bday) then just 2 1/2 years later, God granted us our gift, Corbin, during my favorite season. It’s just like God to do it during our fav times. So autumn for us is a reminder of Gods goodness and promise to us ❤️
I love the autumn time, when the air finally begins to get cooler (l live in Florida), and the sky is so beautiful !
What a lovely thought! To pray each day that in essence ‘you reap what you sow’ in every aspect of your life.
During these stressful times of wanting nothing more than peace and beauty in our country, a reminder that change is coming, and the God has this time as He has each season.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! God Bless you in your ministry!
Autumn is my favorite season although they all have their benefits! I love the crisp cool breezes and the beautiful colors of the changing leaves. I love the idea of praying for farmers but also for harvest of peace.
Good morning, Anna! I love the devotions you offer here! Very down to earth and your words enfold me like a cup of espresso. Autumn is my favorite season, the scent of dried leaves, the crunch of them underfoot. Cold, clear mornings. Clearing out my flower bed. It’s all bittersweet. And lovely.
I love Fall because October brings my birthday. I have always loved Fall though. It’s a reset. I am not a lover of Summer so I enjoy the changing seasons. This year, it brings a sense of hope with it. I love the changing leaves, everything pumpkin. What is there not to love?!?!
What a wonderful devotional! Thank you in advance for the opportunity to win one.
There isn’t anything I don’t love about autumn. It’s my fave time of year for cozying up and planning my crafting activities to bring me through the winter months.
My harvest is in process. Big changes that are also scary for me. Scary because pain will be involved. I focus on the promises and recall God tells us do not fear. I’m with you and am making a way.
I love stretchy pants and oversize sweatshirts, the greens changing to bright reds, yellow & oranges, the crunchy brown leaves when walking in the woods, the bonfires and the way my hair smells like it for a few days…even through the shampoos…I love Thanksgiving… I love celebrating my wedding anniversary & my birthday…it seams that it’s the time of year that I take more time to reflect on the blessings I’ve received.
Growing up in the midst of corn fields and soybeans, and as a teenager working for farmers by walking beans and detasseling corn, I appreciate all the hard work, time, effort, and especially faith farmers display. It is humbling to know that they literally feed the world, and amazing that corn and soybeans are used for everything from food to making diapers. Fall is a time for to look up and thank our Father for such provision and abundance.
I love autumn because it’s the time to start new. New school year. New routines. Love summer, but time to get back to work. Time to shed some clutter in the home before the holidays. I’m more of a fall cleaner than a spring cleaner as we spend more time snuggled up at home in winter.
Gosh this was great and this perspective has shown me a greater appreciation for all things harvested!! I love fall because the leaves in our Tennessee mountains declare and the glory of the Lord.
Anna thank you for sharing your story to do with Harvest. I remember I am 50 now. The only one in my family apart from my Husband saved. I asked one of Nieces. Do they have prayer in her school. Like at break time. I knew what her answer would be. It was no. I’d say that prayer time has gone in most school across the world. Which is very sad. We when I was at school. Used to get a we bottle of milk every brake time to drink. I don’t know if they do that today in Schools. Before we I don’t know if my teacher then was saved. But she used to say a simple little prayer. Today I have never forgotten it. It goes”Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you God for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything” I would not have been saved then. But now I am I thank full for the teacher’s that said that simple little prayer before we had our milk at school. As it today make me so thankful for the teacher’s that said that simple little prayer before we had our milk all those years ago when at school. I when saying my prayers. Pray that prayer even that simple little prayer would be brought back into Schools that don’t have prayer time. As I say there are alot or kids in our Schools all over the world. That don’t even get to Church or Sund School. Their parents would not take them or even pray with then. That is sad. As they wouldn’t even know who Jesus is. Unless taught at school. That is why I pray for Schools to bring prayer time back again even if it should just be that simple little prayer plus a prayer like the Lord Prayer. They are so important. Prayer is so important. If you train a child up in prayer they will not forget it. Like I never forgot that simple little prayer at school when I was at it. That is not the day of yeasterday. It was quite a few years ago. I am not thank full the teacher’s said it at brake time before we had our milk. I love the promises in God’s word to. This is another good for Harvest. Philippines 4 verse 19. It says. “My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus” How true that is. Not our greed’s but our needs. That includes or health needs plus to have enough money to buy food and pay or bills. So Harvest is a time I like to pray and thank God for everything he has given me. That he has met all my needs not my greed’s. Plus I love Psalm 100 it all about giving thanks to the Lord that he made us. We are to bless his name. As the last verse says. For the Lord is Good. His mercy is everlasting. And His truth endures to all Generations. That means everyone on earth. So we have so much the Harvest and everyday to thank God for. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all incourage in my prayers.
Make a we mistake in one line there in my comment. It should be I am thankful for the teacher’s that said that we prayer. No what I wrote please please forgive me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Amen Dawn!! Loved your comment, it was beautiful and thoughtful.
I love the cooling nights of autumn with the mix of weather during the days. It helps me better appreciate both the sun and the rain. I love harvesting things from my garden and sharing when I can. (I also have a fall birthday, so that’s something to look forward to as well )
Fall season is magical and refreshing. I especially love the colors of the changing leaves on the trees, and the delicacies of seasonal goodies, and flavorful teas. I purchased two of Anne’s books for my daughter and niece, but forgot to order for myself. I would love a copy and would be most appreciative. Thank you. HappyFall season. God bless you.
I’m sorry I spelled Anna’s name wrong in my first comment. It’s important to acknowledge ones mistake. Thank you Anna for your lovely devotional. I will be praying for the farmers in my area. ❤
Fall is my favorite season. I love the lighting and colors of autumn! This past weekend I gave up another love of mine (watching football) to go buy some fall gifts for my friends. You know you love it when you buy gifts for other people to join you in your love of it!
I love the Autumn season, not only for the rich fall colors, the smells of cinnamon and pumpkin, but also for the harvest of veggies my husband grows in his garden.
I love autumn for the beautiful colors God puts on the trees and pumpkin spice, pie, donuts. A season to gather with family and friends. Warm days and cool nights. Giving thanks to God for all that He had blessed me with. Thank you for the beautiful post.
Honestly what I love most about Autumn is the cooler weather, change of leaves, cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes.
I love Autumn because it’s a time when the earth slows down and takes a rest. The season is filled with beautiful colors, scents, and activities that I enjoy so much. Autumn is another example of the beauty God provides us throughout the year.
I love the cooler weather of autumn. What am encouraging word and prayer! God bringing forth harvest. And that harvest can be in many different ways. As I was praying, my pregnancy came to mind. It’s full of such anxiety and fearful moments. But thinking of it in the context that God can bring forth harvest (healthy pregnancy/baby) there is a very calming effect. Thank you Lord.
Love autumn for new beginnings. Pray for renewal of my prayer life and strength from God.
Autumn is my favorite season. I love the gorgeous colors of autumn, pumpkins, and all things pumpkin spice! Most of all this season brings for me a time to really reset, renew, and dig deeper in God’s Word.
So love the cooler weather in autumn. Thank you
I love the coziness of fall; cool weather, cute decor, pumpkin desserts, and the soon coming Christmas season. but most of all, it’s a time for family and togetherness and being extra thankful for our blessings and all God has done for us and the gift of His son, Jesus.
I moved from Oklahoma to Michigan when I married in 1992. Autumn in Michigan is a true Autumn experience with the slow color change of the leaves and cooling of the temperatures. So different from Oklahoma where the temps go from hot to cool with rain & the leaves can all fall in one night.
*I love the cooler temps & the beautiful colors. It’s like seeing God’s rainbow of love displayed across nature. It makes me want to get out & enjoy ALL that God has given me.
I trust God completely to provide ALL that I need-not just want. He has done so for 56 years. Never lacked for anything.
Trying to share more of God with the world around me. Lately I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes Food bank 2-4 days a week. Help make food boxes or put together meals for families. We have prayed for some of the customers. At work I try to shine Jesus’s light as bright as I can. Loving on patients & co-workers. Wanting to help out & make their hospital stay as pleasant as possible. Working hard to show my hubby how much I love him. Wanting Him to know that I appreciate all he does for us including working 3 stressful, long 12 hr. shifts at hospital. Trying to harvest harmony in my life with hubby, work & friends. I want to hear “Well done thou good & faithful servant.”
Blessings 🙂
The fall is my favorite time of year. The closeness it brings to family, the time spent by the bonfires, reading books together, baking desserts and hot soup. The time we spend being thankful together.
I love seeing the leaves changing colors, picking out pumpkins to carve with my family, roasting the seeds to eat and enjoying pumpkin spice lattes. Thankful to God for the changing seasons.
I live in a four season state and fall has always been my favorite. The beautiful colors of just one maple tree – greens, yellows, oranges and reds. I am blessed that these trees are blocks long showing off their beauty. My husbands cancer returned in the fall and he passed before Thanksgiving. I took lots of photos and like the trees he too was changing. The day before he died he said he couldn’t wait to get to heaven. How could I not let him go? As I slowly watch summer fade and prepare to drive down those maple filled streets in my town it is one more remembrance of the man God chose for me.
Thank you for this devotion. This book sounds wonderful. I hope many are blessed by it.
Good morning! What I love about fall is the changing colors of the leaves, the earth getting ready to settle in for the winter, the snuggly blankets my family enjoy as we gather to watch a movie or play a game. I love the smell of cinnamon, cranberries and apples, the baking. I love the crock pot meals. Fall to me is just a very cozy time to spend enjoying warm, soothing meals and being with my family.
I love the time of late afternoon turning to early evening. The sun hasn’t faded yet but you can sense a peace in God’s work. It always makes me thankful and in awe of all that God can do.
The thing I love most about autumn is the beautiful colors of the changing trees. I love walking in the autumn with the trees colorful and I soak in as much sunshine as I can before winter comes!
I love the FEELING of harvest season. It is so spiritual!
I love the changing of the leaves, sweatshirts and snuggling up by the bonfire. This is my favorite time to take walks in the woods and watch all the change happening.
I love the fall colors and that the sun sets a little earlier.
Autumn is filled with leaves changing color and falling … reflective thoughts… evenings around the fire ring… cooler temps. Thank you for your words on the harvest…
There are many things to love about autumn with my favorite being the changing colors of the leaves. When the sun filters through them, the sight is glorious.
Anna, thank you for sharing some of your book through the podcasts. You paint lovely pictures with your words and your voice is calming. I appreciate the pause you’ve provided.
What do I love about Autumn–fall leaves falling, uncarved pumpkins, fresh harvested apples, cool October weather!
Hello, Anna!
Just sharing that one excerpt from you book makes me want to get it, and of course I am now longing for something pumpkin spice flavored!
The Holy Spirit is really working in the harvest concept with me. I have never been a farmer, nor has anyone in my family, so this hasn’t crossed my mind much throughout the years, but now, knowing when the Bible mentions “harvest” it’s most likely about the spiritual elements and good seed being planted, and the good seed producing a bountiful harvest… with that fresh in my mind, I am soaking it all up- everything I can learn about the harvest and that the time for it is now! In fact, I just wrote a blog about this very topic today, and then the Holy Spirit led me to this confirmation that I am hearing from the Lord and on the right track.
Feel free to check out my blog at http://www.seekandfindbibletime.